'ASSASSIN 4 - FIRST SON' (Assassin Series)

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'ASSASSIN 4 - FIRST SON' (Assassin Series) Page 18

by Bryan Murray

  Outside the cathedral, where the crowds were hoping to catch a glimpse of all the VIP’s, standing there discreetly towards the back of the crowd, Giuseppe and Gina were checking out the scene.

  He was still trying to piece together the full picture of what Don Lorenzo had been doing that had led to his death and this was why Gina was accompanying him, with her knowledge of the local scene in the State Capital.

  They stood there, camera at the ready, watching the scene unfold in front of them as the caisson and the following cortege were getting closer.

  Gina gave a sudden start after scanning the crowd entering the cathedral, all of whom were being carefully checked by the security detail. There, among the crowd were two people she recognized and she whispered to Giuseppe, “Check those two people out over there!” pointing at the two people in question. It was Jake and Sarah, both dressed tastefully in black.

  Giuseppe looked where Gina was pointing and also taking a picture. “Is that this man Harrigan and his partner?” he asked.

  Gina frowned as she zoomed in the camera. “I’m not sure it is them, Don Giuseppe, but I can tell you for sure I have seen these people before!”

  “Where?” he whispered.

  “They were the people who came to the ski resort after the boys were kidnapped, asking all kinds of questions!”

  Giuseppe nodded knowingly, taking another close look at Jake and Sarah who had no idea that they were being watched. “Did you get a good picture?”

  She nodded affirmatively.

  Minutes later, when the Guard of Honor carried the flag-draped coffin inside the cathedral, the doors were finally closed to the public outside before the Pontifical Mass was about to take place.

  Inside the cathedral, when the service was under way and TV cameras from around the world were rolling, Jeff and Andrew exchanged brief glances as if Jeff was telling Andrew to hang in there and behind David next to him, the Carringtons were fiendishly supporting their son in his grief.

  If only they had realized that David was secretly relieved and that once the mourning had died down sufficiently, he would be back on the road, back on the tiles! But first, he had to make sure that Andrew, the love of his life, was getting over the mother he had adored.


  Once the funeral was over and things had settled back into a routine, the President had been fully involved in trying to get his nominee for Vice President, Richard Boulton, a charismatic young senator from Iowa, accepted by Congress.

  Amazingly, the President’s ratings had even increased following the death of Maria, mainly due to some outstanding, moving speeches having been written for him by his speech writers, extolling the excellent work that Maria had done. The fact that he was almost choking in disgust as he made them was known only to himself, but ratings were ratings and that was what mattered in the end.

  * * *

  Although it had been a sad, tiring, media drenched Christmas for David and Andrew, they had spent quality time with David’s parents in Westchester, Connecticut, away from the ever-present paparazzi.

  Andrew was starting to sleep better and slowly getting over the loss of his mother he adored. He still didn’t have a clue about his biological father and, if anything, his bonding with David was stronger than ever.

  Christmas in the White House had also been much more relaxed once the therapy of Dr. Rosencrantz had appeared to have successfully returned Jeff’s subconscious mind back to its original levels, even though this was still somewhat of an inexact science. Then, after a peaceful New Year, both Jeff and Andrew were finally ready to return to academic life.

  When they arrived back at the University, escorted as usual by Kevin and Gary, they walked across the campus towards their dorm and they looked in surprise as they passed the women’s dorm where they saw Gina and the two sisters Veronica and Sophia from their ski group, being escorted out of the building in handcuffs by three FBI agents.

  Although the boys were curious, they were not fully in the picture concerning the amount of trouble the girls were in, or where their interrogation would be completed. But treason was treason and the price paid and the extent to which they would be subjected to pressure to get them to disclose information, was both top secret and very much discretionary when the life of the President and the First Son had been at stake.


  In contrast to the January chill of DC, to be back relaxing in a five-star suite in the amazing Oceana Resort on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, was both peaceful and calming for Jake and Sarah. It had been a hectic series of events since the last time they were able to watch a slowly developing sunset across the Pacific.

  To those who have never been to the Islands, it is hard to explain what serenity it can bring to the soul, to sit on the balcony of the hotel, sipping a Mai-Tai and watching the color change from yellow to orange to burnished gold, with the ocean absorbing every tint in between as the golden ball sinks slowly in the west.

  With reservations at the exclusive Hector’s fine dining restaurant for seven pm, they were getting ready to leave and after a delicious meal they were planning to retire early, ready for the flight across to the Island of Maui the next day to explore the next island on their itinerary.

  This time, they were going to take it easy and absorb all that the incredible Islands had to offer. Jake looked across at Sarah as she was adding the final touches to her make-up, a look of love in his eyes.

  “I can’t believe we finally made it back out to the Islands with no more snow, violence or political intrigue for a few days, it’s wonderful!”

  She smiled. “Right, the only thing we’ve got to decide is what to have for dinner! We were so lucky that they had a cancellation tonight.”

  He slid his Glock into the shoulder holster under his jacket. “I agree.”

  She looked at him inquisitively. “You sure you need that?”

  He grinned. “Hell no, just feel naked without it. Besides, they say crime is on the increase in Honolulu!”

  Little did he know how prophetic that comment would be!

  * * *

  About ten miles down the road from the hotel, in Honolulu International Airport, a flight was just arriving from Newark International in New Jersey and as the passengers deplaned, two dark-suited, dangerous-looking men, collected their bags from the baggage claim and made their way to the left luggage locker area.

  The first man Benny, dark and paunchy, went to one of the luggage lockers and inserted the key. Inside the locker was a briefcase that he removed and after rejoining Tony, his colleague, also dark but slimmer, they both headed out to the taxi stand.

  The native Hawaiian taxi driver got out to help them to put their travel bags in the trunk, but Benny insisted on hanging on to the briefcase.

  “Where to, gentlemen?” the Driver asked politely.

  “Oceana Resort.” Benny grunted and they climbed in as the taxi pulled out into the busy airport traffic. In the back of the taxi, Benny quickly opened the briefcase to see that it contained two silenced revolvers and spare ammunition. He closed it again quickly and the two men sat there in silence as the taxi continued towards Waikiki. Seconds later, Benny’s cell phone rang and he answered.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Suite 109 at the rear on the beach,” a voice replied. “The maid’s been paid, she’ll let you in.”

  “No problem!” Benny clicked off the phone and gave Tony a knowing look

  * * *

  Hector’s Restaurant had a five star restaurant designation from Forbes Travel Guide and Jake and Sarah had been fortunate to get a cancellation for their dinner reservation. Many people had to book days, even weeks in advance.

  When they were standing in line to get their table assigned, Jake put his hand in his pocket and he suddenly realized he had left his billfold in his travel slacks in the room. Although the room was complimentary, courtesy of the White House, they had decided not to stick the President with a five star meal at Hector’s. />
  He looked at Sarah. “Guess what, I’ve left my billfold in the room. Can you get the table and I’ll find you when I get back. We certainly don’t want to miss our assigned seating time.”

  Sarah smiled, she was really hungry. “Sure, you go ahead.”

  “I won’t be long.” he whispered as he headed back to the room.

  * * *

  Jake moved out through the lobby, past the pool through the exotic gardens towards their suite which was out on the beach with an outside corridor requiring a key for access to get to the beach entrance to the suite,

  He walked through the exotic landscaping of palm trees and elegant flowering plants towards the room, and as he was turning the last corner of the corridor to get to his suite, he suddenly detected movement ahead and quickly moved back into the ornamental bushes. Those hairs on the back of his neck were up to their old tricks again.

  When he peered ahead, he could see two men at the door of his suite in the company of one of the maids and his eyes almost popped out when he saw the woman quickly open the door for the two men, who had guns in their hands!

  She knocked on the door and called out. “Housekeeping, can I turn your beds down, sir?” before she rushed off and the two men, guns at the ready then rushed inside the room.

  To Jake’s experienced eyes, the two men had mobster written all over them. Who else would arrive in Hawaii wearing a black suit for goodness sake? He was already sprinting up to the side of the door of the suite, gun in hand, realizing that when the intruders saw the room was empty, they would either lie in wait, or exit again and head back into the hotel.

  His Glock at the ready, Jake moved back into the bushes at the far side of the door, so that if the two men re-emerged and headed back towards the lobby, he would be behind them.

  He had guessed right and just seconds later the two men emerged, guns still in their hands, whispering to each other and heading back towards the elevators.

  “Sumbitch must be out to dinner!” Benny whispered to Tony.

  “So, what do we do now?” Tony asked.

  Even before he finished the question, Jake emerged like a ghost behind them, his Glock at the base of Benny’s skull.

  “Probably the best thing to do would be to drop those guns before I blow your fuckin’ brains out! Do it NOW!” he hissed.

  Both men were in sudden shock, dropped their guns and Jake kept them covered as he scooped up their guns and quickly stuffed them in his waistband. He looked at the two surprised men in front of him, his mind working fast. He realized he couldn’t kill them here in a five star resort, he had to get them outside.

  “So, Gentlemen,” he continued. “You will stay quietly in front of me as we head onto the beach. This is a silenced Glock in my hand with a hair trigger, so if you want your brains splattering on the boardwalk, be a hero, or do exactly as I tell you. Is that clear?”

  He suddenly slapped Benny across the back of his head with his gun. “I can’t hear you!”

  Both men nodded sullenly and when Jake looked around, luckily the immediate area was quiet. He prodded both men ahead. “Okay, down the steps to the right just ahead and don’t be a hero, okay?”

  Jake walked them down the steps onto the deserted moonlit beach. “Keep walking.” he snarled as they walked along the soft sandy beach away from the lights spilling out from the beautiful garden area outside the various suites. Both men were now sweating profusely as they stumbled along in the sand. Jake was alert and he now had a gun in each hand, his own and one of theirs.

  Benny was very nervous. “What’s the fuckin’ problem, buddy?” he was trying to sound casual.

  Jake replied. “Problem, heck there’s no problem, just as long as you guys answer a few questions.”

  “About what?” Tony was also very nervous.

  “Lemme see, now,” Jake was enjoying himself. “First of all, who sent you?”

  There was no reply and Jake suddenly fired into the sand between Benny’s feet as the man jumped in shock.

  “I didn’t hear you guys. Next one is in the nuts! Now, who sent you?”

  “The family!” Benny mumbled.

  “And what family would that be?” Jake asked. He was still checking out the beach to make sure they were alone.

  “The Cagliari Family!” Tony answered.

  Jake had already guessed, but it was good to get confirmation. “Great,” he replied. “Now take all your clothes off!”

  The two men looked at each other. “Are you fuckin’ serious?” Benny gasped.

  “As serious as the next bullet,” Jake added. “Do it NOW!”

  They both stripped off at the water’s edge, looking out nervously to sea at the heavy surf that was pounding ashore in the moonlight. When they were both stripped, Jake pointed to their clothes on the ground.

  “Okay, let’s be tidy, guys. Fold the clothes neatly in two piles.”

  The two mobsters did as they were told and looked at Jake, his guns pointing unwaveringly at them. He then motioned out to sea with his head and his gun. “Okay, now start swimming!”

  Benny looked at him. “Jesus Christ, I can’t swim!”

  Tony almost whimpered. “Me either!”

  Jake was now all business. “So, now’s the time to learn, you murdering hyenas. I’m goin’ to count to ten and then start firing, so if you want to avoid a bullet, you’d best get moving! Now GO!”

  He waved the guns menacingly as the two men started to stumble out to sea. He added. “First one to make it back alive gets a bullet. Ain’t life a bitch?”

  He fired a couple of shots into the water next to them and the two men stumbled out into the first wave that knocked them off their feet. They struggled back to their feet and another wave pounded them under again and as Benny barely surfaced, he wiped the sea water from his eyes to see Jake standing there on the beach, silhouetted by the bright lights along Waikiki behind him. Seconds later, a huge wave that took both men under for the last time, finally broke over them.

  Jake waited until there were no further movements out in the silver surf before wiping off both Mobster’s guns and laying them neatly on top of each pile of clothes before he sauntered back up the beach.

  At the edge of the beach, there was a pay phone. He inserted a coin and dialled 911. When a voice answered, he covered the phone with his handkerchief and in a high pitched voice he told them it looked like somebody may have drowned or committed suicide out on the beach behind the Oceana Resort.

  He put the phone down, dusted it off, kicked the sand off his shoes and headed back towards the suite. Even before he got to the steps up from the beach, he could hear the police sirens getting closer along Kalakaua Avenue.

  Jake quickly slipped back into the suite to get his billfold before joining the curious Sarah back in Hector’s. She was on her second cocktail wondering what in the world had happened to him.

  “Sorry for the delay,” he began. “Had to take care of a couple of unwanted visitors!”

  She looked at him strangely. “Visitors?”

  “Yes, family visitors!”

  She suddenly realized what he was saying. “Oh, my God! And where are they now?”

  “Oh, floating around somewhere!” he took a sip of her cocktail. “So, what looks good on the menu?”

  She looked relieved. “Everything! So, I take it we’re safe?”

  “Absolutely,” he smiled. “You know, I’ve heard the Mahi-mahi here is outstanding,”

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out!” she smiled.


  * * *

  At sunset the following evening, up at the Cagliari villa, Giuseppe was having dinner on the balcony, concerned that he had not heard from his soldiers in Hawaii.

  He was watching CNN on TV when a news item caused him to stop eating his forkful of linguine. He listened to the Newscaster’s report “Here in Hawaii, life must be getting more and more stressful for the local mobsters,” Giuseppe’s eyes were riveted on the scre
en as the man continued and in the background, the video of the two Mobsters bodies being dragged naked from the sea could be seen .

  “Late last evening, two known mobsters apparently committed suicide, right here on Waikiki Beach, when their naked bodies were fished from the surf. They had even left their silenced guns on top of a neat pile of their clothes!”

  Giuseppe was furious and he swept his plate of linguine off the table in anger. He realized immediately that there was no way his top US soldiers Benny and Tony would commit suicide. This was all the work of one man....Harrigan!

  * * *

  Outside the front gates of the villa, later in the day, just as the sun was ready to disappear, a small peasant boy, Carlito, on an old bicycle, rode up to the Mafia soldiers at the front gate, having ridden up from the City below. He laid his bicycle down and walked over to one of the armed soldiers, Guido. He handed him a sealed envelope.

  “What the hell’s this, kid?” Guido asked. He looked at the sealed envelope and he could see that on the front of it were the following words. ‘Attention Don Giuseppe Cagliari - Private and Confidential’

  Guido grabbed the boy by the collar. “So, who gived you this, kid?”

  Carlito looked afraid. “L’domo della strada (the man in the street), signor!” he replied.

  Guido waved the child off. “Go on, beat it!” he kicked the young boy in the butt and the child scurried away, grabbed his bicycle and pedalled off back down the hill, away from the villa.

  * * *

  Giuseppe was standing out on the balcony, still angry that he had been outsmarted by the American, when his Capo Enrico entered and gave him the sealed envelope.

  The Mobster looked at him. “What’s this?”

  “It was left at the gate for you, Padron.” Enrico replied.

  Giuseppe took the envelope and waved Enrico off, before opening it under the lamp on the balcony. He started to read the message on the single sheet of paper. It had been dictated by Jake and typed by his friend Giancarlo.


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