20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 241

by Demelza Carlton

  “I came to reason with you. To tell you how your people suffer. To help you see.”

  “See what? How they, at last, grovel in their rightful place. If they are too weak to defend themselves, then they deserved to be slaves.”

  “You swore to protect them!”

  “And protect them, I am. They are safe under the power of their respective lords.”

  “Kaliyah, what happened to you? Mother would never have—”

  “I’m perfectly aware of what Mother believed, as she was aware of my own feelings on the matter. Hence the reason she could not be allowed to dethrone me for one as weak as you.”

  Amelia gasped, anger and confusion turning to horror. “What are you saying?”

  Kaliyah did not answer, merely stared.

  “You did not kill our mother.” She shook her head. “Kaliyah?”

  Her sister held her gaze, and Amelia’s fractured heart crumbled. “No,” the word escaped, causing Conner to step closer. He reached for her, but she pulled away, moving to her sister in challenge.

  “This isn’t true! It can’t be. You didn’t!” Leaning close enough she could feel her sister’s breath warm her cheek, she ordered, “Tell me it’s not true.”

  “How strange,” Kaliyah observed, “that you should end up appearing the monster when you’re the most human of all.”

  “And you?”

  “Have always been a dragon. One not to be challenged, nor threatened, especially not by you, or our beloved mother.”

  The world dimmed as Amelia stared at the woman she no longer knew.

  Rage radiated through every bone and, as the two royal sisters stared, their dragons roared.

  Chapter 46

  Scales ripped through flesh as the dragons emerged, clothes shredding to fall in scraps along the floor.

  “Amelia!” Conner called her name, but his voice was distant, his pleas not understood by the enraged creature within. “Don’t let it control you!” Conner reminded as the wings expanded from her back, ripping with a speed that drew a scream of pain.

  Beside her, Kaliyah transformed with the same swift ferocity, the sisters moving toward the outer balcony where the transformation would complete.

  Once capable, both sisters immediately took to the air, wings spread as Conner again screamed Amelia’s name.

  “You can’t help them now,” Gwain said, appearing beside him as they watched the dragons rise. “This is a fight for the throne. No one can stop it now.”

  “Please,” Conner prayed to the woman above, “embrace the dragon. Do not allow it to embrace you.”

  Above, the dragons circled, twining in an ancient dance for which they knew each step, in spite of never having performed such movements before. Screeches filled the air, causing the men below to cover their ears, more people appearing on balconies to investigate the sound.

  “No one interfere!” Gwain warned.

  “Our queen’s being attacked!” a guard protested.

  “Not attacked, challenged by her sister, as is Amelia’s right.”

  At the pronouncement, the crowd fell to silence, all eyes upon the figures flying above, a circle of blue and silver scales.

  Kaliyah initiated the first attack, sharp, jagged teeth lunging for Amelia’s neck.

  Jerking back, Amelia avoided snapping teeth, causing them to close on air alone.

  The queen launched again, swiping a curved claw toward the tip of her sister’s wing, narrowly missing cutting into the delicate membrane. With a flap of her powerful wings, Amelia rose higher, above her sister’s sleek form as Kaliyah flew back in an attempt to remove herself from Amelia’s immediate downward trajectory.

  Folding her wings, Amelia dove to stop her sister’s progress, her claws extending to bite into her sister’s back. Kaliyah screamed. Amelia had managed to graze the side of her sister’s wing, but the attack did not have the hoped for effect.

  The silver dragon roared at the injury, causing those below to shudder at the sound as Kaliyah moved level with her sister’s hovering form. The silver dragon rushed forward, claws extended. The massive creatures collided, claws locked as they spun, the weight of their bodies sending both in large circles across the otherwise clear sky.

  Coming out of the spin, both dragons wheeled to again face each other, screeching their anger in a powerful display for dominance.

  Amelia flew forward, tucking back her wings to increase speed as she again attempted to land on her sister’s back. This time, her sister was too slow, allowing Amelia’s claws to cut through the flesh.

  Kaliyah roared, snapping teeth in her sister’s direction, she managed to bite down into Amelia’s shoulder, though not in her actual wing. Amelia screeched from the pain, Kaliyah’s razor teeth biting into muscle.

  The two dragons drew back, rage threatening to overwhelm all when Amelia heard a shout. Glancing down, the people appeared miniature from this height, as though figures in a painted dollhouse. Yet her dragon eyes found the source of the sound on the uppermost balcony.

  Conner, the name slid through her mind, restoring her to a sense of self. She turned back to her sister, but the distraction had cost her as bright yellow flames filled the sky. Amelia managed to rise high enough to avoid direct contact, but the heat from her sister’s nearly lethal attack seared her scaled flesh.

  While normal flames were incapable of harming the winged beasts of the skies, the flames of a royal dragon were a different matter entirely.

  She turned, facing her sister in time to witness her drawing another breath, a shower of golden flames rushing toward her.

  This time, Amelia did not move, instead issuing a blast of her own internal heat, blue flames streaking forth to meet gold as those below watched in terrified fascination at their display of power.

  The dragons fought, their fire coloring the sky with bands of flame and smoke. With a great beat of her powerful wings, Kaliyah surged higher. Amelia rushed to follow, but a spray of golden shards prevented her counter attack. The sparks charred the thick hide of her back, drawing a roar of pain.

  Reversing direction, Amelia attempted to distance herself from her sister, but Kaliyah followed, maintaining the advantage of her higher position, again raining a stream of flames upon her retreat. This time Amelia avoided the intended attack, the tips of her wings narrowly escaping the burning slivers.

  When the stream ended, Amelia took a chance, racing higher in the sky as quickly as she could. Two rapid flaps of her wings lifted her first equal with, and then above the silver dragon, before coming down on her opposite side. Her claws tore into Kaliyah’s back and shoulder as Amelia flew past.

  Kaliyah screeched, twisting to face her sister, but her movements were slowed by the injury. Amelia again rose higher, shifting left as another streak of golden light flashed toward her, heat from the inferno warming her as she narrowly managed to avoid the flames. Golden streams followed her movements as Amelia dodged attacks, before she managed to turn and release blue light against the gold.

  When the intertwined streaks vanished, Kaliyah shifted to turn, but her body jerked as she moved her shoulder, attempting the flap the wing it controlled. Seizing her chance, Amelia dove toward her sister.

  Her claws sank into Kaliyah’s wings. Amelia watched the silver hide tear and, unable to support her winged form, the dragon queen fell from the sky.

  Chapter 47

  Amelia plunged after her sister’s falling form, the scream of her human heart overpowering the dragon’s unholy screech. She chased her sister, Kaliyah’s remaining wing flapping frantically, finding only marginal success. No longer trying to wound, but to save, Amelia grabbed her sister’s back, intending to slow her fall.

  Her sister’s dragon screamed at the contact, twisting her neck in an attempt to bite her would-be rescuer, the woman within seemingly unable to understand Amelia’s intent to save her life.

  In spite of this, Amelia fought hard against their fall, managing to slow the descent, but not enough to avoid
hard contact with the ground, both rolling painfully as they crashed. Stunned, both dragons lay on the ground, unable to rise.

  Amelia managed to turn first, regaining her footing. One of her legs produced a sharp pain when she attempted to stand, but thankfully her wings were uninjured. Glancing at her sister, she watched the silver dragon struggle to her own feet, and hoped she had come to her senses.

  But the silver dragon snarled in continued defiance. By instinct, Amelia opened her wings, rising from the ground before Kaliyah lunged, teeth snapping where Amelia had been moments before. Moving higher, out of reach, Amelia called to her sister, hoping in vain her dragon’s quiet voice could reach her.

  Instead Kaliyah jumped, snapping at the air. A vicious beast who knew nothing of reason. Only rage.

  You’re defeated, she called wordlessly to the silver dragon, knowing she could be heard, though Kaliyah was lost within her dragon’s rage. I banish you from these lands, Kaliyah. When you find yourself again, you’ll understand. I’m sorry, Kaliyah. This is the last thing I ever wanted.

  Amelia rose back toward the palace. Her heart cried with every beat of her massive wings, yet her dragon eyes were incapable of forming tears.

  When she reached the balcony, she landed on the ancient, cracked stone, Conner running to her as those gathered looked on in awe.

  Closing her eyes, Amelia called forth her human half, and her wings immediately began to recede into her back while pale skin returned with the familiar, itching discomfort.

  Transformation complete, Amelia nearly fell on her injured leg, prompting Conner to catch her before draping his cloak around her shoulders to cover her exposed form.

  Shakily, she swept her gaze over the crowd. “Lord Tyron?” She searched for the high-ranking lord, hoping he would be among those gathered.

  “Your Highness,” a voice replied, the crowd splitting to allow an older gentleman to step forward. Garbed in a crisp silver shirt that matched his gray eyes, under a matching silk robe of state, the lord stood regally attired.

  “You saw the fight. Make the pronouncement. Now.”

  Knowing the elder man’s authority would be respected, Amelia waited while he composed himself and turned to address the crowd.

  “My lords and ladies, the right to challenge for the crown, which can be issued by other members of royal blood, has on this day, been accepted, through the actions of our queen, and all those here who bore witness. Therefore, it is my duty to inform you all that Amelia is the victor of this most sacred of challenges, and stands before you now as the new queen of this kingdom.”

  Noting her struggle to remain upright, Conner moved an arm around the new queen, allowing her to lean against him to avoid showing her level of physical agony.

  “Amelia, we must see to your leg,” Conner whispered. “You’re losing blood.”

  “Not yet.”

  “There’s time for this later.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “If I don’t do this now, people will suffer. For every minute of delay.”

  Conner hesitated briefly, then nodded. “Do as you must.”

  “Lord Tyron,” she again addressed the elder man, “this is Conner Brion Ardarg, son of your daughter, Christina.”

  “Christina?” Tyron’s eyes widened. “Forgive me, I did not know—”

  “What you did, or did not know, is irrelevant. However, what you are about to learn matters a great deal.”

  “My lady?”

  “This is your single opportunity to claim your grandson, and restore him to the titles and birthright owed to one of your family, for I intend to name him my consort. I’m willing to do so without your agreement. However, given your family’s noble lineage, and connection to the crown, I assume legitimizing the one who will be consort to the new queen would be advantageous to your family.”

  Bewildered, but masking gracefully, Lord Tyron bowed toward Conner, whose arm was wrapped protectively around the new queen. “Consider it done, Your Highness. Conner, I look forward to getting to know you properly.”

  Conner nodded in acknowledgment, understanding this establishment of hierarchy was more important than the trespasses the man had committed against his mother. At least, for now.

  Glancing at the crowd, Amelia was utterly exhausted, blood continuing to pour from her injured leg. “Can you dismiss them, or…” She looked again to Tyron for help, her weary expression imploring. After proclaiming a member of his family would be by her side, even a boy he had never met, she could trust him in a limited fashion.

  “Let the queen pass,” he ordered. “She shall address you all tomorrow with a formal explanation.”

  Voices rose, confused and bewildered, but Tyron held up his hands, his commanding presence bringing the crowd to silence.

  “All shall be explained shortly. You have my word, and that of your new queen.”

  Assisting her from the balcony, Conner supported Amelia through the crowd, and down the walkway, to the room her sister had occupied an hour before. Opening the doors ahead of them, Tyron motioned for Conner to walk her through.

  “Put her on the bed,” Tyron ordered. “I’ll call for a healer.”

  A few minutes later, Tyron returned with a comely woman in tow.

  As she set to the task of bandaging Amelia’s leg, Amelia lay still, wincing occasionally as stinging ointments were applied to the wound.

  “Lord Tyron,” she addressed the older man, “we don’t know each other well, nothing beyond casual meetings during my sister’s coronation many years ago. However, you were among my mother’s trusted advisors. Whatever your faults may have been relative to the treatment of your daughter, which I am content to set aside for now, if you are willing to assist me. I—”

  She hissed as the healer began binding her leg.

  “I would appreciate your assistance in some immediate matters.”

  “What matters are those, Your Highness?”

  “First, I will not lie. My sister is alive. Ancient tradition dictates one dragon should kill the other, but she’s my sister…no matter what she’s done.”

  “Family is important, my lady, even when we sometimes treat each other in an abhorrent manner.”

  “You understand.”

  “Explicitly, my lady.”

  “Thank you,” she said with genuine gratitude. “Please issue a proclamation, rescinding my sister’s orders that nobles may do as they wish with non-shifters. I want their protected status restored immediately, beginning with sending healers through each village in an attempt to save the lives of those recently condemned to death by exposure, or any other means which leaves them languishing in pain. I want these dispatches sent immediately.”

  “As you wish, my lady. Though it will likely upset a great number of the lords.”

  Amelia nodded. “So noted. The high lord of every province is to be called to the palace. I wish to address them all at once. Together we will right the wrongs committed in this land.

  “Also, locate the daughter of my friend, Kelsie. Conner will help you find and identify her.”

  Lord Tyron nodded. “Is there anything else for which I might be able to provide immediate attention?”

  “Yes, one other.” She paused. “I wish to speak to the high priestess on a private matter of great importance. Please send for her at once.”

  Tyron bowed, before turning to carry out Amelia’s orders, but paused at a commotion on the other side of the doors. Struggling to the bed’s edge, the new queen forced her bandaged leg down, wincing as she rose, keeping as much of her weight as possible on the uninjured one.

  “My lady, you ought to stay off the leg,” the healer warned.

  She ignored her, using a hand on the bed to transfer her weight to her arm. The voices grew in volume, though their words remained indistinguishable as Conner stepped closer to the threshold.

  “Open the door,” Amelia directed, watching as Tyron moved to follow her orders.

  But before he could get there, the do
or flew ajar, and Stephen emerged. She stared blankly, disarmed by the sight of her former lover, appearing regal in a golden shirt that matched his captivating eyes.

  Conner attempted to step between the newcomer and Amelia, but Tyron shook his head, a subtle signal to wait for her command. Reluctantly, Conner drew back, deferring to the elder lord, and permitting Stephen a clear view of the new queen.

  “It’s true,” Stephen exclaimed as he progressed toward the bed.

  Bewildered, Amelia stared at the man who had once held her heart. She attempted to speak, but coherent words refused to form. At her wide-eyed expression, Stephen moved closer, opening his arms to embrace her.

  Amelia jerked back, falling on the bed as a startled cry escaped her lips.

  The distressed sound prompted Conner to leap forward, wrenching Stephen across the room.

  Unprepared for Conner’s protective reaction, Stephen glared at the unfamiliar man before turning back to the queen.

  “What is this, Amelia? I find, after all these years, that you’re alive, and you run from me as though a stranger?”

  “Not a stranger,” Amelia found her voice as she again rose. “A liar. A thief!”


  “You stole my heart, and betrayed it. You said you loved me. You didn’t. What does that make you, Stephen, if not guilty of both charges?”

  “What?” Stephen shook his head. “Amelia, you vanished! I spent months, no—years—searching.”

  Amelia met his expressive golden eyes. Could it be true? “You searched for me?”

  “I did.”

  “And the day they took me away?”

  “I wasn’t here. Your sister sent me from the palace on business. Said she’d let you know where I was going. By the time I returned, you were gone.”

  His claims rolled through Amelia’s mind. While she grappled for a response, her gaze traveled the room. She avoided Conner’s eyes, but paused as she met those of Lord Tyron. Staring intently, Tryon gave a shake of his head so slight she would have missed the motion had she been less focused. His stern expression, along with the insight, centered her.


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