Royal Pride

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Royal Pride Page 28

by Zelda Knight

  “What did you say?”

  “Geez, Blaire. Who cares?” Melanie tugs me forward while my glare remains fixed on the bouncer.

  He slowly mouths out the words: your fun won’t last.

  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  Melanie and I make our way through the crowd. A couple bumps into us. “Blaire?” His eyes go wide.

  You’ve got to be kidding me? I yank on Melanie’s arm. “Let’s go.” I knew Miguel would show up here with some shank.

  “Fuck him, Blaire. There’s a contest that needs to be won.”

  I narrow my eyebrows. “Contest? What contest?”

  “I may have taken the liberty of entering you into a karaoke contest. The prize is an all-inclusive cruise to Bora Bora!”

  “How could you do this to me?” I yell.

  Melanie smiles nervously. “Because…I really want to go to Bora Bora.”

  Right then, the DJ announces the night’s first contestant…me.

  “Ugh, I hate you so much right now.”

  She pushes me toward the stage. “You’ll thank me later. Plus, you can show dickwad here what he’s missing.”

  “Oh, shut it, Melanie,” Miguel snarls and walks off.

  On stage, I gather my nerves and belt my heart out. The crowd cheers me on, and the frowns on Miquel and his date’s face fuel me to take things up a notch. I hop onto the bar and dance around, Coyote Ugly style. Melanie climbs onto the bar, and the crowd goes wild.

  An hour later, after an ear-bleeding showcase… the DJ announces, “Congratulations, Blaire Burkhart. You and a friend are going to Bora Bora!”

  Chapter Two


  Melanie and I fly in early and take a shuttle to the port to drop off our luggage at the cruise terminal, where we are kindly greeted by porters. Entering the cruise terminal, we go through airport-style security to check our carry-on bags and walk through a metal detector. At the end, a lady in uniform hands us a health questionnaire to fill out.

  “Any health concerns?”

  “Not getting enough di—”

  “Melanie,” I groan. “Can you act like a girl with some class, for once?”

  “Jesus, if I knew I was going on a cruise with Mother Theresa, I would have pretended to be sick or something.”

  I shake my head and go back to answering the rest of the questions.

  After the security checkpoint, the staff directs us to a line to check-in for our cruise. I pull out our proof of citizenship from my carry-on and hand it over. Our pictures are taken, and soon after, they issue us our cruise card, charge card, and room key.

  “Ugh, this is taking forever. I'm ready to get shitfaced already,” Melanie groans.


  We arrive at the waiting area for the ship behind a long line of eager passengers. The line begins to dwindle, and once we approach the gangway, the ship’s photographer offers to take our photo in front of “The Golden Goddess.”

  “Yes, we want to remember every moment of this trip,” Melanie's voice reaches a new octave.

  “I'm sure you do.” The photographer's smirk is laced with mischief, and suddenly, my abdomen clinches with dread. Frozen on the spot I’m standing, I continue to stare at him, unsure of what to do. His smirk widens, the malicious intent in his gaze intensifying his eyes to a deeper shade of blue. They mock my fear, signaling off an alarm inside me. Maybe this is a terrible idea? Or perhaps I am reading this all wrong? I can’t decide—I just know something doesn’t feel right.

  “Blaire, are you feeling okay? You look pale suddenly.” Melanie caresses her hand against my forehead. “My goodness, you're burning up. We should get you on board and out of this sun ASAP.”

  The photographer says, “Certainly. The staff will take excellent care of her. Have a wonderful time, ladies?” He moves away from the gate, allowing us to pass.

  However, I remain glued to the port. “Maybe we should go home, Melanie. I've never heard of this cruise line before.” Looking back at the line of passengers, I realize they’re predominantly female girls around our age.

  “Don't be ridiculous.” Melanie cranks on my arm, but I still refuse to budge an inch.

  “Get on or get the hell out of our way. You're holding up the line.” A blonde behind us screeches at the top of her lungs.

  The sound of her voice unlocks the tension in my muscles, and with a gulp, I swallow my fear, following Melanie aboard.

  Our cabin isn’t ready yet, so we make our way through the atrium and head to the restaurant.

  “What the hell was that back there?” Melanie glares as she plants her rear on the barstool.

  “I don't know. I just have a feeling something is off about this whole thing. Haven't you noticed all the passengers are women, and all the staff are men? Like...seriously buff men?” I whisper.

  “And your point is...? What's so alarming about seriously sexy and buff men?” A shirtless waiter walks by, and instantly, I've lost her attention. “Damn, please tell me he is on the menu.”

  I groan, punching her in the arm. “Are you even listening to a word I am saying? I think we are in danger.”

  “Well, if danger looks like him, I'll risk it.” She cocks her head to get a better look at his ass.

  “Ugh, forget it.” I flag down the bartender, who is also not wearing a shirt. “I'll have a shot of tequila.”

  Melanie snaps her head of curls back around. “Now, we are talkin'. I'll have the same, handsome.”

  The bartender winks and goes about preparing our shots then slides them our direction with a saltshaker and two limes.

  We raise our shot glasses, and Melanie shouts, “To Bora Bora or bust.”

  I reluctantly repeat, wet the back of my hand with my tongue, and pour on the salt before licking it off. I notice the waiter licking his lips simultaneously with ours. So does Melanie, and she teases him by sticking her tongue out even further to make small circles on her hand until she has licked up all the salt.

  No longer enthused, I down my shot and shove the wedge of lime into my mouth. The citrus taste simmers down the burn in my throat.

  An announcement sounds over the intercom that our cabin is ready, and I hop off the stool. Grabbing a hold on Melanie's arm, she pulls me back and leaves the waiter a generous tip along with her number.

  “I'll be seeing you later, handsome.” She blows him a kiss.

  He catches her air kiss in his hand and runs his hand down the length of his chest.

  My mouth twists in disgust. “Gaw, we've been here all of five minutes, and you’re already picking up guys.”

  She giggles. “I plan to make the most of this vacation. I suggest you do too.”

  “Making the most of this vacation doesn't have to involve sleeping with every guy you meet.”

  “Oh, loosen up. I won't sleep with every guy. Just the hottest ones,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  We round the corridor to find another attractive man holding our luggage. “Welcome, Misses Burkhart and Vanhousan, I'm Marcel, your butler.” He sets down our luggage and kisses the tops of our hands. “Allow me to get you settled in.” He opens the door to our cabin to reveal an opulent space trimmed with gold. The sophistication of color seamlessly blends with the high-quality wood and marble finishes throughout. “Our Goddess Suite comes with two bedrooms, one bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, kitchenette, and mini-bar.” He grins as he sets down our bags.

  “Holy shit, Blaire. This place is nicer than our apartment. I'm gonna talk with the parental units about this.” Melanie walks over to pull open the curtain. “My God, this view.”

  “The muster drill is scheduled in an hour, so I would recommend getting everything unpacked before then or after dinner at 7 p.m.”

  After the drill and welcoming dinner, all the ladies and wait staff gather on the deck. The horn blows, signaling our cast off. We can feel the vibrations from the engine below us as we sail into the unknown. The sensation and t
he breeze flowing through the air have me beaming with excitement and nervousness. The ship pulls away from the port, and “Celebrate” by the Black Eyed Peas blasts over the speakers.

  Melanie snatches my hand in hers and guides me to the front of the ship. The sun casts over the deep blue ocean. People on the pier wave goodbye as we travel forward, heading to Bora Bora: a place described as magical and full of intrigue, with beauty and a promise of romance. Something my heart seeks—the chance of finding love on a cruise is slim, but it doesn't stop me from hoping. I look over to my best friend squeezing my hand. Melanie is right. I need to make the most of this vacation. I decide to leave my worries behind me, including Miguel. He belongs in the past.

  The cheering from the crowd pulls our attention to behind us. The fountain in the center of the dock is now glowing with color as clear liquid waterfalls down. The wait staff hand out champagne glasses with cut strawberries in them. Our eyes light up, and we race to the fountain before the line becomes unbearable.

  Melanie and I make our way to the dance floor inside where it’s less crowded. Showing up the other girls dancing, we're soon dripping with sweat, so we leave the dance floor and sit down at the bar to have another drink. “Two Peach Pleasures, please.”

  “Hmm. Is someone feeling a bit frisky tonight?” Melanie winks, rubbing her clammy arm against mine.

  I shrug. “Maybe a little bit.” My mouth fails me, and a mischievous smirk spreads over my face.

  “Okay, Miss Coy, I’ve got you. Let's play Dare or Dare.”

  “Melanie, no. You always make me do something I could go to jail for. Just no.”

  The bartender hands us our beautifully crafted drinks with a cherry and an umbrella in them.

  “I promise. I'll go easy on you.”

  “Okay, fine. But first, I need to down this entire drink.”

  A laugh erupts from Melanie's chest as I take a large gulp. The peach schnapps, gin, and orange go down smoothly, leaving an unforgettable and delicious taste on my buds, which tingle for more.

  “So, are you ready?”

  “No but dare away.”

  She smirks. “I dare you to french kiss the next guy that walks into this bar. You have until midnight.”

  I glance at the wall clock behind the bar. My heart jumps. It's 10:55 p.m. “Seriously? It can’t just be a peck on the cheek?” I shudder, but at least I don't have to streak across town in broad daylight. My parents will never let me live that down.

  She shakes her head, giggling. “Nope. All tongue, Miss Thang.”

  “Bitch.” I roll my eyes and down the rest of my drink.

  The energy suddenly shifts in the atmosphere, a crushing blow to my chest. The chatter around us quickly dies, forcing Melanie and me to crane our necks to see what has everyone so speechless. Instantly, my eyes lock onto a man rippling with muscles, his creamy skin—the color of cinnamon is kissed with tribal tattoos and a radiant glow. Fuck me. He has the most gorgeous shade of amber eyes. They call to me, compelling, breaking me down slowly, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to keep my limbs from shaking. Mr. Gorgeous walks into the room and fills the place with his Godlike presence, almost as if he owns everyone’s soul.

  “I think I just came,” Melanie whispers.

  I look down to find her clenching her thighs together. Jesus!

  He moves through the crowd with ease, nodding to a few people as he walks by. Oh, my God! He’s heading this way. I spin around on the barstool and down the last bit of my martini. Hearing his dress shoes clink across the floor, sounding closer and closer, has my heart skipping several beats at a time. I’m on the verge of losing my shit, and I can’t imagine how this must be affecting Melanie.

  A shoulder of solid muscle brushes against mine, and a shock of electricity sparks warmth in my veins. Suddenly, I am finding it hard to breathe.

  “Whiskey straight.”

  I gasp as the bass of his voice vibrates through my bones.

  “You got it, Captain.”

  What? He only looks a few years older than me. My breath falters—my muscles locking into place. I’ve never felt so terrified to look at a man in my life. I have to kiss the captain of the ship. Oh, Melanie is going to pay for this!

  The bartender raises a brow at me in tune with my uprising fear. I’m sure it’s written all over my face. “Can I…get you ladies another round?”

  “I…” I glance over to Melanie, and she appears to be worse off than me, barely able to keep herself upright on her stool. “I—”

  “Yes, they’ll have another. It’s on me,” says the mystery guy of the hour.

  “Thank you.” The words barely make it out of my mouth.

  “Is this your first time? I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before.”


  The bartender slides my drink over to me, and I catch the glass in my hand and hold on to it for dear life.

  “How about a toast?”

  Unable to speak, I nod.

  I hear the stool squeak next to me, and next thing I know, I can feel his breath against my ear. Fuck! Stay calm, Blaire. With my heart beating out of control, I close my eyes and exhale a deep breath.

  “No need to be afraid. The captain doesn’t bite. Not all the time, anyway.” His hand comes into my line of vision, and he places his finger underneath my chin. Just the slight connection of his skin on mine has my insides burning to ash. “Hey?”

  Slowly, I turn my head and link my eyes with his. Although I am trembling, I can’t tear my eyes away from him. He’s a beautiful sight—eyes shimmering with gold, exuberant of so much dominance that I feel like I should be on my knees in front of him.

  “Yes, a toast.”

  His smirk is dangerous, magnetic. As the seconds pass, I am finding it harder to deny the desire I have for him, devouring every fragment of my existence like a deadly virus. “To first times.” Holding his glass in the air, Melanie and I then clink ours with his.

  “First times,” we both say.

  Quietly downing our drinks, he steps away from the bar. “Well, ladies, duty calls. If you have any requests, please don’t hesitate to let me or my staff know.” His sexy smile, paired with his memorizing eyes, pulls me into a trance. I don’t respond as he walks away.

  What the hell just happened there? I shake off my daze.

  Melanie seems to also. “Wait…my friend here requests a kiss.” She laughs so hard she almost falls off her stool.

  I sigh when he doesn’t turn around. “I hate you so much right now.”

  “You hate me now, but you’ll thank me later. Mr. Dreamboat is out-of-this-world fine as fuck. I’m jelly.”

  “Don’t be because this dare isn’t happening.” I jump off my stool.

  She catches me by the wrist. “Don’t puss out now. The fun is just beginning. And trust me, you need this, Blaire. You’ve been wound up tightly, maybe Cap can loosen you up a bit—if you know what I mean.” She wiggles her drawn-on eyebrows.

  I rip my arm from hers. “What if we get kicked off the cruise because of this?” I wave my hands in the air. “Just no.”

  Melanie scrunches her face. “Uh, huh.”

  She grabs my hand, leading me through the throng of females and staff members letting loose. Outside, the cool breeze evaporates the sweat from my body. My gaze automatically locks onto the captain walking into the section of the ship the guide referred to as the bridge.

  “Now’s your chance.” She smacks me on the ass before pushing me forward. “Go get him, tiger.”

  I exhale a long-winded breath, mustering up some courage, and place one foot in front of the other. My heart pounds harder the closer I get to the bridge door. When I am close enough, I realize he is not alone. Damnit. I can’t do this! Turning around, I see Melanie shaking her head and motioning me to continue. She’s not going to give up on this dare if her life depends on it. With another breath, I slowly turn back around. Time to put on your big girl panties, Blaire. I knock. Immediately our eyes f
ind each other through the window. He smirks.

  “Well, hey there, first-timer.”

  I feel my cheeks heat several degrees. No one has ever had this effect on me before. But, then again, they weren’t real men. “Hey.”

  He cocks his head. “What can I do for you…?”

  “Blaire. My name is Blaire.”

  “Blaire. That’s a beautiful name. Not as beautiful as you are though.”

  “Is it in your job description to flirt with your passengers, Captain?”

  He chuckles, and my heart skips a beat. “Not only are you beautiful. You’re a feisty one too. And you can call me Dorian.”

  “Okay…Captain Dorian,” I smile like a love-struck idiot.

  “Just Dorian is fine.”

  “So…aren’t you supposed to be steering the ship or something?” I didn’t know what else to say. I’ve noticed no one is at the steering wheel, but I have no clue how things work around here. I’m initiating some small talk, and hopefully, then, I won’t be so damn nervous about trying to kiss him.

  “Would you like a tour of my domain, Blaire?” He raises an eyebrow. I’ve known this man for all of five minutes, and he makes me feel like a mindless child. The way he looks at me does things to my body I can’t explain.

  “Umm…sure.” I shrug.

  He opens the door wider, motioning me in. “My lady.”

  My lady? I like the sound of that. Oh, stop it, Blaire. You're ridiculous.

  “Take a break, fellas, while I tend to our lovely guest.”

  The men happily oblige and close the door behind him, making the room seem so much smaller than it was before. As he moves past me, I am hit with a wall of his highly intoxicating scent; it strikes me in the nostrils, and I close my eyes a moment to fully appreciate the soft yet masculine tone of it.

  “Blaire, are you, all right?”

  I feel his large hand graze across my back, and I desperately want to fall into his touch, but I resist. “Yeah, just feeling a little seasick is all.”

  “Here, have a seat.” He glides a chair across the floor, offering it to me.

  “Thank you.” I sit down while he watches my every move like a hawk.


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