The Immortality of Discipline

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The Immortality of Discipline Page 22

by E. L Discipline

  I teleported us both out of there, and I brought us up to a garden. The garden where we arrived, I spoke to her softly, but it was forceful...

  “If flowers can teach themselves how to bloom after winter passes, so can you! You just need a little assistance. Just as water and sunlight make them grow and become stronger. You need assistance just like the flowers. But, you’re not alone in this, you’ll know all I know. Just watch, listen, and fucking learn.” I then brought us back to my place…

  “Well, now that we can breathe, and now that we are in the clear, we can start to go to our homes, well, your home. I am already at mine, but first, give me these clothes you have on, now!” I said adamantly.

  She looked confused, and she didn’t know what and why I meant this. “I need to burn your clothes, because of evidence, her DNA is all over you and all over me. I need you to give me your clothes.” She gave me all her clothes, down to her socks, and her nylon sheer lace panties. She said to me, “I know why we must do this, but, you got rid of her. She is not about to be found!” I shook my head, “see, it does not matter. We do not know who she knows. We do not know, how many people she told about this. You and I, who I really am, and what I am. We don’t know who else was invested in her survival. What if they go looking for her, they will know, whom to go talk to, right? Which is why now, I am beefing up on security even more. On your household, on mine. As a matter of fact, you are not going anywhere tonight. You will remain here with me.”

  I made her take off everything she had. She was completely naked, and so arousing. “I want you to go and shower, rinse yourself off like three times, I want you to use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol with a tooth brush, and clean underneath your finger nails. I want you to shampoo your hair, like three times as well. And don’t come out until you have done all these things, I am demanding this shit of you. Yes, we are vampires, and we could get caught, and we can escape the police, but you and I live regular, everyday lives as well, I have people, and investors I don’t want to mess up, dreams and aspirations. And you have family who are not aware of this, nor who you are, that you would love to protect as well. That depend on you. We both cannot afford to be gone for a long period of time, or anything to mess up our brand, or name. So, we can never be careless to not cover ourselves, we can never be careless and blow our cover. Do you understand why now?”

  She nodded her head at me, “yes sir.” She did what was demanded of her, and the next step was getting her to be fierce and totally unstoppable. I then began to train Cleo, I took her to my fitness clubs, I had her physically training. I used boxing techniques with her.

  “You must be physically Dominant. And we as vampires are, by nature, but if you don’t know how to utilize your power, and your entire strength, you will always lose. You need to understand the human body, learn it. The more you learn it, the better you will be able to kill it efficiently and adequately. What if the lion or lioness didn’t know that he or she was an apex predator? It would be fucking killed or captured, and you do not want to have that for yourself, do you?” She shook her head at me, indicating, ‘no.’ I then continued…

  “Sooo! Just like the rules of the fucking jungle, you will either Hunt Or Be Hunted. Let’s fucking go!!!! Plus, we don’t know if there are more vampire slayers out there. Damn, remember when we kicked that vampire slayer’s ass?”

  She looked at me quickly, “we? I remember you hanging, and I did most of the work.” I smirked, “who cares? I’m just saying, you and I make a great fucking team.” She smiled at me, “yes we do.” She said. I pointed my index finger at her, “oooh, I got you to smile, finally!” She looked away, but kept smiling, “oh, shut up.” She chuckled. My presence caught the goddess in her. That only peaked her head out. Asking herself questions. Like who really is this man, Discipline? How and why in the hell does he have such power, over me? How does he make me feel this way? Which is a crazy feeling she could not think of. With every encounter, every breath. As time passes, it makes sense to her now. She would then think, only God could do such things. Only a King could make me feel such ways. Only an Immortal could have me loving this way, only a Beast could love me the right way. Only a God could bring out this Goddess in a woman, but only a Queen can uplift the King.

  She was a Queen, but only a King could appreciate that. She begged to be broken, she begged with her eyes, she begged with her actions, she begged with her behavior. Perhaps a cry for attention. When two flames find one another, it is an instantaneous melding of souls. With it comes the realization of just how great a gift the twin flames of love truly is. And, the need to protect it. The sad truth is, so many people are in love and not together really. Then there are so many people together, but they are not really in love. Frequenciosexual; when you are so attracted to people who are vibrating on a high frequency. When you find yourself magnetized by awareness to the point where they’ve made a connection to the cosmos. And they’ve realized that they are all that is.

  There is something so sexy and amazingly aesthetically beautiful about an unforced bond; the energy is just so real. Time can heal, as well as destroy. The concept of time, is like a double-edged sword. The moment we are born, our hour glass is flipped upside down and the process begins. Grains of the sand trickling down as the years go by. Sure, we can slow down the process, by altering our life through the decisions that we make. But, ultimately, we cannot put a complete and total halt on the inevitable. Time is the one thing in the world that is forever. A continuous ticking that we can only accept, and try our very best to adapt to. That is probably why so many humans fear it, being unable to control something that we conceptualized ourselves. I continued to educate her...

  “Two things you cannot cheat; one is taxes, and the other one thing is death. We are the last of our kind, there is not a supernatural around, like us anymore. There is something about the dark that is unsettling. Perhaps it’s the fact that we are not one hundred percent sure what lurks just beyond our field of vision. Everything evil takes refuge within the shadows. We are unable to see the threats and we wonder, can it see us? Hearts begin to beat faster, confused minds trying to process the potential of the unknown that awaits them. Humans, they are adequately built, they are perfectly equipped to handle this world that is void of light. While creatures like us, Gods like us, Immortals like us, well, we thrive in the realm of darkness.”

  We then trained outside a lot, I had a goal for her, “I am going to train you to be the most unstoppable, vicious and the most unheralded killing machine, outside of myself of course, alive! Therefore, we will test your speed, we will test your strength, we will test your emotions. We will test your resiliency and intelligence. We will test your hunger, we will test the way you behave during combat, we will test how you attack. Who better to train you than I?”

  She cut me off, “oh no, here we go with your arrogance and shit.” I smirked, “well, really, who is better than me? Then think about it, and whom else is going to show you this and how to master it, but me? Be honest!”

  She was silent, I mean, she knew. She knew I was totally on point, totally one hundred percent accurate. “That is exactly what I thought, shut up, listen, watch and fucking learn!” I demonstrated a couple of tricks as a vampire, she could incorporate into her new life. “Like I said, there is plenty for you to learn. I cannot just have you going around and damn near freezing up and having people running on you. Running from you, after you have exposed yourself and you don’t finish them off. What would that do to our legacy? We cannot, allow me to reiterate, we cannot be exposed. We will set up a race, and I will be timing you.”

  She and I raced in the woods, “you did very well, very well, I am impressed. Good girl.” She smiled at me, then she said, “you finally mentioned and acknowledged I did great work.” I put my hand up, and my palm faced her, inspiring her silence. I then said, following my gesture, “silence, you’re not there yet to be proud and boasting. Don’t get ahead of yourself, the minute you allow your guard
to be down, that’s when you can get got! Always stay fucking focused. You did good, but not great. Good, but, you are still a little slow. You are faster than the fastest human being in the world, but slow for a vampire. We must make you faster.”

  I took her to a cabin, and I then whispered to her forcefully, “here is where these couples are having a couple’s retreat.” We were hidden away from the cabin, no one could see us, we were in the bushes. I then continued...

  “We are going to kill every last one of them. One by fucking one, no one fucking walks, understand!” She gasped, “but, these humans are innocent, please can we just find some bad people to kill, ones that deserve it?” She pleaded to me. I shook my head, “first and foremost, the answer to that question is, no. Are you making the rules here? How long have you been a vampire? You know how this works, huh?”

  She was silent, she had no response. I then gazed into her eyes firmly and said, “exactly. Like I said, shut up, watch, fucking listen and learn. Second of all, how do you know these people here are innocent? You know them?” She shook her head, no. “None of these people here are innocent,” I said. And I then continued to tell her, “if I look inside each of their minds, they have done something to get themselves ahead in life. Possibly by stepping on someone else’s toes, or they’ve cheated, or they have been in situations. Such as, deceit, lies, malice, stole, cut corners, etc. No one is innocent, not you, not me, not even fucking them. Mortals, they are weak, they are weak by their emotions, their greed, slaves to their own desires. Do you think they appreciate life? Fuck no! They fucking take it for granted! We are going to do this, and we are going to wait until it gets dark out. And by then the moon will be out. We are the best of both, all their strengths, we have. This is me referring to vampires. All their weaknesses, we don’t have. Many potent energies, few flaws. These humans are like cattle. Pieces of fucking meat, who gives a fuck how they die? Who gives a fuck how their world really ends? War? Cancer? We are on top of the fucking food chain! We are the Alphas. No matter how you try to escape it, I’m telling you now, the hunger will always win. How do you feel? Is your blood on fire? Your stomach aching?” She didn’t answer.

  We waited for the time to pass, the night had approached us, the silver moon was bright, and the night was exhilarating. “Okay, Cleopatra, let’s go in for the kill, remember, we are leaving the bodies there.” I pointed with my index finger towards the cabin when I said this to her. “However, when we leave the bodies there, we will be leaving them completely out of sight. No children to be touched, hopefully there are no children there, now they are innocent.”

  We wore gloves, because, I didn’t want any type of DNA being traced to us, we wore beanie hats. One of the couples were in the bathroom, I came in the bathroom, discreet, while they were in the shower. I was hiding in the closet bathroom, and as soon as she looked at herself in the mirror, I came out and placed my massive hand over her mouth, so she would not scream, and I bit her on her neck, and sucked all her blood, draining her energy until she dropped to the fucking ground. But, I caught her while she was going down. That way, she didn’t make a single sound. I watched Cleo take out one of the males, she was a savage, she slashed his throat. His jugular with her claws, before she fed on him, I nodded my head in approval, then whispered to her, “very good. But, what is it with you and slashing them before you bite them? Why don’t you just go in for the kill right away?” She shrugged her shoulders at me, indicating she didn’t know why. Then she said, “maybe it’s because, we women are classier. We like to do things in steps, take shit slow, unlike you men!” I smiled, then I said, “that is not fucking true.” She challenged me, “oh yeah, well, the next one I want to see you kill with classiness.” I completely disregarded what she said, as I made it seem as if I figured out why she would kill the way she did, “oh, I know, you want to watch them suffer before you go in for the kill!” She shook her head, no. I pointed my index finger at her, “oh yes, you savage. Haha. Good work, now drag his body out of sight.” I whispered.

  There were so many couples there. At least five couples, so that’s about ten people. I took Cleo, in a quiet corner in the cabin, and whispered to her, “there are about five women, and five males here, well, now there are four women and four males, because we fucked the other two up. So, here is the plan, you get the males, and I get the women,” She questioned, as she was displeased by my plan, “what the hell! Why the fuck must I get the men, and you, the women?” I then explained to her, “the males are stronger, and that will give you more and assist in your training,” now let us move quickly and get the rest of these losers. We are wasting time here!”

  I wanted to split this one couple up, they were wherever the other was. So, I tipped over something in the bathroom, so it was heard and one of the women said, “honey, did you hear that? Can you go look to see what that was?” The male, was coming, fuck, I pointed to Cleo, to head to the bathroom, I followed her to watch her back. The man was talking to himself, “what fell in here? I don’t even see anything,” as soon as he turns around, Cleo, grabbed him by his throat, and she covered his mouth, he went to fight back, and Cleo let him go, I swooped in, and I jumped on him, and he fell to the ground, I turned to her, “come here, Cleo.”

  I held the man’s head, and Cleo fed upon him, drinking all his blood, and then I snapped his neck. I looked at her, and I smiled, then she smiled, with blood dripping from her mouth. “You just turned me on just about now,” I said to her, with a big smile upon my face. She playfully hit me, and then said, “oh stop.” I then said…

  “Okay, let’s hide his body, most of them are going to come into this bathroom now, I don’t know if they heard the thud, after I pounced on him. But, you know what? Fuck it, let’s just give them a treat and plan for the element of surprise. “Why don’t we wait until they all fall asleep, and then kill them, my King?” That is what Cleo asked me. I looked at her, and smirked, “you love the easy way out, huh? I like the look in their eyes, when they see a monster in their presence, the look is so exhilarating. The feeling that their life is on the line, and you can see it in their eyes. They beg, they beg for their life.” She stared at me, “you are way too into this! You are loving this too much, and, how could you?” I gazed into her eyes, “you will love it as well, you will see.

  This is you now as a vampire, but you are still going through it, with your human emotions still intact. But, those emotions will eventually fade. What do you plan to be now? A fucking hero or something? You plan to save people, whom you don’t even know, or care about? Ready to pounce at the next signal of distress? You want all that trouble and responsibility as a hero? People depend on you and use you. Then dump you aside when they don’t need you, or worse, turn against you. These mortals will never remember what you did in the fucking past, just what you do now. What you have done today. That moment where there is a cry for help, let’s say you are a second late. You are now the villain!! You want that type of stress?”

  She didn’t answer me, “yeah,” I said, then I continued, “I guess you didn’t think that through, huh? You just like the concept of hero, because it sounds good. Makes you feel good? Nah, the villain is the real hero.” She looked at me confused. I then continued, “we are a fucking special breed of super naturals, whom are cut from a different set of fucking cloth, willing to embrace challenges with outstretched arms. You do not appreciate your gifts, you do not care to master your talents?” I asked her. “You want to fight evil? Ready to defy the odds and prove the naysayers and doubters wrong? There is something to be said about their eagerness to walk so confidently into the valley of the shadow of death ready to face the enemy head on. But that shit is in the fucking comic books. That shit is in the fucking movies, this is no fucking happy ending.”

  I grabbed her firmly, then said, “we create our own happy ending. Saving the fucking day is not always guaranteed. The good guys don’t always win.” She had nothing to say, but gazes at me, her eyes were captivating. And I held
her gaze with my eyes, as I stared squarely at her, penetrating the exterior of her flesh peering into her soul. Unable to break the trance like hypnosis, so she has no choice but to fucking stare back. Fickle emotions, consisting of euphoria and stillness. Hearts intertwine and becoming one as they fall into each other. A moment in time, as if we stop time, where all is right with the world and no outside force can disturb it. Eyes speak, mouths stay shut, it’s like eyes are lost at sea with one another.

  “You want this, you are in denial. See, what you desire is deliberately placed out of reach, so that you may become the person it takes in order to obtain it. Men go shopping to find what they want, and women go shopping to go find out what they want. You know what you want, but you are indecisive about it. Then again you are window shopping to find out what you want, but we both know, this is what you want, sooner or later you will realize that as well. I froze up just like you, years and years ago, when I first turned. I was feeling just like yourself. This is why I can train you to feed, I won’t just say, ‘go out there and fend for yourself.’ You see me, I was thrown to the wolves, no one helped me, I figured out a lot of my powers through anger, emotion, helplessness. Like I said, I was thrown to the fucking wolves, and guess what?”

  She was speechless, and didn’t know the answer, “umm, what?” I then answered her, “I came back fucking leading the entire fucking pack.”

  We then finished off all of the rest of the people in the cabin, I teleported us out of there, and made certain we were not seen, at all. We went back to my place, and I said to her, “the hunt is always better when she is just as hungry.” She looked at me, and she said...

  “I love you, I will love you until my last breath.” I grabbed her head, my hands curled inward into her scalp, I grasped a fist full of her hair, and anchored her head towards my face, and said, “Eternal Love Is So Powerful.” Then I kissed her lips so passionate and roughly……


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