20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 35

by Demelza Carlton

  Liv exhaled, trying to gain her composure and then crammed into the booth beside Cassie. Everyone in the club would probably think them lesbians but she didn’t care. She needed to talk privately with her.

  “Okay, slow down and start from the beginning,” Cassie prompted and placed a comforting hand over Liv’s and smiled supportively. Liv couldn’t have asked for a better neighbor and friend than Cassie. They had been through everything together from celebrations to heartbreaks, and if there was one thing Liv could count on, it was Cassie. She was the type of friend if Liv said she needed to get rid of a body, she would grab a shovel without hesitation.

  Liv recalled the first time they met. She’d been living in her home for about a week and heard pounding on the front door. When she answered, Cassie was standing there in a man’s t-shirt and nothing else, wanting to borrow honey. She later found out it was used to spread all over her and her boyfriend’s bodies. She told Cassie to keep the honey, but they became fast friends and partners in crime.

  Snapping out of her memory, she gathered her thoughts before explaining the events from work. Once she started talking she couldn’t stop. She told her about the secret hallway, the shifters being held prisoner and about how the guard and other scientist had died at the hands of the man who then threatened to kill her. Odd thing was, she hadn’t believed him. His gray eyes held warmth and kindness even though he bared razor-sharp fangs.

  “Holy shit! What are you going to do? Did your boss ever get back to you?” Cassie asked as the waitress, Penny, approached their table and set down a bottle of Camarena tequila, two shot glasses, and a small bowl of lime wedges on the table.

  It was decent tequila. Probably going to charge double what she would pay at the liquor store, putting it a little out of Liv’s means, but at least she wouldn’t get sick or have a dreadful hangover the next day.

  “Can I get you two anything else?” Penny asked inattentively, winking towards one of the guys at the table near them.

  “No. We’re good, thanks,” Liv responded, and Penny quickly dashed to the muscle-head with the gorgeous smile. Turning her attention back to Cassie, Liv replied, “I have no idea. What do you think? Get the police involved? Call my boss and quit? I really need this job. Maybe the men weren’t dead but only blacked out,” Liv suggested.

  Truth was, she didn’t know for sure. It happened so fast. Maybe she was wrong about them being dead.

  “I wouldn’t call the police, especially if you might be wrong. That would get you fired for sure. Here’s what I suggest. Go to work Monday and act like everything is normal. You’ll know soon enough what went down. Hopefully, you’re mistaken about PRL. Jim seemed nice enough when I met him at the picnic last year. Maybe you’ve let your imagination get the best of you,” Cassie explained as she poured each of them a shot and handed the logo-embossed glass to Liv.

  Liv threw it back and grabbed a lime as her face contorted from the sharp taste. She bit down and sucked. Best combo ever. The tartness of the lime soothed her palette, and a warm buzz followed in its wake.

  “You’re right. Fake it til you make it, right?” Liv quipped, pouring each of them another shot.

  “I’ll drink to that!” Cassie shrilled, clinking the small shooters together.

  Liv felt a vibration in her pocket and realized she was still wearing her lab coat. Okay, that was embarrassing as hell. No wonder no men had approached their table. They were the dorky lesbians getting each other off in the corner booth, she thought as she reached for her cell phone.

  “Oh shit, this can’t be good,” Liv blurted as she looked at the message on the screen.

  “What? Who is it?” Cassie asked curiously.

  “It’s Jim. He says he needs to see my first thing tomorrow morning,” Liv breathed, staring at her phone.

  She had a sinking feeling that the shit was about to hit the fan and she was standing in front of it, covered in manure.

  Chapter 3

  Come in,” barked Jim through the closed door to his office.

  Liv cringed at the gruff voice and tried to decipher his mood. She didn’t want to be questioned about what she saw with the shifters. She’d obsessed over the encounter the night before, and the tequila did nothing but give her a headache. So much for thinking it was a decent brand. Then again, they did polish off the entire bottle.

  Giving up her scrutiny, Liv opened the door and was greeted by a solemn expression. Apparently, he was ticked off. This was so not the day to arrive at work sleep deprived and hung over.

  Between the incident at the lab, the drinking, and her boss’s text message, she hadn’t slept a wink. She drank three cups of coffee before leaving her apartment, hoping it would help her focus. Unfortunately, hearing Jim’s agitation, there was a high likelihood that her coffee was going to come back up.

  The big question was whether Jim was aware of the possible double homicide and, more importantly, if he knew she witnessed it. Her fists clenched and unclenched at her side while her heart did an impression of a Jack in the Box, ready to pop from her chest at any moment. Sweat trickled down her spine as she walked towards his desk.

  “Good morning, Jim. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” she stammered, hating the crack to her voice.

  If the guy didn’t know the details from the night before then he would soon enough. Guilt must be written all over her face. She knew her expression shouted I’m hiding something in big neon letters. Evasion and subterfuge weren’t her strong suits.

  Even as a child, Liv couldn’t get away with lying. One accusatory statement and she would cave, spilling her guts and confessing her sins. Of course, when she was a child her sins consisted of not brushing her teeth before bed, sneaking a cookie, or not finishing homework.

  Now, she advanced to far greater crimes involving brutality and murder. She hadn’t participated but she stood by while a shifter was brutalized then watched the man retaliate, taking lives.

  Oh, hell. Liv hadn’t considered what that might mean for her. Could she go to jail? She cursed herself for not calling the police. What would the police do to her for remaining silent? Did that make her an accomplice? Oh God, she was going to be arrested.

  Her mind reeled with possibilities. She got stuck on the idea that Jim had given her a reprieve last night and now he was going to fire her then turn her over to the police.

  Her breathing became erratic and her head spun. Crap, she needed to sit down before she passed out. The caffeinated beverage sloshed and churned in her stomach. Ugh. Thank God she hadn’t been able to eat anything substantial that morning or she’d be hurling in Jim’s wastebasket before he spoke the first word.

  “Morning. I’ve been here a while but not because of you. Thank you for coming in on a Sunday. Please, have a seat,” he offered with a quick gesture to the chair in front of his desk. Liv walked to the black leather wing chair and sat down.

  “I took care of that air conditioner problem you texted me about yesterday. Hope it wasn’t too difficult to work. Were you able to get anything done?” Jim continued, raising a curious eyebrow.

  The stout man sat behind his large desk with arms crossed over his chest. He was big and burly, not to mention, intimidating.

  Had he seriously brought her in to ask her about working in the heat? He knew better than to question her. She’d won employee of the month more times than she could remember. Shirking duties wasn’t in Liv’s genetic makeup.

  Was he testing her to see what she knew? His dark blue eyes gave no clue to his inner thoughts. The man had a killer poker face and she considered suggesting he switch from playing golf to cards.

  “Um, actually the heat was unbearable and I wrapped up early. It’s definitely working now,” she expressed, rubbing her arms against the chill.

  It was borderline frigid in Jim’s office and a shiver ran down her spine. Admittedly, her trembles had more to do with a fear of him firing her ass and turning her over to the police.

  “Olivia, I really like you,
which is why you need to quit while you’re ahead,” he advised, narrowing his eyes as he leaned forward and braced his elbows on the desk.

  “I’m not sure I follow you, sir,” she replied cautiously, uncrossing her legs and shifting in the chair.

  Wringing her hands in her lap, Liv felt a flush stain her cheeks. Geez, she was pathetic. The urge to confess was churning in her stomach. If she didn’t purge the truth, she was certain she’d pass out.

  “Let’s be frank, shall we?” he asked. “I arrived last night to find two dead men in one of the labs. You can imagine my shock and concern. This is not the sort of thing we need leaking to the media. This is a reputable company and I’d like it to stay that way. Now, why am I sharing this with you? Well, let’s just say I reviewed the security tapes from last night. You want to talk about what you saw?” Jim asked.

  His tone lost its harsh edge and his eyes pinched in worry. Liv wondered if the concern she saw on his face was genuine. He didn’t seem to be upset or concerned that two men were dead. She saw no remorse from him, which was alarming.

  “Mr. Jensen, I swear I wasn’t snooping around. I had been on my way to the break room when I noticed an open door. I hoped someone else was working and could help me with the air problem,” she blurted as the floodgates opened and words poured from her mouth.

  “It’s okay. I’m not accusing you. You must have questions regarding the man in chains. Please feel free to say whatever is on your mind,” he coaxed with a sneer before he quickly masked his expression.

  The hair on the back of Liv’s neck stood on end. She needed to proceed with caution until she figured out his real intent. Instinct said her life was at risk. From him, not the police. He knew of the abuse meted in his lab and condoned it. What did that say about her boss? Nothing good.

  “Well, I’m not going to lie. Seeing that man chained and beaten was shocking, as well as, horrifying,” she murmured, knowing he’d seen her initial reaction on tape. “Why are we holding him against his will? What did he do to deserve such treatment?” she asked, hoping she hadn’t crossed any lines with her defiance.

  “Are you aware that he is a shifter?” he asked incredulously as if that should explain it all.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t tell me why we’re holding him prisoner,” she admitted as she stood from her chair.

  Her blood raced through her veins and her temper heated, knowing this man might consider the guard’s actions warranted. The shifter was acting purely in self-defense. Yes, he had looked more like a rabid animal but who wouldn’t be murderous under those conditions? Suddenly, her sense of self-preservation flew out the window.

  “Olivia,” he interjected and stood from his chair, walking around the table to grab her hands. They were cold and clammy and without thinking she jerked them from his grip.

  Narrowing his eyes, he continued, “I know you’re aware of our continued research on cancer and finding a cure for the deadly disease. That is the cornerstone of this company. That being said, we must conduct difficult experiments and research to get the answers we seek.”

  Know about their cause? Of course, she did. It was one of her babies. She had thousands of hours invested in file #4467557. Not to mention she lost her grandmother to ovarian cancer when she was only ten years old. Watching her wither away and die, a shell of the woman she’d known, left an indelible mark.

  Liv rubbed the birthstone ring on her left hand as she thought about her grandmother. It was the only piece of jewelry her grandmother wore, and she had given it to Liv’s mom to keep safe until Liv turned eighteen. It was Liv’s love and devotion for her grandmother that made her so determined to find a cure for the disease.

  “Of course I’m aware. What does that have to do with the shifter?” she inquired, unsure of where Jim was going with this.

  “We have reason to believe that shifter blood holds the key. Everyone knows they have a superior ability to heal. We’re on to something…I know it. Olivia, we could be on the verge of a breakthrough. Imagine the recognition my company, our company, would receive if we are the first to find a cure,” he boasted excitedly, grinning ear to ear.

  Again, the hair raised on her neck. Something wasn’t adding up. She wanted a cure just as much as the next person but not at the expense of others. She remembered the shifter shouting at her, refusing to give blood to her or anyone else.

  How was PRL finding these test subjects? It was against the law to experiment on humans, even shifters. She couldn’t see these men answering an ad to make extra money by donating their blood. Besides, neither of the men she saw was there voluntarily. The only way she was going to get answers was to get back into the room with the shifter and talk to him. And Jim was her ticket to getting in.

  “That’s wonderful news, Jim. I would like nothing more than to find a cure. So many lives have been lost. What exactly are you telling me? How did you get permission for these shifters to participate and why is the situation so volatile? Is he refusing to cooperate? Is that why he’s chained?” she asked, attempting an allegiance with Jim.

  “Yes and no,” he stated on an exhale completely ignoring her question about the legality of the study. “The man you saw claims his blood can’t help. He refuses to shift for us which is what I think needs to happen. My theory is blood from his animal form differs from his human state, and that’s the blood I’m after. Plus, you saw how violent he becomes. He’s chained so that more of my employees aren’t killed. I refuse to risk their lives,” Jim explained as he began pacing the spacious office.

  “I can understand why you’d say that. I wasn’t prepared for the rage and violence he displayed. I knew I shouldn’t have run from the room but I was terrified. He threatened to kill me, as well,” Liv told her boss, and another tremble ran along her spine when she remembered his gray eyes filled with fury.

  Again, she questioned his threat. She had been close enough that he could’ve grabbed her if he wanted to, yet he didn’t.

  “Yes, I heard everything when I watched the tape. So, you can understand why that section of the building is locked. We have over fifty employees and I can’t chance a repeat of last night. I don’t want you anywhere near that hall again. Are we clear?” Jim asked, but it wasn’t a request. It was an order.

  Part of Liv wanted to steer clear of that dreadful hallway. She wasn’t lying when she said it was terrifying. Nothing in her life was as horrifying as witnessing two murders. The idea that it was from the shifter’s bare hands scared her to death. He could snap her neck with one hand.

  She placed a palm over her roiling stomach as her mind continued with the Sherlock Holmes routine. She needed to delve deeper into this matter. Jim clearly wanted this kept secret. Two lives were lost. How could he hide that? What about the families? She didn’t recall if David had a family but surely someone was going to miss him. And, why the hell didn’t Jim involve the police?

  Liv had countless reasons to avoid the shifter. And yet none of them would keep her away. His steel gray eyes branded into her mind and she couldn’t shake them loose. Regardless of his actions, he was being tortured. If she stood by and did nothing, she may as well put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.

  Why couldn’t she be a doormat and nod her head like a good little girl and go on about her life? That would be the safest choice but she couldn’t. Not at the expense of another person’s life. She had to be given access to him and find out exactly what was going on behind the scenes of the company she worked for but she had to approach this cautiously. And from the right angle.

  “Jim, I might be able to help,” she suggested, pasting a seductive smile on her face and batting her lashes as she stepped closer and placed a palm on his chest. She might suck at lying and have a rotten poker face but she knew how to appeal to the opposite sex.

  As expected, his demeanor softened, and his eyes roamed down the length of her body. She frequently caught him checking out her ass but had never given the married man the slightest bit of attention.
Now, as she flirted with him, he was practically drooling on himself.

  “What do you have in mind?” he murmured, voice heavy with lust.

  Manipulating Jim was too easy. For God’s sake, he had no integrity. He was an idiot for so easily falling prey to a woman’s advances. It was men like him that had Liv avoiding the altar. It seemed no one could stay faithful anymore. First opportunity to stray and most didn’t think twice before cheating.

  “I noticed the shifter seemed to have a soft spot for me if you can imagine that,” she prompted as she twirled a long red curl around her finger.

  “Yes, I can imagine that. I can envision a lot more,” he insinuated, tugging the lock from her hand and wrapping it around his thick digit. She pictured the digit in his pants getting thicker by the minute.

  Taking two steps back, she put enough space between them that he released her hair. “Well, what I’m thinking is maybe I can try and earn his trust. If he’s comfortable with me, maybe he’ll consider shifting. After all, if their blood holds the key, I want his cooperation as much as you do. I just happen to think you catch more flies with honey,” she teased with a wink.

  “I bet your honey is the sweetest,” he professed, licking his lips.

  Yeah, this guy was a total player. Liv couldn’t help but feel sorry for his wife. She had met her once, and the woman seemed nice enough. Why did so many men cheat? Was something missing from their marriage or were they simply eager to taste a little strange? Again, reason enough to avoid going down the aisle of matrimony.

  Trying to get the overly-aroused male to focus was a challenge. “I can start spending a little time with the shifter and see what happens. I might need to be left alone with him,” Liv instructed, hoping to get Jim’s approval without causing alarm.

  “I don’t know about that. He’s unpredictable. The last thing I want is for that animal to harm you in any way. I kinda like having your cute ass around,” he openly admitted and reached out, swatting her backside. Pervert.


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