An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 44

by Jillian Neal

  Dan summoned and casted the elevator. Watching as buttons lit up from guests calling the elevator to their floor, he kept it going at a fevered climb. Everyone else could wait.

  Excessive desire consumed him. He let his mind reel with lurid fantasies. Dan halted the elevator on their floor. He shoved his way past two businessmen, who looked offended as they started to get on. Not caring enough to apologize, Dan forced himself not to sprint to his room.

  He wanted her, wanted to own her, to possess her, to brand her, to fill her, and fit her to him and no other. He wanted to feel her hot breath on his neck, see her body splayed under his, feel her fevered flesh meld into his as he took her hard, just the way she preferred.

  He flung open the door to his suite and frantically threw his jacket and tie off as he knocked on the door between the suites. He had it unlocked before she could respond.

  She glided toward him. Her eyes were dark and covetous, locked on his with abandon lit in their depths. She’d released her hair from the pins holding it, so that it fell down her back in waves. Her heels had been kicked off when she entered.

  He wrapped his hands forcefully around her hips and jerked her forward. He stared greedily into her voracious eyes for the length of one heartbeat, and then at her lips, begging and daring him to own her. He’d casted her on the plane. She was still closed off, so carnal desire was his only concern.

  She panted; her rhythms were jagged and wild. She needed to be tamed.

  “Mine,” he growled as a gasping moan escaped her while he devoured her mouth. He wasn’t soft. The kiss was demanding and urgent. His tongue stroked hers, commanding consent. A low, rapacious groan spilled from his mouth into hers.

  Releasing her hips, he slid his hands up the chiffon of the dress and over her breasts. He felt her tremble as he caught her nipples between his thumb and index finger, too far gone, too raw in his need to be gentle.

  His hands continued their climb to her neck as he continued to consume her mouth. He pulled away and spun her around, edging her against the wall in front of her.

  Dan released the chiffon bow tied at her neck. The bodice of the dress cascaded down but caught on the curve of her ass. With one push, he watched the gown fall in a puddle of satin and lace at her feet. He groaned as he took her in; she was exquisite.

  He grabbed her wrists and held her hands to the wall over her head, making her cry out for him in fervent need and ecstasy. Huffing hot breath on her neck, he kissed and licked up her right shoulder and then returned to suck her earlobe from behind her. With a hungry nip, he listened to her groan in pleasure.

  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, baby, you never forget who you belong to. You understand me? Mine,” he growled in her ear.

  “Yes,” hissed from her deliciously as she quaked and shook from his promises.

  He liberated her hands and spun her back around with force. “These are mine,” he declared hotly as he grasped her waist and jerked her forward. Her back arched from his pull. He drew her right breast in his mouth and sucked. She let her head fall back, and he dragged his teeth over the swells and then nipped at her nipples.

  Her moans were loud and eager. She laced her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Dan sucked her voraciously. His hands gripped her backside, squeezing and pulling her apart as he consumed her. His touch was rough and rugged. There was no time for finesse. There was no time between them at all, only need for deep, dark, desperate requisition.

  With his right hand, he took a firm hold of that sexy ass and brought her forward, pressing her mound to his strain. Hard and unrelenting, fierce, and she was the only thing that could bring him relief. With his left, he grasped her breasts and lifted one to his mouth. He bathed them with fiery heat from his tongue and tested her again with his teeth, until she was begging to be set free.

  He sank his bite into the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder, and his name evulsed from her swollen lips.

  “That’s right, baby, all mine. Now, I want you to go get in my bed and take these off on your way while I watch.” He slipped two fingers under the slight crotch of her G-string. He stabbed his fingers between her folds. He had no intention of asking permission for anything. He was rough and quick, pulling away almost as fast as he’d entered her. Her body quivered. It tried to trap his fingers there, but she was too slick to hold him captive, already dripping wet, hot, and restless.

  “And then you lay there, and you wait until I come and pound that sweet pussy, because it is all mine. No one else’s; not ever again.”

  Her eyes flashed in ecstasy as she panted and moaned. She stared at him for a moment too long.

  He rubbed a spot on her plump ass and then smacked it with force. “Right now,” he demanded.

  “Oh, my God.” She fought off imminent climax from his demands as she turned from him. Parading a few steps away, she slowly dragged the G-string down her legs. He watched, unable to take his eyes from the provocative display.

  She turned and stared him down. She flung the panties in his face defiantly, driving him wild, as he caught them and inhaled deeply of her scent.

  She turned back and let her hips sway as she traipsed slowly to the bed. Trying desperately to rein in the wild, animal instincts that had taken over his body, proved futile.

  Removing all of his clothing, Dan followed the trail she’d blazed. She was already writhing, splayed out, and waiting on him.

  “Jesus,” hissed from his lips as he took her all in; her eyes voracious, her lips swollen from his bite. They tempted him. Her hair was splayed over the white sheets. Her body was fevered with an aching need to be penetrated, to be full of him. Lust and desire surged heavily through his veins. His body could barely contain the craving heat.

  Dan pulled her legs apart and began kissing his way up her inner thighs. That simply wasn’t enough. Nothing made sense but to consume her. She was his.

  He sank his teeth into her thigh and then sucked the sensitive skin beside her pulsing lips, until he’d left his mark. He continued torturing her with his teeth and then pacifying her with his tongue. She bucked, and he clamped his hands around her waist. He knew he was being too rough but, damn it, he couldn’t stop himself. “Be still and let me enjoy you.”

  She cried out for him as he lapped up the nectar spilling from her. He circled her clit with his tongue, forcing more of her honey into his mouth. He flicked his tongue in slow syncopation over her, and then pushed his fingers back inside of her, owning her thoroughly. Never gentle, only demanding, he let his hands fuck her before he granted his cock the pleasure. With another torturous prod of his tongue, she broke free. He forced himself to pull away to make his next command.

  “Good girl. Now, don’t come again until I tell you to. Do you understand me?”

  Her mound pulsated in a heated mass of tender nerves. She writhed and pleaded for more as she managed to nod her understanding. A shuddered cry echoed from her as she reached and used two fingers to spread her lips apart. “Please.”

  Dan went wild. He took in her hands on her lips, showing him the deep pink, swollen entrance to her perfection. A low moan echoed from him as he returned to her and licked what she was showing him, drinking in the liquid heat her body made in preparation for him. The very embodiment of her energy filled his mouth, and nothing would ever feel as good or taste as sweet as that.

  Giving her no warning, he pulled his mouth away and plunged his fingers deep inside of her again. He listened to her scream out her approval and his name. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as he explored her thoroughly.

  This time he sussed out the spot deep inside of her that made her drip and ache as the nerve endings coiled and vied for his attention.

  He moved up her body, bringing his mouth to her ear. “This is mine. Only for me. When you ache, when you drip, it’s for me.”

  Her breath caught as her body tensed. He continued to caress the perfect spot, feeling her muscles clench tightly around his fingers as her body devoured him. H
e ripened her until she could hardly draw breath, and her energy peaked high on the brink of climax.

  “You are mine,” he growled again. “Say it!”

  “Yours,” panted from her lips.

  “Good girl.” He pulled his hand away, leaving her desperate and tender. Her body flushed frantically as her back arched, and she shuddered below him. “Watch me.” He brought his index finger to his mouth sucking the ecstasy of her. “All mine.”

  She went wild. Her energy was frantic and urgent. Her body rolled in rhythmic waves against his.

  “Spread your legs for me. I’m going to own you.”

  Her legs fell open wide, and she clawed the sheets beside her. Grabbing her wrists, he pinned her arms over her head and, with one ragged, piercing thrust, he filled her completely. He was thick, solid, and heavy. She trembled from the force. He pressed harder for relief.

  “All mine,” he gasped in her ear as he began to grind against her, listening to her moans of pleasure. “Feel it,” Dan commanded as she met his every thrust and begged for more. She lifted her hips against his, but could barely manage him. “Every inch of you is for me and only me.”

  “Oh, God, yes, yes,” she panted.

  He was overtaken by the heavenly sensation of her energy consuming him. He groaned and growled as her body nursed away his pain, his agitation, and his need.

  “So fucking tight, baby,” he grunted in deep appreciation. “Open up and take me. Take it all like my good girl.” He pushed harder, driving her to the brink of climax but then holding her back.

  “Not yet baby, not yet. Not until I tell you to.” He kept his tone soothing, but in control, as she spun frantically. Her body was desperate for release. He backed off and stayed shallow for a few rhythmic thrusts before he plunged into her fully again.

  “Let it build for me. Be a good girl.” He could feel her trying to do as he told her. She trembled against him. Her body writhed in heat as she tried to fight the orgasm. Her head shook back and forth.

  Dan pumped her full, filled her completely, and then pulled away, coated in her perfection. The sensation was heavenly. He could never claim enough of her, never delve deeply enough, to satisfy himself.

  She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t fight it. She wasn’t strong enough to deny the ecstasy she craved from him. He released her hands and her fingernails immediately dug into his biceps, leaving marks of ownership all her own. It was perfection.

  “Do you need to come, sweetheart?”

  “Please, please,” she whimpered. Another hungry groan thundered from his lungs.

  “Come for me, baby. Make me wet, because I’m not finished with you,” he ordered, and she let it go with an echoing scream. The hot, heavenly pulses of her climax licked like consuming fire around his strain, nearly ending him, but he fought the release as it gathered in his groin. He pumped her harder and faster, riding the waves of her orgasm, and then building her again.

  He lowered his mouth to her right breast, sucking and dragging his teeth over the fevered flesh. “I want another one, honey. Give it to me. They’re all mine, all for me. When you come, you come for me.” He listened to her gasp his name in bliss-filled awe.

  He slipped his right hand down her abdomen. He kept his thrusts deep and unyielding, making every hidden space of her all his own, while he brushed his fingers over her clit.

  He coaxed it gently and then with more coercion, until he held it between his fingers as he pounded inside of her.

  Her body convulsed. The exquisite, incessant pain drove her mad.

  “All mine, baby. It’s all mine.”

  His heart pounded. His climax threatened to detonate at any moment. He wasn’t going to last much longer. He buried himself deeper. “Say my name,” he commanded, and she lost it all, screaming out his name. His climax shattered through his determined resolve. She was simply too much. He buried himself inside of the perfection of her and her love. He lost more than his own release. He lost all of himself inside the woman who healed his every wound, the woman who made him whole.

  When he regained the ability to breathe normally, he begrudgingly withdrew and fell beside her on the bed. She languidly slipped to his chest, still quaking and shuddering from the last orgasm, more powerful than the ones before. She gave a replete sigh, making him grin as he wrapped her up in his arms.

  “Have I mentioned that I really, really like your possessive side?”

  Dan chuckled. “Have I mentioned that I really, really hate it when you dance with other guys?”

  “Aww, poor baby; but if making you jealous is what I have to do to get that, then it might just be worth it.” She gave him a wicked grin.

  “Behave, Ms. Styler. It was all I could do not to turn you over my knee.” He began tickling her rib cage.

  “Oh, yeah; clearly, jealous is definitely the way to go.” She wiggled, trying desperately to cover her rib cage with her arms as she giggled hysterically.

  “Hey, Fionna,” he whispered as she settled back down on his chest. She angled her head up to look into his eyes. “I love you.” He could feel her heart stutter out of rhythm against him.

  “I love you, too.” She leaned up on her elbow and kissed his cheek.


  A jarring rap rang in Dan’s head as he slept. Squeezing his eyes shut tighter, he tried desperately not to hear it. Damn it. Its alarm shook through the room again. Forcing his head to raise off of his pillow, he kept Fionna cradled closely on his chest with one arm and rubbed his eyes with the other.

  He heard it again but couldn’t understand what it was. He studied the clock on the bedside table trying to make the numbers compute. It was three forty-eight, he finally determined.

  “Vindico!” The plea was frantic.

  Fionna whimpered, “Make it go away.”

  “Shh, baby, it’s okay,” Dan soothed as he tried to determine what to do.

  “You gotta help me, man! Please, I’m begging you. I’ll help you out!”

  “Honey, stay right here. I’ll text you when I want you to open either door. Do not open them until you get my text.”

  Fionna sprang up in bed. Terror riddled her features.

  “Get dressed for me, please,” Dan instructed as he began his calculations. Nodding and rubbing her eyes, she stood. He noticed a slight twinge of pain when she walked to her suitcase, raw from his force a few hours before. He’d expected that, but he’d also been certain that she would be able to sleep soundly in his arms all night, and that he could cast away any residual pain that morning. He watched her carefully as she slipped on a t-shirt and yoga pants.

  Whoever was at his door took precedence at the moment, but he swore to himself that he would make sure she was in no pain, as soon as he dealt with whatever had come their way.

  Dan grabbed his Glock from his holster and pulled a pair of sweatpants from his luggage. He locked the door between the suites. His heart stormed against his ribcage.

  “Please, man! I’ll help you, but you gotta keep me safe. Please, he’s gonna kill me!” Dan finally recognized Quentin Vitrio’s pleading voice.

  “Shut the fuck up, Vitrio!” Dan ordered through the door as he called Garrett’s cell. “Get out here with a gun. I can’t see him. He’s outside my door,” he demanded through his teeth.

  “On my way.”

  Dan repeated the same order to Rainer, who assured him he was also on his way.

  “You armed, Vitrio?” Dan sneered through the door.

  “I brought you two guns, big take, illegal, whatever. You can arrest me for them. I’ll tell you where we took the stash. It’s a bunch of stuff. Some women. Just arrest me. He’s gonna kill me. He sent Adderand!”

  Dan tried to process the information. Glancing back at the door to Fionna’s room, his mind scrambled. With a quick breath, his instincts ran the show for him. He raced to the bed in his suite, unfurled the sheets and blankets, and drove his fist into one of the pillows to make it appear that he’d slept there.

; “I’ve got him, Dan,” Garrett called.

  Dan flung open the door to his suite. Vitrio was on his knees. His fingers were laced together and his hands were on his head. Garrett’s personal Beretta was aimed at his face, Rainer’s service pistol was at his heart.

  There were two large, striker semi-automatic rifles at his feet. Garrett grasped Vitrio’s hands and cuffed him as Rainer raised his Glock a few inches and took aim at Vitrio’s head.

  “Look, man, I’ll help you. I’ll tell you everything I know. Just take me in; just keep me alive,” Vitrio begged again.

  “If Nic’s got women somewhere, anywhere they don’t want to be, you better start talking now. When’s Adderand arriving?” Dan demanded.

  “I just got word from a guy I know. Nic sent Adderand out from Berlin as soon as that bitch called him. He’s on a flight due in at ten. Commercial,” Vitrio couldn’t seem to get the words from his mouth fast enough. “There are four guards and about a dozen women. We took them from Baja. They’re going to Guadalajara tomorrow. They’re with the guns, a bunch of them, in a storage facility warehouse thing, about forty miles out of town, in the desert. Pravus’s doing, not Nic’s; Nic got the guns. He don’t know about the girls.”

  He was telling the truth. Dan had no doubt. That was a hell of a confession. “All right, Vitrio. I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine. If I get Adderand, you get to keep breathing.”

  “He’ll be in at ten; I swear.”

  “Where’s Marlisa?”

  “She’s back at the Tropicana, in the, uh, casino,” he tripped over the words in desperation to get them out of his mouth. He was scared, possibly to death.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be with her?” Dan was certain that keeping up with Marlisa and doing whatever she wanted to do was Vitrio’s assignment from Wretchkinsides.

  “She got mad and told me to leave. I had to do what she said.”

  “Anybody else know you’re here?” Garrett huffed.

  “No, nobody, I swear.”


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