Game of Fear Bundle: Rough Alien Medical BDSM

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Game of Fear Bundle: Rough Alien Medical BDSM Page 1

by Claudia Balvenie

  Fear the Alien Soldier

  Game of Fear #1


  Claudia Balvenie


  Cover: konradak, walkway fonts, destroy fonts

  Copyright 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.

  All characters are above the age of 18


  Brilliant lights flooding the room startled me into consciousness.

  I closed my eyes tightly again, trying to shut them out. I tossed an arm lazily over my eyes. My muscles ached, as if I'd had a brutal workout the day before. That's when I felt the pain was not limited to my arm, but echoed throughout my body. I tried to adjust my position, hoping to alleviate the soreness, only to realize I had fallen asleep on something hard and uncomfortable. Had I passed out on the floor? I couldn't remember going to bed the night before, what the Hell had I been drinking?

  I slowly blinked opened one eye, then the other, letting them adjust to the room's light. The ceiling didn't look familiar. I frowned, confused. I groggily sat up, cross-legged. Something wasn't right. Had I gone home with someone last night? That wasn't like me, not even drunk. Where was I?

  “Hello?” I called out. No answer. My blurred vision was receding. I was not on the floor, but rather on some sort of hard steel slab. I slid off of it to look around. My knees were unsteady, and it took a moment to get my balance. The walls were smooth and white, a material I'd never seen before. It was cool to the touch. As I traced it along each wall I felt fear begin to trickle down my spine. There were no windows and no doors, not even an edge in the perfectly formed room.

  Where the Hell was I? How had I gotten here? I searched the ceiling, wondering if I'd been lowered in when my eyes caught sight of the cameras. There were three of them, each with red blinking lights. I took a couple of steps forward, and all three followed my movement.

  OK so I was trapped in a room, with no exits, and someone was clearly watching me. I felt a scream clawing at the back of my throat. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I tried to let logic invade my brain instead of terror. There had to be a way out. I mean, I'd gotten in after all.

  I leaned against the corner furthest from the cameras. I slowly sunk down to my knees, my arms wrapped tightly around my chest. I had to think about this coherently without letting my fear overwhelm me.

  I'd gone out the night before. I'd just gotten my paycheck, meager though it was, and intended to get a couple of drinks with some friends. But they'd stood me up. I was so angry, so hurt. I had decided to enjoy myself anyway, drinking a bit too much whiskey. I remembered a man...

  What was it about him that had raised the hair on the back of my neck? He'd been dressed all in black, an old fashioned hat pulled down over his face. He was mysterious with just a hint of danger that had made me wild. If I'd been sober I'd never have gone back to his booth. If I'd only been less furious. Hell, if I'd only been less attracted to that sense of darkness.

  A soft beeping drew my attention to my wrist. There was a weird bracelet bound there. It had a large red button in the middle that blinked on and off. Immediately I felt the urge was there to press it, but I hesitated, suspicious. There was no latch, no way to remove it. It was as solid as the room.

  I began to take stock of my body, wondering if I had any other bindings there. I was only wearing a thin T-shirt and cotton panties. The shirt was too small. My breasts were straining against it. I guessed that was the desired effect. Neither article of clothing was mine. I felt repulsion rush through me in a wave. Someone had undressed me while I was out. As sore as I was, I was pretty sure other things had happened.

  I waited as long as I could stand it. I'd checked everything in that tight room, but could find no way to escape. It was just me, a cold slab of metal, and three cameras. I stared at the button. Finally, seeing no other alternative, I just took a deep breath and pressed.

  A creature roared into life in front of me. I dove behind the metal bed. When it didn't chase, I peaked my head to the side to look at it more closely.

  I had to do a double take. What I was seeing was clearly not human. The creature was tall and muscular, sporting four arms and some of the most garish clothing I'd ever seen. He had strange greenish brown skin, topped with a strangely frog like face. He was pointing at me with two of his hands, while holding what appeared to be a microphone in another. As I watched, he fizzled and came back into view. What the Hell? Was he a projection of some sort?

  He was speaking rapidly, his jowls shaking with every word. I didn't understand any of it. What was he? Did we have some sort of were-frogs on the planet that I didn't know about? Was he an alien? Had I been abducted?

  He thrust the microphone forward, into my face. I jerked away from him, but he held it steady. He was silent, waiting for my response. When I didn't give it to him, he asked another question. I leaned forward, towards the microphone.

  “Um... Hello?” I said timidly. When he kept the microphone unmoving, I just shook my head. “I don't know your language...” I trailed off.

  “English!” The frog man began to bounce excitedly. “You very lucky!” He said, and I was grateful I could understand that much. His words were heavily accented, the strange shape of his mouth doing him no favors.

  “What are you?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest modestly.

  “We not Earth. Understand?” I took a sharp breath. Aliens. I'd never believed. There was some peace in believing we were completely alone in the universe. Now I guess I knew differently. Maybe an invasion had happened, and this was where everyone was. Maybe this was some sort of concentration camp. But why did they have a strange announcer explaining it to me then? That seemed like a strange expenditure of resources for some sort of prison. And why where their cameras and a microphone? For that matter, if they were aliens, why did I know what those items were? Shouldn't they have some sort of, I don't know, sonic cameras and laser microphones?

  “Where are we?” I asked, slowly standing up.

  “Very famous reality show! Game of Fear!”

  A... TV show? Well of course, why wouldn't aliens like reality shows the same way that humans did. Thing is though, I didn't consent to being brought onto this, at least, I didn't remember consenting to it. I was pretty sure that no one could force you to do this sort of thing, at least on Earth. It was a basic human right. Then again, this fellow wasn't human. Had I been kidnapped?

  “I want to be returned home. I don't wish to compete.”

  His eyes widened in astonishment. “You want leave?”

  I nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Sadness crossed his amphibian features. He turned to the camera and had a long discussion in his strange, guttural language. Finally he turned back to me.

  “You can leave anytime. Press red button. Will deliver you back to your home on Earth.”

  That seemed easy enough. I wasn't expecting him to be so reasonable. Immediately my fingers moved to my wrist.

  “Wait!” He called out. “You will miss fabulous prizes!”

  “Sorry, Kermit, I can't spend alien currency at home.”

  “You like gold?” My hand paused then. Oh yes, I did like gold.

  He read the conflict on my face. Another image appeared wavered in front of me, a virtual dragon's hoard of gold, silver and precious stones.

  “Would go far on Earth, yes?”

  My eyes darted back to him. He knew it would. My mind raced. The things I could do with that much weal
th. I could get out of my useless apartment, smaller even than this cell. I could finally buy a car. I wouldn't have to take the bus to my dead end job. I could buy my Mom a house and get her away from her useless boyfriend. I could pay for my little brother's college. Hell, I could buy myself a nice gaming rig and have some real fun. I'd never have to work a day in my life.

  Course, there had to be a catch.

  “What are the rules?” I knew this was a bad idea, but I seriously needed that money. My family needed the money.

  A satisfied grin spread across the alien's face. “Terrible fears inside game. You must not die.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I'm not going to risk dying just for money.”

  “No danger. If killing blow, the simulation will end. Can have pain, no damage to body. Understand?”

  I took a deep breath. Pain, well, I could handle pain.

  “How do I win the money?” I prompted.

  “Three rooms. Three fears. You win some money for each. You face fear and satisfy opponents. Is all simulation. Very real, but not real. Easy, yes?”

  I narrowed my eyes. It did sound rather easy. That meant there was more to it. Still, the promise of that wealth was too much to ignore. And after all, what else did I have? A dead end job at the grocery store, no money for college, scraping by for every day. How glorious would it be just to have food on the table. Even if I could only face one room, that could change my life.

  “Alright, Kermit, how do we do this?”


  The room faded around me, changing and reconstructing before my very eyes. The host kept talking in that strange language, facing the cameras, gesturing wildly as only a man with four arms could.

  The room's new form became strangely familiar. I had to rub my eyes in disbelief. It was my apartment! It was an exact copy right down to the clothing I'd left scattered on the floor. The host was suddenly nowhere to be seen.

  That stopped me. If they were pulling the images from my mind, would they be this exact? I mean there was the trash I'd forgotten to empty last night. I slowly walked around my tiny apartment, letting my fingers glide over the familiar objects. This seemed a little too perfect to be a simulation. Did they send me home?

  Fuck! I flopped down in my apartment's only chair and crossed my arms over my chest. The frog misunderstood me. He thought I wanted this to end. Now my chances of all those riches were gone. I closed my eyes, fighting back tears. I was going to lose out before I'd even had a chance to try!

  A bright orange light and subsequent deafening thud from the window drew me from my sorrows. I raced to it, yanking the blinds. I tried to see outside, but the blast had killed my night vision.

  A second flash, and a third. I held my hands to my ears which were already ringing. A fire had started far from my place, but soon a second one was blazing much closer. And the flashes continued, like lightening tearing from the sky. Only it wasn't forked and jagged like lightning. No, these were straight and true. It was as if lasers were raining down from the heavens.

  Had I not just met some weird ass were-frog, I never would have considered this. Now? I cast my eyes upwards, searching the hazy skies.


  The evening sky was littered with them, all different sizes, many firing seemingly randomly down at the Earth's surface. The blinking lights upon their hulls mimicked our stars, a sort of camouflage. But once I knew what to look for I could count more than a dozen.

  We were being invaded.

  Fear shot through me, not for the first time tonight. I hadn't thought that the frog host was an evil, malicious being. I thought he was telling the truth. But what if he wasn't? I felt certain we'd be out-gunned by any sort of civilization that could cross the stars. They'd probably laugh at our nukes. We didn't stand a chance.

  I had to call the police or something, tell them I'd met the aliens already. Maybe they could learn something from what I'd already faced. I picked up my phone and began to press numbers when the my door suddenly burst into a dozen pieces, flying across the room.

  I screamed and dropped the phone from my hands. Three suited creatures barged into my tiny apartment, each overloaded with weapons. They cradled rifles in their arms.

  One raced towards me, grabbing both of my upper arms with his thick, gloved hands. He jerked me in front of him while the others began to move towards my windows. One took one corner, while the other shut the door and took the far corner.

  “Perfect sniper nest,” One of them stated. He leaned back against the wall, sinking down. Across from him the other hooded man scanned the horizon. The one who'd been holding me shoved me back into my chair, pointing his gun at me. The threat was clear.

  He took the position of the one who'd sunk down to the floor. “I need a cigarette.” he said, pulling the heavy helmet free. I felt my mouth drop.

  He was another strange alien, more crocodile than frog. His snout was long and full of thick, dangerous teeth. But his eyes, when they focused on me I could tell. This was an incredibly dangerous man. This was a man who took whatever he wanted. He pulled a pack of Marlboros from his suit, expertly lighting one up. He pressed those thick reptilian lips around it, inhaling deeply.

  “Best thing about this useless planet.” He said, closing his eyes. I was silent while he smoked, and the other two watched. Suddenly something grabbed their attention. Both men began to fire out my windows, and their fire was returned. I shrieked again and curled up into a ball. I didn't want to get hit! I didn't even know what was going on. When a bullet past through the window, burying itself in the ceiling, I scrambled from my chair. I hid as far back as I could in the room, thinking it was the safest place I could be in.

  The battle continued, bullets raining upwards and their laser fire down. I should run. I knew I should try to get somewhere safer. But where?

  A cheer erupted from one of the windows. The aliens exchanged a high five with each other. Well Hell, why wouldn't they? They spoke perfect English too. All three sunk back down, the battle over. I guess they'd won. They all popped off their helmets and began to share cigarettes. I'd been quietly shaking in the corner, hoping that it would all just blow over. Maybe they would forget about me?

  My hope was not long for the world. “What do you want to do with the human female, Captain?” I peeked up just enough to glance at the dangerous reptile, who's eyes had suddenly become very aware of me. I swallowed. I'd seen what they'd done to my city. Fires blazed everywhere, and smoke stung my eyes. I didn't expect mercy.

  He stood, taking a deep inhalation of the cigarette. He lay his rifle down and wandered over to me. He knelt in front of me, blowing his smoke all over my body. I began to cough. He chuckled, a strange sound from his long throat. But there was something in his eyes. Something dark and curious. Was it possible that he was... sexually attracted to me? A thought began to grow in my mind, clawing the fear away. I might be able to make it free yet.

  “Useless human female. Good for nothing.” He unholstered his pistol and held it to my forehead.

  “Wait!” I cried, my eyes wide. “Please, I'm...” I did something completely insane. I lay my hand upon his huge inner thigh, turning my eyes up to him. “I'm good for something.” I let the emphasis stay on that last word.

  The creature held my eyes for a long moment, debating. Ashes were growing along the cigarette as it burned. The intelligence in his eyes was intensified. He was considering my offer.

  He tossed his cigarette to the side, and used that now free hand to grab a chunk of my thick, pale hair. It exposed my neck to him and I could feel my body tremble.

  “Ain't gonna save your planet girl. Ain't no lay that good.” He chuckled softly. He leaned forward, letting his sharp teeth graze against my neck.

  I fought my emotions to keep steady. I was in a seriously dangerous position here. But I would play whatever cards I had. I was very practical that way.

  “I understand. But perhaps it would be enough to save my life at least?”

  He laughed then, staring into my eyes. He was weighing the danger against his own lusts. Finally he reached a decision. He holstered the weapon and jerked me up, tossing me over his huge, armored shoulders. “Always wanted a pet. This one can even do my dishes.”


  The Captain kicked the door to my bedroom open, tossing me heavily to the bed. It was during that toss that I saw it, the button that was still upon my wrist. I took a sharp breath. This was a simulation. This was only a simulation.

  A simulation in which I was going to fuck an alien.

  “Never taken a smooth skin before, girl.” He set the helmet down on my vanity, then plopped himself on my bed. He arranged the pillows to prop himself up. He kicked his boots off and they fell to the floor heavily. He looked to me expectantly, his arms crossed behind his head.


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