An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 20

by Jillian Neal

  When he finished his work, he stepped out of the tub, heated a towel with his hands, and dried her thoroughly.

  “Come here.” He took her hand and led her back to bed. Slowly, he lay on his side and cradled her back to his chest. “I want you again. I’ll never get enough.” Every touch was slow and gentle this time. He moved his hands over her body in soft, tranquil caresses. She was still swollen and wet from her many climaxes. She gave a quiet moan as he cupped her again. “So tender and full for me, so damn sweet. We’re gonna take it nice and slow this time, but I need you again. I’ll be gentle, baby.”

  “Yes,” she whispered in the darkness as he traced her swollen inner lips. He opened her and entered her slowly, and then rhythmically claimed her again.


  Dan gasped. His heart thundered and choked his lungs as he heard the window shatter.

  “What was that?” Fionna trembled against him.

  “Shh, honey.” Dan kept her behind his body as he reached and pulled his Colt from the jacket lying on the bench in Fionna’s room. He heard stumbling footsteps in the entryway.

  He did know. The Governor was wrong, Dan’s mind reeled as he chambered the pistol.

  Fionna began sobbing silently. Her body shook in her terror. Dan eased out of bed and pulled on his jeans quickly.

  “Put some clothes on for me, baby, and then I want you to stay right beside me.” He forced himself to remain calm by sheer strength of will. Fionna threw on sweats and then clung to Dan as he padded to the bedroom door.

  He listened intently. Only one set of feet moved below him. Wretchkinsides always sent two men. There had to be another somewhere. Dan guided Fionna to the window. He scanned what portion of her front yard he could see. The streetlights were still glowing. Something wasn’t right. Wretchkinsides’ hit-men were highly trained. Why had they left the lights on, unless they didn’t intend on leaving any witnesses? Bile flooded Dan’s throat. How could he have done this to her? He had to save her and then he had to leave her.

  “Fionna, listen to me. When I open the door and step out, I want you to immediately lock the door and slide that trunk in front of it. Take your cell phone and call Garrett. He’s at Chloe’s, so he can be here in just a second. Then I want you to stay in that corner down on the ground, until I come back and get you.” He pointed to the back corner of her closet.

  “No! What if they hurt you? I need to help you.”

  The thought of that robbed him of breath.

  “Fionna, I will be fine. I have taken on more than two of his guys before, but I can only take care of this if I know that you’re safe.” He kept his single-minded focus on the intruder to keep from breaking down in front of her. He couldn’t do this. If he got her out of this alive, he had to walk away.

  With tears staining her face and her body trembling, Fionna slid silently across the floor and pulled her cell phone off of the bedside table. She touched Garrett’s name on the screen.

  Dan heard the intruder move into the kitchen, and he eased the door open.

  “Dan, please,” she whispered in the darkness. “Please be careful. I love you.”

  His heart shattered. Dan set his shield to give her peace. He slipped into the darkened hallway. He led with his gun and slid silently along the wall.

  I have to leave her. He’ll never leave her alone; not as long as she’s with me. Tears stung his eyes. He blinked them away and continued his slow trek towards his fate.

  He’ll kill her, too, all because of me. Dan swallowed back vomit as it singed his throat. He reached the stairs and listened again. They were moving in the kitchen, looking for something. Still only one set of moving feet. He heard drawers bang open; a knife. The thought had Dan reeling.

  In two quick steps, he slid to the other side of the hallway, the wall that bordered the kitchen. He bent his elbows and raised the pistol up near his face. If he could get the guy in the kitchen with one shot, he could find the guy outside without giving too much warning that he was coming for him.

  His blood ran in icy shards through his veins. His heart ached. His focus was the only thing he clung to in order not to lose his mind. He heard a car that he prayed was Garrett’s, screech onto the street. The intruder didn’t seem to notice.

  If he kills me, then Garrett will get her out. Dan let the thought soothe him. But Garrett didn’t come in. What was taking him so long?

  The front door was standing open. They’d shattered the pane of glass beside the lock and unbolted it. Dan eased into the hallway.

  Lackey move. It isn’t Adderand or Malacai. Pendergrath’s son, Clarence, crossed his mind. You had to perform a hit to move up the ranks of the Interfeci.

  Dan saw Garrett’s personal .45 before he saw Garrett ease in through the open door. But Garrett’s boot squeaked on the hardwood. Before the intruder could fire, Dan leapt.

  He clobbered the man and brought him to the ground without a sound. He still wanted to get the man outside. With the intruder on the ground, Dan stood. He slammed his foot into his back until he heard several ribs crack.

  The man groaned.

  “I cleared outside. There’s no one else. Rainer and Logan are on the way, and the squad cars are here. I told them not to make a sound.” Garrett hit the lights, while keeping his gun on the intruder’s back as Dan kept his on his head.

  “I will kill you. You will not hurt her!” Dan was shaking in his fury. His voice trembled as he fought back terror and weakness.

  “Dan, it’s not them. That’s Kent.” Garrett pulled Dan away.

  “What?” Dan couldn’t understand what Garrett was telling him. He was too terrified and furious to allow the odd sense of relief to set in.

  “What the hell, Eric? You’re going to jail. I hope you know that,” Garrett drawled hatefully as he hoisted Eric Kent off of Fionna’s kitchen floor and shoved him into one of the chairs.

  As Dan allowed breath to fill his lungs, he smelled the heavy odor of liquor.

  “Did you bathe in whiskey, man?” Garrett spat furiously. Eric’s head jerked forward as he tried to focus. In a shocking move, he managed to grab the knife he’d held and lunged forward towards Dan.

  Unmitigated fury burned through Dan. He worked on instinct alone. He spun Eric and wrapped his massive arms around him. He held Eric’s hand with the knife to Eric’s throat. He jerked and tried to squirm away.

  “Go ahead and dance, motherfucker. Slice your own throat. See if I give a damn.”

  “I need Fionna.” Eric pled almost incoherently.

  “No, you need a shrink.” Garrett huffed as he handed Dan some cuffs. Dan threw the knife back on the counter and cuffed Eric before shoving him back in the chair.

  As his brain began receiving oxygen again, Dan tried to make sense of what had happened. He couldn’t make his mind understand the images.

  “I thought…” he stuttered.

  Garrett turned to him. “I know, but it isn’t them, and what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been here? He’s fucked up, and she would’ve been all alone. She needs you, Dan. Don’t freak out now. No one knows.”

  “She wants me!” Eric shouted in his stupor. He fell forward, trying to stand.

  Garrett swung. Dan saw Eric’s head fall harshly to the side, under the power of Garrett’s fist. “You stay the hell away from her and right where Officer Vindico put you.”

  Eric’s eyes were malevolent and insane.

  “Here, I’ve got him. I’ll take him out. Go get her. She’s a mess,” Garrett gestured up the stairs. Dan still couldn’t will his heart to beat in rhythm as he tried to think of what to say to Fionna. How could he make this right?

  Hope, blasted, infuriating hope formed in his mind. Maybe, just maybe, Fionna really was better off with him than without him.

  He tried to normalize his thoughts and his voice as he tapped on the bedroom door. “Fi, baby, it’s me. Garrett’s got him. Let me in. It’s okay,” Dan tried to force his hands to stop shaking.

heard the chest slide hesitantly along the floor and then watched the door open. He caught Fionna as she fell into him, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Shh, baby, shh it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Dan felt her nails dig into his chest as she clung to him in her terror. “I’m right here.” Her energy was terror-ridden and frantic, but it soothed slightly when he spoke.

  She was crying far too hard to breathe. Dan willed her to calm. “Fionna, baby, it’s okay. Garrett’s got him. It was Eric Kent, but he’s going to jail. I will not let anything happen to you,” he vowed, so much more for himself than for her. She trembled violently in his arms, hardly able to hold herself up.

  “Come here, honey,” Dan reached and lifted her in his arms. He debated for a moment, but knew that seeing Eric drunk off his ass and violent inside her home wasn’t going to do anything to soothe her, so he moved into her bedroom and seated himself on her bed. She curled up into her tight ball and let him cradle and rock her.

  Numerous flashing blue lights sprang to life in Fionna’s driveway. Garrett tapped on the already-open door a minute later. He gave Dan a sorrowful look as he took in Fionna, sobbing on his bare chest.

  “Can I come in?”

  Dan nodded. He was still rocking her back and forth as he attempted to wipe away the steady cascade of tears.

  “Hey, baby girl; he’s got you. You’re all right,” Garrett caressed Fionna’s long, chestnut locks, wet from her tears. Fionna tensed and buried her face further in Dan’s embrace. Garrett understood.

  With a smirk, he raised his eyebrows. “See, it isn’t me she wants, but I’ve signed the warrants, and I’m going to tell the press that just pulled up, that I was here with her.”

  Having experienced far too many emotions already at barely four in the morning, Dan nodded his agreement. He drew a deep breath.

  “Take him to the Senate. He’s gonna have to sober up before you can take him to Felsink, and I’m certain his father will have quite a bit to say about this. I was phoned, but sent Iodex out here. I’m not here. I wouldn’t normally come out for a b and e.” Dan felt his brain try to function at full force again.

  “You got it,” Garrett seemed very pleased by Dan’s decision.

  “Thank you,” Fionna shuddered, barely able to formulate the two words.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Garrett shut the door on his way out.

  “I...was... so...scared,” she stuttered and effectively broke Dan’s heart.

  “I know, baby, but you’re all right. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” The words he spoke soothed his own heart.


  Dan swallowed down his own emotions. He didn’t deserve a love like this. They heard the press swarm outside her bedroom window.

  “Was Miss Styler injured? Will she be able to challenge? Will Mr. Kent continue his bid for Governor? Where is Miss Styler now?” The questions were endless.

  “Get him out of here!” Garrett bellowed.

  “Were you the arresting officer, Officer Haydenshire?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I was,” Garrett huffed as Dan and Fionna listened from their hiding place

  “Miss Styler filed a restraining order last week, is that correct Officer Haydenshire?” another reporter called.

  “Yes, she did, and all of that will be taken into consideration when he goes before the Governors.”

  “Did Miss Styler confront her attacker?” was the next question.

  Dan felt sick from the thought alone.

  “No, I was here with her.”

  An audible buzz arose in the crowd.

  “When will Miss Styler be available for comment?”

  “Miss Styler is understandably upset, and I don’t know that she’ll ever be available for comment on the incident, nor do I believe that you deserve one,” Garrett huffed indignantly, and Dan felt his face pull into a smile. “Why don’t we leave Miss Styler in peace, and allow her time to get her bearings after this harrowing ordeal?”

  “Was she injured?” The next question rang loudly, from someone very near Fionna’s bedroom window.

  “Miss Styler was not injured in any way.”

  “Will you be staying the rest of the night with Miss Styler?”

  Dan could almost see the look Garrett was most certainly giving the reporter.

  “Next question,” Garrett demanded. Keeping everyone guessing did seem to be the way to keep Fionna safe. Dan had to allow that.

  “What will be the next steps for Eric Kent in his run for Governor?”

  “I couldn’t answer that, but I will say Mr. Kent was highly intoxicated, he forcibly broke into Miss Styler’s home, and that is certainly not the kind of man I want seated on our Governing board. Do you?”

  Dan was extremely impressed.

  “Was he given a breathalyzer test when you made the arrest?”

  “My first course of action was to make certain that he was removed from Miss Styler’s home and to ensure her safety. He’ll be given a test in the squad car on the way to the Senate, but I certainly don’t have those results yet.”

  Fionna’s cell phone rang. Dan leaned and handed it to her.

  “Hey,” she shuddered as she answered Chloe’s call. “I’m okay.” Her voice was weak and broken. “Yes, in his lap,” she informed Chloe. Dan smiled again. “You can come over, but I’m not getting out of his lap any time soon.” Dan cradled her closer. That was perfectly fine with him. “I’m just completely freaked out,” she paused. “I love you, too.” Fionna hung up the phone.

  “Iodex is moving in. I’m telling you now to leave, by order of the Crown Governor. She’ll be at the trial. Perhaps you can interview her then,” Garrett baited the press.

  He knocked again before entering Fionna’s bedroom several minutes later. She gave him the most pitiful look either Garrett or Dan had ever seen. It physically affected both of them, as tears welled from her deep sienna eyes.

  “Thank you.” She crawled out of Dan’s lap and fell into Garrett’s arms.

  “You’re welcome, baby.” Garrett hugged her fiercely. She turned back to Dan still wearing a bereaved expression.

  “Will you help me take down the tree and then put it back up at your house?” she asked in a tone that Dan couldn’t have denied if he wanted to.

  “Of course, honey.” He wondered what she was planning. She turned back to Garrett.

  “Will you and Logan and Rainer come over and help me move tomorrow?”

  Garrett gave Dan a grin as he nodded. “Nowhere else any of us would be. I could even grab a few more of my brothers. If all the Haydenshires are involved, it won’t take long.”

  A second later, she crawled back into Dan’s lap and resumed her previous ball form. Garrett and Dan both grinned at her adoringly.

  “I still don’t know how she gets all that leg up into a ball like that, but she’ll stay like that for a while,” Garrett stated knowingly.

  Fionna giggled while keeping herself in her cocoon. Dan kissed the top of her head, as that was the only thing he had access to at the moment. “She can stay like this as long as she likes. I’ll be right here.”

  Garrett gave Dan an extremely impressed smile. “Had a feeling.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anytime. I’m gonna head back to Chloe’s. We’ll bring coffee early. You want me to help you tape that window before I go?”

  “I’ll take care of the window,” Dan assured Garrett, who nodded and kissed the top of Fionna’s head before he disappeared down the stairs.

  Confessions and Regrets

  “I’m not going back to sleep,” Fionna dared Dan to argue with her.

  “I’m pretty sure you mean we’re not going back to sleep.”

  “I’m going to pack, and we’re moving tomorrow.”

  “I won’t argue with that, but I really don’t want you to move in with me just because you’re scared, honey. I will keep you safe. I don’t want you to run away from something you love so m
uch,” Dan gestured to her house in general.

  She shook her head. “I’ve been scared for a long time, Dan,” she admitted in a choked whisper. “I guess I kind of screwed up. I’ve been screwing up for a long while, actually.” Dan listened. He, of all people, knew when a confession was weighing on someone. She needed to get whatever she was trying to tell him off of her chest, and he wanted to help her heal from every wound. “I kind of went through a bad-boy phase… I guess… because….” She shuddered against him. “If I tell you all of this, can we never talk about it again after tonight?”

  “Sure; whatever you want, sweetheart.”

  “Until I met you, I didn’t think any guys like you existed.”

  That wasn’t what he’d expected. His brow furrowed, but he didn’t want to say too much, afraid she might stop talking.

  “What do you mean?”

  Fionna buried her face against him, and Dan leaned in to hear her. “Again, not a sex maniac,” she insisted. He chuckled as he recalled that her original declaration that she was not a ‘sex addict’ was accompanied by her explanation that she preferred to sleep naked. As he found every single thing about her absolutely intoxicating, he wasn’t too concerned about this confession, either.

  “Got it.” He brushed another kiss in her hair.

  “I guess I kind of like that take-charge kind of deal in bed, so I went out with bad boys because they were better in bed. They were more aggressive, or whatever,” She didn’t seem to like the way that sounded when she said it out loud. Dan had a feeling he knew where this was going.

  “So, I guess I’ve been scared for a long time, because there are several guys out there who know where I live. Only they aren’t just aggressive in bed; they’re just aggressive, jerky guys all the time.”

  Dan felt the relief that begin to form in her energy as she made her confession.

  “That’s another reason I wanted to stay here all the time, once we started dating. I finally felt safe here again, and I do love my house.” She sounded thoroughly disgusted with herself. With a deep breath, she shrugged. “I guess I thought I couldn’t have it both ways until I met you. How do you do that? How are you such a nice, sweet guy all the time, but then you know exactly how I want you to be in bed, bad boy and all? You aren’t supposed to exist.”


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