20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 136

by Demelza Carlton

  Yet money couldn’t buy the cure for his sister. He wrenched his thoughts back to the woman beside him.

  “You said you wanted to retire. Where to?”

  “Don’t know.” She shrugged. “This life has been good, but hard. I’m done, and I want to be left alone.”

  “You’ll need to find a food source to sate that vampire side. You realize that, yeah?”

  Again, her body filled with noticeable tension.

  Jonas reached for her, touching her shoulder, then guiding his hand down the length of her arm until he’d had to stretch to reach her hand on the steering wheel. “I can help you.”

  She stiffened when he touched her. “How?”

  “Well,” Jonas leaned in, “we need to know what you can and can’t do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He rolled his eyes, put hand to his forehead and rubbed his face before looking at her. “What have you done as a vampire? Have you shifted? Can you shift or fly? Can you compel others? Standard vampire abilities. If you’re hurt, do you heal?”

  Tempest sighed heavily, the weight of her next statement very apparent. “You know that thing you only saw once?”

  He quirked a brow. “And hope to see again.”

  “Fat chance, you ass. But yeah.” Her voice dropped. “That’s it. I go crazy. I get even more aggressive. And I fucking hurt my victims.”

  He caught the hurt in her voice. “How have you survived this long?”


  When she didn’t elaborate, Jonas gave her shoulder a squeeze.

  She rocked back and forth before easing into his touch but kept facing forward while her eyes scanned the road, mirrors, and monitors on the dashboard.

  “We can feed through blood, but your actions were that of a very young vampire.”

  “Thanks. Did I already call you an ass?”

  Leaning back against the door and seat, Jonas adjusted the cuffs of his shirt before meeting her gaze. Tension between them grew thick enough that he could almost taste it. Treading carefully would be best. “Easy now. It’s not a bad thing. You just need to remember the human—er, Fae part of your mind, still exists when your darker nature comes out. It almost sounds like a voice in your head. It’s a fight at first. A very hard fight.”

  She glared at him. “I never fucking hear my Fae mind. The only thing that comes out when I need to feed so badly is a violent streak that makes me do bad things.”

  He knew he was going to get shit for this but the question needed asking. He couldn’t help her if he didn’t know the level of violence she engaged in when her blood magic came out. “How bad does it get?”

  “You would have died tonight.”

  The dryness in her voice frightened him less than her actual expression. She actually believed she could have killed him. He almost found it laughable if not for experiencing her ravenous desire firsthand and actually feeling a few seconds of fear when she latched onto his neck. “You wouldn’t have killed me.”

  When she didn’t reply, he knew why.

  Drawing a leg up, Jonas rested his head on the palm of his hand and stared at her. “You’ve already killed a few Fae, haven’t you?”

  Again, silence.

  “Tempest, you’re going to have to talk to me. If you want my help--”

  “And who the fuck said I did?” She shifted in her seat. “I’ve managed this far without someone babysitting me. I think I’ve done fine on my own.”

  “I’m not talking about babysitting, because you’re no child. But aren’t you lonely and afraid?” He didn’t mean to ask the question but it just came out.

  She stiffened.

  He knew the answer already. He’d gone for long stretches of time not feeding, and when shit got real, the club found a donor, usually an unwilling one. The fight in them increased the adrenaline spiking through his body and made the kill all that more exciting, until he came to his senses. Jonas didn’t like it, but sometimes, it was a necessary evil.

  “If you’re not feeding regularly, you’ll never gain control over that darkness. You’ll also become a predator of your own people.”

  She snorted. “Says you.”

  Jonas straightened his posture and stared directly at her. He cleared his throat, made sure he was far enough away that she couldn’t reach a gun and shoot him. “I meant to say, you’ll start killing off your own kind. Nobody wants that shit on their conscious.”

  Tempest slammed on the brakes and the truck screamed, tires screeching over the next half mile until it came to a stop.

  He jolted forward, slamming into the dashboard.

  Jerking her body toward his, she scowled, eyes wide, with flames of anger in them. She reached for the collar of his shirt and yanked him to her, so close he could taste her breath, smell her bitter anger and hidden lust.

  “Don’t you think I fucking know that? Don’t you fucking think I am unhappy with how I’ve been, Jonas? Jesus, Josef, Lord and Lady, I’m fucking trying.” She sniffled and her lower lip trembled.

  “Every time I get the urge to feed, I push my body harder, and drive this truck faster. Sometimes the ride isn’t so smooth, Jonas. Know what it’s like to nearly careen a semi off the edge of a cliff? No, I won’t die. But I will end up maimed.”

  She would heal, but he didn’t correct her.

  Instead, she stared hard at him.

  Keeping his eyes locked to hers, he did the one thing she wouldn’t like. Slow the blood. Right now.

  Tempest shook her head, eyes widening before rolling back into her head, then looking back at him. She let go of his shirt and shoved him away. “What did you just do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She slapped his thigh. “You know what I mean. What did you just do?”

  The little push of power took the sting out of her biting remark, but did nothing to curb her aggression.

  “I didn’t do anything to you. Swear it.”

  “Then why did my blood pressure just take a major snooze?”

  “Honest. I know nothing about that, Tempest.” He hated lying to her, but his blood pumping through her body gave him even more control over her, just as hers would if he drank from her. Telling her that would only piss her off and prevent him from achieving his ultimate goal.

  “I smell a lie.”

  “I am a thief, not a liar.”

  “You’re an outlaw biker, same sort of scum.”

  A sound from behind them rattled them both and had him jumping out of his seat toward the back of the trailer. When he remembered he couldn’t get out that way, he stalked past her and threw open the passenger door. “Stay here.” He didn’t even look over his shoulder at her.

  Before she responded, he’d already jumped out of the truck and rushed to the back.

  The doors swung open, banging against their hinges before Jonas reached the end of the container.

  The crunch of boots on the gravel alerted him.

  “Brother, what the fuck is going on? Everything okay?”

  Cristin. Wiping his forehead, Jonas pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine. Why?”

  “Because this rig slammed to a full stop, waking me from a very nice dream in a very harsh manner.” Cristin rubbed the back of his head. “Metal and I aren’t friends.”

  “The bikes okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” He frowned. “The motorcycles are pristine still.” Cristin adjusted his ponytail and looked behind them at the night sky, saw the same thing Jonas did.

  A full moon, hanging large and bright above the treetops. Something eerie loomed in the air, an odd sound echoing just beyond the horizon.

  “We better get a move on.”

  Cristin slid his hands in his pockets. “You got your head in the game, brother? Seriously?”

  “Yeah, man.” Jonas sighed. “I’m golden.”

  Cristin nodded. “Try to keep her from doing that shit again, will ya?”

  “Yeah.” Jonas smirked. “Sorry.” />
  The air brake system re-balanced itself just as Jonas slid back into the passenger seat and shut the door.

  “Great. You’re still here.”

  “Yeah. Your little stunt sent Cristin for a bit of a tumble, I’m afraid.”

  “He’s a man. He can take it.”

  Jonas smiled, the low rumble of his chuckle did things to her nether regions she’d rather not think about.

  Adjusting her seat, Tempest put the truck in gear and waited for him to get comfortable before applying the accelerator. She checked the gas gauge, they had less than a quarter tank. Good. As long as they could get to the main road, make it about an hour back to where this nonsense began, she could fill up the truck, take off the governor and hightail it to make up for lost time.

  Oh, and she could dump the two undead bikers. She’d managed to swipe the pistol back while he was out dealing with Cristin slamming into the back of the trailer.

  “You’re thinking.”

  “Yes. About driving.”

  “That too. Look, I can help you. If you’ll let me.”

  His help was the last thing she needed. She’d already grown…fond was too strong a word. Tolerant? Yeah that fit. She’d grown tolerant of the brute in the leather cut and a part of her had warmed to his advances but more time spent around him in such close confines meant they’d develop some sort of bond. “Nope. I’m good.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  Plus, she was sure that not only had he pushed compulsion into her to calm her, she wanted to feel his cock between her thighs again and drink from him again.

  Nope. The faster she could get rid of him, the faster she could get paid and get on with her life.



  An hour later, she’d spotted a sign that mentioned the main highway just up ahead another thirty miles. Good.

  Jonas rested against the seat and door, his head in his palm against the window, eyes closed. He wasn’t asleep, the moon was still brightly glowing as beautiful as ever in the night sky. They still had at least a few hours before the undead needed to retire. Die. Whatever the fuck they did.

  Twenty minutes passed without so much as a word from him.

  The only sound had been the comforting hum of her truck’s five hundred horse power engine. She scanned the road, checked her mirrors, saw nothing but darkness behind her, the blinking of her truck’s lights. In front, bright florescent headlights illuminated the pale blueish glow of the dirt road.

  A few minutes later, she slowed the truck to a complete stop.

  Jonas lifted his head, looked around the cabin, then back out the window.

  “You have a plan yet?”

  He waved a hand flippantly, not looking at her. “Naw. Keep driving.”

  She swore under her breath when she realized just where they were. This stretch of main road wasn’t anywhere close to the MC. In fact, driving down this road would have them pass the fucking loading dock where she picked up the bikes in the first place.

  “You’re thinking.”

  “Fucking goddamn right I am. We’re farther back than I thought.”

  “Hm? Thought you said this was the main road.”

  Tempest sighed. “We’re at the main road yes. But we’re actually much farther than I thought. I picked up the cargo another few hours south of here.”

  “I see. This is still good, right?”

  Nodding, a slow smile spread across Tempest’s lips. Turning the truck onto the highway, Tempest hit the gas pedal and picked up speed. “Know what that means?”


  “It means you’re gone in less than four hours.”

  “Or I jack your cargo.”

  “Fat chance, blood sucker.”


  She quirked a brow.

  “Meet Kettle.”

  “Asshole.” She couldn’t stop the sly smile from crossing her lips at his teasing, but she could keep her gaze on the road, rather than his delicious, blood-filled, body.

  “You’re cute when you pout.”

  “Ugh. What the hell? I don’t pout.”

  “No, you simmer, really. Then while you’re stewing, that Fae aroma I’ve come to associate with you gets really heady.”

  “Keep to your seat, blood—” She stopped herself. That comment started this little banter between them and that’s what she didn’t need. Again with the bonding thing.

  Because if she did actually find fancy with him, it would not only piss her off, it would hurt her to know he betrayed her if he actually succeeded in robbing her.

  “See? There it is again. That witty banter. I bet you’re even more fun when you’re not so serious. In fact, I know you’re more fun.”

  “Skip it.”

  A few more minutes passed without either of them saying a word before Jonas cleared his throat again.

  “You’re the one thinking now.”

  “I am.” He nodded.

  “What about?”

  “Since you set yourself up for that one,” he faced her, a large grin plastered on his mug. “I’ll spare you the innuendo and give you something of near equal importance.”

  Tempest rolled her eyes. “Oh, joy. What have I done to earn such a glorious reward.”

  “Have you thought about getting to the Shadowlands, and through it?”

  She swallowed hard, fearing the proposition about to come out of his sexy mouth.

  “Yeah. I’m going to haul ass, refuel since those fucking bikers cost me, and hightail it the fuck back down this road. After I dump your ass off.”

  “Oh, you wound me. After what we’ve shared, you would just toss me aside like a used condom?”

  She snorted. “More like a used tamp—”

  Lights ahead flashed. They didn’t appear to be on another truck.


  A few seconds later, her eyes adjusted and she spotted another group of motorcycles heading their way. “This your club?”


  “What are you doing to me, Jonas?”

  He rolled the window down, leaned out and then leapt out of his seat and raced toward the back of the cab.

  “What are you doing, asshole?”

  She heard him knocking on the wall of her truck but had no idea what good that would do.

  The bikes sped toward her, faster when she accelerated.

  Damnit. The truck wouldn’t go above sixty-five with that fucking governor being hacked.

  Gripping the steering wheel, she leaned back, braced herself for the potential impact.

  Several of the bikes raced past her on both sides, making her straddle the lane to avoid hitting anyone. The truck could handle the damage but she didn’t need anything else to slow her down. “Jonas, get back in here and brace yourself.”

  He came back up front. Glancing out the window, he swore so low that she could only hear him because of her Fae senses.

  “I don’t like that.”

  “Hence why I didn’t speak loud enough for the whole world to hear. Got an idea. Keep the truck steady.”

  “Who are those guys? They’re your club?”

  “Nope. Fucking Firebrand MC. Again.”

  “Like we need that shit.”

  “I know.”

  When she caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye, she saw him perched atop the window, his body halfway through the opening.

  “Shit. What the hell are you doing?”

  “Hopefully saving your ass and proving to you I can at least help you.”

  “What the—” She swerved the truck to avoid the onslaught of six more bikers who sped toward her.

  Jonas moved with the swerve, then jumped out of the window and shifted into a large black raven before taking flight.



  She didn’t like hearing him in her head but now wasn’t the time to analyze things. Re-centering the truck, Tempest gripped the wheel tighter, forcing herself to relax.

king the rearview mirrors, she saw the bikers behind her, coming up fast. Two of them had shotguns and were aiming at her.

  One of the bikers took a dive, sending his bike skidding along the road while Tempest left him in the dust.

  The other biker fired off a shot that punched through the distance and went nowhere before another raven flew in front of him and slammed into him.

  “Ouch.” She somehow knew that the first raven was Jonas. How she had that knowledge was beyond her.

  Another gunshot echoed and shattered her passenger mirror.

  “Fuck me.” She pulled the handgun from beside her and rolled down her window. Aiming behind her wouldn’t hit anyone but it might keep these fools off her ass long enough for Jonas to distract them or for her to come up with a plan.

  She popped off two shots and jerked her arm back inside. Didn’t the goddamn humans have self-driving trucks by now? They had to.

  It would make this shit much easier.

  Gun still in hand, Tempest swerved the truck to the left in hopes of shaking the goons coming up on her side. Seeing them back out of the way in the mirror, she repositioned the truck on the proper side of the road. Glad for no real shoulder, and to be near the Changing Lands, she swerved the truck into the left lane again but the slowness of the semi was more a disadvantage.

  Bikers came up on the passenger side. One pointed a gun at her.

  She popped off shot and he backed off.


  Where the hell was Jonas?

  Something landed on top of her rig.

  She jerked the truck back into the right lane, hoping to throw it off.

  She heard someone crawling and jumping forward, landing just above her. She couldn’t open the moon roof, nor could those bullets punch through it.

  A fist slammed on top of the glass, pissing her off.

  Tempest looked up and saw a large beast raising his fist again before he suddenly flew off and Jonas’ dumb ass waved at her.

  He then gripped the top of the window, dropped down and slid inside almost as gracefully as he left the truck earlier. “That’s handled.”

  “Sure, about that?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. But Cristin made short work of a few of them, catching them off guard before he beat air toward the clubhouse.”

  “Fucking great, Jonas.”

  “Look, you need protection now.”


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