Getting Granny's Glasses

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by Ruskin Bond

  As the bus moved off, Granny looked eagerly out of the window. Each bend in the road opened up new vistas for her, and she could see many things that she hadn’t seen for a long time—distant villages, people working in the fields, milkmen on the road, two dogs rushing along beside the bus, monkeys in the trees, and, most wonderful of all, a rainbow in the sky.

  She couldn’t see perfectly, of course … but she was very pleased with the improvement.

  ‘What a large cow!’ she remarked, pointing at a beast grazing on the hillside.

  ‘It’s not a cow, Granny,’ said Mani. ‘It’s a buffalo.’

  Granny was not to be discouraged. ‘Anyway, I saw it,’ she insisted.

  While most of the people in the bus looked weary and bored, Granny continued to gaze out of the window, discovering new sights.

  Mani watched for a time and listened to her excited chatter. Then his head began to nod. It dropped against Granny’s shoulder, and remained there, comfortably supported. The bus swerved and jolted along the winding mountain road, but Mani was fast asleep.


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  First published by Julia MacRae Books in the UK 1985

  First published in India in Puffin by Penguin Books 2012

  Text Copyright @ Ruskin Bond 1985

  Illustrations copyright@ Sayantan Halder 2012

  Cover illustration by Sayantan Halder

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-01-4333-246-6

  This digital edition published in 2012.

  e-ISBN: 978-81-8475-667-8




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