The Price of Fame

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The Price of Fame Page 9

by Anne Oliver

  After being presented with garlands of kid-made paper flowers, shells and bits of silver paper, they followed the noisy class inside like a couple of royal visitors. Children’s colourful artwork more than made up for the room’s sparse aspect, with one exception—the six computers along one wall.

  Kas offered them fresh coconut milk, then quietened the children with her guitar. Charlotte and Nic sat on rush matting amongst the children and joined in. An interactive time followed, the children free to choose activities and show off their learning to their special visitors. There was an encore of the previous night’s dance.

  The visit gave Charlotte a further insight into Nic. He interacted with the children naturally and knew how to reach them on their level, whether it was explaining how to use a computer program or sharing a joke or peeling a tiny girl’s banana.

  ‘What do you say to fresh grilled fish for lunch?’ Nic asked as they drove away, heading towards the coast once more. ‘I know this little place.’

  ‘Yes, please. I’m starving.’

  ‘Did you enjoy yourself?’

  ‘I loved it. Thanks for inviting me along.’ So much sharing and caring and learning in such basic conditions was a contrast to her own privileged upbringing. ‘The playground could do with some climbing equipment. Maybe some shade sails.’ She turned to Nic. ‘I’d like to help.’

  He glanced her way. ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘Funding. One thing I do know is how to raise money.’

  He looked at her a moment, eyes unreadable, then back at the road. ‘You’re not what I expected, Charlotte Dumont.’

  She stiffened, staring back. ‘Reverse snobbery, Nic? You think because I was born into a privileged family that I don’t see what goes on around me? That I don’t care? You’re a self-made man,’ she said slowly. ‘What happened in your past that makes you think I’m less because my wealth came to me naturally?’

  He shook his head, clearly unwilling or unable to talk about that past. ‘You’re being overly sensitive, Charlotte. I don’t think that at all.’

  She remembered the darkness in his eyes when she’d asked why he’d rescued her from that reporter. He had a deep-seated animosity towards bullies. Had someone treated him as less because he came from an impoverished background? He gave her nothing with which to draw any conclusions.

  She didn’t ask. Some secrets were best left undisclosed, especially with someone who was a temporary figure in her life.

  ‘Maybe a fashion show,’ she said a few moments later. ‘My best friend has her own bridalwear business. Or I could model my lingerie,’ she joked, to clear the air of residual tension that had sprung up.

  Nic grinned, his fingers tightening on the wheel at the thousand and one images that stole like seduction into his mind’s eye. ‘Count me in.’

  ‘I was kidding, Nic. As if that’s going to happen,’ she muttered.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Forget it.’ Her voice lost its humour.

  ‘No can do. I’ve got the image in my head now.’ He turned off the main road. ‘So I insist you model some of your creations for me this afternoon. A private showing.’

  From the corner of his eye, he saw her hug her arms across her chest. ‘Putting myself on display for a roomful of people is just not me, no matter what I’m wearing.’

  ‘I’m not a roomful of people,’ he said, looking at her briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.

  She was staring at him behind her sunglasses. ‘I’m not even sure I can do it for you.’

  ‘Sure you can. Remember Melbourne?’ He could. His groin tightened at the memory of her mindless abandonment.

  She made a noise that could have been amusement or it could have been pain.

  ‘You can let yourself go when you want to.’

  ‘Maybe I’m afraid to,’ she said quietly as he pulled up at ‘Inoke’s Catch of the Bay’, one of his favourite out-of-the-way places. ‘Maybe I’m afraid of this new person.’

  ‘Don’t be,’ he said, just as quietly. He killed the engine and turned to her. He reached out to take off her glasses so he could see the silvery flecks in her wide, wide eyes. The bright tones of her new dress highlighted the light tan of her skin and lent colour to her cheeks. ‘I like this person. I like her a lot.’

  Her eyes remained huge and she chewed on her lower lip. ‘And maybe I’m afraid of that too.’

  Her words eerily echoed his own thoughts. ‘It’s okay, babe,’ he said, as much for himself as for her. ‘You don’t have to change.’ He combed his fingers through her hair, traced the fine curve of her jaw. ‘But explore another side of yourself and you may find you like what you discover. Maybe it’ll help you look at life differently when you go home.’

  She nodded slowly. ‘Maybe.’ She seemed to shiver, then came out of her pensive mood as if by sheer determination and opened the car door. ‘That’s a lot of maybes.’ She breathed deeply, the rich aroma of the grill wafting in. ‘I’m starving.’

  It was perfect—the food, the warm overcast weather, her company. They spent a leisurely hour eating, then Charlotte excused herself to freshen up in the restroom outside while he paid the bill. He spent a few moments chatting to the owner, a friend, Inoke, then spotted Charlotte further up the beach collecting shells that littered the bay’s coarse sand.

  He headed after her, admiring the carefree way she moved, long legs flashing in the sun. Her hair was tucked up under her hat. Those creamy shoulders were going to burn. Should’ve brought sunscreen, he thought, but his attention was snagged by a man approaching her.

  Damn. As Nic picked up his pace he watched Charlotte stop and speak with the reporter—what else could he be with that long-range camera slung around his scrawny neck? Too far away to hear what they were saying. Sensing Nic’s evil eye spearing his way, the reporter glanced towards Nic, then began retracing his steps to the car park. Nic changed direction.

  ‘Hey, you!’ Nic skidded to a halt in front of him, his feet throwing up sand, and glaring at the jerk through narrowed eyes. ‘If I see you anywhere near her again, I’ll sue you for harassment.’ Tension simmered along his jaw and he spoke through clenched teeth. ‘I might sue you anyway, just for the hell of it.’

  ‘Hey, man, what’s your damn problem?’ The scrawny-necked reporter glared back. ‘Ms Dumont’s public property—’ he looked closer ‘—Mr Russo. And I never forget a face.’

  ‘Right back at you, mate. She’s on a private vacation so back off or you’ll have me to deal with.’

  The man’s eyes sparked with interest as they flitted towards Charlotte, then Nic. ‘Private, eh?’

  ‘Yeah, private; so get lost.’

  ‘Like that lover of yours a few years back? What was her name?’ He smiled—unpleasantly. ‘Never pays to be on the wrong side of the press, Mr Russo.’ Skirting Nic, he resumed walking.

  Nic waited until the reporter climbed into his car and drove off before turning his attention to Charlotte, who hadn’t moved from her spot and was watching on, her expression serious.

  ‘You okay?’ he said as he approached her. Concern slid through him. He shouldn’t have goaded the man; he didn’t want his threat to impact on Charlotte.

  ‘Fine. He was harmless, Nic.’ She shrugged, then smiled. ‘Seems I can’t avoid the press here after all.’

  ‘What did he ask you?’ he demanded. ‘What did you tell him?’

  ‘That I was enjoying Fiji very much.’

  She ran a finger over the smooth shell she was holding then looked up at him from beneath the hat’s brim. Even from behind her sunglasses her eyes shone, telling him he had a lot to do with how much she was enjoying her vacation.

  ‘Thank you, but you don’t have to fight my battles for me. I’m okay.’

  From out of nowhere, a sense of possessiveness rose up inside him like a rogue wave—and everyone knew rogue waves were dangerous. ‘Let’s go, babe.’ Shaking off the unnerving sensation, he grabbed her hand and started jogging back up the

  ‘Hang on.’ She stumbled a little as he tugged her with him towards the car park. ‘What’s the sudden rush? The guy’s gone; you scared him off good and proper.’

  ‘You promised to model for me. I want to make sure you don’t change your mind.’

  ‘I never said …’

  He turned and grinned at her. ‘And in return, I promise you’ll enjoy it as much as I will.’

  ‘Oh.’ She smiled back. ‘Okay, when you put it like that what are we waiting for?’

  They ran all the way back to the car.

  ‘What shall I start with?’ she said when they closed the door to her room behind them.

  ‘Surprise me,’ Nic said, tossing his sunglasses on the bed.

  ‘But I don’t know what you like.’

  He touched his lips to hers, but didn’t linger; he wanted to watch her show off her work first and draw out the anticipation. ‘I guarantee I’ll like anything you want to show me.’ He helped himself to a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, poured half into a glass for Charlotte and set it on the shelf. ‘Any colour that’s not beige.’

  ‘I don’t have beige lingerie.’

  ‘Thank God for that.’ He took a long swig from the bottle.

  ‘But I do have skin tone.’

  ‘No skin tone. The only skin tone I want to see you in is the real thing. You’re a girl who should breathe colour.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll start with what I’m wearing now.’

  He didn’t look at her as he walked to the louvred panel that closed off her balcony, slid it open. ‘When you’re ready, come out here.’ Moist tropical air wafted in, scented with salt and foliage. The bure was perched on the hill, the balcony private and overlooking the sea. He stripped down to skin and set his clothes within reach on the edge of the pool.

  The palms cast dappled shade on the water as he lowered himself into the pool and leaned back against the edge, spreading his arms along the tiles. He needed the water’s bite to cool his blood and lend him restraint if he wasn’t going to drag her in with him straight off and have his way with her.

  To his relief, he didn’t have long to wait.

  She appeared in the doorway like a fantasy come to life and he quickly realised it wasn’t relief, it was a form of torture. And he’d been the one to suggest it.

  He held his breath, then let it out with a growl at the back of his throat as he took in the sight of her breasts spilling over a slash of hot pink and brilliant aqua. A tiny glimpse of dark nipple in the slit where pink met blue. The panties were kept together at the back with a cheeky blue shoelace.

  ‘You were wearing that while we were in a classroom full of children?’

  ‘Um …’ She grinned, lips pressed together. ‘Just lucky it wasn’t gym class while we were there, wasn’t it?’

  He swallowed. ‘I’m glad I didn’t know. So that’s your usual day wear?’

  ‘Yes.’ She ran the tips of her fingers inside the waistband of her panties. ‘These are new. I’ve been working on a different line since I became single again. It’s fun.’

  ‘I’m sure it is …’ He surged forward. ‘Come here.’

  With a mock stern look, she held up a finger. ‘Not yet. This was your idea, remember.’

  ‘Okay.’ He just might last a few more moments, he thought as she disappeared again, leaving her tempting fragrance behind her. Then again, he might not.

  Less than a minute later she was back in a black and white number. A skinny white lace thong. The string of black pearls at the back disappeared between firm, round buttocks.

  His mouth watered and his eyes followed her as she circled the pool, keeping just out of reach. ‘You’re a naughty girl.’

  She laughed lightly, her hands clasped behind her back, which had the arousing effect of pushing her breasts forward. Her nipples stood erect against the black lace like bullets. ‘And the best part is that no one knows.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘In which case, I may just have to kill you.’ She crouched down, swished a hand through the water. ‘But before I do, I think you’ll like my wet look. Shiny black—’

  ‘Come here.’

  ‘Or my lotus butterfly …’

  Frustration gave him agility and he surged forward, grasped a slender ankle. ‘Later,’ he told her, his hand moving higher, over her calf where her skin was hot and smooth and firm.

  ‘But I’m just getting started,’ the voice above him complained. ‘And I’ve never done this before. Indulge me.’

  He looked up, past lace and curves and bare flesh. Her eyes reflected the water’s ripples, making them dance and sparkle with light and fun. She knew exactly what she was doing to him.

  ‘Oh, I’ll indulge you,’ he promised, every cell in his body on fire. ‘In the water. Now.’

  ‘Oh, well, if you insist. But first, we need …’ reaching for his trousers on the tiles beside him, she felt in the pockets and pulled out a foil packet ‘… one of these.’

  With the condom packet between her teeth, she slid slowly down into the water beside him, inch by excruciating inch, the bra’s lacy texture rasping against his chest. Her legs twined around his like electric eels, sending sparks shocking straight to his groin.

  Fire and ice. Cool water swirling over hot skin. He slid his hand between her shoulder blades and down, over each vertebra, the pearls between her buttocks. Then he turned her around so that he could feel the erotic sensation of the tiny baubles against his erection. Groaning with the pleasure, he bit into her shoulder as he slid the lacy garment down her thighs with his hands, then his toes.

  She tasted of the beach and the sun and freedom. ‘You’re gorgeous.’ He unclasped her bra, then pulled her back against him and filled his hands with her womanly shape, feeling the tight, water-chilled buds against his fingers. ‘Refreshing and gorgeous.’

  Leaning back against him, she let her legs float to the surface in front of her. ‘You’re not half bad yourself.’

  It was a languid moment at odds with the way his body craved and his mind reeled—because it wasn’t just the physical intimacy he whispered about against her ear. He wanted more, and he wanted to tell her. How she blew him away on so many levels. How he’d never met anyone like her. So it was as well she broke the calm with a quick fluid movement.

  When she turned to face him, he saw the same emotions in her eyes before she blinked them away with a sparkling smile.

  ‘That’s enough,’ she said with a laugh. She dangled the foil packet above her head. ‘You have to work for the rest.’ Jerking out of his grasp, she ducked beneath the surface and shot away like a fair-skinned dolphin to the far end of the pool, elegant and sleek. Then she dived deeper and only her legs broke the surface, perfectly shaped calves, feet arched, toes pointed like a ballet dancer’s.

  Seconds later, she reappeared, swiped her hair from her face and waved the packet in front of her. ‘Hey, you’re supposed to come and catch me.’

  ‘Where did you learn to swim like that?’

  ‘Synchronised swimming classes at school for a couple of years.’

  ‘Is harp playing on your list of accomplishments too?’


  He nodded. Naturally she’d have gone to a private and exclusive school, he thought, watching her careless smile. Taking such extra-curricular activities for granted. A school with its own private and exclusive pool. Halls of learning, where that learning was valued. The best education money could buy for the Barossa wine princess.

  He thought of the school he’d attended in one of Melbourne’s seedier districts. Neglected buildings. A cramped, pot-holed playground where kids were bored and turned their attention to other activities. Like making life a living hell for those younger and smaller than themselves.

  She stared at him, her smile fading. ‘Something wrong?’

  He shook off the old taunts with a grin. ‘What’s wrong is you’re too far away.’ Then he dived under the water towards her.


  SHIVERS chased over Charlotte’s skin as Nic closed in, his tanned, muscled torso streamlined and swift. He seemed so predatory that instinctively she backed up, bumping against the pool’s smooth tiles.

  He surfaced right in front of her, water sluicing off his face and hair. ‘Gotcha,’ he murmured, snatching the forgotten condom from her nerveless fingers, then placing his arms on the pool’s rim on either side of her.

  Trapped. And right where she wanted to be.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Her heart pounded. His eyes had lost the sombre expression she’d noticed seconds ago but what she saw there now was no less acute. Desire and intent. His gaze didn’t leave hers as he ripped open the foil packet and sheathed himself.

  Gone was the light-hearted banter, the teasing, the sexy foreplay. Something deeper emerged, like fresh water from a hidden spring. Mystifying and mysterious. As they watched each other an unspoken intimacy surrounded them like the heavy scent of the tropical blooms off the balcony.

  She could hear the sounds of children splashing in the resort’s family pool some distance away, the palm fronds flapping in the afternoon breeze. Nic’s breathing. Her own. She was falling for him the way she’d never fallen for anyone before. Because he was unlike anyone she’d ever known.

  And he wasn’t the kind of guy she should be falling for. She needed stability, someone who’d be there for life. But she was powerless to resist him as he slid his hands over her breasts.

  ‘Nic …’


  The heat of his tongue combined with the cool water, a mingling of stunning sensations as she leaned back on the edge of the pool, gave up trying to reason it all out and surrendered.

  After the poolside chase and inevitable capture, she’d expected a fast and furious encounter, but this was lazy, almost luxurious. The long, slow pull of his mouth on her nipple. The glide of her legs between his. The sluggish swirl of water as he pushed slowly and deeply inside her.

  Moaning with the pleasure, she slid her hands over his damp, water-cooled back, then across his shoulders, loving the hardness of him, her movements in slow motion while her mind drifted like organza ribbons in an idle draught.


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