Celtic Magic

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Celtic Magic Page 7

by Amber LaShell

  Chapter 15

  She gave him a small push with her hand and he stood back up, expecting her to tell him to slow down, but instead she stood up next to him and turned her back toward him.

  “Can you please unzip my dress for me?” she asked him.

  She couldn’t see his face, but given the silence, she guessed he was surprised.

  “Are you sure?” he asked slowly, almost as though he was scared she would change her mind.

  She nodded and felt his hand slide up her back until it had reached the zipper, and then he slowly unzipped it. Once the zipper was all the way down, she turned back around and smiled at him. He reached up and pulled the straps down until the dress fell onto the floor in a black heap.

  She stood in front of him in only black panties, and a black lace strapless bra. She had never been even this naked in front of anyone before, much less a man, and her stomach flipped with her nervousness. He pulled her forward and started to kiss her again, rubbing his hands up and down her naked back.

  He pulled his head away from hers and started to kiss down her neck, sending tingles all the way down her spine. She felt his hand stop on her bra strap, then she felt it release, and it would have completely fallen off of her body, had she not been pressed up against him.

  She quickly held up her bra with her hand, scared to let him see her completely naked. He pulled away from her, and seeing her apprehensive look, started to unbutton his shirt, pulling it away from his body in lightning speed. He knew she was scared, since she had never done anything like this with anyone before, so she watched as he continued to undress, trying to make her feel better about being naked in front of him.

  It didn’t take long and he was standing in front of her in his boxers, with an obvious bulge indicating how excited he already was. She looked up at him and nodded, letting him know that she was okay, and he pulled down the boxers, becoming completely naked. She looked at his manhood, having never seen one in person before and although it looked just like the ones she had seen in books, she knew it was his, so it felt special.

  She reached out and wrapped her hand around it, surprised at how soft the skin felt. She was even more surprised as she felt it grow even more under her hand, and she nearly jumped when Tom started to moan. She pulled her hand away and put it on her bra with the other one.

  “It’s okay, it’s supposed to do that” he told her.

  She nodded then took a deep breath pulling the bra away from her body. She stood before him, exposing her small but firm breasts. She dropped the bra to the floor and slid back on the bed until she was able to lay her head onto his pillows. Tom got onto the bed on his knees and made his way up to her until he was right on top of her and he leaned in and gently kissed her, making her skin tingle at the warm passion lying right under the surface.

  He then kissed his way down her neck until he came to her breast where he then took it into his mouth, licking and sucking on it until she was nearly moaning at how great it felt to have a man touch her. He slid his hand down and pulled her panties down her legs, until she was able to slide her feet out of them, and he tossed them to the floor.

  He then slid his hand down in between her legs and started to rub her in places she had never even touched herself before and she couldn’t help but squirm as waves of heat and tingles ran from his hand, down her body, and through her toes, making her moan at the pleasure she felt. Finally he pulled away and came up to her and looked her in the eyes.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her. She nodded as he positioned himself between her legs.

  She wasn’t prepared for how much it was going to hurt, but luckily it didn’t seem to last very long. Once they were finished Tom lay next to her and held her tight, kissing her and telling her that it gets better. She looked over at him and looked deep into his eyes.

  “I really do love you Tom, more than I even thought possible.”

  Tom smiled, and as soon as the words were out of her mouth she started to feel very weird, and her hand felt hot again, as it had back at her place. She sat up in the bed and stared at her hands, suddenly scared at how red they were. She looked up at Tom and he had an odd look on his face, halfway between surprise and disgust.

  “What’s the matter Tom, why are you looking at me like that?” she asked him.

  He pointed at her, but couldn’t seem to get the words he wanted to come out. She turned and got off of the bed and walked over to the mirror by his dresser and gasped as she saw herself. Her skin was bright red, the way her hands had looked before, and as she watched the rest of her body turned red too. She stood there with red skin, hair, and even eyes when she turned back to Tom.

  “What is happening to me?” she asked him in a panic. As soon as the question was out she knew exactly what was happening, her powers were unlocking. She yelled at Tom until he was paying close attention to what she was saying.

  “Tom, go into my purse and get my phone, I need you to call Jasmine, right now” She said to him calmly. When he didn’t move she started to panic.

  “Now, Tom!” she yelled at him.

  He scrambled out of the bed, getting tangled in the massive blanket and fell onto the floor. She watched as he finally untangled himself from it and ran to grab her purse and opening it, he pulled out her phone. He flipped open the phone and searched until he found Jasmine’s name and hit the send button.

  “Jasmine? This is Tom, Abby’s boy friend. She told me to call you, something is wrong with her, she is all red.”

  He paused, listening, “Yes, even her eyes are red, can you come here? I can give you directions.”

  He looked surprised, “Oh, okay, thanks” he said and hung up the phone.

  “She said she’s on her way, but I didn’t tell her how to get here” he said confused.

  Suddenly Jasmine was in the room, and the air had a glittering effect around her. Tom screamed and grabbed himself, as he was still naked. Jasmine never once even looked over at him; she was staring at Abby with a smile.

  “Don’t be scared Abby, but you probably need to be somewhere magical right now, so the change goes smoothly” she told her as she walked up to her and put her arm around her.

  Abby looked over at Tom, “I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything to you soon, I have to go with Jasmine now, okay?” she said, but they were gone before she could hear his answer.


  While Jasmine was taking them someplace magical, all she could see were tiny little lights around them. It was as though they had been swarmed by hundreds of tiny little lightning bugs. She looked around at the lights, expecting herself to be scared, but she was somehow calm, as if she knew it would all work out.

  Suddenly all of the lights flew away and they were standing in the meadow with the orange flowers by the gazebo. They walked up to the gazebo and as soon as she stepped inside, she felt the magic inside of it. It surrounded her body in a way that sent tingles through her, making her laugh as it started to tickle. She sat down on the bench as Jasmine leaned over her.

  “I will be right back Abby, do not go anywhere” she said, and then was gone in an instant.

  Abby lifted her hands and looked at them, besides them being red, she noticed that there were tiny lights radiating around them. She looked up her arm and noticed the lights were there too, and she thought to herself that she wished she had a mirror to look into, and suddenly a mirror appeared in the corner of the gazebo.

  She stood up and walked over to it slowly, hoping that it wasn’t just a figment of her imagination. As she got close enough to the mirror to see her entire body, she gasped. Her entire body was still an odd shade of red: her hair, her skin, even her eyes, but now she also had little flying lights swirling around her and for the first time actually felt them radiating from her body.

  Abby turned her head as she heard thunder in the distance and looked up at the sky just as it started to rain. She lifted her hands to the sky.

  “I want sun!” she shouted, and as soon as the wo
rds were out of her mouth, a bolt of lightning came out of her left hand and disappeared into the largest black cloud, not far from where she was standing.

  She watched as the rain stopped, the clouds separated and the sun came shining through, sending a beam of light right onto the gazebo, instantly warming her up. She felt as the air started to move around her and she turned back to the bench as Jasmine appeared, in the same spot she had left, only now she had her mother with her. Her mother turned her head to her and put her hand up to her mouth.

  “Oh Gods, she is changing” she said to Jasmine, who nodded in response. Her mother walked up to her and took her hand.

  “It is time to show you the Other World, so that you may finish the change” she said to her pulling her out of the gazebo and into the field of orange flowers. Her mother looked up at the sky and had an odd look on her face.

  “Did you conjure the sun? It was just raining wasn’t it?” she asked her.

  Abby nodded, and for the first time since she started to change, she started to feel her nakedness.

  “Yes, I just pointed to the sky and told it I wanted some sun, and I got it.”

  Her mother looked at her with new eyes, “You are powerful already, now I am certain you were destined to be queen” she told her, a look on her face of pure happiness.

  “Now, it is time for you to learn to open the portal into the Other World. Jasmine has already told me you see the flowers as orange. This is a good thing, the magic is definitely inside of you. Now I need you to go to the edge of the flowers and pick one of the orange ones.”

  She let go of Abby’s hand as she walked into the flowers she reached down, pulling out the largest one she could find, and walked back over to her mother. Her mother nodded her approval.

  “Very good, now I will tell you what to do. Hold up the flower in front of your mouth and say to it, open the door for me, Other World, as it is my right through the magic that runs in my veins. Then blow on the flower, sending the words out, and the portal should open for you” she explained to her.

  Abby did exactly as she was told, and nearly gasped as she blew the flower and it disappeared right out of her hand, opening up a tall line of light right in front of her. She looked over at her mother and after she nodded, walked into the beam of light.

  Chapter 16

  As Abby walked into the light, she was blinded for a second, and was unable to see anything but the whiteness of it, but she kept walking. She walked until her eyes suddenly adjusted to everything around her. She was in a beautiful place, and she looked around in awe at her new surroundings. There were so many colors around her that she almost couldn’t tell where one color ended and another began. They all blended together, making everything literally shine in a rainbow color.

  She looked out into the distance and marveled at the tallest mountains she had ever seen, jutting up into the clouds that were unlike anything in the mortal world. The clouds were a shining gold, and looked too heavy to sit up in the sky, which looked more purple than the blue she was used to. She looked over to her left and saw, very far away, what looked like a white castle, just like the ones you see in fairy tales.

  She noticed the people around her, some were walking and speaking softly to one another, and others were actually flying a few feet above the ground with beautiful wings in pastel colors attached to their backs. Every one of the women were wearing flowing dresses in pastel colors, and she thought to herself that she wished she was wearing a beautiful dress like that too.

  Her body became warm and she looked down and as she watched a pastel green dress, just like the ones the other women were wearing floated onto her body, fitting her perfectly. She suddenly felt happier than she could ever remember before, and grabbed the flowing skirt of her dress and danced in circles, her bare feet practically massaged by the soft flowers underneath her.

  She was still giggling and spinning when her mother appeared before her with Jasmine by her side. She gasped when she saw Jasmine, as she had changed quite a bit in the few seconds since she had seen her in the gazebo. She was also wearing a pastel dress like hers, only it was in a soft pink. That was not what had surprised her though, and she walked up to her to get a better look. Her ears had become long and pointy, and she had wings, like the ones she saw on the people that were flying. Only hers were much larger, and instead of being soft pastel colors, as were the others, hers were hot pink, and looked as though they were slightly glowing.

  She remembered that her mother had told her she was a faerie, but she didn’t expect her to look anything like this. As if hearing her thoughts Jasmine smiled.

  “This is my true form. I cannot change my looks in the Other World, only in the mortal one. I am sorry if this startles you.”

  Abby giggled, “Startled me? I think you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Your wings are perfection, I wish I had some like that.”

  Jasmine nodded, “Yes, I am a faerie princess, and my mother was supposed to be queen before my aunt took over her throne, when she mated with a god. That is why I stay away from this world as much as possible, but I can make an exception for you my dear.”

  Abby smiled and looked back over at her mother, who was looking into the distance at the large castle.

  “Are you ready for me to show you more of the Other World?” her mother asked her, never taking her eyes off of the castle.

  Abby nodded, and Aine took her hand and they started to walk forward.

  They walked straight toward the castle, in silence at first looking all around her at the sights that seemed a bit unnatural at first, but as she looked they started to feel more real than anything she had ever seen before. Finally her mother started talking.

  “First we will take you to the castle, as it is yours by birthright, even though we will surely have to fight Elysia to get it back.”

  She looked over at her mother, “Who is Elysia?” she asked her.

  Jasmine spoke up, “She is the Faerie Queen, my aunt, the one who would like that the gods didn’t exist.” Abby started to ask another question but her mother started to speak again.

  “It is there that you will someday rule the Other World, and where you will live. It is situated in the center of the Other World, and from there you can see then entire kingdom. It is the best place for you to see what will be yours someday.”

  Abby’s heart started to pound at the thought of being a queen and ruling anything.

  “Isn’t Elysia there? I mean she is the queen right now right?” she asked, feeling nervous for the first time since stepping through the portal.

  Her mother squeezed her hand, “No dear, she is not there. The castle was built by Zeus himself for the first queen of the Other World, and it has many enchantments upon it. Only a God shall position themselves upon the throne inside the walls, and only a God shall enter. Jasmine can enter only because she has a God’s blood running through her veins, otherwise she would not be able to even get past the gates. I will explain more once we are inside, Elysia no doubt already knows that you are here, she has spies everywhere” her mother explained.

  They continued to walk in silence until Abby noticed a creature that was so odd looking; she had to ask them what it was. It was very short, probably only came to her knees, and looked almost human, except for its skin, which was a grayish green color.

  “What is that?” she asked, not caring who was listening.

  Jasmine laughed, “That is a dwarf, one of the magical creatures that live here in the Other World. It is not very common for them to be out in the open this way normally” she explained.

  “They usually live under the ground, mostly near the mountains, but that one seems young, so he may be lost” she continued. Suddenly, they stopped walking.

  “We are here at the gates of the castle.” Aine said, as she reached out her hand into what seemed like mid-air.

  Abby looked around, they were on the bank of a large river with water so blue, it looked nearly impossible to be rea
l. Beyond the river was a thick forest with only the tip of the large castle visible above the trees. Abby looked over at Jasmine and noticed that she was looking at her and smiling.

  “You looked confused Abby” she said with a small chuckle. Her mother looked back to her.

  “I’m sorry dear, I keep forgetting that you have never been here before. In order to see the bridge, you have to use your magic. I think this is a good opportunity for you to test yours out a little bit. Don’t you think Jasmine?” she asked.

  Jasmine nodded and leaned over to her ear, “Okay Abby you need to put your hands out in front of you, and in your mind you need to think about getting to the castle. Remember to think about it being your birthright from the blood in your veins, just like you did to the entrance of the Other World” she said softly.

  Abby looked over at her mother, who had just put her hands down, and walked forward to the edge of the river. She put her hands out in front of her and closed her eyes and she wished she could get into the castle. As soon as the thoughts crossed her mind, she suddenly felt something in her hand, and it felt a lot like a rope. She gasped and looked over at Jasmine.

  “Good” she said, “Now pull it toward you and the bridge will open.”

  Abby took a deep breath and she pulled the invisible rope, and suddenly it was as though a giant curtain had been lifted and where there was nothing before was suddenly a huge bridge in front of her. The invisible rope disappeared out of her hand and she stood there gaping at what she had just done. The bridge was larger than anything she had ever seen, arching up into the sky and back down farther than she could see.

  The bridge shone in the light, and looked as though it were made of pure silver, with bright colored jewels running through the hand rails. She watched as her mother and Jasmine started to walk across the bridge, so she took a deep breath and stepped forward.


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