Second Chance

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Second Chance Page 17

by Sawyer Bennett

  Ava was glad to hear there was no bitterness there. Carrick said that as a statement of fact, nothing more.

  “Yet, the same day you break things off with her, you and I start a love affair. We get engaged within a few months. If she was a little touched in the head, I can see why that would set her off. And, if she was looking to work her way up the social ladder, she certainly has achieved it. She has control over all of Kestevayne now.” Ava paused in reflection. “Maybe you and I were just the catalyst. She had always aspired to be at or near the top and we gave her the motivation to do it.”

  “So basically you’re saying it’s our fault?”

  “Absolutely,” Ava said with a laugh. But then she sobered. “But I have no regrets over falling in love with you. “

  Carrick didn’t respond. They remained silent as they continued to eat, both lost in their thoughts. Then Carrick broke the silence. “When you were in The First Dimension, did you have a relationship with anyone?”

  Ava finished chewing her food and swallowed. “Do you mean did I have sex with anyone?

  “No. I mean were you in love with anyone there?”

  Ava was surprised at the vehemence in his voice. “No, Carrick. I loved no one there. I think I left that behind here for you.”

  Carrick didn’t say anything and returned to his food.

  “Was there anyone else here for you?” Please let the answer be no.

  “Never anyone but you,” he said quietly.

  Ava showed no reaction but her smile on the inside was burning as bright as the First Dimension sun.

  After they finished eating, Carrick placed the tray in the hall and shut the door. After locking it, he put on a warding spell that would briefly repel anyone with malicious intent toward them, as well as give them an alarm. That would give them a chance to prepare for any attack.

  He turned to Ava. “We should get a good night’s sleep. We have a big day ahead of us.”

  “That we do,” Ava replied. “But that big tub over there just looks too good to pass up and a hot soak would really work out the kinks in my muscles. All that riding with no breaks takes a toll on the body.”

  Ava walked over to the tub and waved her hand, calling forth the elements. Hot water started rising in the tub.

  “Your magic is coming back to you powerfully,” Carrick observed.

  “Every day here I feel it coursing through me stronger and stronger.” Ava waved her hand over the tub again and the water stopped. “Would you care to join me?”

  Carrick shook his head no and turned his back on her. He took off his breastplates and shirt, having removed his boots earlier. Leaving his pants on, he crawled into the bed and lay on his back.

  Ava turned her back to him so, if he wanted, and she bet he did, he could watch with full immunity. She slowly removed her clothes. She even took her time to do a quick cleansing spell on them, folding them neatly and laying them on the table. She took out a hair tie, and arranged her hair on top of her head so it wouldn’t get wet.

  Although she couldn’t see him, she could feel the heat of Carrick’s stare on her back. It made her body tingle all over. She stepped into the hot tub and groaned with satisfaction. She leaned back just enough to immerse herself up to her chin, but then sat back up again so her breasts could be seen…if Carrick felt the need to look. And she bet he did.

  Ava picked up the soap that was lying in a basket beside the tub along with some towels, and leisurely started to wash herself. She took her time, doing her arms and then her legs. As she started smoothing the soap over her breasts, she risked a quick glance over at Carrick.

  Her breath caught. He was now lying on his side, watching her, eyes glittering with intensity. Ava swallowed hard. Her original plan was to draw the bath out so that Carrick would pounce on her when she got out. By the look on his face, he was ready to do some pouncing and she was more than ready to get pounced on. Still, she decided to stay in the tub. Make him suffer a bit since he had ignored her for the last day and a half. She continued leisurely rubbing the frothy suds up and down her body.

  “Enough, Ava,” Carrick snarled. “Get out of the bath.”

  Ava knew he meant that to sound recriminating, but all she heard was desire and frustration laced in his demand. Not even thinking to argue, Ava incanted the soap off her body and scrambled out of the tub. She pulled forth a steady magical breeze and wrapped her body in it. She was dry by the time it took her to walk across to the bed.

  Carrick watched her like a hawk. She could see the desire etched all over his face, and it was a heady feeling indeed. When she reached the edge of the bed, she pulled her hair tie out, giving her head a small shake, so her chestnut locks fell around her shoulders. Carrick didn’t hesitate and pulled her down on top of him.

  “I know you did that little bath routine just to get me riled up.” Ava loved how that accusation came out in a growl.

  “Did it work?”

  Taking her hand, he guided it to his erection. Her fingers squeezed reflexively and he pushed into her hand. “You know it did.”

  Ava laughed softly and Carrick pulled her mouth down to his. She expected by the look in his eyes and the demand in his voice that he would devour her. But his kiss was surprisingly soft and gentle. Ava opened up to him and sighed.

  Carrick leisurely explored her mouth, his hands stroking softly up and down her back. His tongue swirled with hers, setting a slow pace. He would move his lips off hers to softly kiss up and down her neck. Then he would return to her mouth and pay it exquisite care all over again. Ava was lost in all that was Carrick. His touch, his taste, his smell. If she could stay like this the rest of her life, she would never need anything else.

  While his hands never strayed to her pleasure points, Ava still felt tension winding up. This soft side of Carrick ramped her desire up to a new level. If he doesn’t make love to me soon, I’m going to die.

  Carrick must have heard her thoughts because he rolled over so he was on top of her. While he continued to kiss her slowly, deliciously, Ava undid his pants and used her hands and legs to kick them down and off him. She moved her legs apart and Carrick settled in. Ava wound her arms around his neck and laced her fingers in his hair. Never taking his mouth from Ava’s, Carrick rolled his hips until his erection was nudging her entrance.

  With small moves, Carrick pushed in and out, going a bit farther each time. Ava’s breath started hitching, and she kept expecting him to slam his way home at some point. But he never did. He slowly worked his way into her, taking his sweet time, until he was fully seated. Then he began a slow mating of their bodies, gently kissing her the entire time.

  Ava let her hands roam over Carrick’s shoulders and back. She grabbed his hips, hoping to encourage him to go faster. But Carrick wouldn’t be swayed. He moved in and out of her with such gentleness, it brought tears to her eyes. It was the softest she had seen Carrick since her return and it made Ava’s heart melt.

  Ava gave in to the slow rhythm and her hips undulated in unison with his. They rocked together, softly, quietly, until they both exploded into ecstasy, never having lifted their mouths from each other. Even after they both drifted back to reality, they continued to kiss, their soft sighs the only sound in the room. Finally, Carrick lifted his mouth from hers, placing one last kiss on the tip of her nose. He rolled to his side, taking Ava with him. He was still deep inside her when they fell into an exhausted sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.


  The next morning dawned quickly. Ava’s first thoughts when she awoke were of the way Carrick made love to her the previous night. She was positive she would open her eyes to him looking down at her with unrequited love. Instead, she turned and noticed he was gone from the bed. Scanning the room, she saw him sitting at the table, fully dressed and watching her. His face was a mask of impassivity and his lips were set in a grim line. So much for that little fantasy.

  “I don’t suppose I could encourage you to come back to bed for
a bit?”

  “We have to get going. I was just about to wake you anyway.”

  Ava sighed to herself. What was it going to take to get him to warm up completely? He was full of love and passion when they were in bed together, but past that, Carrick acted as if they were nothing more than close acquaintances. It was driving her nuts but she also knew that Carrick was the type of man who could not be pushed into anything. He had to arrive on his own. She would just have to continue to provide a little encouragement along the way.

  Ava and Carrick ate breakfast down in the inn hall then saddled up their horses. Before they left, they asked the innkeeper about Hephastus and got a reaction they had not expected.

  “Absolutely I know Heph. Terrific fellow. He comes into town quite regularly and always stops by here for a meal and friendly talk.”

  Carrick must have been gaping at the innkeeper. “You are talking about Hephastus Clairmont, right?”

  “Yes,” Ava added quickly. “He’s my uncle and we are here to visit him.”

  The innkeeper must not have known that Hephastus was related to the House of Clairmont in Kestevayne as he didn’t mention it or seem to defer to Ava as royalty. That was perfectly fine for Ava and Carrick. They wanted to keep a low profile.

  Ava continued. “My husband and I are enjoying some honeymoon travels through these lovely mountains, and I remembered Uncle Hephastus lived here. I wanted to stop in and see him if it wasn’t too far out of our way.”

  The innkeeper was only too happy to provide directions. Hephastus didn’t live but a few miles out of town. Ava and Carrick thanked and complimented the innkeeper on his hospitality, and rode out.

  Not long after they left sight of the town, Carrick and Ava were met on the roadway by one of Carrick’s soldiers. He reported that they had been sending out scouting parties in all directions and there had been no sightings of any of Ralina’s forces. Carrick directed the man to have his troops station themselves around Hephastus’ home, at least a quarter of a mile away in all directions. He would call on them if help was needed. The soldier left to do Carrick’s bidding.

  “Have you given any thought to the approach you want to take with your uncle,” Carrick asked.

  “I was thinking something along the lines of, ‘we come in peace, please do not smite us with your blood mojo’.”

  Carrick snorted.

  “Actually, I think we should just ride up as if we were coming for a visit. And hope that he really is just the good ol’ Heph that the villagers in Avery all know and love.”

  Carrick didn’t say anything, which meant he agreed.

  They continued the rest of the ride in silence. Ava spent the time drinking in the beauty of the Rosethorn Mountains. They were not overly large mountains, and they were currently riding in the valley. But all around there was an explosion of color. The valley meadows were abundant with wildflowers of all varieties. The colors were brilliant, almost surreal. She’d seen plenty of flowered meadows in Wyoming, but they couldn’t compare to the beauty of the Vyronasian landscape. The trees smothering the mountains were also ablaze. Not only with the lovely green, blue and purple leaves of the trees, but most had blooming flowers or fruits on them as well.

  And the smell…it was like sniffing serenity. In most of her known history of Vyronas, there was never much violence or conflict. It had been hundreds of years since anything like Ralina’s takeover had happened. Ava had always thought that part of the reason for the years of continued peace may have been from the natural beauty their world provided. It was hard to be evil, violent and greedy when its residents were surrounded in utter peace and harmony by the elements.

  Reveling in glorious nature all around her, Ava felt more relaxed than she had in a while. Which is what she needed because if she thought about some of the fears she had been harboring over this meeting with Hephastus, she would be riding King in the other direction. The problem was, she just didn’t know what to expect, and the fear of the unknown had always given Ava heartburn.

  Carrick first spied Hephastus’ home, which sat at the edge of a meadow, surrounded by large shade trees. The mountains rose up behind his abode, providing additional shelter to his property. There was a large pond to the side of his house with an old wooden bench at the edge. Ava wondered if Hephastus spent time on that bench fishing… or practicing blood magic. Time to find out.

  As Carrick and Ava rode up to the front of the house, the door opened. A man of about fifty years of age stepped out. He was tall and lean, with dark brown hair trimmed short and warm brown eyes. He was tanned, indicating he spent a great deal of time outdoors. He had a warm smile on his face and looking at him, they had no doubt that he was King Jaron’s older brother.

  He was not what Ava had expected. Where was the crazy loon of a man that practiced dark magicks?

  “Can I help you folks with something?”

  Hephastus looked between Carrick and Ava. Then his eyes snapped back to Ava and recognition dawned. “Ava? Is that you?”

  “Hello, Uncle.” She felt very shy all of a sudden.

  “Well get down off that horse and give your uncle a hug,” Hephastus boomed.

  Ava looked at Carrick, who just shrugged his shoudlers. He looked as bewildered as Ava felt.

  Both of them dismounted and Ava approached her uncle. When she got close, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. Ava tensed up at first, but then sensed only love and security from him. No malevolence, although that surely could be hidden. Still, she found herself warming to him instantly.

  Hephastus stepped back, keeping his hands on Ava’s shoulders. He looked her up and down. Pride was in his eyes. “You have grown into a lovely woman, Ava. Jaron would have been so proud of you.”

  Ava’s eyes misted. “You speak of father in the past tense. So you know he is dead?”

  Hephastus nodded sadly. “I know much. And I suspect you have come for some answers?”

  Trying to blink back tears, Ava nodded in reply.

  Hephastus pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her, patting her on the shoulder. Carrick stepped forward and put one arm around Ava’s shoulder for comfort, and the other he extended toward Hephastus.

  “I’m Carrick Dunne. Commandant of the Royal House of Clairmont Army.”

  “I know who you are. And please, just call me Heph.” Hephastus reached out and shook Carrick’s hand. “You and Ava were always best buddies growing up I seem to remember. And I knew your father well. Good man. I was sorry to hear about his death.”

  “Thank you. He died with honor.”

  Hephastus nodded. “Well, come on in and let’s have something to drink and we can talk.”

  Carrick and Ava followed Hephastus into his house. Half expecting to see his home filled with chicken’s feet, skulls and whatever other weird stuff that might be used in dark magicks, Ava was surprised at how cheerful the interior was. He had garlic and dried peppers hanging in his kitchen window rather than chicken’s feet, and flowers on his table rather than a skull. Bright curtains framed every window and hand-woven rugs were scattered over the wooden floor.

  Ava had to giggle over her assumptions. She waved her arms around the room, indicating the lovely interior. “Uncle Heph, I’m sorry, but this is just not what I was expecting.”

  Heph chuckled. “I suppose not. I had quite the sullied reputation when I left Kestevayne. But, a man can change, can’t he?”

  Ava stole a quick glance at Carrick, who averted her gaze. “Yes, men can indeed change…if they want to.”

  Heph pulled out three large mugs from a kitchen cabinet and walked over to a wooden keg he kept in the corner. “I think a family reunion deserves a drink.” He poured three mugs of ale and everyone sat at the kitchen table.

  “How much do you know about what has happened to Kestevayne?” Carrick inquired.

  “Some,” Heph said. “We get travelers through here that pass news along. Some I’ve learned through scrying out there
in my pond. I know a woman named Ralina has delved deeply into the dark arts using blood magic. I know she murdered Jaron and Selena. I know Ava has been gone for some time, although I’m not sure where. And I know that you, Carrick, are leading an army to reclaim Kestevayne for Ava.”

  “Do you know why we are here?” Carrick asked.

  “I assume you want to know about blood magic.”

  “Yes,” Ava responded. “We need to understand Ralina before we can battle her.”

  “Well,” Heph said with a sigh, “You’ve come to the right place. I can tell you all you need to know.”

  “Before we get to that,” Carrick interrupted, “you need to assure me that you are loyal to Ava and are not practicing dark magic yourself. You need to explain why you were banished from Kestevayne and why we should trust you.”

  “Carrick!” Ava exclaimed. “That’s rude.”

  “No, Ava,” Heph said. He looked at Carrick with respect. “He’s correct. You need to understand my background for you to trust what I’m telling you.”

  Heph stood up and walked over to a plain, wooden chest standing adjacent to the kitchen wall. Opening it up, he took out a large leather-bound book. It looked fairly ordinary with no distinctive markings on the outside. It did have a buckle and lock securing the pages. Heph set the book on the table.

  “This is everything you need to know about blood magic. I’m going to give it to you. But let me give you the short version, and how I practiced magic with it.”

  Heph gave a compelling story. He told Ava and Carrick that blood magic had been around for thousands of years and had always been practiced by people who held magical abilities. The principle was very basic: Blood equaled fuel. Or in other words, the use of blood would lend more power to any spell, potion or incantation a sorcerer was attempting. This could be something as innocent as lending a drop of your blood to a protection amulet, or something as sinister as using a sacrifice for blood to raise a demon.


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