by Tre Angel
‘ … there’s a pipe sticking out of the wall’
‘Ouch!’ she gasped.
‘That sounded painful, you OK?’
‘Yes, I think so, fuck that hurt … excuse my French!’
Her swearing took me a bit by surprise as all evening she’d been very polite and nice.
‘Let’s get you upstairs and make sure you’re OK’
I opened my front door, put the hall light on and held her around the waste as it seemed like she had twisted or knocked her ankle by the way she was moving.
‘These stairs are quite steep, you go first and I’ll follow behind, just in case’
She moved in front of me and slowly walked up the stairs, I could see she was in a bit of pain. As I was following behind her, her handbag was resting on her bum, it was open and she must have forgotten to shut it with the last call. I couldn’t help but glance inside it as it was practically under my nose. As I did I went rather cold.
‘What the fuck’ I said to myself inside my head.
Sitting just inside her bag was a warrant card; I knew what one of those looked like through my ventures with Brenda. My instant thoughts were …
‘She’s a fucking copper’
‘What’s going on here?’
‘That’s why she was cagey all night about her job’
‘So, who was that on the phone?’
‘I need to be very careful here’
‘I bet it’s to do with those fucking drugs’
‘What do I do now?’
With that we reached the top of the stairs’
‘You OK?’ I asked.
‘Yes, I will be when I sit for a bit’
‘OK, let’s get you inside then’
I helped her inside and sat her on my couch.
‘I’ll get the poof and you can put your foot up’
‘Thanks that will be great’
I grabbed the poof, lifted her leg and rested it on it. As I did I got an eyeful of her knickers … c’mon Toj … sort yourself out here … just keep it cool … get her a drink … have some chit chat … get her a cab and get her the fuck out of here, were my instant thoughts.
‘OK, I’ll get you that coffee’
‘I don’t suppose you have anything stronger?’
‘Errmm … are you sure, my thoughts were maybe I should get you a cab’
‘I could really use a drink’ she replied.
‘Vodka and orange … shit I don’t have any orange … I’ve got lemonade?’
‘Make it a large one please and …’
‘Easy on the lemonade’ we both said together.
She laughed … I couldn’t as I was thinking at warp factor nine, trying to work out what to do.
‘You having one Toj?’
‘Err … well … OK then’
‘You OK’ she asked.
‘Yes, just a little shaken with your fall’ I said, which wasn’t the reason at all.
‘I’m fine, honest, it’s just a bruise, it’ll be fine … look’
As she said that she lifted her leg and revolved her ankle.
‘See … it’s fine … so, where’s those drinks then!’
‘Coming up’ I said looking right up her amazing tanned leg she was wafting in the air and thinking … I wish!
As I was pouring the drinks I started to think back over the evening, what was said, etc. She did ask a lot of questions about me, how long I worked at the club, and stuff like that … and … thinking about it she always seemed to change the subject somehow when I asked anything about her … typical plod! I just didn’t know what to do here, so I thought I’d just go with the flow and see what occurs. THEN … I thought, hang on here, if I go for the shag she will either shy away from it which will hopefully be uncomfortable, then I’ll get her a cab and fuck her off … OR … I get the shag and my balls were definitely up for that … then I’ll take it from there. Bollocks … what to do … fuck it … I want to fuck her … cock rules!
I walked back into the lounge holding the drinks. She had made herself very comfortable by lying on the couch stretched out; she sat up a little as I walked in.
‘Right, here we are two large ones … well three if you count what I’m packing’
She didn’t reply.
I gave her the drink and started to walk towards the chair as she had taken the whole couch.
‘Squeeze on here, there’s room for two’ she said.
‘You sure?’
‘Yes, I’m sure’ she replied.
She shuffled up and I squeezed alongside her, it was very cosy and my cock started to get hard … it was on magnificent form beautifully positioned … there was no way Donna couldn’t see it … or feel it as I moved about pushing her right back into the couch to get enough room for myself.
‘Bottoms up!’ I said.
We chinked glasses and both downed the drinks in one.
‘Can I have another’ she asked.
‘Sure, same again coming up!’
I stumbled off the couch and went to the kitchen to pour more drinks’
‘Shall I bring the bottle in?’ I shouted from the kitchen.
‘Good idea!’ she shouted back.
As said, I’m just going with the flow and if that involves fucking her, so be it, I thought.
I walked back into the lounge with the glasses, the vodka and the lemonade. Now, I don’t miss much, but if I’m not mistaken she had lifted her skirt up a lot higher than before … and she had unbuttoned her top more.
‘Here we are, that’ll be two large one’s’
‘Three if you count that!’ she replied glancing at my cock with a huge smile on her face.
‘Wanna see it?’ I asked.
Remember, he (or she) who talks first loses.
I just stared at her, there was that wonderful long silence, she started to blush a little, there was no way I was going to say anything, I put the glasses and bottles on the floor and walked slowly towards her … my cock was fucking big, stretching every stitch in my fuck jeans … and as she was laying on the couch my cock was just a few inches above her head … I just stood there … she was looking at me trying so hard not to look at it … we gazed at each other for what seemed forever … her little blush became a deep red blush … I could sense she was really torn … still silence … then …
‘Can I have my drink’ she said softly.
I turned and poured the drinks from the floor, trebles … fuck it. I handed her the drink, she downed it in one again … it was a strong drink and I could see her eyes watering … they’ll be more than watering when I get this inside you I thought, I still said nothing and just stood there with my beautiful cock almost in her face. She lent over, her hair brushed my cock and put the empty glass on the floor and as she lifted her head she gazed into my eyes. I bent down and went for the kiss, she obliged, here we go! She pulled me onto her, I was now laying on top of her, we kissed passionately, I lifted myself and unbuttoned her top, got her bra undone and kissed her tits, gorgeous pert tits … lovely! She started to unzip my jeans, I then moved down and took her knickers off, her legs were now wide open, she is very fit, those legs are … fuck it, I pulled my jeans down and my cock flew out, she wanted to see it and lifted her head, I moved forward towards her and started to kiss her again and with my right hand I eased my cock into her gently about four or five inches … she gasped … I then pushed it in another four inches or so … she gasped again.
‘Want it all!’ I said.
Her eyes opened wide, semi shocked, semi excited.
‘Say fuck me Toj’ I whispered in her ear.
I started to ease it out.
I almost took it right out.
‘Stop’ she said.
I took it out and started to rub her love button with the end of my cock, gently moving between that and the lips of her fanny, this sent her over the top. She was so turne
d on, I kept this going, her fanny was totally soaked and loving it, she breathed faster and faster and faster and … she came … it was like a geezer coming … loads of it oozed out of her … I pushed my cock right in … all of it and started to fuck her hard … she was loving it … she never said a word, just had her arms around my neck which were getting tighter and tighter with each push … I was now in full swing and pumping her very hard … I could feel her tightening up inside, she was going to come again … she did and I felt all of it on my cock … that did it for me … I fucking let go of all my spunk right up her … I just kept coming and coming … so much it was spilling out of her even before I pulled it out … oh, man what an amazing fuck!
We lay side by side catching our breath, I put my arm under neck and she snuggled into me, we both fell asleep.
‘Alright, alright, listen up … Adams that means you too’
‘Yes sir, sorry’
‘OK, so let’s recap Operation Bluebell. So far we know the drugs are in the town and we believe they are somehow connected to Zara’s Bar. Detective Seargent Mitchell has been working undercover and has now made contact with the assistant manager called ‘Tojjer’.
Laughter and jeering breaks out in the room.
‘OK, OK, his real name is Greg Reynolds, he’s 43 and he has been working at the club for a short time, around eight or nine weeks. Our checks show he has nothing previous. Detective Seargent Helen Mitchell is working under the name of Donna and met with Reynolds last night, she will now brief us’
‘Thank you sir. I met with Tojjer …’
Cheers and laughter break out again.
‘ … as I said I met with Tojjer and I will continue to call Reynolds by his nickname to avoid any slip ups, let’s call him Toj for short shall we. I originally made contact with him in the club. We had a conversation and exchanged numbers. Fortunately he contacted me first which led to the meeting last night. We know he works as the assistant manager. I’m detailed to keep the relationship going so I didn’t probe too deeply (and as she said that her thoughts were … HE DID!). No further meeting has been arranged, I will give it a couple of days and make contact if he hasn’t called me’.
‘Thank you Helen’ said Detective Chief Inspector Hardingham as he moved back to the front.
‘At this point we’re looking to find out all we can re Zara’s through Mitchell. The information we have is from a decent source but we’re still not sure if Zara’s is involved or not, hopefully we’ll find out more from Reynolds. We still need to find David Rogers as we believe he is directly connected to our prime target. So, we need to keep working hard to find him. We know he’s in the town. Right, you all have your jobs, let’s get to it’
DCI Hardingham walks back to his office and the team get back to their duties.
‘I hear you stayed the night!’ said Paul a Detective Seargent.
‘Yes, I took a fall and sprained my ankle, I had a few drinks and fell asleep, gotta problem?’ said Helen (Donna).
‘You will have if …’
‘Look Paul I know your Dans bessy mate but he’s now history, I got that fucking bastard out of my life for good … and you can tell him that from me … oh, and add he can go fuck himself!’
‘Yeah, as if, he might be a friend but he still out ranks me’ chuckled Paul.
‘Look, Dans move is due in the next few weeks so I’d appreciate it if this undercover information is kept well away from him, you’re the only one that could blab so do me a big favour and keep it shut … OUCH!, I just twisted my fucking ankle again … do me a favour and just piss off!’
Paul walks away from the conversation with a huge grin on his face.
‘You OK?’ said Joanne another Detective from the team.
‘I will be when Dan eventually moves to Essex and his bum chum Paul gets off my fucking case … fucking creep!’
‘How’s the ankle?’
‘Fucking sore, I just twisted it again’
‘So, what’s Reynolds … Toj like then?’
‘He’s fine, I can handle him, he’s actually a decent fella from what I know so far … which isn’t a lot … I’ll keep you posted’
‘Did you know Dan was seeing Trisha?’
‘Really? No, I didn’t know … Trisha … that’s a turn up for the books, still tits, arse and lipstick … is she still as thick as I remember … actually thinking about it that’s a perfect match for that arsehole … which doesn’t actually say a lot for me does it!’
‘Look, everyone knew he was definitely punching above his weight with you … and you lasted eleven years?’
‘Eleven fucking years … what was I thinking … still, that bastard is now history!’
Helen (Donna) picks up her stuff and leaves the office. On her way to her car her phone rings, she can see it’s Toj calling.
‘Hiya’ she said.
‘Hiya … just called to see how the ankle was’
‘It was getting better but I just twisted it again in the office so I’m taking the rest of the day off’
Now, I’m thinking, it’s my day off too and it was a fucking good shag last night and although I know she’s a copper maybe I’m being a bit paranoid about this drugs stuff … am I? Shit, I just don’t know what to do.
‘Toj, you still there, it’s gone silent’
‘Yes, still here … err … do you … oh, don’t worry’
‘No, go on, what were you going to say’ said Donna.
‘Nothing … it’s OK’
‘Sorry, not letting you off until you tell me what you was about to say’
‘Well … I was going to say …’
I paused.
‘Toj, what you doing today?’ she interrupted.
‘Nothing, why?’
‘Neither am I … fancy do nothing together?’
Fuck it, I thought, in for a penny, in for a pound!
‘Yeah … sounds good to me … where do you fancy doing nothing’ I said.
‘Your place is nearest’ said Donna.
‘OK, you know where I am’
‘I’ll be there in about half an hour, just got to make a stop somewhere’
OK, I’ve done it now so might as well make the best of it. Jump in the shower quick, then I’ll nip over to the shop and get some goodies, couple of choccy bars and a tub of posh Italian ice cream … always works!
My door bell buzzes and I pick up the intercom phone
‘It’s me!’
‘OK, push the door when it buzzes’
‘Hello?’ said Donna as she walks up the stairs and pushes my front door.
‘Come in, I’m just in the kitchen putting the kettle on’
‘Have you got coffee?’ said Donna.
‘Yes, got coffee, how do you take it?’ I called back.
‘White, two sugars please’
‘Make yourself comfy, you know where the sofa is … take your shoes off … and your knickers!’ I called out.
‘Cheeky bastard!’
I walked back into the lounge with the drinks. Donna was standing there waving her knickers in the air! We both laughed.
‘You’ve got a great sense of humour Donna … luv it!
‘So have you Toj!’
I put the drinks down on the table and started kissing Donna … she kissed right back … passionately … this time I walked her backwards while we were still kissing into the bedroom and fell on the bed on top of her. She pushed me over onto my back and unzipped me. She pulled out my enormous throbbing cock and gave me an awesome blow job. She was just loving it … seemed like she hadn’t been fucked properly for yonks and was making up for it … me no complain! The wank and blow job was doing the trick …!
‘That’s fucking amazing, shit … you’d better stop or …!
Too late I came in her mouth. I love a shag but a good b
low job and coming in the birds mouth is definitely on a par … and in some cases … this one for instance … BETTER!
‘Oh, fuck that was great … fucking great! I said.
Donna looked at me and replied and as she did all the spunk dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin. She and I found it hilarious and the more she laughed the more spunk came out of her mouth which made us laugh even more. She then grabbed the bottom of my T Shirt and wiped her mouth, chin and neck on it … the rest she swallowed!
‘Where’s your bathroom?’ she asked.
‘Second door on the right’
Donna went into the bathroom to freshen up. I called out to her.
‘You hungry, do you fancy something to eat?’
‘I’ve just had good nosh!’ she replied chuckling away.
I grabbed the now cold coffees and took them into the kitchen. I called out to her again.
‘It’s OK, I’m just here’ she said making me jump.
‘Whoa … you made me jump!
‘Go and sit down, rest that ankle of yours and I’ll bring them in’
‘Yes, good idea, just what I need’
I took the coffees into the lounge.
‘I’ve got something for you … I was going to use it to sweeten you up … then I was going to fuck you but I could’ve saved my money!’
‘Cheep skate … I deserve whatever it is … by the way that’s the first time I’ve ever let anyone do that to me!’
‘You know what’
‘I thought you said you were married for what was it … eleven years?’
‘Yes I was but I never let him ever do that … I always pulled it out before … you know … as it used to make me gag at the thought of it … he hated me for that!’
‘I feel honoured!’ I said.
‘So you should … git!’
‘Sorry, I did try to warn you but it was just so amazing … it all happened so quick … great blow job though!
‘Well, what’s this surprise then?’
‘Close your eyes and I’ll get it … oi, no peeking, close ‘em tight or no surprise!’
I walked into the kitchen and got the tub of yummy ice cream out of the freezer.