Tied up With Love

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Tied up With Love Page 13

by Amelia Thorne

  ‘It wasn’t a line, at least not when I said it to you. I’m not in the habit of turning down women. Ever. Miranda is married and I’m pretty sure she’ll return to her husband at some point. It would be unprofessional of me to sleep with her as she is a client and I don’t want that reputation to damage our company. So yes, I pretended to be your fiancé and yes I used the same line I used on you this morning – but with you I meant every single word. I’m not saying you are beautiful because it’s a line, you are beautiful. I didn’t push you away because I don’t want to sleep with you, because believe me I do. I…’ He pushed his hand through his curly hair and then suddenly his mouth was on hers, hard. The bike clattered to the floor behind her as she found her hands in his hair. He powered her back to the side of the van and hoisted her up onto his hips in one quick smooth movement. He pressed himself between her legs and she groaned as she felt how turned on he was. The kiss was hot, his tongue sliding over hers as he tasted her. The kiss was filled with an insatiable hunger as if he never wanted to stop… but then he snatched his mouth away.

  ‘I can’t do this with you.’

  ‘I don’t understand, one second you’re all over me and the next you’re pushing me away.’

  ‘It’s different with you.’

  ‘Because I work for you?’

  ‘Because I want more,’ he all but whispered.

  He gently extricated himself from her legs, and when he knew she was ok to stand, he stepped back.

  ‘I don’t like feeling like this around you,’ he said.

  Izzy was shaking. ‘Like what?’

  ‘Out of control. Put your bike back in the van and I’ll take you home.’

  ‘I’d prefer to ride my bike.’

  He sighed with frustration, turned and got back in the van and drove off.

  Chapter Twelve

  Izzy was sitting in the office the next day with a pounding headache. She wasn’t sure if it was because she had spent the whole night wide awake thinking about Ethan and that incredibly passionate kiss – and contemplating what he’d meant by wanting more. But her throat was sore too and she hoped she wasn’t coming down with something. The worst thing was she was supposed to be going out tonight with Ethan to this Hornblower party, she was supposed to pretend to be his girlfriend. How the hell was she going to do that without blurring the lines between them even more?

  She rubbed her head, willing the pain to go away, just as Gizmo walked in – smiling broadly as always. He was so uncomplicated, so happy about everything. Izzy wondered what it was like to be him – in a world where everything was slightly rose tinted. His face fell a little bit when he spotted her. Clearly her angst was written across her face.

  ‘What’s up Izzy?’

  ‘Nothing, don’t worry.’

  ‘Is it my brother, the grumpy one obviously, not Kyle. I don’t think Kyle could give you that look of frustration and worry.’

  She smiled at his insight.

  ‘Why is Ethan so grumpy, has he always been like that, even as a child?’

  ‘No, he’s always been a bit quiet, a bit shy… but he was always happy. But he hasn’t been the same since Charlie died.’

  ‘Who’s Charlie?’

  Gizmo rubbed his hands together, trying to dispel the cold as he moved towards the kitchen. ‘His wife.’

  Gizmo disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Izzy with her mouth wide open.

  ‘Wait, his wife? Ethan was married?’ She stood up and followed him in.

  Gizmo nodded as he filled up the kettle. ‘For five years I think. They were so happy together, I have never seen Ethan as happy as he was when he married her. They went through rough patches, what couple doesn’t, but he still loved her very much. One day she went off to work and never came back – a lorry rolled on top of her car, killed her instantly. Ethan has been a moody sod ever since.’

  Izzy swallowed the huge lump in her throat. ‘How long ago was this?’

  Gizmo pulled a face trying to remember. ‘Three years I think. My daughter, Paige, hadn’t been born then but Tia was definitely pregnant with her because I remember how beautiful she looked at Charlie’s funeral – all big and huge in that long black dress. Paige was three about two months ago. So maybe just over three years since Charlie died.’

  Izzy actually wanted to cry for Ethan, how awful it must have been for him.

  ‘And he’s never been with anyone since.’

  ‘Oh he’s been with lots of women, far too many to count, but if you mean a girlfriend, no. It’s normally one night with most of these women, occasionally two or three nights with a few, but never anything more than that. Did you want a tea?’

  She shook her head.

  This was why Ethan was holding himself back, losing his wife must have been heart-breaking and he was trying to protect himself from feeling that kind of heartbreak again. Casual sex maintained that distance, but there was nothing casual about the intense feelings that were crackling between them and he felt it too.

  ‘Oh I forgot to say, we made the papers.’ Gizmo fished the newspaper from his back pocket and held it out to her. ‘Page six.’

  She flicked through and opened up the correct page. Not only had they made the newspaper but they had a whole page to themselves. This kind of advertising would cost hundreds or maybe even thousands and they had managed it for free. There was a small article accompanied by several photos of the day before. Izzy tied to the bed, blindfolded, Ethan pinning her to the bed and tying her back up. It was hot. But the best photos were of Ethan holding her whilst she was asleep and the one directly under that of Ethan kissing her forehead. He was looking at her with complete adoration. It made her heart soar. Izzy wasn’t sure where she stood with him after he had kissed her and rejected her the day before, but this showed there was definitely something there for him. He was attracted to her, there was no doubt about it. They just had to fight through his demons first.

  Just then the door opened and in walked the most beautiful woman Izzy had ever seen in her life. Fiery red hair down to her waist, pale white skin and huge green eyes stared at Izzy with thinly veiled suspicion. Obviously this was another one of Ethan’s conquests, although – spotting the huge pregnant stomach – Izzy hoped it wasn’t a conquest from the last nine months. A moment later Ethan walked in clutching a little red headed girl in his arms. The girl looked more than happy snuggled against his chest, as if she belonged there, and as he pressed a kiss to her forehead something jolted deep inside Izzy. Was he the father, was the one on the way really his too? Izzy’s stomach lurched so hard she thought she was going to be sick. Ethan’s eyes found hers for a moment, burning into her before he returned his attention to the beautiful girl in his arms.

  ‘Daddy!’ said the girl, her eyes lighting up… but she was staring over Izzy’s shoulder. Izzy turned to see Gizmo smiling broadly as he walked round the desk to take the girl from Ethan.

  ‘Hey gorgeous girl, how was the dentist?’ Gizmo kissed the pregnant redhead on the cheek, smiling down at her fondly.

  The little girl showed her toothy smile to Gizmo and he laughed. Izzy found Ethan’s eyes again, staring at her as if there was no one else in the office but them. But as she tore her eyes from him she realised that the gorgeous redhead was staring at her also.

  ‘Oh where are my manners,’ said Gizmo. ‘This is my wife Tia and my beautiful daughter Paige. This is Izzy, our receptionist.’

  Gizmo’s wife. The two of them were such an oddly matched pair but as Tia glanced warmly at her husband she could see a look of pure love pass between them.

  Izzy smiled despite the obvious staring coming from Tia. ‘Pleased to meet you.’

  Tia forced a smile then turned her attention back to Gizmo, leaning into him and kissing him sweetly. She looked up at him adoringly as if there was no one else in the world that she loved more. ‘Joe, you took our keys, we can’t get back in.’

  Gizmo laughed. ‘Ah sorry love.’ He shifted Paige into the other arm and
rooted round in his pocket until he found what he was looking for. ‘Here you go.’

  Tia took the keys and stared at Izzy again, making her feel uncomfortable.

  ‘Boys, why don’t you get Paige into the car seat, I’ve just got to wash my hands.’

  Gizmo clapped Ethan on the shoulder and ushered him out, leaving them alone.

  ‘Ethan likes you,’ Tia said, getting straight to the point. Was she jealous?

  ‘He doesn’t, not really.’

  ‘He does, he talks about you all the time – how infuriating you are, how you drive him mad, how great you are.’

  ‘He said that?’

  ‘He said you were going to turn this company around.’

  Izzy felt slightly disappointed that the compliment was down to her work and not her.

  ‘He likes you. He never speaks about any of the women he’s been with, they all mean nothing to him. You’re different.’

  ‘I’m still not sure what I’ve done that deserves the evil eye.’

  Tia smiled slowly. ‘I like you. You piss him off, I like that. You might be just what he needs. But I’m warning you now, if you hurt him, I’ll hunt you down like a dog.’

  ‘It’s likely to be the other way round.’

  ‘To start with yes, he’ll try to push you away, but if you’re strong enough to get past all his crap, you will find a beautiful person on the other side. He’s always been like a brother to me and I love him. I don’t want to see him get hurt again. Charlie messed him up spectacularly and I’ll never let anyone hurt him like that again.’

  ‘I care for him, a lot. I certainly don’t want to hurt him.’

  ‘Then fight for him.’

  Tia nodded her approval at Izzy and then left.


  Ethan had managed to avoid Izzy for most of the day. Luckily there was a pick up which took him out of the office for a while and after he’d sent the boys home he’d dawdled on the way back. He got back just before Izzy left, giving her strict instructions to be ready for collection at seven. He hadn’t dared tell her to wear something sexy, he wasn’t sure if he could cope with that, especially if she was supposed to be his girlfriend for the night. But he didn’t want to sleep with Jemima and having Izzy look beautiful and sexy on his arm would be one way to stop that.

  The taxi pulled up outside her house and he strode up her path to the front door to collect her. When the door opened he was surprised to see Jack Blake staring at him. Jack Blake was his uncle’s mortal enemy and new best friend. It was an uneasy alliance between the Blakes and the Castellos but one which Ethan was glad had come about. But what on earth was he doing in Izzy’s house?

  ‘Sir.’ Ethan nodded his head.

  ‘Ah young Ethan, are you here to court my niece?’ Although he spoke with a smile on his face, the smile didn’t quite meet his eyes.

  Izzy was Jack Blake’s niece. That wasn’t good. There was a lot of stuff in the notes Simon had given him about Izzy’s personal life that Ethan just hadn’t read. He supposed he should have been more vigilant for that connection but it was too late now.

  ‘Erm no sir, it’s just a business function. Strictly professional.’

  ‘You make sure you keep it that way,’ Jack said, all humour now gone.


  He turned slightly to see Izzy waiting for him by the taxi. His mouth went dry, his heart leapt. In a halter neck midnight blue dress that swept the floor and sparkled as she moved, she looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was swept up from the back of her neck and piled on her head with a handful of tiny sparkly grips. There were no words in his head, literally nothing at all.

  ‘Professional my arse,’ Jack muttered from behind him.

  Ethan moved forward and with one hand at her waist he kissed her on the cheek. ‘You look incredible,’ he whispered in her ear and was pleased to see her blush in the moonlight. He ignored the scowls from Jack as he helped her into the taxi. If the bitter feud between the Castellos and the Blakes were to start up again, being with Izzy was one hell of a way to do it.

  ‘You live with your uncle?’ he asked.

  ‘No, not really. I don’t live in the house, my home is round the back in…’ she trailed off.

  As the taxi pulled away, Ethan looked down and realised his hand was in hers, their fingers entwined. He stared down at where their bodies touched, wondering how it had happened. Was it when he had helped her into the taxi? But he knew that it wasn’t. He remembered it now, after leaning forward to tell the driver where to go he’d settled back in his chair and instinctively found her hand. He glanced up at her to gauge her reaction, she was staring at him with confusion but she wasn’t making any move to release her hand from his.

  She looked incredible, her eyes enhanced by the streak of smoky grey. He released her hand and found himself running a finger over her pale cheek, then twirling it around a loose strand of hair. What was he doing? She sat very still, clearly unsure what to make of this sudden show of affection from him. But he had already kissed her the night before, his tongue had been in her mouth, there was no point pretending he wasn’t attracted to her.

  There was no warning, no time to think, to try to stop what happened next. One moment he was staring into her eyes, the next he was kissing her, and she was kissing him back. He wasn’t sure who kissed who first, but the way he was lying mostly on top of her he was guessing he had launched himself at her. Realising she was lying awkwardly against the window, he slipped an arm round her waist and with his other hand at her neck, he slid her body across the seat towards him so she was lying flat under him. She tasted amazing, her sweet mango smell was intoxicating. Her hands were in his hair again and he groaned as she pulled herself tighter around him, cradling him against her body. He wanted more, he wanted to taste her all over. Whatever he did, whatever he took from her, it was never going to be enough.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lying in the back of the taxi, with Ethan’s weight pinning her to the seat was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. God, the man could kiss – the way his tongue moved against hers, his lips roaming over her mouth, the way that there wasn’t even a second to draw breath, he just kissed her relentlessly, without any mercy. When he had touched her face she had been about to push him off, fed up with the confusing messages he was sending her, but then she had seen the fear and vulnerability in his eyes. She didn’t know if he was scared of being rejected by her or of falling for her but it made her cave. When he launched himself at her there was no way she could stop him, she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. His hands were tight around her waist, holding her against him, and part of her thought it was sweet he wasn’t taking it any further, that he was gentlemanly enough to just want to kiss – though part of her was disappointed that he hadn’t hoisted her dress up and taken her there and then in the back of the taxi. This kiss certainly wasn’t going to be enough to quell the thirst they had for each other.

  She felt the taxi eventually pull to a stop and the driver coughed discreetly to gain their attention.

  Ethan pulled away slightly, not off her, just far enough away that they were no longer kissing. He stared down at her.

  ‘Hi,’ he whispered.


  He smiled then kissed her on the forehead. He sat up and brought her with him, still staring at her, somewhat in awe. His eyes scanned over her. ‘I might have messed your hair up a bit.’

  ‘I don’t care.’

  He laughed. ‘I don’t either.’ He leaned forward to pay the driver and then came back and took her hand. ‘Are you ready to be my girlfriend?’

  Her heart stuttered for a moment until she realised what he meant. Her head was pounding, and she wasn’t sure if it was from the awkward position she had lain in for the last hour in the taxi, the complete lack of oxygen she’d got whilst kissing Ethan, or – as she had suspected – she really was coming down with something. She nodded anyway and still holding his hand she followed him into the Bloomsb
erg Hotel.

  They waited for the lift in the sumptuous white foyer and Ethan trailed his hand across her shoulder blades, following the first few star tattoos that curved in a lazy river of stars down her back.

  ‘I love these stars.’

  The lift arrived and he ushered her inside and then pulled her in front of him. He slowly traced his finger down her spine, touching each star, following its trail to the bottom of the V of her dress where she knew the stars disappeared underneath her dress and across her bum.

  ‘Are there more stars I can’t see,’ he whispered in her ear as the lift zoomed upwards to the top of the hotel.

  ‘Yes, maybe five or six.’

  He groaned softly and pressed his hot mouth to the first star, and then the second one. ‘The next time we are alone I want to kiss every single one of your stars.’

  She quivered at his touch, her gut clenching with the promise.

  ‘I’ll be thinking about that all night tonight and I want you to think about that too,’ Ethan said.

  The lift door opened and Ethan sidestepped her, took her hand and strode out into the bar.

  As if she could think about anything else.


  Ethan stared at Izzy in shock. She had been the adoring girlfriend all night, holding his hand, cuddling up to him, staring at him with puppy dog eyes. And Jemima had hated it. There were over a hundred men at that party, all trying to get Jemima’s attention, fawning all over her, trying to get into her knickers just so they could get some money or sponsorship from her. He hated them for prostituting themselves, hated himself because a few weeks before he had met Izzy he was pretty sure he would be amongst them and he hated that he had even agreed to come and be a part of this frenzy in the first place. And he knew there was only one way he was walking out of there with any kind of funding or sponsorship from Jemima and that was fucking her in the nearby toilets or at least agreeing to fuck her in the not too distant future. The night was a disaster and now there was this new fresh horror.

  Jemima had sat next to him, leaning against him as if Izzy wasn’t even there. She’d asked him how his ‘little’ company was doing and suddenly Izzy had launched into her attack. From her bag she produced an iPad on which she had loaded a PowerPoint presentation with pie charts and scatter diagrams and facts and figures showing the company’s growth in the last five years the busy periods, the expected turnover this year, the forecast for the next five years, where she saw the company going, how Jemima’s funding would be used and what Jemima would get back. It was quite simply brilliant, had clearly taken Izzy hours to prepare and was completely inappropriate for what this evening was actually about. As Izzy launched into the details of a spreadsheet he glanced over at Jemima and she mimed blowing her brains out with boredom. He was so furious with Jemima over her disregard for Izzy’s plans. He just wanted to tell Jemima to stick her funding where the sun don’t shine, grab Izzy’s hand and walk out of there – but he had to leave things on good terms with Jemima. He wasn’t going to shag her but there was still a chance he might get some funding out of her at some point in the future, or at least an advert or a mention on her blog. He looked back at Izzy and wanted to listen to her ideas and passion all night, but to have Jemima actively mocking her behind her back was enough to make him want to stop her mid flow. He put his hand over hers on the iPad and she looked up at him with confusion.


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