20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 39

by Demelza Carlton

  “Well, so much for a haircut today,” she cooed, smiling at him as she lightly touched his matted hair.

  Suddenly, he sparked to life. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I brought a clipper with me. I was told no scissors or razors, but I figured if you wanted to cut your beard and hair I’d help you with that. Aaaaand, I have some clean clothes for you,” Liv added triumphantly.

  She prayed Lawson never found out what she had to do to obtain those items. Her stomach still turned at the memory.

  He grimaced as he sat up, squeezing her leg from obvious pain.

  “Oh no. There’s no way I’m turning down that deal. Let’s do this,” he responded, meeting her gaze.

  She could stare into his eyes for hours and not get tired of them. They were the most beautiful shade of gray with flecks of silver, making them sparkle.

  “Liv, you there?” he asked, drawing her out of the trance. Embarrassed that she was gawking at the man, she quickly jumped to retrieve her bags she’d brought with her.

  She had a few towels, two clippers (one for his hair and a smaller one for his nails) and a few guard attachments, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and a pair of underwear and socks.

  As she unloaded the supplies for his haircut, he shook his head in disbelief. “Wow, you come prepared. You sure you haven’t done this before,” he asked curiously, cocking his head to the side.

  “Ha, that would be a no, trust me on that. And don’t thank me yet. You might be disappointed when I’m done,” Liv replied, carefully wrapping a towel around his shoulders. Lawson flinched as the terry cloth touched his injuries but said nothing.

  “I assure you it will be an improvement. Just a little off the sides, ma’am,” he joked, winking at her.

  She hadn’t seen this side of him, and it was endearing. Light and playful. She imagined this was closer to his normal personality.

  “Alright. Here we go,” she stated as the clipper buzzed to life.

  His hair was extremely long and matted and she was careful not to yank and pull too hard. It took several times around his head, going over some spots several times, but she got the job done. Next, she trimmed the beard, as well. She couldn’t give him a close shave, but it was better than nothing.

  After she finished, she stood back, admiring the finished product. Lawson was handsome. No, handsome didn’t do him justice. He was sexy as sin and she felt her jaw drop. Sculpted cheekbones and a prominent jaw curved down to a strong neck with twining cords of muscle. His buzzed hair matched the stubble on his face, and it was a rugged look he wore well.

  “Wow,” she muttered. That was all she could say out loud because the words flying around in her mind were triple-x rated.

  Chuckling, he rubbed his head. “Wow as in good, or wow as in bad,” he said, grinning.

  Remembering another item, she rushed to the bag and pulled out a handled mirror.

  “You decide for yourself,” Liv offered, walking over and handing him the object.

  Taking the mirror, his chain rattled as he lifted it to look at himself. She couldn’t quite decipher what he was feeling, but he stood there staring at his image. She walked up behind him and glanced at his reflection.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’d say I might have a new career ahead of me,” she teased.

  He was silent as he stared at the mirror and she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Needing a distraction, she grabbed his change of clothes from the other bag and handed to them.

  “Want to put on some clean clothes?” she asked, lifting her shoulders and offering them.

  Handing her the mirror, he nodded and accepted the bundle. Without warning, he untied the drawstring and started to pull down his pants. Panicking, she turned her back to the sight, unsure if she was ready to see him in all his glory. Not that she wasn’t curious but it seemed wrong to watch.

  Moments later, his voice intruded her thoughts. “Um, Liv, I think we have a problem.”

  Looking over her shoulder, she couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped. She had not given due consideration to the size of underwear she selected. The waistband of the boxer brief was cutting into his skin, and the bands at his thighs were about to give way to the bulging muscles of his legs. But what snagged her attention and had her gaping was his overly endowed manhood trapped by the thin fabric.

  The white material left little to her imagination, and she easily saw every ripple, ridge, and vein. She’d never seen such a large shaft on a man. Did all shifters have extra-large penises? Because human women around the world would want to know this information.

  “I am so sorry,” she let out with a gasp. “I’ll bring another pair tomorrow,” she promised, turning around again.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll keep them on for now. It’s been so long I don’t want to give these back,” he admitted, and she turned back to see him slip on the sweatpants then sit down to put on the socks. Luckily, the pants fit him perfectly. He placed the sweatshirt off to the side then stood back up.

  “Come here, Liv,” he prompted, crooking his finger and motioning her forward.

  Without hesitation, her feet moved towards Lawson. She was shocked when strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. Liv felt the cold metal of the cuffs around his wrists bite at her back, but she didn’t care. She locked her arms around his neck and held him tightly, feeling his hard chest against her own.

  Leaning back, he held her gaze. “I don’t know what to say. You have no idea how I feel right now. Almost like myself. You’re incredibly kind, and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” he declared, gray eyes causing her to tremble in his hold.

  “Oh, there are a few ideas running through my mind right now,” she admitted, lost in a haze of desire.

  Leaning down, his lips brushed across hers. Soft yet firm. A tender meeting of their mouths yet she tasted all the ruggedness of his strength. She had never felt safer than in Lawson’s strong arms. This man would never hurt her.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, releasing his hold. Liv didn’t want the kiss to end. No, she wanted more, much more. Confused and dazed, she searched his eyes for answers but he looked away.

  “Have I done something wrong?” she asked, hurt slamming home at his rejection.

  Snapping his head as if he’d been slapped, he blurted, “Fuck, no. You do everything right, Liv. I wish you had done something wrong. It would make life easier,” he confessed, rubbing his face with both hands, causing the chains to rattle again with his movement.

  Liv could see the internal struggle splayed across his face and she stepped closer, linking a hand in his. He still didn’t trust her. He’d been a prisoner to humans for so long, why would he? Could she ever convince him she truly cared? Reaching up with her other hand, she placed it against his cheek, and molten silver eyes gazed down, burning straight to her soul. She saw need, raw and consuming and felt his strong desire for her.

  In that moment, Liv’s feelings deepened for Lawson, and she knew she would risk any and everything to set him free.

  Chapter 8

  Sitting in a corner booth, Liv scanned the Italian restaurant while she waited for Cassie and Bart to join her. There were far more patrons than usual for a Tuesday night, and she had to double-check the date on her phone to see if she’d forgotten a special occasion. Nope. Just the dog days of summer and probably too damn hot to stand over a stove and cook a meal for a family.

  Sipping her Cabernet, she couldn’t help thinking about the kiss she shared with Lawson earlier that day. It was unforgettable, searing her mind with every minute detail. His soft, full lips brushing against hers and his warm breath across her face had her wanting so much more. In fact, the pent-up lust left her tense and crabby.

  Cassie plopped her petite frame on the bench across from hers, drawing Liv out of her memory.

  “Yo, chica. You’re a million miles away. What gives?” she asked, pulling her long brown hair into a ponytail as she smacked on her chewing gum. It was an annoying
habit that drove Liv through the roof.

  “Stop chomping. You’re not a cow,” Liv snapped then felt badly for insulting her friend. She didn’t deserve to be the brunt of Liv’s frustrations.

  “Wow, somebody had a bad day,” Cassie countered, motioning to the waiter.

  Ordering the same as Liv, she flirted with the young guy for a few minutes before he sauntered to his other patrons. He was precisely Cassie’s type. Big, beefy and not so bright. She claimed they were uncomplicated and eager to please which was code for they enjoyed performing oral sex. Cassie had a rule. Go down or go home.

  “I’m sorry, that was shitty. It wasn’t a bad day at all. I’m strung tight,” Liv admitted, sticking a piece of bread in the herb and olive oil dip before stuffing it in her mouth.

  The cute waiter brought Cassie her wine and set it down along with a napkin then walked away. Cassie picked up the paper square and smiled satisfactorily. He had written his phone number and a name with a smiley face. Her friend was smooth, alright. She had rightfully earned Liv’s endearing term heartbreaker.

  Liv rolled her eyes and Cassie started laughing and shrugged. “Hey, girls got needs. And, he has a fine ass. Anyway, what has you so discombobulated. Don’t tell me that boss of yours copped another feel,” she commented sarcastically.

  “Please don’t talk about him. I haven’t had enough drinks to go down that road. This is about the shifter I told you about,” Liv admitted.

  She would eventually tell Cassie about the handjob she gave Jim, but not tonight. There was still a bad taste in her mouth from that interlude. Not to mention her skin still stung from the repeated bleachings she’d put her hands through. She needed to discuss more important issues than her douchebag boss.

  “Lawson, right?” Cassie asked, and Liv nodded. “How are things going with him? Make any headway yet?”

  “He kissed me today,” Liv stated, and instantly her friend spewed wine and began choking, probably from swallowing her gum.

  Liv laughed as she handed Cassie a napkin and glass of water. Her friend took the glass and took a hefty gulp, which seemed to stop her coughs.

  Dabbing at the red mess on the front of her t-shirt, Cassie blurted, “Okay, back it up. I need details. What the fuck are you thinking?”

  Liv quickly glanced around to see if anyone was offended by her friend’s outburst. They were in a family restaurant, not a bar. Luckily, no one was paying them any attention and Liv looked back to Cassie whose eyes were fixed on hers.

  “I don’t know what I’m thinking. I gave Lawson a haircut today, and some clean clothes and we had a moment. It was just a peck, more like a thank you than anything. It wasn’t that big a deal,” she lied, trying to convince herself as much as her friend.

  The truth was, it had consumed her thoughts since it happened and she couldn’t shake how he made her feel.

  “Yeah, right. No big deal? Then why you chewing on your lip like it’s a piece of gourmet chocolate. Have you forgotten what he did to those two men? You were horrified by it. Seriously, you can’t get involved with a shifter,” she ordered, lowering her voice when she said the last part.

  Cassie had a point, and Liv knew she was looking out for her best interest, but her friend didn’t know Lawson the way she did.

  “Of course I haven’t forgotten. But I told you the guard was beating him. They treat him like shit and beating is just part of it. I’ve gotten to know him a little, and he has a very kind heart. You should’ve seen his face when he talked about his family. He isn’t a monster.”

  “Oh, no! You’re falling for him, aren’t you? Do I need to hack the system at work so you two lovebirds can have a conjugal visit?” she inquired, waggling her eyebrows.

  Liv had to laugh at her friend. She was a crazy mess. Truth was, if anyone could pull off that stunt, it was her geek friend. Software programmer by day, party girl by night. It was the oddest combo, but Cassie pulled it off.

  “No! I’m not, and no, I don’t need you crashing our intel at PRL, thank you very much. Cassie, there’s something happening at work that doesn’t sit well with me. I’m telling you. There was another shifter in the room next to Lawson’s and now he’s gone. And, someone covered all the windows to the other rooms. I can’t see through them anymore,” she explained.

  Liv had told Cassie about Jim’s theory on shifter blood, but this new development was icing on the cake as far as Liv was concerned.

  Cassie’s brown eyes widened as she listened to Liv’s rant. “You need to listen to me. This is out of control. I feel like I’m watching an episode of CSI. I don’t want to wake up next week and see your face on the back of my milk carton. You need to quit, Liv,” she begged.

  Liv had considered the potential danger of the situation, but to walk away now wasn’t an option. She was in too deep. Not just because of Lawson but for all the shifters. She was certain her company was kidnapping and possibly killing them. That was unacceptable, and she couldn’t leave and forget about everything. Especially, not Lawson.

  Spotting Bart walk through the front door of the restaurant, Liv raised her hand and waived, capturing his attention.

  “Listen, Bart’s here. Please don’t say a word about my kiss with Lawson. I don’t need the two of you ganging up on me,” Liv instructed and scooted over to allow room for Bart to sit down.

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s on lock-down,” Cassie remarked as Bart approached the table. “Hey, handsome. Liv tells me we’re getting crazy at the governor’s mansion. Watch out. The pool party might become a nudist colony,” Cassie teased, high-fiving Bart as he sat beside Liv, kissing her cheek.

  “Promises, promises,” he teased, showing Cassie his winning smile.

  Holy shit, Liv thought. Between the two of them, she felt like she was in the middle of Flirt and Flirtier. They always did this. Yanked each other’s chains even though they had no real interest in each other.

  “You know you want to see our pink parts, Bart,” Cassie countered, and Bart threw his hands up in the air while at the same time Liv covered her mouth in shock, bursting with laughter.

  “I give, you win! I have nothing to say to that one,” he said, glancing over at Liv.

  She was surprised to see his cheeks had reddened which was hard to do considering his golden tan. Was he embarrassed by the idea? They had seen each other naked many times, albeit many years ago. And if rumors were true, Bart more than knew his way around a woman’s body.

  “Oh, that was too easy. Maybe you need a drink,” Cassie replied, capturing the attention of the hottie waiter.

  The server bee-lined to their booth and Bart ordered a bottle of wine for them. The good stuff, too. Liv and Cassie were drinking the cheap shit, but Bart wouldn’t think about serving them anything less than the best. He wasn’t arrogant about it. It was just his way. He had the money and liked treating her and her friend.

  “Have either of you eaten?” he asked, grabbing the menu.

  “No, we were just chatting about PRL until you arrived. I wasn’t sure what the plan was or if you’d want dinner. I’m going to have a salad,” Liv answered, looking over Bart’s shoulder at the menu his was holding.

  “TKO, you need some meat on your bones. How about a nice big ribeye?” he teased, leaning against her side.

  Meat was not her thing, and he was so full of shit. There was more padding on her rear end than a side of beef. Thank God she carried it well on her tall frame. Her long legs were her best feature, and she knew it. Cassie was about five inches shorter than Liv, so the two of them looked like the odd couple standing next to one another.

  “Yes, and make it rare. I want that sucker bleeding when it comes out,” Liv joked, and Bart threw his head back and laughed. It was good to see him relaxed and having fun, especially since his job was so stressful.

  “Well, the only rare meat I want is right over there,” Cassie said, pointing to the waiter, Mark, according to the hand-written note he left her. He was bending over a table, serving a family of s
ix and his backside was facing them.

  “Uh, oh. Cassie’s on the prowl tonight. Look out,” Bart exclaimed, glancing over at Liv and winking. She shook her head at him then continued perusing the menu.

  “So, what were you two chatting about when I walked up? Looked pretty serious for someone focused on hooking up with a waiter,” he professed, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth.

  Sharing a knowing look of secrecy with Cassie, Liv spoke first. “I was just catching her up on my suspicions about PRL. I mentioned that the other shifter that was in one of the rooms is gone. I don’t know what it means, but I’m concerned,” she offered, glancing up as Mark approached, carrying a bottle of wine and glass for Bart.

  He proceeded to open it, allowing Bart to sample the wine before it to them. One sip and Liv’s eyes rolled back in her head. Damn, that was delicious and not something she could afford on her salary. Liv and Cassie’s wine might as well have come out in a Dixie cup, for all it was worth. Mark flirted with Cassie the entire time, and Liv was certain they would be meeting after he got off work.

  After taking their food orders, Mark walked off and Bart turned slightly in his seat so that his back was to the crowded room.

  “Yeah, about that. I did a little digging. There have been about ninety-five shifters that have gone missing in the last three years in our city alone. That might not seem like a high number in the human population of a large city, but for them it’s astronomical. Shifters don’t have the same factors involved in missing person cases. They are a very tight-knit group. This is a huge concern for them,” he reported, brow furrowed. He had gone from light-hearted to serious in a split second, and Liv knew when Bart was worried about something.

  “I told you something is going on at PRL,” Liv divulged, locking eyes with Cassie then Bart.

  “Hold up, Liv,” he interjected. “I have no idea who or what is responsible. I’m just telling you that a significant number have gone missing. Now, there is also a myth about shifters going insane. Reaching a point of no return then turning half-man-half-animal. They call them Ravins. Some members of their community think that’s the explanation for the missing shifters,” he added, taking a sip of his wine.


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