A Walk in the Black Forest

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A Walk in the Black Forest Page 16

by K. A. M'Lady

  Damon spread her folds, caressing her knowingly. He glided his fingers along her sensitized flesh, causing her to arch into his hand. He knew what she wanted. Knew the need his hands created with each probing touch. He wound his arm around her and took her nipple between his fingers and caressed it with the same motion of his probing fingers below in the curls of womanhood.

  She was damp from the bath. Damp from his touch. He plunged his finger inside her and followed suit with his tongue, skimming along the edges of her lips before slipping deep inside the warmth of her mouth.

  Every thought Gabriella possessed flew from her mind in the frenzy he was creating in her body. His mouth on hers stirred her senses. He slipped a finger into her, and she thought she had died. His hand stilled when he pressed deep enough to find the barrier of her innocence.

  Virginity was a rarity in her time, but she had kept hers. Saving herself for the right man. Thinking that she would give herself to her husband. She didn’t know if she’d ever see her home again, but she had never wanted a man as much as she wanted this one. If she was going to give herself to anyone, she wanted it to be him.

  Damon slowed the dance of his fingers. Keeping her just at the edge of completion. He ended the kiss with nibbles to her lower lip, caresses to her jaw and neck, all the while keeping her arched into his lap.

  My plan is working rather well, he thought smugly. Soon I will play her like the sweetest fiddle and she will sing in my hands. His body tightened further at the thought of what was to come.

  His conscious gave a twinge of remorse at the loss of her innocence. Innocence that he would be taking. But his decision was made. Their course set. And God help him, he wanted no other to take this from her but him. He could not stop now if he wanted to.

  Damon lifted her from the cooling water, her weight nothing in his large arms as he turned and strode towards the fire. He didn’t worry about drying her. The flames of the fire would see to what his lips could not.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Damon knelt before the fire, laying her softly before the flames on a plush rug of fur. Taking her head in his hands, he brought his lips down to hers. This kiss was soft, sensual, a sweet interlude compared to the rough demand of his previous kisses. He lay down on his side next to her and filled his palm with her breast, caressing each nipple in turn before leaving her lips and blazing a fire down her neck. Her collarbone. To the soft swell of her right breast, taking the tight peak into his mouth.

  Gabriella gasped and threw back her head. With her back arched, she offered herself up to his knowing lips as he lavished hot, wet kisses over one breast, then the other. He drove her mad with need as he continued to suckle her. Careless of her wantonness, she ran her hands through the thick mass of his dark curls, holding his head to her. “Damon,” she pleaded, her body taught with yearning.

  “Hush, Cherie.” he crooned, raising his head to look into her passion-glazed eyes. “You are new to this dance, and we will take it slowly so that your body will know my touch.” And you will know my brand. Mine alone.

  He bent to run his mouth along the edge of her waist, across the flat expanse of her belly and hips before rising up before her and moving between her thighs. He bowed before her, kissing a line down one leg and then the other, then back before lifting her bottom in his hands. He lifted her up to his lips, tasting her hot, wet core.

  Gabriella’s body jerked in response and Damon only held her tighter, controlling her movements with his grip on her hips. She had known what transpired with a man and a woman. Who wouldn’t in her day and age—sex was everywhere. But she had never known it would feel like this. She had no idea that tiny fireworks would go off in her body, only to spread through every limb.

  Damon continued to taste the sweet heaven that wept from her body at his demand. He wound her body tighter and tighter before him, slowly easing from her wet folds and sliding his finger deep inside her. Watching her breath hitch in her chest, he moved his finger in an easy rhythm within her, stretching her tight passage little by little before sliding a second finger in with the first. “Open your eyes, Cherie. I want to see what my touch does to you. I want to watch the passion.”

  Gabriella opened her eyes to the dark hunger of Damon’s iced silver ones as he worked her body into a frenzied pitch. Her body found the rhythm of his fingers and moved of its own volition. Damon’s thumb found her swollen nub, and she moaned out loud. He removed his fingers from her and spread her legs wider, bending her knees, then leaning over her to take a nipple into his mouth, nipping and swirling his tongue around one then the other.

  “This will hurt a bit, but there is naught to stop it. We will go slowly. Do you understand?” His voice was dark like thunder, sultry and compelling like moonlight.

  Gabriella nodded, unable to speak. She was past the point of return, and she no longer cared. Damon took her hips in his hands and in one long, smooth stroke, filled her, breaking past her innocence. Her scream lodged in her throat as she clenched her teeth at the invasion. “You’re too big,” she groaned hoarsely, trying to squirm away from him.

  “Be still,” he whispered, leaning over her. “You need to let your body adjust. We will take this slowly.” Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he drank away any reservations from her lips.

  Soon Gabriella stilled her frantic need to push him away as his magical lips tortured her from the awareness of his body overtaking hers. He kissed down her neck, running his tongue in whirls around her pulse as he began to move slowly in and out of her body. Stretching her to fit him. Sending a million shockwaves through her body.

  “You feel like sweet, warm heaven,” he whispered as he drew himself in and out of her. “Open your eyes, Gabriella. Watch as I take you. As I bring your body beyond any arousal you have ever felt.”

  She watched his lean body sinking into her. Watched as her body took him deep within her core. She felt her body expanding to accept him. Watched the rhythm of his slow and powerful thrusts moving into her. Each movement caused a million fireworks to spread through her body as it found his rhythm and began to move with him.

  Her head thrown back, her back arched as he continued to pump into her. The feel of her nails digging into his forearms drove him on as passion roared through him and into her. He watched her orgasm begin. Felt her body contract as she peaked. Saw the wonder and passion in her eyes and smugly smiled before throwing his head back as his fulfillment overtook him, his seed pouring deep into her womb.

  Damon collapsed on top and to the side of her, his head next to her ear as his warm breath washed over her neck. Her body trembled with aftershocks as she lay panting beside him, cradling his head on her shoulder. Their bodies were moist from their lovemaking and the warmth of the flames. Minutes passed before either of them could speak.

  “Amazing,” Gabriella thought, not realizing she’d spoken out loud.

  “Aye,” Damon agreed after a moment, trying to catch his breath and recover the feeling in his body.

  No woman had ever had such an effect on him. All others had proved necessary to slake his need and that was all. But not this one. This woman was warmth and desire, flame and need. She stoked a fire in him that none before her ever had. This thought scared him as nothing on this earth ever could.

  He could not find the strength to move and remained buried within her for some time as their bodies cooled and their breathing became regular again. She felt so good in his arms, beneath his body. A small part of him never wanted to move from this position again. And yet, there were things he needed to know. Things that this lovemaking would not impede.

  Removing himself from her body, he rose and went to the wash water, where he wet a cloth and returned to their bed before the fire. Damon placed the cloth between her thighs to wash the results of their lovemaking from her. Gabriella’s eyes shot open as she lay resting. He was cleansing away the proof of her taken innocence. Washed away any reminder of his seed from her flesh.

  She lay lost in though
t of his behavior, her eyes frowning at the confusion and double signals he was sending. He said nothing to her as he rose again, threw the cloth into one of the buckets and strode naked to the table, pouring himself a glass of mead. Gabriella watched him, uncertain how to react to his silence. Unsure if she should say anything to him. Unsure of what she had done to warrant this behavior.

  I have just had the most amazing experience in my life, with quite possibly, the most amazingly handsome man in the universe, and he leaves me before a fire, naked, chilled and completely alone. Or as alone as someone can get when their partner stands across the room, completely ignoring them. What have you done, Gabriella? What have you done?

  Damon stood with his back to her for some time.

  He turned to look at her. Laid out before the flames like some glorious goddess, she watched him with concerned eyes, not speaking, as he was not speaking. He crossed the distance that separated them. Kneeling down beside her, he took her face into his hands and pulled her towards him as his lips closed on hers. The breath hitched in her lungs as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

  Gabriella was so lost to his touch and the swirling desire he brought out in her that she didn’t even notice that he had lifted her and carried her to his bed until he laid her down upon the furs. He started to pull away, but she held him tighter, not allowing his retreat.

  She didn’t know what was going on in his head, but she would not allow this night to end in strained silence. She wanted to fall asleep, just this once, in his arms, sated and exhausted from their lovemaking. “I want you,” she whispered against his lips, trailing her nails up and down his back.

  “‘Tis too soon, Cherie, I do not wish to hurt you.”

  His body told her otherwise. She reached down between them and took him into her hand, rubbing along the length of him, making him all the harder. “Please,” she begged. “Just for tonight, Damon. Before our lives interfere. Take me to heaven.”

  Damon was lost to her request. He took her face in his hands, lost his fingers in her mane of fire-gold hair and kissed her as if he were dying and she his last breath. Reaching between them to prepare her for him, he found she was already ready. He was pleased with her want of him and entered her in one swift thrust.

  Gabriella threw back her head, arched beneath him and tore at the bedding as he thrust deeply inside of her. She could not stop the uncontrollable desire to have him in her body. For him to possess her so physically.

  His thrusts began hard and fast, then slowed as he prolonged their love play. He entered her hard, pressing in to fill her completely before pulling out to the tip and thrusting again. It was a slow assault driving her to the edge with each hard, slow thrust before he pulled out completely. Gabriella made a mewling sound as he left her body. Never before had she felt so bereft.

  “Roll over,” he whispered against her neck, causing tingles to roll across her body. “I want you on your knees before me.”

  Gabriella knew of the position he wanted and never thought she would participate in such a move. She was tentative as she moved beneath him to lie on her stomach.

  Damon sat back on his knees as he pulled her soft, pliant body to the position he wanted. Moving her legs apart to accept him, he positioned her body as he needed it. He stroked down her spine. Felt the softness beneath his callused fingers as he gripped her hips and thrust deeply inside her.

  Gabriella moaned his name as she felt him slide deep into the core of her being. As he continued his assault on her body, she felt as if she could explode into a million pieces of light. When he reached around to her breasts to squeeze her nipples, she thought she had truly died.

  Damon was lost in her body. His head spun with need for her. With each thrust he made, he branded her more and more as his.

  Her body begin to spasm around him. Her back bowed and her climax overtook her, screaming out his name. His release came hard on the heels of hers as his body trembled uncontrollably and he continued to pump his seed deep within her.

  They collapsed together in a tangle of limbs and heavy breathing. Damon wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him. With that, they both drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Damon woke with a start. Morning had not yet reached the horizon and darkness clung to the edges of the skyline. The stars still flashed against the inky darkness, and he could feel the cool air from the window blowing lightly across his skin. He lay listening to the quiet, his head resting on his hands stretched beneath his head. His keep had not yet stirred, and the birds had not yet awakened with the dawn. But as he lay in the darkness, his stomach tensed as if something was wrong. His battle senses sharpened, he felt deep in his bones that something was amiss.

  Rosalynn and her strange witchery has finally caught up with me. He scanned the darkness of the room, his eyes squinted along the corners and walls, seeking out the dark places. The fire was just smoldering embers and ash as it burned itself out.

  Looking over to the right side of his bed, he saw that Gabriella was sprawled out on her stomach, facing the door, her rich auburn hair strewn about his pillows. The sight pleased him, made his body clench with need. Rolling to his side, he ran his fingers along her spine, down over the swell of her hips as he caressed her buttocks, gently kneading each in turn. She stirred beneath his tender touch.

  She smiled a knowing smile to herself before turning over to look at him. “Is it morning already?” she questioned, her voice still quiet with sleep, her breasts brushing the front of his chest.

  “Not quite,” he responded, his eyes caressing the length of her, as his hands wished to do.

  Passion smoldered in his quicksilver eyes and Gabriella’s heart raced with equal passion. Damon reached for her, pulling her naked flesh against him. His erection at full mast, quivered with desire against her belly. Before Gabriella could think, his mouth closed on hers and all thought fell away.

  The man definitely knows how to wake a girl up, she thought, smiling to herself. His chest was warm and arousing where it brushed against her tightening nipples. Warmth pooled low in her belly as need assaulted her senses.

  Damon traced along her side, up to her breast where he kneaded the fullness, pulling and twisting her nipple to full arousal. She gasped and arched into him. He left her mouth and burned a hot, wet path down her neck, rolling her to her back as he took her breast into the warmth of his mouth. He suckled hard, pulling things low in her body.

  “I want you,” he growled, his voice raspy with hunger.

  His hand burned its own path down her side and hips, across her stomach and into the curls of her womanhood. He parted her legs and slowly opened her folds, thinking to prepare her for him. She was already wet and wanting as his finger slipped inside her. Caressing her nub with his thumb, his lips moved on to her other breast. The licking, nipping and suckling along with the pleasure his fingers gave brought her to the edge of madness.

  Damon slowed his onslaught, wanting to have this last moment with her before daylight and other responsibilities took over his time. “Not yet, Cherie. We’ve just begun this morning’s race, and ‘tis time for you to ride.” Taking her by her waist, he rolled over and placed her on top of him. Her long red hair hung in tangled waves around her, her breasts peeking through the lustrous curls. “So beautiful,” Damon whispered.

  This new position opened Gabriella to his heat-filled gaze. There was no time for any modesty as he adjusted her to his needs and plunged deep inside her. Gabriella’s breath left in a whoosh, her head tilting back as she braced herself above him, settling around him like they were made for each other. “What do I do?” she questioned when she found enough air to speak.

  “Ride, Cherie,” he stated simply. “Ride.”

  Gabriella braced her hands on his chest and tentatively moved her hips, rising and settling in a slow, relentless pattern.

  Damon thought he’d died and found heaven. With her innocence given to him, he felt po
ssessive as he watched her move above him. She is mine and no other would touch her this way, he thought as he reached for her hips and increased the tempo.

  Flipping her hair off her shoulder, he leaned up and took the hard, extended nipple before him into his mouth and sucked hard. Her gasp of pleasure pleased him so much so that he did it to the other, all the while increasing the speed and depth of his thrusts, until Gabriella could stand it no more and, in a frenzy, met each of his thrusts with her own.

  Her orgasm came hard and fast as Damon clutched her hips, pumping into her relentlessly. Oh God! What is this man doing to me? Oh God, Oh God! “Oh God!” she yelled, crashing over the edge of ecstasy.

  Damon felt the contraction of her muscles tighten around him as her orgasm roared from her, taking him with her over the beautiful edge of serenity.

  They lay panting for several moments, both unable to catch their breath. Gabriella lay sprawled across him, her body weak from the marathon sex they’d indulged in most of the night. “That was amazing,” she whispered exhaustedly.

  “Aye,” he responded. “I’ve never felt this good in my life.” Determined to wait no longer, he gripped her arms and flipped her to her back, all the while still buried within her.

  Gabriella looked up at him, stunned, her mouth an O of surprise at the hardness he still maintained. He was so much larger than her and yet he’d been so gentle with her last night. Taking his time. Teaching her. Showing her his desire and creating her own. A small smile touched her lips as Damon leaned down to steal her breath with a kiss.


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