20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 236

by Demelza Carlton

  “It’s not right, though I doubt there’s anything to be done. I had heard good things about the future queen. Whispers that perhaps she would be the one who took the initiative to make some changes. Unfortunately, her rule seems to be the same as all those who have come before.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She clings to the same archaic laws as all the rest. Chose a consort from the same family who made my mother’s life hell when she was young. They say she even sent her own sister off to the corrupt temples to be a voice, likely never to be seen again.”

  “What do you know of the temples?”

  “Same as you, I’d assume. A corrupt organization where those in power use their influence to prevent those who are truly blessed from gaining authority, lest such oracles prove their self-created prophecies false.”

  “Do you know where they keep the voices of Kamar?” she asked, thinking of Gwain’s tragic tale.

  “Only rumors. The most likely candidate would be the eastern temples. They’re isolated, easy to defend, and should anyone attempt to escape, they would likely perish.”

  “Have you heard what they do to the voices?”

  Conner nodded. “My mother had friends who were among the chosen. She told me stories of what was done to them.” He shuddered. “I can’t imagine how horrible it must be, even for child. But to force an adult woman, and princess…”

  “Why would being sent to the temples be worse for her than a child?”

  “The children know no other world. They’ve been raised to serve goddesses, shielded from the outside world, and are never taught anything else. But someone who has lived a life outside? I imagine the princess would have a more difficult time watching all she had ever known being stripped away.”

  Amelia found herself completely drawn to the man before her. His compassionate sentiments, toward a woman he was unaware he had ever known, pulled at the strings of her heart. “You are very kind. I’m certain, if the princess heard your empathy, she’d be grateful, as would all those forced into worlds and lives they would rather escape.”

  Conner shifted closer to where she sat. Moving a hand to her cheek, he slid a finger down the right side of her face before pressing up on her chin, guiding her gaze to his own. Staring down, his dragon growled possessively, delighted by the intimate proximity. “Do not mistake me for a nice man, my lady. You may find yourself disappointed.”

  Confused at this change in tone, she challenged, “Why did you save me?”

  “I…” Conner’s dragon reared forth, his eyes narrowing to slits, soft lilac transforming to deep amethyst. His dragon fought for control with the same intensity he had on the day he had rushed to save her life.

  He could fall into her eyes for days. Blonde locks tumbling loosely down her back appeared soft as silk; his fingers ached to run along the tresses. Her lips were ruby red, full, irresistible, teasing him.

  Taste, the dragon urged.

  The compulsion jarred Conner from his trance. He stood from the bed, but could not prevent his eyes from trailing down her form, appreciating how the straight cut of her gown showed the top of her breasts, trapped beneath the tied material.

  Realizing the danger, to them both, Conner forced himself to step back. Drawing a breath, he turned and said, “Goodnight, my lady.”

  She did not challenge him leaving, instead watching in confused silence, lost between the desire to retire to the solitude she had come to find comfort in, and the inexplicable urge to call his name.

  Chapter 35

  Cordial would be the only word to describe the following days. Conner was a perfect gentleman; no more, no less.

  The switch to this new, cold, and formal behavior was confusing, yet not completely unwelcome. After Stephen had shattered her heart, Amelia was not eager to fall for anyone, let alone this stranger in the woods, who seemed as cryptic in his personal stories as she herself was forced to be.

  He had done a wonderful job helping with her physical healing process. Her leg no longer ached, and the mark on her hip, once an open, ugly gash, was barely visible. Even her arm was coming back into use.

  She had not transformed since her injuries, respecting Conner’s caution that to do so might slow, or even reverse, her recovery process. Now well enough to embark on a winged journey, she was reluctant. Fear stemming from a combination of Conner’s story and her own seemingly irreversible transformations, caused her to resist the increasingly restless beast within.

  A few nights after Conner had removed the final bandage from her arm, he asked if she would like to fly. When she shook her head, he attempted to assure her the type of flight he proposed was not one she should avoid. “I don’t care to fly often; I’ve never allowed mine to have control. However, your dragon is accustomed to longer journeys. You must appease her, at least for now.”


  “Because if you do not choose when you transform, the dragon will do so instead, and generally, as you have learned, not in a healthy manner.”

  She considered relenting, but found she could not. “I’m sorry.”

  Returning to her room, Amelia lay on the bed, attempting to sleep. She tossed in the warm pelts for many hours before surrendering not to a sweet embrace of rest, but one of sheer exhaustion.

  Her dreams were restless. Walking through the familiar valley. The looming dragon. The inevitable breath.

  “Elizabeth!” Conner’s firm voice drew her from the dream. “Wake up!”

  She did, scrambling toward the head of the bed, her back touching the wall. Pulling up her knees, Amelia dug her teeth into her lower lip to prevent the pathetic sounds building in her throat from escaping, but a deep sob rose in spite of her efforts. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right,” he assured.

  Trembling, she fought for a semblance of control. Fear, which always arose from the horrific dream, mixed with anger at her inability to escape the repetitious nightmare. Normally she regained her senses, but tonight the dreams seemed to overwhelm every defense.

  Conner sat down on the side of the bed and reached toward her. “A dream, my lady.”

  “It’s so real,” she confessed. “Always so real.”

  Touching her shoulder, Conner coaxed her gaze up from its steadfast stare at the rumpled bedding. “My lady?”

  The soft spoken plea was too much. Amelia jerked forward, wrapping her arms around his back as she trembled.

  Returning the embrace, Conner wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to lean into him as she pressed her cheek to the side of his neck.

  Her tension ebbed as he ran his hand down her hair in a soothing caress. She had forgotten how comforting the simple act of touch could be. How being held close could ease the worst of her fears.

  It had been nearly seven years since her self-imposed exile. Seven years since she had been held or comforted from the pains of her world. She had put the basic need from her mind long ago. Now it returned with intense desire.

  She knew she should pull away, but found herself unwilling to do so, instead loving the weight of his arms around her. The strong assurance she was safe for the first time since leaving Stephen’s embrace. “Thank you. I…”

  “Here.” Guiding her back toward the opposite side of the bed, Conner backed against the wall where she had been, and pulled her to his chest.

  “You don’t have to...”

  “I know what it’s like to go without touch. For our kind, it’s a torture in itself. I won’t make you stay, by any means. If you wish for me to leave—”

  “No!” the word came more forceful than intended. More tears slid down her cheeks.

  He reached up and touched them, catching the droplets on his fingertips. “Please, my lady, don’t cry.”

  Conner held her until her tears ceased, and her breathing slowed.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as sleep reached her.

  “No need,” he answered.




  “My name, it’s Amelia. Elizabeth’s my middle.”

  “Amelia,” he tried the name. “Sweet dreams, Amelia.”

  Chapter 36

  Amelia awoke wrapped in Conner’s warm embrace. For a moment, she tensed, then gradually relaxed as she recalled the comfort he had given so freely. Another drastic change in behavior from the man who had claimed to be unkind.

  She eased back down to again settle herself across his chest. Amelia pressed into his warmth, refreshed from the simple act of being held after so many nights of self-imposed isolation. She had slept deeply and, more importantly, dreamless, in his arms, for which she was grateful.

  Now awake, she attempted to remain still, enjoying the even cadence of Conner’s breathing.

  Hand on his chest, she explored the corded muscles, moving up to his shoulder, caressing the arms that had carried her so effortlessly across grassy fields and around the house during her recovery.

  He was handsome, his face free of stubble, and his chest smooth as well. A light tan had darkened his skin to a golden tone. He appeared peaceful in his sleep, a fact which comforted her further as she resumed her position beside him.

  She stayed for another hour before attempting to slip from the bed, but his eyes opened as she swung her legs over the edge.

  A slender smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Good morning. I—”

  Her words were cut off as Conner pulled her down unexpectedly, and one of his hands wound its way into her hair, guiding her to a searing kiss.

  Amelia tensed, eyes wide as the demanding sensation stole her breath.

  When she pulled back, his eyes transformed to glinting amethyst, his reptilian gaze a match for her unnatural emerald.

  She moved from the bed to her feet, and he followed, forcing her to tilt her head to gaze up at his taller form.

  “I’ve been resisting you since the day of the mountain lion attack,” he said, his dragon deepening his voice with a gruff tone. “I have a limit though, Amelia. I’m afraid I’ve reached it.” He forced a breath. “If you wish me to leave, I’ll return after I’ve granted my dragon a time to cool down. Or…”

  The second option lingered.

  Amelia stared at him, emotions pulling her in various directions. A third option materialized. “Fly with me.”

  Drawing a frustrated breath, Conner nodded, leading Amelia out the front door. Less than a minute later, above a pile of clothes where they had stripped, two dragons flew through a morning sky.

  Chapter 37

  Dragons soared, their massive wings carrying them high above the land. One a brilliant blue; the other, a deep purple, but together, the winged beasts ruled the skies. Fearless, the dragons rose and fell, diving with abandonment toward grassy fields, only to pull up at the last moment. They twirled and twisted through the air, circling each other, teasing playfully as they took turns giving chase.

  Amelia had missed this silent companionship, and the ease of sharing the sky with another in a manner only those blessed by Kamar were able to understand. She’d attempted to explain it to a non-shifter once, but words had not done the experience justice; the absolute freedom such flights offered from all worldly concerns.

  Playing in the air was easy with Conner, and for the first time since she had killed the bandits, Amelia felt at ease with her dragon. Conner had been correct in his assessment that her flights over the past few years had been drastically different from those of the time prior to her sister’s betrayal. Her dragon was gentle now, enjoying the freedom as much as she.

  Conner sped up, glancing back in unspoken challenge. Amelia merrily gave chase, the cool wind soothing the flames within. Pulling to the left of her, Conner drew a breath before letting out a hot stream of golden flames, which Amelia matched, her blue fire clashing with the gold to create a unique swirl of light.

  Elated, Amelia rose higher, turning on her back to create a large loop, fully circling Conner as he paused to hoover in the air, allowing her to complete the aerobatic oval.

  Then Conner took his turn. Amelia allowed him to twist around her in an ancient dance of wind and flame.

  They flew for hours, the tireless dragons delighting in their momentary abandon.

  When they finally did land, transforming back to their human selves, Amelia burst into laughter, a joyous sound so different from the sorrow that had clung to her for longer than she cared to recall.

  Once fully transformed back to human, Conner reached for his discarded clothes, but Amelia touched his shoulder. Turning to meet her green eyes, he was unprepared for her to pull him down into a heated kiss.

  As his lips molded to hers, his dragon gave a growl of approval, while his hands grasped her bare hips. Using all the willpower he could muster, Conner drew back enough to caution, “Are you sure? If we start, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

  “I want this,” she answered.

  All the invitation he needed, Conner laced his fingers through her golden strands, jerking her head back before bringing his lips down on hers with bruising force. Her dragon rose meet his, though both remained locked behind human forms.

  The kiss continued as Conner slid his hands down Amelia’s back before moving one hand up between them, cupping her breast to flick his thumb over her tightening nipple.

  A gasp escaped her at his touch, which he swallowed with another kiss, slipping his tongue between her teeth to dance with hers.

  She tasted sweet, like the lilacs she gathered from a nearby shrub and added to her bath. Her hair smelled of them too, and he basked in her heady aroma as he kissed her. His fingers explored along her left side to her outer, then inner thigh.

  When she shivered at his touch, he moved both hands to lift her off the ground. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She complied, pressing against his lower stomach as he held her to him, his lips trailing down her throat to end above her flushed breasts.

  As though she weighed nothing, Conner carried the young woman into the cabin, depositing Amelia onto her bed. He followed her into the soft pelts as he wedged himself between her spread thighs.

  His body covering hers, he again moved to her neck, planting soft kisses along her throat before reaching the center of her chest, where he moved a hand to circle her right nipple while trailing his lips to her left.

  She moaned, thrusting her hips as his lips enveloped her now hardened tips. He lapped at the delicate flesh, drawing tiny sounds from pouting ruby lips.

  He continued his way down, softly kissing her stomach, and outer thighs, before moving inward.

  When he reached her core, she moaned again, an impatient sound. “Conner,” she pleaded, the sound of his name falling from her lips delicious to his ears. “Please, Conner.”

  At her heated request, he moved a finger, parting her petals, running the digit up and down her inner lips before pressing inside.

  She was tight around his single finger, but also deliciously wet. Adding a second digit, he moved his hand back and forth inside of her, delighting in how she writhed under him, her breasts rising with each sharp intake of breath.

  Removing his hand, he positioned himself above her, but paused, to his dragon’s snarling displeasure. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes,” she said on a breathy utterance, pushing all fears aside as she gave herself over to the touch and sensations long denied. “Please, Conner.”

  Stealing further words with another kiss, Conner thrust his hips as she gasped against his lips. Tight, but hungry, her body closed around him snuggly. With a hiss, he withdrew and pushed forward again slowly, attempting to cause her as little discomfort as possible.

  Breathing deeply for control, he slid a hand down to where they were joined, moving his finger up against her until he found the spot he sought. Her eyes wide, she moaned his name, her channel moistening in sweet response to his attentions.

  Pushing deeper, Conner buried himself fully into her,
pausing to enjoy the exquisite warmth of her yielding body. Radiant beneath him, her long blonde hair cascaded down her flushed chest, framing her rose-tipped breasts. She wrapped her legs partially around him, encouraging him even deeper inside her, back arching as she acclimated to his girth.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed. “In every way.”

  In response, she beamed a smile, a soft light emanating from her emerald eyes.

  His dragon snarled within, expressing his displeasure at Conner’s delay in completely claiming the young beauty.

  To the complaint, Conner pushed the dragon back. No, Conner spoke silently. You had your flight. Tonight, she’s mine.

  Reluctantly, the dragon withdrew, coiling back inside of him as he began a steady thrust of his hips.

  Beneath him, Amelia moved her hips up to meet his. Together, the new lovers fell into a gentle rhythm, delighting in the joining of their bodies.

  “Conner, please.”

  At her breathy request, he thrust harder, lifting her torso toward him to again claim her mouth, rubbing his chest against her sensitive breasts. She cried out at the adjusted position, reaching her peak, clenching tight around him, which caused him to give his own cry before spilling himself inside her.

  He lay panting for a few breaths before finding the strength to roll to his side. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, and seeing the relief cross his features, she smiled. “Better. Oh gods, so much better than all right.”

  Her happiness brought a reflective smile to his lips. He reclined, opening his arms. “May I hold you, Amelia?”

  “I’d like that,” she answered, her mirth turning to softer tones, a fresh blush coloring her cheeks.

  Conner drew her to him, slipping an arm around her as she snuggled against his chest, her blonde hair covering them both. He held her close as she closed her eyes in contentment. It felt right to have her in his arms. Like she had been missing all his life.

  He didn’t fully comprehend what fears plagued her, but whatever they were, he would do all in his power to eradicate them from her mind, life, and heart.


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