'ASSASSIN 4 - FIRST SON' (Assassin Series)

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'ASSASSIN 4 - FIRST SON' (Assassin Series) Page 1

by Bryan Murray



  A Jake Harrigan Thriller



  Copyright © 2014 Bryan Murray

  All rights reserved.

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  The characters and company names in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to known persons or their names or to private companies is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Books in the 'Assassin' Series of Jake Harrigan Political Thrillers

  Book 1 - 'Assassin'

  Book 2 - 'Assassin 2 - Sleeping Dogs'

  Book 3 - 'Assassin 3 - The Wrong Man'

  Book 4 - 'Assassin 4 - First Son'


  Book 5 - 'Assassin 5 - Sitting Ducks'

  It is suggested that for much more enjoyable reading, each of the separate stories above should be read in sequence.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48



  It was mid-December and the first snows of winter were already decorating the picturesque campus of the Ivy League University in Connecticut. The twinkling lights on the large Christmas tree in the center of the student plaza, together with the colored lights in the shrubs surrounding it, gave a festive look to the winter scene.

  With just a few days before the Christmas break, the students were busy planning and attending their final fraternity parties before heading out to spend Christmas with their families.

  In the men’s dormitory building in the east wing, two student roommates in particular were getting ready to slip away to a party across campus without arousing the suspicions of the two students in the adjoining room, but that was by no means an easy task.

  This was due to the fact that the two handsome roommates, Jeff Parker, blonde and Andrew Carrington, dark-haired, the quieter of the two, were somewhat special attendees at the University.

  This was why the windows of their dorm room were welded shut and contained bullet-proof glass, in addition to which the entire corridor outside their room was also fitted with CCTV cameras, so that every movement of the two boys could be monitored.

  It was also a closely guarded secret amongst just a few of the very senior staff of the University, that the two students Kevin and Gary sharing the room next to Jeff and Andrew were in fact Secret Service Agents posing as students, whose primary task twenty four/seven, was to make sure that no harm came to Jeff or Andrew.

  The reason for such elaborate precautions concerning the safety of the two twenty-year-olds, was that Jeff Parker was the son of the US President Stephen Parker and the First Lady Elizabeth and Andrew was the son of the Vice-President Maria Carrington and her husband David.

  Elaborate precautions had been taken to ensure that university life for the two boys would be as normal as possible and the media had been most cooperative with the White House in leaving the First Son and his close friend alone in terms of publicity while they were on campus, but with the usual no holds barred reporting on their activities once they returned to Washington and the White House to be seen in public with their high profile parents.

  * * *

  Current life in the White House was also typically hectic and with the President having just been elected to his second term of office together with his new Vice- President, Maria, they were both currently enveloped in getting all their election promises into focus and as usual, like all new appointees, they were deciding which of them they would work on first.

  President Parker, blonde like his son and distinguished looking, a Democrat and one of the youngest presidents to gain office, had been extremely popular in his first term in the White House. He had been concerned that with his previous Vice- President, Dick Benson having been forced to retire with ill health, this could affect his chances of re-election, but such concerns had however been short-lived with the meteoric rise of Maria Carrington through the ranks of the Democrats.

  With her political track record in her home state of Connecticut, she had provided the perfect credentials for her role as Vice-President. She was charming, charismatic and extremely attractive, the first female Vice-President and a dynamic role model for all the other women in politics. She was also fiendishly ambitious, an outstanding lobbyist and well connected on The Hill.

  Both the President and Vice-President were also extremely loving parents and the fact that they could carry out their duties as the leaders of the strongest nation on the planet, without having to worry about the welfare of their children, was a constant comfort to both of them.


  University life for Jeff and Andrew, both bosom friends, was a constant search for stimulus after leading a high profile, protected life in Washington. Jeff was by far the most easily recognizable of the two of them and if the average person in the street were asked to name the son of the President, there would be an excellent chance that many would perhaps get the name right, but probably not recognize him unless they saw him with his famous parents, whereas few people if any would even be able to name the child of the Vice-President, let alone even recognize him.

  This was how it was with Jeff and Andrew. Most of the students in the University knew who Jeff was, but most of them just thought that Andrew was an assigned roommate and nothing more.

  Not surprisingly, they were both interested in girls like any other red-blooded students and the fact that their two secret service agent bodyguards next door were always watching them, tended to cramp their style a little.

  That particular night was no exception and the invite that they had received to the Christmas party across campus from the attractive, sexy-looking sisters Veronica and Sophia from their political education class, meant that the boys were planning to try and slip away undetected to enjoy themselves.

  They had just finished getting ready and they were discussing tactics to enable them to get away unseen. Jeff, the more dynamic of the two, had the plan already scoped

  “What we need to do, Andy,” he began. “Is to mingle in the corridor with other students leaving and hope to get away undetected.”

  Andrew was a little more sceptical. “So, what do we do? Keep peeking up the corridor to see who’s passing by?”

  Jeff grinned. “Exactly, and hope that Kevin and Gary next door are watching regular TV and not the CCTV!”

  Andrew gave a wry smile. “Well, it’s flimsy, but at least it’s a plan. Ready when you are?”

  Jeff nodded in agreement and opened the door to peek out into the corridor. He turned back to Andrew. “Okay, here we go. Four guys approaching, get ready.”

  Andrew was at his side and as the four students approached, once they were level with the doorway, the boys were out in the corridor and gone!

  What they hadn’t realized was that in addition to the CCTV cameras in the corridor monitoring every movement, the very fact that the boys had opened their door, had immediately sent a signal to Kevin, dark-haired in his late 20’s and Gary, fair-haired with a crew cut, also in his 20’s, that the door to the boys room next door had opened.

  Kevin, who had been watching the CCTV monitor, turned to Gary who was watching a ball game on TV.

  “Here we go!” he announced.

  Gary looked up. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “Looks like the boys are headin’ out!”

  Both men quickly grabbed their shoulder holsters and warm jackets and left discreetly, heading down the corridor once the boys ahead had disappeared from sight.

  Outside the dorm, Jeff and Andrew quickly walked to Jeff’s car and they drove across the campus, followed at a distance by their secret service detail.

  * * *

  The Christmas party was in full swing with loud music as well as male and female students drinking freely and when Jeff and Andrew arrived they mingled with the crowd shaking hands with friends until they spotted the two girls Veronica and Sophia. They were both dark-haired and extremely attractive. The two boys approached and Veronica was the first to speak. She had a European accent.

  “Hi, guys, glad you could make it. Grab a drink, we’re in a dancing mood!” They had clearly been drinking for a while.

  Jeff smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Can I get you girls a drink?”

  Sophia smiled at Andrew. “Merlot, please.”

  Veronica added. “Make that two!”

  The boys headed for the improvised bar and the two girls smiled at each other.

  * * *

  Outside in the parking lot, Kevin and Gary sat back and lit a cigarette, prospects of sitting outside in a frozen car staring them in the face.

  Kevin was thinking out loud. “D’you think one of us should check on what’s goin’ on inside?”

  Gary nodded. “I guess. I sure as hell don’t want to be the one to explain to the President if anything happens to the First Son!”

  Kevin prepared to get out of the car. “Okay, I’ll take the first shift, stay on the intercom, here’s hoping they don’t get drunk again!”

  Gary gave a wry smile. “Amen to that!”

  * * *

  Back inside the party, the boys were now chatting to the girls about the forthcoming ski-club trip.

  “So, are you girls going on the ski trip?” Jeff asked.

  “Yes, of course,” Veronica replied. “Are you?”

  “Yes,” Andrew replied. “Italian ski resort at Christmas, can’t wait!”

  Sophia was curious. “Have you guys been to Italy before?” she asked.

  “Went once on vacation with my folks,” Jeff replied. “But that was in the summer.”

  Veronica smiled. “In that case you will love the winter. Do you both ski?”

  Jeff nodded affirmatively. “Yeah,” he then smiled wickedly. “We also enjoy the après-ski as well!”

  Both girls exchanged smiles. “Sounds interesting!” Veronica added.

  They were interrupted by Gina, a friend of theirs, another strikingly attractive, dark-haired girl in a sexy, short dress. She smiled sweetly at the boys before turning to Veronica. “We need you to show us your special skills, Veronica?” she grabbed Veronica’s arm to tactfully drag her away.

  Jeff looked at her. “Special skills?”

  “Yes,” Gina replied. “Two guys over there don’t believe she can do it.”

  Andrew looked confused. “Do what?”

  Gina smiled. “Hypnotize them!”

  Jeff and Andrew looked at each other. “You’re joking?” Jeff replied.

  Veronica looked at him and smiled. “It doesn’t always work, you know.”

  Gina grabbed her arm again and led her across the room. “Well, let’s find out!” They walked over to where a bunch of guys, already drinking heavily, were waiting for Veronica to arrive.

  Bill, a tall, tough-looking, blonde, outspoken footballer type was the first to speak. “Okay, I’m ready?” he looked challengingly at Veronica who sat down in front of the crowd around the table in the corner. She looked at the rest of the men gathered around. “Any more volunteers?” she asked.

  Two guys pushed Tom, a shy-looking guy, onto the chair alongside the confident Bill. She looked at him and smiled. “You sure about this?” she asked.

  “I guess.” he answered a little unsurely.

  They all then gathered closer as Veronica removed an attractive, almost luminous pendant from around her neck and she started to swing it slowly from side to side in front of Bill and Tom. Sophie waved her hands for silence as Veronica continued.

  In a soft, soothing voice Veronica started to speak, still gently swinging the pendant, telling the two guys to relax, watch the pendant, and clear their minds. Jeff and Andrew were sitting at the back watching intently as Veronica finally reached the point of putting Bill into a hypnotic trance, but Tom was buying none of it, he was still totally alert.

  The crowd gathered closer as Veronica then decided to have a little fun with the brash football player, telling him to put his fingers in his mouth and stretch it sideways and then poking his fingers in his ears and sticking his tongue out as the inebriated students laughed.

  At the back, Andrew was also laughing until he looked across at Jeff next to him, shocked to see that he was also poking his fingers in his ears and sticking his tongue out. He thought at first that Jeff was mimicking Bill as Veronica then told Bill that when she clapped her hands he would wake up and forget everything that just happened. When she did so, Bill immediately opened his eyes and looked around, seeing everyone sitting there beside him. He grinned. “There you go,” he boasted. “I knew you couldn’t do it!”

  The students all laughed and at the back of the group, Andrew looked at Jeff who was also back to normal. He gave him a strange look. “Did you do that on purpose?” he inquired.

  “Do what?”

  “You know,” Andrew explained. “Poke your fingers in your ears and stick your tongue out?”

  Jeff looked at him, a confused look in his eyes. “What the hell are you talkin’ about, Andy?”

  Andrew finally realized what had just happened. “Oh, my God! She got you too!”

  Jeff was still curious. “Got me what?”

  “She hypnotized you too, buddy!”

  Jeff looked suddenly embarrassed. “That’s bullshit!”

  Andrew smiled. “If you say so. C’mon let’s get another drink?”

  To one side Gina was watching them, a smile on her face.

  Back across the room, in the far corner, Kevin, who had not seen the episode with Jeff in close-up, continued to watch his two charges. He whispered into his wrist communicator. “They’re still here gettin’ loaded as usual. I’ll be out to relieve you in a couple of minutes.”

  Across the room, Jeff and Andrew were enjoying another drink and Andrew was chatting to Veronica. “Where did you learn that stuff?” he inquired.

  “My major is clinical hypnotherapy,” she replied. “If my tutor saw what just happened, I’d be in big trouble.”

  Jeff s
miled, still not realizing that he had also been hypnotized. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us.”

  She smiled sexily. “Thanks.”

  A couple of hours later, when Jeff and Andrew finally came out into the cold, night air and staggered a little unsteadily towards their car in the still gently-falling snow, Kevin moved out from behind a snow-covered tree in front of them, his hand held out.

  The boys focussed on him and Kevin just said two words. “Car keys?”

  Jeff reached in his pocket, handed over the keys meekly and Kevin helped them both into the car and drove off with Gary following in the second car.


  On the isolated cliff top overlooking the incredible beaches of the beautiful resort City of Pozzallo on the southern coast of Sicily, looking out onto the azure blue Mediterranean, the impregnable villa of the Mafia Godfather Don Luigi Cagliari was the scene of a family celebration.

  It was the birthday party for the great-granddaughter of the aging Don Luigi and all the family were gathered around including the Don’s handsome grandson Lorenzo. Dark-haired and tough-looking, Lorenzo was the heir apparent to the massive wealth of the Cagliari family in the event of the death of the sick and aging Godfather.

  In his forties, Lorenzo had never married, much to the disappointment of his now deceased father Vicente and his surviving mother Angelina. Although he was attracted to women as part of his way of dissipating the stress of running the family empire for his grandfather, he had never found the true love he had been looking for, following the departure of the one love of his life when he was much younger.

  It was back then that Lorenzo had immersed himself in the violent business of the family and with his astute business brain he had quickly risen in the ranks, with additional help from his late father, to where he was now more than capable of assuming the burden of running the affairs of the family that stretched over many countries.

  Staring down onto the beaches below the villa, from way up on the precipitous cliffs of the headland, Lorenzo was deep in thought concerning his latest master plan. Behind him the other members of the family, particularly the women and young children, were having the time of their lives, playing children’s games, watched over by the sallow-faced Don Luigi, wrapped in a blanket, a tear of joy in his sad, old eyes.


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