Undaunted (No Rival Book 2)

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Undaunted (No Rival Book 2) Page 5

by Charity Parkerson

  Without another word, he scooped up his gym bag and walked away, leaving Rhys staring after him in confusion. Knox had always been a puzzle but this was still the most bizarre encounter they’d ever had. Shaking his head, Rhys unfolded the pages he left behind. The first thing to catch his eye was Mandy’s name. From there, he couldn’t understand what he was looking at. It was a list of medical terms he’d never heard of before. He did know it was a bill of staggering proportions. Switching back to the first page, he read each line carefully. A terrible sense of foreboding rose inside him. By the time he reached the final detail, he could no longer breathe.

  The sound of his heart beating in his ears drowned out all other noises. His vision darkened at the edges. Leaning over, he braced his elbows on the treadmill’s program shelf and stared at the proof in his hands until he was sure every aspect burned into his memory. The dates matched up. His baby. The words beat at his brain until he dropped his head onto his forearms. Mandy had lost their baby, and he deserved the hatred he’d seen in her eyes.

  * * * * *

  No real harm was done. Seriously? What the fuck was wrong with Rhys? Anger over his brother’s stupidity unfocused Knox long enough for Drew to land a lucky blow to the left side of his face. Fuck. That hurt. He refused to show it.

  “Wake up!” Jimmy barked from the outside of the cage. “That kind of shit will get you killed.” Knox mentally agreed with the elderly trainer. Shaking it off, Knox kicked out, making contact with Drew’s ribs before he could block it. Drew flinched but stayed on his feet.

  “Point!” The man was a tough son of a bitch. The flash of blows coming his way was the only indication the strike had pissed Drew off. Knox managed to deflect. Barely. It was a distraction move. Knox realized it a moment too late as Drew swept his legs out from beneath him. The impact of the mat rushing up to meet him knocked the air from his lungs. Without hesitating, Drew pinned him down and rotated his arm at an odd angle behind him. He’d have to get up earlier in the morning. At the last second, Knox stopped himself from head-butting Drew across the jaw. Shit. He hated No Rival’s bullshit rules. Instead of attempting to out-muscle him, Knox went limp, throwing Drew off balance. When his hold slackened, Knox twisted out from beneath him. Jimmy laughed.

  “Hell yeah, Knox. Don’t let him show you up. Teach him how the real men fight.” Knox didn’t give Drew a second chance to unbalance him. Springing forward, he leapt and landed a knee to Drew’s gut. When Drew bowed slightly from the collision, Knox used the forward momentum to flip him to the mat.

  “Point!” Jimmy yelled.

  Drew rolled back onto his feet before Knox could pin him. A fine sheen of sweat covered Knox’s body, and his muscles burned from their struggle. Drew was one of the few people who matched him in size. The bastard was heavy as hell. Balancing on the balls of his feet, Knox poised to strike, determined to take him out with a final blow.


  “Damn it, Jimmy,” Knox cursed as he spit his mouth guard onto the floor. Unfazed by his show of temper, Jimmy shrugged.

  “Them’s the rules, boy.”

  Knox grunted at being called a boy, but he let the old man slide. The ruddy-faced, white-haired ex-boxer had been Knox’s trainer since the day he’d turned sixteen. He was the closest thing Knox had to a father figure, which considering Jimmy’s list of bad habits, wasn’t saying much.

  “You’re good. I imagine I’ll lose my strap if you ever decide to go legal.”

  Knox snorted at Drew’s compliment. “Legal is for pussies.”

  Drew roared with laughter, and Knox’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. He couldn’t recall ever seeing Drew smile, much less laugh. To hide his shock, he accepted the towel Jimmy offered before the man wandered off to harass a group of young pups who were lifting weights. He winced as he swiped the cloth over his eyes. Yep. Another black eye.

  “How’s Mandy?”

  The question caught Knox unprepared and he froze. When the wheels in his brain started spinning again, he shrugged. “How should I know?” Knox kept his gaze averted in case his lie showed there. Proving he wasn’t one for swallowing down bullshit, Drew scoffed.

  “Don’t play dumb. I saw you sitting in the parking lot yesterday.”

  Damn. Busted. “She’s pissed.”

  “Yeah. I saw as much for myself.”

  In spite of himself, Knox laughed quietly as he tossed the towel aside. “She has one hell of a right hook.”

  “I worried once the shock wore off she would realize she was hurt worse than anyone knew at the time. I didn’t check on her since I knew you would. What are you going to do?”

  Drew’s sudden change in topic left Knox confused. “There’s nothing to do. Dane is back in rehab.” He shrugged. “I guess it’s over.”

  “I mean, about Rhys.”

  Knox’s mind went blank. “As far as I know, he doesn’t need rehab.”

  If laughter was a surprise, Drew rolling his eyes nearly floored Knox. “Fine. It’s none of my business. I will say this—I like Rhys a lot. He’s a good guy, but I like Mandy too, and more importantly, Aubree adores Mandy. If my wife is unhappy, it irritates me.”

  “Does this have a point?”

  Drew nodded solemnly, causing the overhead light to glitter across the thin layer of sweat on his bald head. “Mandy is too nice for Rhys. Misery is at the end of that road.”

  “Then I guess the road is at its end.” Without offering more, Knox added, “I don’t remember you being this chatty.”

  The man wouldn’t be deterred. “I’ll let you in on a secret. I swiped Aubree from my brother without an ounce of guilt. Best trophy I ever earned, as a matter of fact.”

  “Your brother prefers men, so…I can’t imagine it was real hard.”

  Drew threw his hands up with a growl. “Has everyone known about Max except for me?”

  “I imagine so, yes.” A bit proud of himself for throwing Drew off topic, Knox gathered up this things. He wanted Mandy. The desperation stayed with him at all times, but things were fucked up. If Rhys could fix shit with her, then maybe they could be happy together and Knox would resign himself to things the way he always did.

  “I had a point,” Drew said, reaching out to stop him from leaving. Knox pasted on his most patient expression before giving Drew his full concentration.

  “Do you plan to get to it soon?” Knox tried hard to keep his exasperation from showing in his tone without success.

  Dipping his chin, Drew continued. “I knew Aubree belonged with me the moment I set eyes on her. I can’t explain it. For real, I’m not about to get emotional with you and shit, but I knew. I don’t think it would have mattered to me who she was with. There is no low I would not have stooped to, and you’re in the same position I was in. He’s going to get pissed. No doubt about it. But you know what’s up. You hear me?”

  “Yeah, I hear you,” Knox agreed. Damn. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so uncomfortable.

  Drew’s face turned hard. “Don’t let my wife have time to get upset over this. Waiting is for pussies.”

  A low chuckle fell from Knox’s lips. “Never let it be said I made a pregnant lady unhappy.”

  * * * * *

  Knox made it two days before showing up at her door. The black eye refused to recede, but it turned out the need to see her outweighed any thoughts of vanity. A half-smile played at the corner of Mandy’s mouth when she answered the door. She belonged to his brother, Knox reminded himself harshly. Her eyes were sucking him in and making him forget again. He handed her the plastic bag dangling between his fingers. Instead of reaching for it, she took a step back, allowing him inside.

  “I told you not to buy me anything.”

  “Yeah, about that, I don’t give a fuck,” he said as he set the bag filled with picture frames on her kitchen table. She inched toward the bag, peeking in.

  With a laugh, she tore the plastic wrap from the top picture frame and pried the metal tabs away from the cardboard. She pract
ically danced in place with her happiness. “I love these,” she said, as if admitting a terrible secret. “I know it’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s not. Pictures are your thing.” She flashed a grateful grin his way. “Have you heard from Rhys?”

  “Not a word. Why?” she asked absently. One. Two. Three. The count slowly ticked away in his mind. When he reached fourteen, he decided Rhys had been given enough time to get his shit together. One man’s loss…

  “He said you had a business opportunity for him.”

  Mandy’s hands froze. “I did,” she answered slowly. “I was approached by a sports magazine about a photography position they have opening up. Unfortunately, they want to see a portfolio, which I have, but they want sports models. I don’t have that. I’d planned to offer him the thousand dollars I have left in my savings if he’d let me build a collection of photographs around him.” She shrugged as if it didn’t matter, but he knew it did.

  “He’s not your only connection.”

  She pulled a face. “I could ask Drew, but I don’t feel comfortable doing so. Not to mention, a thousand dollars is probably a laughable amount to him. Rhys has the body and wouldn’t scoff at the money. I guess I thought even if he had a few qualms, he’d be willing to do it for me. You know, because he cared.” She returned to popping the back off the frame, and the pain of realizing Rhys did not care showed even in her posture.

  “I could do it.” The offer left his lips before he knew he would make it. She winced and he wished he could take it back.

  “I have zero desire to go to No Rival,” she explained, soothing away his ire. It made sense she wouldn’t want to risk running into Rhys.

  “We wouldn’t need to. I only keep my membership with them so I can watch the fight list. You know, in case I see one I’d like to get in on, and sometimes I spar with Drew for the fun of it. But I don’t usually workout or train there.”


  The hopeful note in her voice settled the matter. He was doing this. “Yeah. I go to Grid Iron. It’s closer to my house.” Warming up to the idea, he added, “Max and Ryan teach a few classes there. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you snuck in some shots of them as well. It would add to the diversity of your portfolio.”

  He wasn’t above using her dream against her to get his way. Mandy’s face brightened for a moment before falling again.

  “I can’t afford to pay three people.”

  “I don’t want your money and Max’s dad left him everything. I don’t think it will be an issue.” If it did turn out to be an issue, then he would pay them. Of course, he didn’t say as much to her. Mandy chewed on her bottom lip. He could feel her caving. “How many other candidates will have three models at their disposal?” He knew he was throwing everything he had at her, but he was determined to win.

  A smile stretched across Mandy’s face and a mischievous glint lit her eyes. He was captivated. “You’d have to be willing to show some skin.”

  Without thought, Knox pulled his shirt over his head, baring his torso. A blush touched her cheeks. He dared her with his eyes to show him any weakness. Satisfaction roared through him when she took up his challenge, dropping her gaze to his chest. His nostrils flared as a sudden realization punched him in the gut. He wouldn’t stop until he had her. Writhing, moaning, and pinned beneath him. The knowledge stunned him to the point he didn’t move away when her cool fingers touched his ribs. Electricity surged through him where their skin met. He’d never truly believed he had a chance with her before that moment.

  “Holy crap. Should I even bother asking what you’ve been doing?”

  He didn’t waste any energy by looking down at the black bruise covering one side of his body as he answered. “No.” He cursed himself as an idiot for not thinking before removing his shirt.

  “Does it hurt?”

  Her concern caused his throat to burn, and his voice came out sounding low. “Do I pass the test?” Lifting her chin, their gazes collided. Standing this close, he noticed her blue eyes had a touch of brown streaking through them.

  “When can we get started?”

  Such an open-ended question from such an innocent woman had Knox stepping away. He shoved his arms inside his shirt and pulled it back over his head while avoiding her stare.

  “Since Sundays are your day off, I’ll pick you up then.”

  She didn’t ask how he knew her schedule, and without thinking, he touched his lips to her cheek. The sound of her breath catching at the back of her throat only added fuel to the fire. Heading for the door without a backward glance, he prayed she didn’t attempt to stop him. He could not be trusted to stay.

  * * * * *

  The lighting at Grid Iron was perfect for a photo shoot. The freshly painted white walls shimmered under the bright fluorescent lights. Thick padding covered the floor of the private room where kickboxing classes were held nightly. Max and Ryan were both gorgeous and offset one another perfectly. While Max kept his dark hair cut military short, Ryan’s dark hair was a shaggy mess framing a set of sexy eyes. They would drive women nuts, and to Mandy’s delight, they were more than happy to accommodate her. If there was another person with access to a number of different models, she was willing to bet money none of them were as sexy as the ones she’d managed to land.

  “Just tell us what you need and we’re your men.”

  Ryan’s teasing, upbeat personality kept her smiling, and she immediately felt at ease. “Get naked and act natural,” she said, somehow managing to keep a straight face.

  Max groaned. “Great. Now there’s two of them. Don’t give him permission, Mandy. We’ll never get his clothes back on.”

  “Fine,” she huffed, breaking out her best pout. “You will have to take your shirts off, though.” Max flashed a flirtatious glance her way that left her blushing as he stripped his shirt off. Oddly, she knew he didn’t mean it. Some people were overtly more sexual than others were. It was more of a vibe he owned. It was as if he couldn’t help himself. Of course, the knowledge did nothing to stop her face from burning every time he turned it in her direction. The third time blood flooded her cheeks, she felt Knox’s heat pressing into her back. Her heart slammed against her chest at the contact. He was everywhere. Overwhelming. Unmovable.

  “He’s not for you.” His breath fanned across her neck as the whispered warning rang in her ears. The bite in his tone rolled over her skin. As he strode away, she watched the smooth movement of his body. Untamed. The word floated through her mind and she couldn’t let it go. He was a predator. Each time he was near, a shot of adrenaline pumped through her veins when she survived the encounter. One day, she wouldn’t.

  After a few posed shots, Mandy focused on the action. “I’d love to get as many pictures as I can, if you want to take turns sparring. I’m not picky. However the three of you choose to pair up is fine with me.”

  Knox gave her a sharp nod, and Ryan came over to stand at her side on the edge of the mat. Squaring off, Max and Knox circled one another. Staring down at the digital screen, Mandy zoomed in on Knox and her chest tightened even as she continued snapping pictures.

  “Better Max than me,” Ryan said, startling her with his tight tone.

  Keeping her focus on her task, Mandy tried to keep the curiosity from showing in her voice. “Scared of getting your ass handed to you, huh?” she teased.

  “An ass-kicking I can handle. I have no desire to die. Underground fighters train to compete with only one rule in mind. To the death. I mean, judging by Knox’s lifestyle, the money is good, but it takes a certain mentality to go into every match to kill or be killed.”

  Mandy could hear her heart pounding in her ears. Her gaze slid over his body with a new eye as she searched for any truth to Ryan’s claim. The light glimmered off the silver rings in his nipples. Sleek muscles flexed and rolled as he poised for any opening. There wasn’t a hint of emotion on his face when he found one and took Max down to the mat. All the deep scars and bruises covering his bo
dy made themselves known in light of the new insight. Appearing content with a simple submission, Knox helped an unscathed Max to his feet.

  “Oh good. He didn’t kill him. I am a bit attached to him, after all.”

  Knox looked in their direction at Ryan’s words. Raw sensuality dripped from his pores. His eyes darkened with lust. Electricity charged the air between them. Excitement pounded through Mandy. Her nipples ached and a tingle began at the base of her spine.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “Whoa,” he muttered under his breath. “He’s going to do such naughty things to you and I want details,” he sang as he walked away, heading in Max’s direction. Tearing her eyes away from the man who was making her feel things she shouldn’t, she focused her attention on Max and Ryan instead.

  Ryan slid his hand down Max’s arm as if checking for injuries. She automatically snapped several pictures, doing her best to block out the sexy fighter who moved to stand behind her again. Ignoring the eyes boring into her back, she switched her camera to replay. As she flipped through the final round of shots, checking for focus issues, she paused on a single image. A chill raced through her. She held the equipment closer, zooming in on the impression.


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