Favor of Crows
Page 4
red tulips
wobble in the heavy rain
parade ground
mountain storm
faraway scent of lilacs
down river
maple leaves
frozen in the river ice
come ashore
cold wind
steady wheeze of the elm trees
robin nests
garden gate
glitters in the gentle rain
spider web
mighty crows
bounce over the great river
slippery stones
midnight moon
shimmers on lake namakan
sound of loons
sunday service
three mice escape the bellows
company of angels
early breakfast
under the morning glories
medals of honor
pony at the rail
bumps the children in a row
wet sleeves
dusty road
horses at the rusted gate
scent of mown hay
fat black cat
hidden in the summer sage
noisy horseflies
circle the picnic bench
strawberry jelly
tiny blues
blossom in the granite seams
ancient bouquets
nara temple deer
graze with the hordes of tourists
chancy karma
bright hollyhocks
teeter in the rush of trains
flurry of faces
mosquitoes gather
overnight on the terrace
bloodline stories
wooden fence
secures a private garden
scent of jasmine
august sunrise
shimmers on the lawn chairs
drops of dew
daily newspapers
caught on the barbed wire fence
chatter overnight
ant mounds
flooded in a thunderstorm
restored by morning
morning glories
brighten the moist shadows
faces on a bench
balmy night
spider web near a street light
risky flight
lean over the garden mice
crown shadows
blue dragonflies
congregate in the cattails
hazy sunset
swarm outside the tent
late night chorus
curious raccoon
swashes in a street puddle
moons ashore
overnight storm
green flies in the morning light
stray shadows
gypsy moths
flutter on the window screen
twilight music
downy catkins
caught in a spider web
waver overnight
climbs a withered fruit tree
reach of memory
gusts of rain
trees turn away from the sea
beach stories
morning rain
robins chase the sidewalk worms
spring fare
spirited sparrows
chatter in the choir loft
six days a week
white butterflies
bounce in the dandelions
flyaway bouquet
sultry twilight
beaver nose the water lilies
chorus of insects
house sparrows
bounce across the garden
seventeen chirps
brown ants
ride in a red wagon
hot and heavy on the road
cracks in the sun
gray cat
secure in the wintergreen
august heat
twilight mosquitoes
stories of ancestral blood
hatched in a culvert
summer heat
children gather with the flies
ice cream cart
wrens twitter
daily over the new house
painted pink
every footprint
erased by the gentle waves
tease of creation
flash of fireflies
bright stars between the leaves
nightly hearsay
clumsy horsefly
overturned on the sidewalk
buzzed rightly
tiny mosquitoes
gorge at a sunday picnic
crash in the weeds
red poppies
trace the motion of the sun
elders in the park
cold rain
old woman walks a mongrel
scent of cedar
party moths
danced last night in a lantern
sunrise stories
heavy hailstones
batter the tender corn stalks
radiant sunset
bright moon
bounces on lake namakan
wake of a canoe
great blue heron
steady steps in the shallows
waves of sunlight
morning sunlight
chases clouds on the meadow
crows alight
catalpa leaves
collected rain overnight
morning breeze
giant clouds
scatter in circles of waves
skipping stones
willow leaves
down overnight in a storm
laurels at dawn
green dragonflies
cross their wings in the cattails
sunrise ceremony
palace ravens
circle the best restaurant trash
imperial manners
tiny red spider
marches over the cascades
mountain map
temple butterfly
dithers on the white stones
scent of rain
tricky bullfrog
croaks a haiku in the marsh
skinny issa
china sunrise
tourists circle the statues
cicada fugues
box elder tree
children on a mighty bough
scent of oranges
tricky crows
spread their wings on a windmill
locked with rust
fat green flies
square dance across the grapefruit
honor your partner
windy morning
robins in the chokecherry tree
tipsy flight
black butterflies
dance on the chrysanthemums
double time
trumpet vines
decorate the ancient oak
natural union
clothes line
children run between the sheets
shadow encore
persistent moths
flutter in the porch lanterns
port in a storm
misty moon
shimmers on the sidewalk
snail traces
morning mist
cardinals ride in the white pine
rowers on the river
early breakfast
black flies first to the table
rural habits
marsh marigolds
tremble in the hard rain
faces on a bus
gray gardener
raises a red umbrella
over the roses
whole moons
float with the river faces
beneath the bridge
old school bell
sounds once or twice a summer
bold nasturtiums
dress the barbe
d wire fences
down to the sea
broken windmill
meadowlarks perch on the blades
prairie music
old gray stump
remembers the past today
raising the moon vines
rusted nails
on the morning glory fence
wet with dew
cattle birds
ride the cows in the pasture
yellow school bus
twilight at clear lake
old friends row in the distance
herons in the reeds
white butterflies
flutter around the children
picking flowers
court the african lilies
day after day
leech lake storm
two plovers run with the waves
dance partners
shaggy mare
once pranced in summer parades
leans at the gate
early light
redwing blackbirds in the reeds
squeak of oars
crescent moon
fireflies in the moist grass
hands alight
trumpet vines
reach over the wooden fence
bright bouquet
blue bell flowers
wobble on a windy day
mountain stream
aspen leaves caught in the foam
sail out to sea
purple grackles
screech on the telephone wires
sunday picnic
calm in the storm
master bashō soaks his feet
water striders
haughty ravens
roost in the bare cottonwoods
oversee the river
maple leaves
bright ceremonial mounds
smolder overnight
whole moon
slowly moves through the window
traces in a book
red maple leaves
set sail with the river boats
ports of call
harvest moon
parades over the garden
one stalk at a time
willow leaves
brighter in the autumn moon
float away
noisy ravens
gather one early morning
crack of pecans
october moon
shivers in a rain barrel
curious raccoon
blue ravens
glimmer in the cottonwoods
twilight hues
flights of starlings
curve and shimmer wing to wing
sunset sway
cold wind
leaves scatter across the bandstand
last dance
redwing blackbirds
bounce on the reeds in the slough
curtain calls
gray squirrel
hunkers at the windowsill
early breakfast
broken fence
horses browse in the orchard
crack of apples
first frost
moths flutter at the windows
cedar cones
tumble over the river stones
wash ashore
autumn wind
garage doors open and close
wings of a moth
late night
new moon on a country road
whistlestops in the dark
spider web
woven over the harness
caught a weary fly
autumn leaves
mountains erupt with children
late for school
sunday morning
two hearts entwined on the bridge
crossed out overnight
chilly night
crickets chirp in a down spout
last words
cedar waxwings
silent in the red sumac
turn with the leaves
early morning
steady beat of a woodpecker
breakfast poetry
october rain
leaves gather in the birdbath
birds depart
great blue heron
stands alone in the cattails
leaves rattle
willow leaves
caress the mottled cat
slight breeze
windy marsh
cattails burst out of reach
change of scenes
sandhill cranes
dance in the withered meadow
giant snowflakes
cold morning
sluggish horseflies on the fence
catch the sun
robins migrate
marigolds wither with grace
crows stay
cold night
ghosts of summer in the trees
trace of leaves
heavy fog
shrouds the abandoned farms
docks of nostalgia
pine cones
capture the first flakes of snow
morning dew
light snow
floats with the last birch leaves
overnight practice
overnight snow
brightens the summer paths
courts the crows
november moon
creeps over the bare boughs
lightens the leaves
cold mist
glistens on the dark shoreline
river ghosts
heavy frost
horses on the gray meadow
plumes of breath
oak leaves
cover a broken park bench
autumn disguise
windy schoolyard
mongrels gather at the gate
speedy lesson
weary crickets
rehearse night after night
culvert chorus
spider web
billows on a bare bough
old man
pitches pennies in a pond
leaves afloat
crispy leaves
driven by a prairie wind
float on the river
charcoal bags
stored in the summer shed
smell of urine
gusts of wind
pushed the leaves down a tin roof
lonely night
gray juncos
gather in the red maples
gorgeous ruins
bright pansies
save face in the first light snow
close overnight
box elder bough
leans over to the gazebo
squeaks in the wind
steady breeze
bends the whiskers of the cat
asleep on the stoop
bright moon
country man salutes his shirt
weathered scarecrow
autumn night
leaves and family secrets
take flight
timothy grass
waves beside the windy road