Isabel's run dl-3

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Isabel's run dl-3 Page 20

by M. D. Grayson

  I blew her a silent kiss and stepped across the hallway to the other side of the room.

  Five minutes later, we drove away. “Oh my God, you’re completely insane,” Toni said, smiling and shaking her head slowly. “Blowing kisses to me while those two guys were standing right there.”

  I smiled. “I waited to leave until I heard them close the door-until I knew you were out of there. And if you’re talking about them maybe seeing me? Forget it. No friggin’ way they were going to turn around. They had a much better view facing your direction, believe me. Besides, how was I supposed to know those idiots were going to pop back home so fast in the first place? And by a side street we didn’t have covered? I ended up spending fifteen minutes in a dark closet that reeked of marijuana listening to those clowns get stoned.” I paused for a second. “Good thinking on the diversion, by the way.”

  She smiled. “Sorry it took so long. I had to do a little prep work with the wardrobe.”

  “No shit,” I chuckled. “That dude opened the door and saw you standing there with your shirt the way it was. He didn’t know what to think. Poor bastard went rigid-I thought he was gonna have a seizure. You were fuckin’ hot!”

  “I know what he was thinking,” she said, nodding her head and smiling.

  “Well, who could blame him? Damn. Him and his buddy, too.” I paused. “Anyway, thanks. Thanks for bailing me out.”

  She smiled. “What are friends for, right?” She leaned over and kissed me. “You’re pretty hot, yourself, you know.”

  I smiled. “It’s the uniform, isn’t it?”

  She sat back upright and looked at me. “Well, now that you mention it, I think it is.”

  I smiled. I was a lucky man, no doubt about it.

  We were on our way back to the office. I’d already radioed Doc and Kenny to let them know what had happened. They were headed back to the office as well. Toni selected a pop station on her radio dial, and Katy Perry sang “Wide Awake.” Toni tapped her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. “So what’d you find while you were inside wandering around pretending to be Sherlock Holmes, anyways?” she asked.

  “No sign of Isabel, I can say that,” I said. Toni drove under the freeway on Fiftieth and then turned south onto the on-ramp. “The house is big. It looked kind of like a frat house-even more so because of the pot and the porn. Other than that, nothing very remarkable.” I paused. “Well,” I said, “there was one interesting thing. There were like six bedrooms upstairs and one down. One of the upstairs rooms was set up with lights and a camera on a tripod. Like a permanent porn studio.”

  “Perverts,” she said.

  “I started taking pictures of everything, but I wasn’t all the way through when they got home. I finished the main floor, and then I checked the upstairs for occupants-there weren’t any.”

  Toni merged onto the freeway. “Was there a basement? Were you able to check that out?”

  “I don’t think there is one because I didn’t see a basement door when I checked the main floor.” We drove south on I-5 without speaking for several minutes. The freeway arced gracefully more than one hundred feet in the air as it crossed over Lake Union.

  “Hey,” Toni said suddenly. “You remembered that your dad’s taking us to Daniel’s Broiler on Friday for your birthday, right?”

  I nodded. “Yep. I remember.” Friday, June 15-the big three-oh. Danny Logan turns thirty. Can’t believe I made it. When I was a boy, I always thought that if I ever turned thirty, I’d be old as dirt. Back then, thirty was a l-o-n-n-n-g way off. Then, I graduated from high school, joined the army, and almost immediately I was in the war. Thirty was a lot closer, but I tried not to think about getting old then. I suppose I didn’t want to jinx myself. Now that I was safe and sound and two days away from the milestone, I actually felt pretty good-not old at all. I was healthy-probably the best shape of my life, actually. My parents were healthy. Business was good-a little slow at the moment, but good. I had good friends. And best of all, I was with a great woman-someone so far beyond what I’d ever imagined that I could hardly believe it. I smiled as we drove, the tires thumping over the expansion joints on the freeway. All these years, I’d been dreading this birthday, and now it looked like I’d been worrying for nothing. My thirties might not be so bad after all.

  Richard joined Toni and me in my office when we got back. Doc was in Kenny’s office, the two of them huddled over the computer screen. “So,” Richard said, “Doc says you made it out by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin.” His blue eyes seemed to twinkle when he smiled.

  I nodded. “I did. Thanks to Toni, here.” I leaned back in my chair. “There I was,” I said, dramatically, “trapped by fate in the drug-laden storage cave of some of the world’s most dangerous criminals-vicious, ruthless guys. Time was running short; options-well, let’s just say there weren’t any and leave it at that. The bad guys sensed my presence. They were big. They were bad. They were mean. And, above all, they were well armed. They were on the hunt, and they were out for blood.”

  Toni shook her head. “Oh my God,” she said. “You are so full of shit. They were two idiots so stoned they could barely stand up.”

  “Ignore that,” I said to Richard. “Just as my clever hiding place was about to be compromised, just at that darkest of moments, what do I hear?”

  “Ding-dong?” Toni said.

  “Exactly. Ding-friggin-dong. Salvation. Salvation in the form of a stunning, dark-haired maiden who shows up and saves the day.”

  “Oh, puh-leeze,” she said. “He sent me a text message that said ‘HELP!’ in all caps with an exclamation point.”

  Richard laughed. “From the closet he did that?”

  Toni nodded.

  “To be fair, that’s not all the message said.”

  “Oh, that’s true,” she said. “It said ‘HELP! Need diversion.’”

  “See? That’s right,” I said. “‘Need diversion.’ I was thinking tactically. I didn’t want to have to go to guns with these stoners. Not when a simple little distraction was all that was needed.”

  “So, naturally, you called Toni.”

  “Duh,” I said. “Do you know a better distraction?” I smiled at Toni. She stuck her tongue out at me.

  “Point made,” he said.

  “Damn straight,” I said. “Quick thinking in the line of fire, if you ask me.”

  I heard the bell ring on the office front door. A minute later, Kenny walked into my office. “Kelli’s here to see you,” he said to Toni.

  “Okay,” she said. “Would you do me a favor and bring her on back to the conference room? Please? We’ll be right out.” Kenny left.

  “So what happens now?” Richard said after Kenny went to get Kelli.

  “We still don’t know where Isabel is,” I said. “The police won’t step in now and raid the NSSBs to find her.”

  “Not with the evidence you have so far,” Richard said. “They’re worried about this pesky little document-it’s called-it’s called-oh yeah! It’s called the constitution. Among other things, it deals with the concept of unreasonable search and seizure-that sort of thing.”

  “Yeah, well, anyway, they’re not doing anything. I get the impression that we’d practically need to get a photo of Isabel holding a current newspaper or something like that in order for the police to go in and rescue her. That’s if we could even locate her.”

  “Which leaves us precisely where?” Richard said.

  “Compared to ten days ago?” I asked. “A little smarter. Maybe with a little more evidence than we had when we took this case. But, I’m afraid, probably no closer to finding Isabel.”

  “Any idea how much longer you’re going to keep looking?”

  “That’s a real good question,” I said. “I talked with Ferguson and Sons this morning. They’re ready for us to get started.”


  I squirmed in my chair. “I hate to say it, but we need to start pulling in some money. We’re supposed t
o start the Ferguson job next Monday. I think we’re pretty quickly getting to the point where we’re going to have to drop this case and hope that the police can find Isabel. I can’t afford to pay everyone if I’m not bringing in any revenue.”

  He nodded. “You don’t need to explain it to me,” he said. “I sat in your chair for twenty-five years. I know all about payroll and overhead.”

  “It sucks, too,” I said. “We’re close-I can feel it. But we just don’t have quite enough information yet. We lack the key to get the police all fired up.”

  “The smoking gun,” Toni said.

  Richard nodded again. “It can be hard to come by,” he said.

  “Too bad we can’t get someone from the inside to talk to us,” Toni said. “Shed a little light. We probably learned more from talking to Paola than from anything else.”

  “For sure,” I said. “But at least as of earlier in the week, she wasn’t willing to say more than what she’s already told us.”

  “I know,” Toni said. “Maybe we should ask Nancy if there’s been any improvement.”

  “Wait a second! I got it!” I said. “You can go undercover for us. You saw today-those guys practically swooned over you. You can get us all the information we need.”

  Toni looked at me, saw that I was joking, and then smiled. Her hands were folded in front of her. She slowly extended her middle finger.

  I smiled, but I couldn’t resist yanking her chain a bit more. “C’mon,” I said. “Just to gather information. I wouldn’t want you actually going on any dates or anything like that. I’m not a pervert, after all.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Toni said. “Besides-I’m a little too old for these guys, anyway.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so,” I said. “The two clowns today sure didn’t think so.”

  She smiled. “That’s sweet. But it’s bullshit. I’d stand right out.”

  “Well, that’s for damn sure,” I said. “Just kidding, anyway. Besides, I’m the old one here-did you forget?”

  She smiled. “That’s true. You’re almost over the hill.”

  “I know,” I said. “But anyway, I guess I’ll have to think about our next actions some more tonight, and we’ll pick it back up at our staff meeting in the morning.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Richard said. “I’m going to take off early tonight. Maria and I have a dinner date.” Richard and Maria have been married nearly fifty years. In this way-as in many others-he is my hero. He started to leave, and we followed him out. We entered the conference room to talk to Kelli, but it was empty.

  “Hey, Kenny!” I called out. “Where’s Kelli?”

  “She’s in the conference room,” he yelled back.

  “I don’t see her,” I said to Toni.

  “Me neither,” she said.

  Kenny walked into the room. “She’s right-” He stopped when he saw the empty room. “Well, she was right here, only a few minutes ago. I brought her back here, just like you said.”

  “Maybe she got tired of waiting,” I said.

  “What? After three minutes?” Toni asked.

  “More like five,” Kenny said.

  “Okay, five then,” Toni said.

  “She left.” We turned and saw Doc walking up the hallway. “She walked out a minute ago,” he said to Toni. “She asked me to tell you she’d call you later.”

  I shrugged. “There you go,” I said. “At least one mystery is solved.”

  Chapter 19

  Thursday morning means intervals-full-speed sprints up the side of a hill followed by slow jogs back down for recovery. In theory, the recovery time gives your heart rate a little time to fall back. The thing is, you repeat the intervals over and over and each time, your heart rate recovers a little less. By the last one, you’re dragging. Intervals are supposed to be good for you-to strengthen and increase your aerobic capacity by pushing the envelope. All I can say is that if you do them right-you’re going to feel it. This morning, I definitely felt it. I made it into the office at 7:45 a.m. for our staff meeting, and my quads were still throbbing.

  I put my stuff down in my office, checked voicemails and e-mails, and then walked into the conference room at eight o’clock on the dot. Everyone was already there, waiting. Promptness is a virtue that we like to emphasize.

  “Good morning, folks,” I said.

  Everyone looked wide-awake and eager to go. Probably none of them ran eight miles this morning. “Let’s get right into the main topic. I’ve decided to suspend the company’s active search for Isabel Delgado.”

  Everyone looked at me with puzzled expressions. I hadn’t explained this decision to anyone-even Toni. Last night, as usual, she had stayed at her apartment, and we hadn’t had a chance to talk about it.

  “It’s unfortunate, but the reality is, we have a paying job that can start on Monday at Ferguson and Sons. They’re expecting us. The job is too big to let go and, frankly, too important for our firm. As much as I hate to pull back from any job-especially in a case like Isabel’s, we don’t have any choice. So-starting Monday, the focus around here will be with Ferguson.”

  “Kelli’s going to be upset,” Toni said. “I’ll have to call her and tell her.”

  “I understand,” I said. “Tell her this: say, ‘Danny’s had to reassign everyone to a job that pays in order for us to continue to exist as a company. But he’s decided that he’s not going to take a paycheck for a while, and he himself is going to continue to hunt for Isabel.’”

  Toni looked at me. “What-you mean in your free time?”

  I shook my head. “No. I mean full-time. I talked to the people at Ferguson, and I told them that you would be managing their job, that I was still tied up with the last job-Isabel. They were cool with that.”

  “Wait a minute-,” she started to say.

  “What? You don’t think you’re ready?” I asked.

  “It’s not that, it’s-,” she said.

  “You don’t want to be in charge of Kenny and Doc?”

  “Shut up,” she said. “You know it’s not-.”

  “Oh-you need me to hold your hand?”

  She gave me a look. “Okay. Fuck you. I’ll do it.”

  I smiled. “I knew you’d see it my way.”

  She flipped me the bird from across the table.

  “Still leaves us today, though, right?” Doc said.

  “And the weekend?” Kenny added.

  I smiled and nodded. “That’s right. And if you guys are willing to put in the hours, there’s still a fair amount of work we can do.”

  Toni’s phone chimed-indicating she’d just received a text message. She pulled it out of her purse and read the message. A serious look formed on her face. She stood up. “I need to step outside and make a call,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

  I watched her walk out. I wondered what that was all about.

  “Anyway,” I continued, “there are still things we can do today and over the weekend if need be. First off-Kenny, I took a shitload of pictures in the boys’ house. They’re all on my cell phone.” I slid it over to him. “I’d like you to pull them off and have a look. Enhance them if they need it. Take another look at the pics from the first house, too. Then, when you’re ready, let’s all sit back down here and go through them.”

  “Got it,” he said.

  “I didn’t see anything that looked like it might have belonged to Isabel, but who knows? I was moving fast, and it’s very possible I could have missed something.”

  He nodded.

  “Doc-where are you with the reports on the property titles and the DMV info for Nancy?” I asked.

  “They’re done. I finished yesterday. I’ve got full ownership reports on everything. Names and addresses.”

  “Good. Hopefully, they’ll be useful when it comes time to convince Nancy that they need to raid each of the three houses and do a full search for Isabel.”

  Richard said, “So what we really need is a circle that links the
houses, the vehicles, and the bad guys together on the one hand, and then, another connection that links Isabel to the same circle. That might give Nancy the ammunition she needs to be able to get her warrants.”

  “She won’t move without warrants?” Doc said.

  “Not unless she knows for certain that someone is in immediate danger,” Richard said. “That, she couldn’t ignore. Short of that, she’ll rely on a warrant. Her bosses would insist on it.”

  Doc nodded. “We don’t have much,” he said. “What about more surveillance?”

  I thought about this for a few seconds. “It might come to that, but for now, let’s hold off. Let’s have another hard look at what we already have first. Maybe there’s an angle we’ve missed.”

  Toni walked back into the room. She looked at me, and I could tell at once that something was wrong.

  “What is it?” I asked. “What’s the matter?”

  “Kelli’s gone,” she said.

  “Gone? What do you mean?”

  “That was my mom. Kelli was gone this morning when she got up. Mom said she left a note. It said ‘I’ll be gone for a couple of days-I’m going to look for Isabel.’”

  PART 3

  Chapter 20

  It was quiet for a few seconds as the words sunk in.

  “Son of a bitch!” I said, looking down at the table and shaking my head slowly. I looked up at Toni. “It’s my fault. She was in here yesterday, right?”

  Toni nodded.

  “She sat right here in the conference room yesterday afternoon and overheard me moaning and groaning in my office about having to pull off this case because of money. That’s why she was gone when we came out.”

  “Or perhaps it was the discussion about Toni going undercover to aid in the hunt for Isabel,” Richard said. “She may have decided that that was a good idea.”

  “Damn!” I swore again.

  I looked back at Toni.

  “I’m sorry, Toni.” She had a look on her face I’d never seen before-a mixture of fear and anger. I could only hope that the anger wasn’t directed at me. Yet, as I watched her, her expression quickly gave way to a look of steely resolve.


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