An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 11

by Jillian Neal

  “Trust me, I love the way you spin.”

  Fionna shook her head at him but gave him his smile. The heady sensation made him weak. His groin took immediate notice.

  “I thought about making my world-famous crab cakes,” she goaded as she ran a heat cast from her hands over the roasted chicken in a baking dish on the counter.

  “I wasn’t aware you were a world-famous chef,” Dan teased her as he brushed a kiss in her hair.

  “Well, all the Angels like them, so for me that’s kind of the whole world.” She handed Dan a bottle of wine. Pleased to be doing something helpful, Dan took the corkscrew from the counter and opened the bottle.

  “Wine,” Dan offered as Fitz made his reappearance.

  “Naturally,” Fitz scoffed. Living in Paris made wine almost clichéd in the Fitzroys’ home.

  “How’s Maddie?” Dan handed Fitz a glass and then one to Fionna.

  “She’s good. She said I shouldn’t stay here, that I’m intruding on you two.” He tried to gage Dan and Fionna.

  “No, it’s fine. We’re happy you’re here. I really appreciate everything everyone’s doing. This is such a mess.”

  “I’ll try to stay out of the way. I can get a hotel or stay at Dan’s. Just say the word.”

  Dan immensely appreciated Fitz’s offer.

  They settled at Fionna’s dining table. Fitz cut into the juiciest chicken Dan had ever seen. After adding a small bite of the potatoes to his fork, he brought it to his mouth. A moment later his eyes goggled.

  “Oh, my God, marry her now,” he demanded, embarrassing both Dan and Fionna.

  Dan’s cell phone rang in the middle of dinner.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve got guys out everywhere. I have to take this.”

  Several minutes later, he returned to the table, looking morose.

  “What’s wrong?” Fionna approached panic quickly.

  “Two of my guys just arrested three men trying to break into the Magnus’s home.”

  “Do we need to go?” Fitz set his fork down.

  “No, they’ve got it, but this will only be the beginning. They know that Magnus is the weakest link.” Dan sighed, not certain what to do next. “Berl Kibbey was with them. So, Nic didn’t send anyone too important. My guys didn’t recognize his accomplices. They’re taking them to Felsink, and the next team will start their shift soon.”

  “No one was hurt, right? They didn’t get in the house?” Fionna worried.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m sorry. I guess I should have started with that. They’re fine. I have an Iodex team at their home, and several others keeping up with them and their children. We’ll keep them safe.”

  “But isn’t Wretchkinsides going to know that you know what he’s trying to do, because of all the extra security?”

  Fitzroy was visibly impressed with Fionna’s question. Dan grinned. She never ceased to amaze him.

  “Well,” Dan took her hand, trying to reassure her. She drew from him as soon as their fingers interlocked. It was exquisite. He had to force himself to keep talking, and not fall back in his chair and revel in the extraordinary sensation of her pulling his energy into her own. Fitz very politely ignored them, though he was sporting quite a smirk.

  “Wretchkinsides has shown interest in the Angels before. You remember when Chloe was attacked?”

  Fionna nodded and made another draw. Dan fought not to groan and order Fitz from the table. “He didn’t really have the resources to pull it off, until Pendergrath was released and brought his teams into the country,” Dan explained. “I’m hoping that he’ll be under the impression that we’ve had the owners under a vast security protocol for a while now. And, as Mitchell said yesterday, he is in Berlin. I saw him on Iodex street cams there.”

  “Well, he’ll know Friday,” Fitzroy helped himself to another slice of chicken.

  “Hopefully, not before the board meeting.”

  “Isn’t he going to be at the meeting with the owners? I mean, how do you buy the stock if you aren’t there?” Fionna fretted over her own confusion. Dan smiled at her reassuringly.

  “I don’t think he’ll show up, baby. If he does decide to risk it, then he’ll be arrested for forging Crown Governor Lawson’s custody papers, which would actually be worse.”

  “Why?” Fionna’s brow knitted deeply. “I thought you wanted to arrest him.”

  “I do want to arrest him. More than even you know, but the Interfeci needs to be dismantled from the bottom up. Pendergrath and Pravus have to go down at the same time as Wretchkinsides, otherwise they’ll be out for blood.

  “The top dogs all have to fall at once. Right now we’re working on the second string. Adderand is the next on my list.” Suddenly, Dan was overcome with the desperate desire to hold her safely in his arms. Thoughts of the newest Interfeci hit-man filled him with panic. He’d trained under Cascavel, Wretchkinside’s prizefighter.

  Sitting next to her, eating, wasn’t enough. She looked terrified. He wanted to wrap her up in his embrace, and whisper in her ear that he would keep her safe until she believed him and relaxed in his arms.

  “Anyway,” Dan wished fervently that Fitz would get lost for a little while. “He’ll probably send one of his financial representatives to attempt to make the purchase. If I had my guess, he’ll send Pendergrath. He has no idea if I’ll be there or not, but he’s hoping someone will mention to me that it was Pendergrath who made the transaction.”

  “Well, why can’t you arrest him?”

  “I don’t have anything on him substantial enough to keep him in prison.”

  “That’s very frustrating,” she finally sighed.

  Fitzroy laughed out loud as Dan grinned at her adoringly.

  “Yes, it is.”

  They finished the delectable meal, and Fionna stood to clear away the dishes.

  “No, ma’am,” Dan shook his head. “You must’ve spent hours making all of this, not to mention all of the decorating, and chasing the twins around all day. You go sit down. I’m doing the dishes.”

  Fionna looked deeply touched by the simple gesture. “Thank you, but I was just gonna get the Pani Popo. I’ll make some coffee, and then make you tell me about Lola.”

  Fitz laughed. “She’s got your number, Danny.”

  “You kept avoiding the questions all day.”

  Dan and Fitz cleared the table and made coffee, while Fionna unwrapped a pan of what Dan thought looked like biscuits but smelled even better. She sprinkled confectioner’s sugar over the pan, getting some on her cheek, which Dan fought not to lick off as he brushed it away.

  She carried the pan back into the dining room.

  “This is Hawaiian Coconut Bread,” she explained as Dan set her coffee down in front of her. “It’s so yummy, Daddy can’t keep it in stock. It’s my favorite.”

  “It smells great!” Fitz exclaimed as Fionna handed him a plateful.

  “It’s not always a dessert, but it’s so sweet and it’s so good with coffee. I thought it would be perfect.”

  She pulled a small piece off and swallowed it down with a sip of her coffee. Her eyes closed in delight, and Dan found himself woefully unable to look away from the contented smile on her face.

  With a deep breath, she braced herself. “Now tell me what’s wrong with Lola.”

  “Maybe I should go somewhere else.” Fitz glanced around for an out that didn’t present itself.

  “No,” Fionna scoffed, “it can’t be that bad. It’s just the top.”

  Fitz and Dan shared a grimace. Dan allowed himself one bite of dessert, which was even better than the meal.

  “Baby, it’s not just the top,” he began hesitantly.

  Fitz stood and picked up his plate. “I’ve got a little work to do on my laptop. Can I put an adapter in your living room?”

  “Oh, of course,” Fionna agreed, but kept her eyes locked on Dan. Once Fitz had made his escape, Dan scooted closer and took both of her small hands in his own. “Just tell me.”

sp; He tried to determine the best way to start. “Sam is an outstanding mechanic, and he said the engine’s not going to last much longer.”

  “What? Why? Lola’s only a few years old. Aren’t they supposed to last longer than that?”

  Dan nodded. “Yeah, baby, they are.”

  “So, why is it not working?” Worry and confusion plagued her beautiful face. “I know you’re not telling me something.” She lifted their hands showing him how she knew. Dan knew he was had, and he prayed that the truth really might set him free.

  “Honey, when was the last time you had the oil and fluids changed?” He made certain that he did not sound condescending in any way.

  “I don’t know,” Fionna lost a little of her earlier adamancy. “I guess about a year ago, maybe a little more.”

  Dan had no idea how to explain to her that she’d effectively killed her own car.

  “Is that bad?”

  “Kind of.”

  “I kept thinking that I should, but then I kept forgetting.”

  “Well,” Dan decided to try a different tactic, “I talked to Sam about getting us new cars. You don’t seem that excited about riding on the Agusta.”

  “It’s actually really hot. You know in that ‘today I want to wear leather and be a bad girl’ kind of way.” She whispered with a vexing grin that had Dan choking on the coffee he’d just sipped. His body seized from the imagery she conjured. “But it’s winter time.”

  “Well, when the weather warms up, I’ll take you for a ride any time you want.” Dan regained his composure and waggled his eyebrows. “But,” he forced himself back to the conversation at hand. “I want something that you want to ride in no matter how cold it is. So, if you want, I could get something, and you can drive it. I’ll drive the bike, unless we’re going somewhere together.”

  Fionna smiled at him sweetly. “Dan, you don’t have to buy a car for me. I think I’ll wait to decide on all of this until I find out what’s going to happen Friday. But I guess a new car,” she hemmed and then gave him his smile, “maybe one you actually fit in, wouldn’t be such a bad thing, as long as I can pay for it.”

  After gently brushing an errant hair behind her ear, Dan continued, “I am going to buy a car honey, so we can both get a new car or just I can. You don’t have to decide right now. The bike is hell in the rain.”

  His own statements continued to shock him. He used to revel in riding in the driving rain. The water shattered off of his skin like ricochet from a gunfight. He thrived on the pain. He was certain he deserved it. But sitting in the warmth of Fionna’s dining room, with the lights of the Christmas tree glowing in her eyes, the self-imposed pain seemed to have existed an entire lifetime ago.

  “Fi, honey, I really don’t want you driving your car, not without me. I don’t want you to get stranded somewhere.”

  Fionna grinned and wrinkled her nose. “So, Sam’s sure it isn’t just PMS?”

  Dan laughed heartily. “I don’t think that was it. And, when you pick out your hot new ride, how about if I take it to see Sam every couple of months to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

  Fionna looked pained as she nodded. “I swear I’m not an idiot. I just kept forgetting.”

  “Honey, I don’t think you’re an idiot at all. Things happen.”

  Fitz and Fi

  Dan loaded the last dish into the dishwasher. “Want another cup of coffee, honey?” he called into the living room as he listened to Fionna and Fitzroy talk.

  “Okay, you have no idea how extremely odd that sounds coming from his mouth,” Fitz made Fionna giggle sweetly.

  “Sure, thank you,” she answered with more tonality before she turned back to Fitz. “People keep saying stuff like that to me.” Dan paused to listen before moving back to the coffeemaker. “But he is the best guy I’ve ever been with. I’m head over heels. I feel like I could be with him forever. I’m really in love.”

  Fitzroy chuckled and lowered his voice further.

  “Yeah, well, trust me, so is he. I really can’t believe it’s him,” Fitzroy’s awe was apparent in his tone.

  “I just hope he’s really as happy as I am. Sometimes I can’t tell,” Fionna admitted hesitantly. Dan was shocked by her willingness to say something like that to someone she’d just met.

  Fitz shook his head. “Hey, I’d say I know Dan Vindico better than anybody, and it’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen him this happy.”

  Dan rescued Fitz, as he brought Fionna’s coffee and sank down on the couch beside her. He wondered if Fitz’s vow had soothed her.

  They chatted for a while about cars, what Fitz’s boys wanted for Christmas, Wretchkinsides, and the takeover. Fitzroy told Fionna a few stories from his and Dan’s days in training.

  As the conversation waned, Fionna glanced at Dan. With an extremely fake yawn, she pulled away from him. “I think I’ll just go get ready for bed. I’m tired.” Her profound blush over her lie made Dan grimace, as Fitzroy choked back hysterical laughter.

  Fionna stood and picked up her coffee cup, before heading out of the room.

  “I’ll be up in a few minutes, honey.” Dan felt truly sorry for her, as her attempt at being coy hadn’t gone quite as well as she’d clearly hoped it would.

  As soon as her bedroom door closed, laughter burst from Fitz. Dan shot him a warning glare.

  “I really think I should go stay at your place.”

  Dan bit back his own laughter over Fitz’s deep smirk. She was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen.

  “You’re fine. I’ll sound-cast the room,” Dan offered wryly as Fitz continued his laughter.

  “Well, take it from me, man, a guy who has to work a hell of a lot harder for it than that,” he threw his thumb backwards towards the stairs, “you should get down on your knee when you get up there, and beg her to marry you now.”

  Remembering his promise that he would not discuss their love life with Fitz, Dan pressed his lips together to keep from informing his best friend that he might get down on his knees, but that it wouldn’t be to propose.

  Dan shook his head and wondered approximately how long it would take Fionna to put on whatever she had planned for the evening.

  “She really is amazing, Dan. I get it now.”

  “She really is.” Dan was still staring up the stairs after her.

  “She doesn’t look anything like Amelia.”

  The question pulled Dan from his increasingly erotic reverie.

  He shrugged. “Should she?”

  “No, I think I just sort of thought she would.”

  Another broad grin spread across Fitz’s face, as Dan turned his attention back to the stairs. His curiosity was beginning to make him edgy. He wanted to see her and then he wanted to feel her. He wanted to give her everything she clearly needed.

  “You know, I think I’m gonna stay down here for a long while and watch TV, very loudly.”

  “There is a reason you’re my best friend.” Dan stood and handed Fitzroy the remote on his way out.

  “Remember all of us poor saps who’ll be cold and alone tonight,” Fitz chided sarcastically as Dan’s boot crested the bottom step.

  “Been cold and alone for ten damn years,” Dan’s reply effectively shut Fitzroy up as he took the stairs two at a time.

  A mix of deep desire and deep concern that Fionna knew she’d given her plans away and was embarrassed swirled rapidly in Dan’s gut. He tapped quietly on the door.

  She was dressed in a pale pink satin and black lace bra that tied seductively between her breasts with a black silk ribbon, and a pair of matching lace shorts so short they didn’t cover much, but her face was still glowing crimson when she opened the door.

  “I’m never ever leaving this room again.” Her hands flew up to her face as Dan edged inside.

  “Baby,” he wrapped her up tightly in his arms. All thoughts of having wild, dirty sex were instantly replaced with the desire to reassure her, to make certain that she knew how much he loved
her and what being with her meant to him.

  She buried her face in the crook of his neck and let him shield her from the world.

  “First of all,” he braced the back of her head in his right hand. “You are so beautiful Fionna, and what we have, what I have,” he corrected, “when I hold you in my arms is so much more than I could’ve ever hoped for. And you look phenomenal, baby.”

  She was blinking back tears. His heart tugged as the scars she’d mended threatened to break from their delicate sutures. “Don’t worry about Fitz. I had to endure his relentless courting of Maddie, and that,” he gestured his head back down the stairs, “was nothing.”

  “I’m still so embarrassed, and I’m so upset about Lola.” She pulled away from him and fell back on her bed with a dejected huff.

  Dan kicked off his boots and trousers. He unbuttoned his shirt before moving to the bed beside her. “Come here, sweetheart.” She pulled herself into a tight ball against his chest. “I’m really sorry about Lola. Believe me, I get being a little bit in love with your ride. Maybe,” he thought back on her confessed concern to Fitzroy, “we could get new cars to sort of represent a new chapter in our life.” He brushed a tender kiss on her forehead.

  She eased her head up to study him. “Are you sure you’re really ready to start a new chapter?”

  Dan could feel the trepidation, confusion, and angst swirling through her in a volatile combination.

  “I’m all yours, honey, and I was really kind of hoping that you wanted to be all mine.”

  “I do. I’m just still scared you’re going to change your mind.”

  “Then I’ll just have to keep proving to you that I’m not going to change my mind.” The takeover, her car, their relationship, sharing her house with Dan and his best friend, her late night confessions of some of the deep, dark desires she had but didn’t like to think about by the light of day, it had all taken a toll. He felt her exhausted terror and her confusion as she tucked closer into the safety of his embrace.

  She no longer felt safe. Dan tried not to feel defeated as he held her closely and whispered kisses in her hair.


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