Irresistible Attraction

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Irresistible Attraction Page 1

by Alison Kelly

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page


  About the Author

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten



  “Nice body.”

  “Yes,” Bart agreed. “He’s my best stallion.”

  “I didn’t mean the horse,” Alessandra replied honestly, smiling at the man’s surprised look. “You’re in good shape. Do you work out regularly?”

  He climbed over the fence to stand six inches above her five foot six.

  “If you mean in a gyin, then no. I reckon I get enough exercise working this place,” Bart told her.

  Alessandra smiled. “I reckon you must at that!”


  a self-confessed sports junkie, plays netball, volleyball and touch football, and lives in Australia’s Hunter Valley. She has three children and the type of husband women tell their daughters doesn’t exist in real life! He’s not only a better cook than Alison, but he isn’t afraid of vacuum cleaners, washing machines or supermarkets. Which is just as well, otherwise this book would have been written by a starving woman in a pigsty!

  Look out for YESTERDAY’S BRIDE by Alison Kelly in August (#1903), as part of our From Here to Paternity series.

  Alison Kelly has a warm, witty writing style you’ll

  love! Bubbly heroines, gorgeous laid-back

  heroes…romances brimming over with sex appeal!

  Irresistible Attraction

  Alison Kelly

  For Neville, my hero

  in all ways

  for always


  BART CAMERON looked up from the task of grooming his favourite stallion as a pick-up was brought to a dustflurrying halt. He’d heard it long before it came into view, and reason told him it was the woman his sister Marilyn had talked him into hiring as a bookkeeper for the summer. He wasn’t thrilled at the idea of having to play host to a tourist for twelve weeks, but Bart had never been able to refuse his older sister’s artful cajoling. He knew it was time to start trying, though, the instant the woman opened the vehicle’s door!

  He watched in silence as a slim peroxide-blonde moved towards him. Long, shapely legs stretched from what a vivid imagination might call shorts and a snug yellow T-shirt did nothing to conceal the wearer’s delicate curves, nor the fact she was braless. He judged her age at around twenty-five. If this woman was as hard up for work as Marilyn had led him to believe, then it was only because Hugh Heffner’s talent scouts didn’t know she was in the country!

  ‘Gidday! Can you tell me where to find Bart Cameron?’

  ‘I’m Bart Cameron, ma’am. You must be Marilyn’s friend, Alexandra.’

  ‘Alessandra,’ she corrected.

  ‘Sorry, ma’am.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it; I’ve spent half my bloody life trying to teach people how to pronounce my name!’ She laughed. ‘But drop the “ma’am”, uh? It’s positively matronly! Hell, I’m only twenty-eight!’

  Her voice was reminiscent of Katherine Hepburn’s, if you could ignore the harsh language and broad accent.

  ‘Alessandra. Unusual name.’

  ‘After five boys my dad wanted something really feminine.’ She gave a deep, throaty laugh. ‘Unfortunately he got me!’

  ‘I’m nearly finished here,’ Bart said, indicating the horse and silently deciding that her father must be darned hard to please. ‘If you don’t mind waiting a few minutes until I’m through, I’ll help you take your stuff into the house.’

  ‘No rush,’ Alessandra assured him, grasping the post and rail fence surrounding the corral and pushing against it as she stretched first one leg then the other behind her. Her actions drew a puzzled look from Bart Cameron.

  ‘Just getting a few kinks out,’ she explained. ‘Drove without stopping for the last four hours.’

  He nodded and returned his attention to the horse.

  Alessandra immediately hoped she’d have a chance to ride while she was here. She loved horses almost as much as she hated office work, but, she rationalised, she had to eat. Before Bart Cameron had agreed to employ her as a bookkeeper things had looked financially grim. After twelve months backpacking round the USA she’d returned to Australia penniless.

  Bart’s silence as he continued grooming the stallion gave Alessandra the opportunity of assessing the man and comparing it to what Marilyn had already told her about him. She knew he’d been widowed eighteen years earlier and since had devoted himself to raising his daughter Lisa and building up his ranch in Texas. Four months ago he’d purchased this cattle station on the Queensland-New South Wales border as an experimental extension of his American ranching operation. Marilyn had said he was thirty-eight. Alessandra decided he looked nearer his mid-forties, his weathered appearance no doubt attributed to spending so much time outdoors in the harsh climate. He wasn’t good-looking in the conventional sense of the word—in fact she wasn’t sure she could stretch charity far enough to describe him as ruggedly handsome—but he had an honest, strong face that people would trust. His body was another matter altogether, she decided; worn denim and chambray more than hinting at male physical perfection hidden beneath. A one-time aerobics instructor, Alessandra recognised quality when she saw it; Bart Cameron’s body was definitely top quality! He gave the stallion a final pat then turned quickly, catching her appreciative expression.

  ‘Nice body,’ she said, unable to suppress a sheepish grin at being caught.

  ‘Yes,’ Bart agreed. ‘He’s my best stallion.’

  ‘I didn’t mean the horse,’ she replied honestly, smiling at the man’s surprised look. ‘You’re in good shape. Do you work out regularly?’

  He climbed over the fence to stand six inches above her five feet six.

  ‘If you mean in a gym, then no. I reckon I get enough exercise working this place,’ he told her.

  Alessandra smiled. ‘I reckon you must at that!’

  Bart pulled his stetson lower on to his forehead as they walked to where she’d stopped the pick-up at the foot of the porch steps. This didn’t seem like any bookkeeper he’d ever known! What he needed was someone to handle the financial side of things for twelve weeks, not a house guest! He had enough problems right now with Lisa, without having to ride shot-gun on the accounts as well.

  ‘Have you had much experience with accounts work before?’

  ‘On and off. I’ve worked on several occasions for my brother’s building firm and I also did a stint with a film company in Greece. I’ve done both computer and manual processing, so I don’t anticipate any difficulties here.’

  ‘Good, because I can’t spare the time to give you anything more than a basic explanation of how things operate; you’ll be on your own with the books. This all the luggage you got?’ he asked, holding a battered leather suitcase.

  ‘That and this,’ she replied, pulling a small backpack from the front seat. ‘When you’ve done as much travelling as I have you learn to pack economically. ‘Struth, it’s hot!’

  Bart made no response to her observation of the climate. He wasn’t one to waste his breath making irrelevant comments or endorsing accurate ones. The woman seemed to have no such reservation.

  ‘You’re obviously used to this heat. At least it’s dry heat and not that oppressive humidity you get up FNQ! Is that exhausting!’

  As they reached the top of the porch stairs, Alessandra became
aware of the close scrutiny of the man next to her.

  ‘Is something wrong?’

  ‘FNQ?’ he enquired in a slow drawl, accompanied by a look that suggested he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the translation.

  Alessandra laughed.

  ‘Far North Queensland. FNQ. Sounds like an obscene way of saying “Get lost”, doesn’t it?’

  She turned, catching the smile her reaction had caused, and was stunned by the transformation in his face. Strong white teeth were exposed from behind the previous thin line of his mouth, and deep grooves appeared at the sides. The fine lines spreading from the corners of his eyes, no doubt created by years of squinting against the sun, suddenly became laughter lines, lending a boy-like roguishness to his face. When he smiles, she thought, he is almost more than conventionally good-looking!

  She accepted his offer of a cold drink and sat quietly in the air-conditioned comfort of the kitchen as he busied himself at the refrigerator.

  All the mod cons were evident and in sparkling condition. Grey Formica benching and cedar cupboards ran the length of three walls, separated by a strategically placed stove, refrigerator, microwave and the largest domestic freezer she had ever seen! Soft grey walls complemented the black slate floor.

  ‘Here you are.’

  She turned in response to the rich Texas drawl.

  ‘Uh…thanks.’ She barely restrained a sigh as she accepted a glass of what was obviously lemonade and watched him pull the top off a can of beer. Oh, well, she’d suffered lemonade before and it hadn’t killed her… Mind you, it wasn’t likely to kill her thirst, either!

  Leaning against the bench, Bart watched her take a tentative sip from the glass. He wondered what whim had possessed her to bleach her hair to stark white, or for that matter why she wore it so short. It was completely straight and cut into a bob that ended an inch below her ears with a fine fringe just tipping her eyebrows. The hair, along with the elfin chin and fine, turned-up nose, created a pixie-like look that seemed in total conflict with the sensual blue eyes, rimmed by bluetipped lashes.

  As the father of a teenage daughter, he was only too familiar with the use of mascara and kohl, but he’d never struck anyone who used blue! Why would anyone want to have blue eyelashes?

  ‘You’re staring, Bart.’

  The truth in her words startled him back to reality.

  ‘Sorry, I just noticed you weren’t really enjoying that drink.’

  ‘Well, it’s pretty damned hard to enjoy a lemonade when you’re watching someone drink a frosty-cold beer!’ she responded cheekily.

  ‘Oh!’ Bart felt chastised. He hadn’t thought to offer beer, since none of the women he knew drank it. ‘Would you prefer a beer?’

  She grinned. ‘Can a duck swim?’

  ‘Sorry, I’m not used to women drinking beer. Here.’

  Alessandra smiled at the speed with which he put a can on the table.

  ‘I’ll get you another glass…’

  ‘Don’t bother, a can will do me.’

  She was already lifting the beer can to her mouth and a hot spark of sensation shot through him as she took two long swallows. He wondered how watching a woman do something as unladylike as guzzling beer from a can could be physically stimulating.

  ‘Ahh!’ She gave a blissful smile. ‘Now that felt good enough to call orgasmic!’

  Bart sent her a startled look, wondering whether some cosmic force was putting them on to the same wavelength. The notion didn’t bear thinking about!

  ‘I have to get back to work. I’ll show you your room, since I’m sure you’ll want to rest.’

  ‘What I’m hanging out for is a swim. Although I’ll settle for a shower.’

  ‘I’m afraid the swim will have to wait till Lisa can show you a safe spot in the stream.’ At the dejected look on her face he only just stopped himself from offering to take her there himself. He didn’t have time to pander to the whims of someone who was here to work for him. ‘Dinner is at seven-thirty. We don’t usually dress for it unless we have guests.’

  ‘Righto! I’ll remember. Dinner in the nude at seven-thirty.’

  Bart gave a wry smile as he desperately pushed away mental images of himself trying to eat a meal while a naked Alessandra MacKellar sat opposite. Already he felt the effects of heartburn.

  ‘Listen, will you do me a favour?’ she asked.

  ‘If I can,’ he said tentatively, picking up her bag to take upstairs.

  ‘Smile more often,’ she said. ‘You have one helluva sexy smile, Bart Cameron!’

  Bart was sure he was the only thirty-eight-year-old man ever to blush!

  More tired than she’d realised, Alessandra awoke to find she had only twenty minutes until dinner. She felt sure Bart Cameron’s don’t-dress-for-dinner rule wasn’t flexible enough to allow her the luxury of arriving at the table in a satin and lace camisole. Time to unpack.

  Packing and unpacking wasn’t difficult for Alessandra; in fact she could manage to make herself at home in a new place in a little over ten minutes. Rolling from the bed, she lifted her suitcase on to it and proceeded to do just that.

  Her meagre wardrobe consisted mainly of jeans and trousers which she teamed with either brightly coloured T-shirts or sweatshirts, as climate dictated. There were two hand-embroidered calf-length skirts she’d bartered for in Israel and a length of colourful hand-painted silk, purchased last year in Hong Kong, should she need something more dressy. Alessandra had never been one to get overly hung up on fashion, probably due to growing up with a tribe of brothers, and her only concessions to feminine vanity were expensive underwear and a collection of gold and silver jewellery, which she’d gathered from various parts of the world over the last nine years.

  The last items she pulled from her case were three brass-framed photographs, which she set on the dressing-table. One was of a smiling middle-aged couple against a backdrop of ocean. She had taken the snap four years ago when, following her father’s retirement from his plumbing business, her parents had moved to the north coast of New South Wales.

  The second photograph was of her five brothers— Greg, Drew, Scott, Brad and Matt. Scott and Matt were both single while the other three were married with seven children between them. The remaining snap was of the children and their mothers.

  Bart waited for her as she descended the stairs.

  ‘Settled in?’

  ‘Yes, thanks.’ She gave him a wide smile. ‘It never takes me long.’

  ‘Good. Lisa has dinner ready, so we better get in there.’ He stood aside to allow her to pass, hoping she didn’t have a sensitive stomach—his daughter’s cooking was definitely an acquired taste!

  ‘Wow! I love your hair!’

  ‘Thanks!’ Alessandra smiled pleasantly at the teenage girl, who hadn’t waited for a formal introduction.

  ‘Is it bleached?’


  ‘Only by the sun,’ Alessandra replied, ignoring Bart’s apologetic expression at what he considered rudeness on his daughter’s part.

  ‘I wish I was a blonde!’ Lisa Cameron sighed, pushing savagely at her waist-length dark hair.

  ‘I dyed mine black once when I was thirteen,’ Alessandra confessed, and laughed at the teenager’s horrified expression. ‘My parents’ facial reaction was pretty much similar to yours now!’

  ‘Dad would kill me if I changed mine!’ she said with more than a trace of resentment.

  ‘You’ve got that right,’ Bart Cameron stated.

  ‘Why?’ Alessandra asked, causing both heads to swing in her direction. ‘It’s her hair.’

  ‘That’s what I keep telling him!’ Lisa said.

  Bart sent a controlled glare across to his most recent employee.

  ‘Lisa is only seventeen years old,’ he replied, as if that explained everything.

  ‘Nearly eighteen!’ his daughter responded.

  ‘With luck you might make it.’

  The tone of the exchange between father and daughter tol
d Alessandra she had walked into a struggle of awakening independence versus old-fashioned discipline. The atmosphere wouldn’t be dull around here, that was for sure, even if the cutlery was. Cripes! How was a person expected to cut steak with a blunt knife? She diverted her plan of attack to the creamed potatoes, only to wish she hadn’t as the half-cooked vegetable caused her to gag.

  ‘You OK?’ Bart Cameron enquired, and Alessandra wasn’t sure whether she imagined the hint of humour she saw in his eyes.

  ‘Eh, sure! A bit just went down the wrong way,’ she lied, now suspecting that the inability to cut the steak lay in its cooking and not the knife. ‘Do you kill your own meat?’ she asked, in an effort to forestall having to take another mouthful.

  ‘Usually. The Rough Rivers Brand has the reputation of producing some of the finest beef cattle on either side of the Pacific.’

  Alessandra tried to look impressed, while wishing that it hadn’t lost quite so much of its reputation on the way to her plate!

  ‘We have beef for dinner every night when the housekeeper is on vacation. It’s the only thing Lisa feels confident about cooking.’

  God help us if she ever tries to tackle anything else! Alessandra prayed silently as she managed to sever another piece of meat and insult her taste-buds with it.

  From then on conversation was limited to enquiries about the health of Marilyn and her family, and Alessandra explained how she had met Bart’s sister in California and become firm friends with the older woman and her husband and children. It was Marilyn, knowing that Alessandra was planning to return to Australia for the summer, who had suggested that she apply for the job at Rough Rivers.

  When Bart began to talk to Alessandra about the ranch’s accounting system, Lisa announced she had a date and excused herself from the table in the wake of a paternal instruction to be home before midnight.


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