The Immortality of Discipline

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The Immortality of Discipline Page 14

by E. L Discipline

  Chapter 12- Look Me In My Eyes

  Susan walked in right after them, she gasped in fear, then let out a deep breath prior to her actually walking in, “may I come in?” She asked my permission. “Come on in Susan.” I then told her. “Hello Discipline, lovely day huh?” she said sarcastically, with a gasp of air coming out of her mouth. I could sense a wave of fear enveloped her. She was scared, she was worried, I could see it in her eyes. I could read her body language. I could feel her energy.

  “Look, it will all be over soon, an officer passed, they must do everything in their power to investigate, even though they don’t investigate like this for every other individual but, when it’s one of their own, forget about it.” I assured her. She was nervous, and it showed, she then began to have second thoughts...

  “Look Discipline, this is why I came here, I came to tell you that I don’t think we can do business, this is crazy, and I don’t want to deal with these scandals and drama, it’s not good for business. Maybe we can do business, but let’s just exclude business in New York.”

  Susan was not from New York, so this was definitely something new, and it made her a bit apprehensive. I mean, she didn’t have a reasonable excuse to back out of this agreement, the plans, and businesses we were going to establish. We were going to have this partnership one way or another. She was going to play ball, I would make her. I gazed into her eyes, and placed my massive hands in her hair as my muscular fingers stroked it...

  “Look me in my eyes,” I said softly, but forceful. “This is what you want to do, you want to have an establishment here in New York. You want to eventually expand international. Canada, London, perhaps the Caribbean like Dominican Republic. Puerto Rico. Jamaica. Bahamas. Not just state to state. And we will make this a lucrative journey for the both of us, and you want this,” she repeated after me, “I want this...”

  She was compliant to my telepathy, I worked way too hard for this to be taken away from me by uncertainty and scared money.

  “This is what you want to do, we will expand, and we will resume business as usual.” She said softly to me, “yes, Discipline, yes. This is what I want, yes.” And then she started to walk towards the door, but before she could walk out of my office, I said to her, “go home, you didn’t even come here today to speak about this. You came here to ask how I was with all this drama, and you look forward to resuming business and to expand this brand of ours and get into a major lucrative journey for the two of us.”

  I seeped these messages aloud into her mind, while I was hypnotizing her with my eyes the entire time. She did not blink, and neither did I. I then snapped my fingers. My middle and my thumbs touched, and she snapped out of my hypnotic powerful words. She then blinked twice, and she shook her head. Then she smiled, as she started to touch my broad shoulders.

  “Discipline, I hope you are okay, with everything that has been going on, I support you one hundred percent, and I want you to know that I am here for you one hundred percent and will love to continue our business ventures. I was thinking about further expansion.”

  I looked up at her, “really? I am listening, what did you have in mind, Susan?” I asked her. She then continued, “well, I was thinking perhaps internationally, Canada, London. And even the Caribbean, like Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Bahamas?”

  I cupped my chin, and started stroking my goatee, “wow, interesting. This is new Susan, when did you come up with this stuff?” She shrugged her shoulders, I have no idea, just now I guess, I know we never talked about this, but it just came to me, like the idea was slapping me in my head. She smiled, and I smiled right after her. “This is going to be a lucrative journey for the both of us,” she said to me. “And do not worry, it will be great no matter what is going on, it will blow over, keep your head up.”

  Acting as if she was reassuring me, bitch, I made you say all this shit, don’t get gassed, don’t get hyped. And I played the game well. I gave her a worried look, as if I were worried about everything that was going on. She smiled, and my smile followed hers once again, we then hugged and then I said, letting out a gasp of relief, “thank you for your support, I hope you are right, and this will be a good journey for the both of us. I said, “let’s make a toast.” I took two glasses, and I poured into the glasses some wine, I then held up my glass, and she raised her glass to match the length I had it raised, I then said, “to new partnership, and to a lucrative journey!” She nodded her head, then I said, “salud!” And she repeated after me, “salud!” After the glass of wine, she then walked out of my office, all smiles. I smiled back at her, and when she shut my office door, my smile disappeared. I then got serious. I took care of some paper work before I headed out. Checked inventory, revenue, guests, etc. I thought to myself, ‘man, I need to hire more general managers, and one assistant, so I don’t need to be here as much.’ But, I kind of liked it, I mean, I’d rather bury myself into work than go home. Home never felt like home anymore.

  I then began to head out, and all of a sudden hunger kicked in once again, I fucking hated when hunger kicked in, because it meant, I needed to feast upon some fucking living beings. It was either feast or die. And I was loving life way too much right now, then to just vanish from this planet. Therefore, that meant, the fucking hunt was on. So, it was time to feed. The moon was full and that is when I was at my strongest ever. I saw a prime fruit lurking in the park, and I was so hungry, I was ready to pounce like a fucking lion pouncing on fucking zebra. Talking about hunger, it was like a two for one deal. A buy one get one free. A male and a woman, a couple? I took the man out with the quickness. Talk about an eat and run, an eat on the go. A fast meal, and who said, there’s no such thing as a free meal?

  The woman noticed her companion was nowhere to be found. She looked left then right, and even called out for him, “Jim, honey, where did you go? Honey, where are you?” As I was on the verge of hunting upon this delicious looking feast, and tackle her down, I was going to take a bite out of crime, suddenly, a woman comes out of nowhere, and just kicks me and I go flying. I haven’t met a woman with such strength since Alexandria, the female vampire that turned me so many years ago. And I fucking ripped her head off and killed her. Therefore, it could not have been her. Whom or what was this? I picked up myself off the ground and the victim ran away yelling and screaming for her life.

  “Now my meal is gone, I guess you will be her replacement!” I said to the woman that kicked me. The woman said to me, “well, that’s what you get for playing with your food, didn’t your mother ever teach you this when you were younger?” She told me this, and I grew furious…

  I teleported to the woman that kicked the shit out of me, that sent me flying, and I returned the favor as I balled up my fist and let it kiss her in her pretty little face. Then I sent her into a tree, but she lifted herself up. Who or what was this woman, this was not a supernatural, because I would be able to feel how strong her presence was. But, she was not a mortal either. I could smell her blood from here, and it was too strong. I thought, ‘hmm, perhaps she has some prominent blood?’ I then asked her to know more…

  “Who are you? What are you? And where the fuck did you come from, with that powerful kick you have?” She brushed herself off and stood up and spoke to me, “I’m Julie, I am the chosen one!” I laughed, “the chosen one? The only thing you are now is a nuisance to me.” She then continued to enlighten me, “I know what you are, you vampire, I am your destroyer. I am a vampire slayer, and I kill your kind for a living, yes, I have a little strength that is supernatural, I was given this by the Gods to take your kind out. You did me a favor when you killed Alexandria years ago. She was the last of the best, the last of her kind, and I know she turned you.”

  How does this woman or creature know so much about me? What the fuck is a vampire slayer? Those kinds of things or people really exist?

  “Listen bitch, woman, creature, or thing, I don’t know how you know me, or what you think you know, but you’re not fucking
with me, or are even on my level.” Then she laughed, “you did me a favor killing your maker, she was difficult to keep up with and find, and after you killed her, I’ve been keeping tabs on you. But, you too are a difficult man to keep up with. You do not stay at one place too long. You are constantly moving. But I finally got you right where I want you. Ironically, we all came out of a woman. You came from a woman, placed on this earth, and now a woman takes you off of this earth, permanently.”

  I laughed, “you don’t know shit about me, shut the fuck up, you sound like a damn robot. Look robot bitch, this is not a fairy tale, and there is no damn happy ending for you. This time the bad guys win.” She said, “oh I don’t know shit about you? I know you killed, officer Jane. You ran her off the road, you burned the car.”

  How did she know this? Anyways, I would then play it off, to fool her as if I was oblivious to the fact. “That’s a crazy imagination robot bitch, too bad no one would believe you. You’re a robot remember? Following some boring, stupid script. And you don’t make much sense.” She pulled up a video from her phone, and showed it to me, clearly you see my face and officer jane’s. The confrontation, and the car, and all I’ve done. She then said to me, “how do you think the car was found? I called it in. But, I never exposed you, I’d rather bring you into justice. I want the pleasure of taking you out.”

  I smirked at her, “you should have turned me in, not only are you a robot bitch, who clearly can’t follow a boring script whoever you are working for gave you. You are a stupid, robot bitch, and now I end this shit…”

  I ran into her and pushed her on the tree again, her back was against the tree, and I put my hand around her throat. I then lifted her off the ground, but she kneed me in my balls, and she had this garlic spray that she sprayed into my eyes, I felt blind, I growled, and hissed. I felt nothing like it, and I was not prepared for this. I could not see, and that gave her a huge advantage over me. Then she was hitting me left and right and I had nothing to counter her with, but slightly guessing where she would be. She had these special gadgets like rope, nets, etc. I could not get out of, and a net she launched at me, I was hanging from the ground, she was joyful in glory. I demanded her...

  “Fucking put me down now!” What type of net was this, I could not get out of it. She had me in check, she definitely did her homework on what could get me rattled. What could tame me. She then said, “I’m actually going to destroy you, the world will be a better place without you in it.”

  Suddenly, as she was going to get rid of my existence from this entire earth, and I had my eyes shut like, ‘this is it, this was fun while it lasted, Precious, Daddy is coming. We will meet soon.’ And as soon as I thought I was going to die, I heard thunder and she was hit with lightening.

  Cleopatra appeared. She swung at her and knocked her out, then she cut me loose, and Cleo looked at me, and said, “go ahead, finish her.” I lifted her up and I bit her on her neck. Why? I could have snapped her damn neck. Ripped her damn heart out. No, I wanted her blood. From the moment I met her, her blood felt so powerful to me, and I wanted it. I drank her blood and absorbed her energy, now I had the blood of a vampire slayer coursing through my fucking veins. I then howled at the moon, I felt so fucking lifted. So strong, it was a different type of energy.

  Cleo looked at me, “why do you always howl at the fucking moon Discipline? That shit is just weird. And then you were speaking to it the other night? You two want to be alone or something? Get a room and shit?” My eyes were bright red gazing at her, and I hissed, then I said, “shut up, and help me get rid of her.”

  Then Cleo and I got rid of the vampire slayer, Julie’s body. And we did it together. I took the vampire slayer, Julie’s phone, and erased the files she had and then I smashed the phone into pieces, and burned it with my eyes, just to be safe. Cleo stared at me, “I think you have a temper issue. Perhaps you need anger management?” I just stared at her firmly, but I did not say a word. She then asked me, “why do you care to smash that woman’s phone? she is gone. Who cares about her damn phone or what is in it?” I stared back at her, “I care. “Why the fuck are you here?” I asked. She then asked me, “that’s how you say, you’re grateful to a person who just saved your life?” I shook my head, “I didn’t need your fucking help, I had her right where I wanted her, I was playing possum,” she laughed, “oh yeah. You were hanging from the ground, oh yeah, you had her alright.” I hissed at her, “well, thank you, but I didn’t need your help, plus how did you know where to find me, and where I was? Plus, this doesn’t negate the fact that one of these days, I will kill you. You’re not getting a pass for this!”

  She laughed, “aww, damn, I don’t get a pass? Oh shucks, darn it!” With her sarcastic remarks. She laughed, then quickly became serious, “look one day, I will kill you, before you kill me. And I am always keeping tabs on you, Discipline.” I shook my head, “my goodness, all you women!! Can you all just stop stalking me?” I questioned her. She laughed, “you’re a high commodity Discipline, we are all some crazy bitches for you, I guess. No but seriously, you and I had a common enemy. That slayer is not just a slayer of vampires, she casts out witches for some reason as well. So, I didn’t just do you a favor, I did it for myself as well. Plus, I wasn’t about to let someone kill you before I did. I will be the first to kill you and go down in history for putting you out of your misery.”

  I laughed out of sarcasm and then said, “listen, you will not get that pleasure, because I will be taking you out prior to you ever getting a chance to get to me. Look, thanks, but no thanks, and stay out of my fucking way next time! I told you the next time we meet, I would be at the cross roads with you, and there will not be peace, it will be war, it will be havoc, and it will be the end of an era.” She scuffed at me, “whatever you say, and we will see when I see you, and you’re welcome, asshole! You’re never nice to me, asshole.”

  I flew up into the tree and flew away. It frustrated me, the fact that I could not get in her mind, nor affect her in anyway emotional, like I do the other women. The constant challenge, wait a minute. I got it! Moon dance. On a full moon, I’ll take her to dance, one dance, and that is all I need. One dance and she will be mine. She will put her guard down and then I will get her. Once I get her, I’m going to kill her….

  One look into my hypnotic eyes for a good amount of time, she will be putty in my fucking hands, and that is for certain. Allow her to bask in my fucking presence, and feel my powerful energy. She will not be able to resist me, then I will have her under my spell. Then I will have more opportunities to take her, all of her. And have my way, and then I will take her out, and rid this world of her existence.

  Chapter 13- Take And Devour Her Innocence

  I was in heavy thought of Cleopatra, I focused on her greatly. She felt my energy, ‘Cleopatra, come to me.” I called out to her in my deep thoughts. “Come to me. Come to me. Now!’ She then came to me, she appeared in my presence instantly.

  “I felt your presence, and you called for me? I guess you’re ready to apologize and say thank you for saving your life, the other night as well, correct?” She asked me and she was waiting for an immediate reply. I then answered her, “well, no, I’m not apologizing, but I do want to thank you for the other night. I would love to make it up, allow me to take you out, dancing perhaps?”

  The chess game then began… I looked into her eyes, and she gazed back into mine, she was skeptical, but she accepted my offer, “yes, that sounds promising.” Then she snapped out of my trance, and then she asked me, “wait, don’t you hate me? Aren’t you still planning to kill me?” I laughed, “hate is so dramatic, I dislike you. I don’t know you enough to hate you. Allow me to know you more, than I can hate you.” She started laughing, “well damn, aren’t you the charmer,” she said sarcastically. I then continued to assure her….

  “And as for killing, well, if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead. You are here right now, because you know you want to be, if not, you would not ha
ve come when I called. Like I said, if I wanted you dead, you would already be dead.” She may have been a witch, but she could not have picked up on all of my powers. I shape shifted into a Lion, and I frightened her, “or I could have been sneaking into your place, where you lay...”

  I then turned into a fly, then an eagle. “You see, I could have destroyed you plenty of times, but, you entertain me. Plus, let’s face it, you won’t kill me, as much as I won’t kill you. You are like the good superhero and I am the villain. It’s like we need each other. You complete me. What would superheroes do without bad guys? What would villains do without superheroes? It would just be plain boring.” She smiled at me. Then I continued….

  “Therefore, shall we dance?” She nodded her head, “you have a point there, yes we shall.” I was pleased, then she paused and asked me, “but wait, how are you certain you know I won’t kill you? And if you are, how are you so certain?” She turned all the lights out. The street lights, and made it completely dark, and she became invisible. I laughed, “oh, you think darkness is your ally, see I was born to be into the darkness. It became the only thing that made sense to me. I fell in love with sin before love. I fell in love with the dark before the light.”

  I was talking and looking left and right and moving around. Meanwhile, I could feel her presence near. It was getting stronger in certain directions I was moving, and it become weaker in other directions. Therefore, I went to the direction where I felt her presence the strongest.

  “Light is boring, and it can be blinding to someone that was already molded in the dark for so long. I am the King of Darkness and you know why these shadows will always betray you?” I then grabbed an invisible image to my left, behind me by the throat, and she appeared visible in my massive muscular hands, gasping for air...


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