Love's Foolish Punch

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Love's Foolish Punch Page 10

by S M Mala

  He didn’t care if she couldn’t do any exercise.

  The man had lied about the boxing, inflicting her to circuit training which only made her throw up afterwards.

  When they were sparring, he’d hit her head and then pretend it was an accident, smiling to himself.

  If she retaliated, he held her at arm’s length, putting his hand on her safety headgear. This way all the punches wouldn’t touch him, and she’d just get mad while flaying her fists around.

  And to make matters worse, Jamie had watched the sessions, and it seemed to give him great amusement.

  ‘Are you still in pain?’ Jamie asked, starting to laugh. ‘God Molly, we should film you when you’re training and boxing. You’re very funny.’

  ‘Soon as we split up, I’m not going anymore,’ she said, folding her arms.

  Even that was painful.

  ‘You’ve got a lifetime pass. Remember, it’s your idea about the April Fool fundraiser for the opening, so you have to be around for that.’

  ‘Just extend it until then.’

  ‘Do you know that pass it worth a lot of money?’

  ‘We could raffle it!’ she replied, sitting up. ‘I don’t mind.’

  Jamie flashed her a disgruntled glance before concentrating on his driving.

  ‘David and Rene are happy about your idea,’ he said brightly. ‘They want to meet you.’

  ‘Oh,’ was all she could say. ‘We shouldn’t be getting our families involved. It’s bad enough we’re lying to your friends.’

  Molly looked out at the countryside. Most of the trees were stripped of their leaves, and their dark twigs and branches made them look like black, scary figurines against the grey-white sky. It was quite spooky.

  ‘We’re at the beginning of week four,’ he said, going down a winding road. ‘We have nine weeks to go and I think your conscience can cover that short amount of time.’

  ‘What if I bump into people afterwards?’

  ‘We won’t see each other again after this.’

  She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that comment.

  He sounded more relieved than anything else.

  ‘You can’t meet my friends or parents. It’s bad enough you know Squirrel.’

  ‘Fine by me,’ he said wistfully. ‘So here’s the drill for today and tomorrow. It’s a fiftieth birthday party and…’ Jamie looked like he was trying to find the words. ‘Chloe will be there with her husband.’

  ‘I see.’

  She felt panicked and held firmly onto the seat belt.

  ‘And my brother.’

  ‘Oh god.’

  ‘He’s there with his wife.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ she yelled. ‘I would have never-.’

  ‘You’re getting paid to do this,’ he replied calmly. ‘Remember to keep quiet and not say too much. And don’t get drunk and embarrass me.’

  ‘Like I would.’

  ‘Please don’t speak about us or our sex life, even if you want to have some fun.’

  ‘This isn’t fun. What if they figure out this is all a lie?’

  ‘Then we’re going to act our socks off, aren’t we?’

  ‘And what am I going to wear? You said to bring some dresses, but you never said for what and-.’

  ‘It’s sorted.’ Jamie let out a massive sigh. ‘In a way, it’s good you’re scared. That will make it look like you care.’

  ‘Of course, I care,’ she said, exasperated by the comment. ‘I care whether I end up with concrete boots and get dumped in the Thames next to you. Who wouldn’t care?’

  ‘What sort of friends have you got?’

  Molly looked at the large country mansion. ‘Someone owns this?’

  ‘They hired it for the party,’ he said, taking their bags out of the boot. ‘My mum had her sixtieth here.’

  ‘She’s not turning up, is she?’ Molly hugged herself, the wind seeming chillier than usual.

  ‘No, she’s not. Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine.’

  Jamie was about to walk past her, and she grabbed his arm.

  ‘Are you going to shag this Chloe at the same time her husband is here?’ She looked at his mischievous grin. ‘Do you have a death wish?’

  ‘Would you cover for me if I did?’

  ‘No, I would not! Considering I know what you got up to last weekend, I feel sorry for your middle-aged lover.’

  ‘Again, don’t go blabbing about that.’

  ‘Jamie,’ Molly said, stepping closer. ‘Does Chloe know about this set up between me and you?’

  ‘Molly,’ he replied, peering into her face, millimetres away from her lips. ‘It’s more convincing if fewer people know.’

  She was about to open her mouth and scream at him, seeing that he’d landed her in bigger shit than he was letting on.

  Getting her chin, he shut her mouth and kissed her lips gently.

  ‘You see, this is a very good time to get up to speed with your acting skills and find out if you have the true ability to succeed in your profession,’ he whispered. ‘I like your lips by the way.’

  ‘She’s going to hate me,’ gulped Molly, confused by the kiss and what he was saying. ‘I’m stuffed here.’

  He stepped back and looked at her up and down.

  ‘Today we’re in love. Tomorrow you can hate me. Okay?’

  ‘Not ‘okay’.’

  Walking off towards the main door, he glanced over his shoulder, beckoning her to follow, handing the suitcases and keys to someone at the door.

  ‘I’m going to die,’ she mumbled.

  Jamie put his arm around her shoulders and laughed into her hair.

  ‘Your face looks a picture.’

  ‘I hate you Jamie Cohen.’

  ‘Join the queue.’

  ‘What a brilliant room!’

  Molly examined the large suite with a four poster bed, ignoring the fact they were going to share it. ‘And the view! Jamie look!’

  He didn’t seem interested, heading for the bathroom to unpack his toiletries.

  She realised he was probably a vain little thing.

  Molly took the opportunity to get some cushions and quickly put them down the centre of the bed, under the covers, and then sat on an armchair by the window.

  Jamie walked back in, looked at the bed, stopped then carried on walking towards the suit carrier, taking it to the wardrobe and hanging it off the door.

  ‘Are we having a threesome?’ he asked, glancing at the bed.


  ‘Is there someone else hiding under the covers?’

  Molly shrugged and watched the people arriving in their cars, trying to make out which one was Chloe. Then she heard some shuffling and Jamie had taken the cushions out, flinging them onto the sofa.

  ‘What if someone came to the room and saw that?’ he said, walking up to her. ‘We have to be convincing.’

  ‘Okay,’ she sighed, sinking into the seat. ‘But you can’t be getting up to naughtiness and expect me to sleep in the bathroom.’

  ‘Have you seen it? You could fit into the tub.’

  Getting up quickly, she walked in and stopped in her tracks.

  It was very large and plush.

  She knew she’d be able to take lots of goodies.

  ‘We have to go down to lunch,’ he said, following her in. ‘And I know you’re going to hate this but I’ve got you something to wear.’

  Closing her eyes, she grimaced at the thought of what he’d conjured up.

  ‘Okay, what ridiculous outfit would you like me to put on?’ she asked, returning to the bedroom. Jamie was sitting at the end of the bed. ‘Do I need my pull in pants?’


  He held out a small bag, and she took it. Peering inside she took out a black belt.

  ‘I notice when you wear jeans you never wear a belt, and I thought you might like it,’ he grinned.

  Now she was confused.

  ‘I’m letting you be you, as you said. And it matc
hes your boots. You like it?’

  Nodding slowly, she knew he was up to something but she just didn’t know what.

  ‘Don’t look so scared.’

  Jamie was holding her hand tightly as they walked to the large room that was filled with chatter and laughter. ‘I won’t leave your side and then, in a couple of hours, we can raid the mini bar and watch television. Obviously, we’ll pretend we’re going back for a screw.’

  ‘You’re so romantic.’

  ‘Make love, whatever,’ he laughed and then stopped to look at her. ‘You know Molly, you are very pretty.’

  ‘Keep the charm for your woman and bits on the side,’ she said, starting to smile. ‘I’m not dropping my knickers for you.’

  Jamie laughed.

  ‘I’m not an escort and Squirrel wouldn’t approve,’ Molly continued, seeing he was getting closer. ‘And don’t go thinking you can take advantage because we have an audience. You do anything inappropriate, and you’ll know about it.’

  ‘But we have to touch and kiss.’

  ‘It depends on what you touch and where you kiss.’

  Then he kissed her gently on the lips and leaned down to scoop her in his arms.

  She was at a loss on what to do.

  As her mouth parted, he put his tongue to touch the end of hers fleetingly and pulled away.

  That little surprise left her both speechless and breathless. Jamie was grinning. Molly looked around, and no one was there to witness.

  ‘Why did you do that?’ she asked, composing herself and gently pushing him away. ‘We didn’t have an audience.’

  ‘I think this weekend we have to practice, so it looks convincing.’


  She was no fool.

  Jamie was testing how far she’d go.

  Molly was going to show him what was what, to stop him from playing games.

  This time she pulled him closer and kissed him passionately, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Her hand gently caressed the back of his head, running her fingers slowly through.

  He was responding positively. His strong muscle was moving against her own one in a wonderful way.

  It wasn’t what she expected.

  Stepping back, she looked at him and grinned, seeing his semi shocked expression.

  ‘You can’t kiss like that,’ he grumbled then looked annoyed before stomping off, still grasping her hand while tugging her along.

  She was mortified that he didn’t like it and decided to stay quiet over lunch, if only to hide her complete disappointment.

  Because, just then, she liked kissing Jamie Cohen even if he didn’t like kissing her.

  ‘I said quiet, not mute.’

  Jamie whispered in her ear. ‘You can speak.’

  There were too many people coming up to Jamie, asking who she was.

  Her heart slumped every time he called her his fiancé because she wondered what they really thought.

  On first impression, everyone looked shocked.

  Since the snog and now this, Molly’s confidence was slowly crumbling but she held firmly onto her glass of champagne and smiled through it all. Her other hand was being crushed by Jamie.

  Now she wanted to pee.

  ‘Can I go to the toilet?’ she whispered up to him as he looked down. It was the first time he’d made eye contact since telling her off. ‘I’m bursting.’

  ‘I’ll take you.’

  ‘I know where it is.’

  Releasing his hand and wiggling her fingers to get her circulation going again, she walked away.

  Being in the toilet cubicle was like a fresh of breath air, away from the people.

  Molly never felt comfortable in crowds.

  Taking a pee and inhaling deeply, she walked out and washed her hands, preparing herself for round two.

  Going slowly down the corridor, she looked at the plush surroundings, stopping to admire pictures of some famous people who had stayed there.

  ‘Molly!’ a voice said from behind.

  She turned to see it was the man who had taken her out for breakfast.

  ‘Hello,’ she said, pleased to see one familiar face. ‘How are you?’

  ‘I’m delighted to see you,’ he said, looking genuinely happy before coming closer and placing a kiss on her cheek. ‘When did you get here?’

  ‘An hour ago.’ She then recalled her manners. ‘I never asked your name. That was rude of me.’

  ‘I’m Bill. Sorry, I thought I’d said.’

  ‘Well, I’m pleased to meet you again,’ she replied and let out a sigh of relief. ‘I don’t know anyone here. Jamie only told me about it this morning. It’s for someone’s birthday.’

  ‘It’s for me.’


  She knew her cheeks were going red and felt mortally embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

  ‘Oh, don’t look like that. He probably doesn’t know we’ve met.’

  ‘I did tell him but he thinks I’m making it up because no-one mentioned it, and I didn’t know your name.’

  ‘Did you see him that day? He was too hung over to string a sentence together.’ Bill let out a small sigh. ‘It’s good to see you. How are things with Jamie Cohen?’

  ‘He has his moments,’ she said, starting to laugh for no reason. ‘I didn’t even get you a present or a card.’

  ‘Maybe you could take me out for breakfast one day?’

  ‘Sure. I’d like that.’ Molly was going red again and noticed it amused Bill. ‘And where’s your wife? She must be here somewhere. I don’t want her to think I’m hitting on you.’

  ‘I’m sure she won’t mind. Shall I take you back into the party?’

  Trying to hide her reluctance to return, she forced a smile and nodded.

  ‘Why don’t you buy me a birthday drink at the bar around the corner? I need a break for fifteen minutes and expect you need a breather too.’

  That was the best thing anyone had said all day.

  ‘They look shocked.’

  Molly was laughing into her second glass of champagne with Bill. She was feeling a little pissed. ‘I don’t know what they were expecting.’

  ‘You’re beautiful.’

  ‘You’re drunk and how old?’

  ‘Fifty years old.’

  ‘So you’re short sighted then?’

  ‘Oh, my sight is perfect and so are you,’ he smiled, resting back into the armchair. ‘I’m going to have to take you back to the party. People will be wondering where I am.’

  ‘The birthday boy should return. Thank you for your kind words. I was internally falling to pieces standing next to Jamie.’

  ‘And everything’s okay between you two?’

  ‘Early days,’ she said, glancing at her fake engagement ring. ‘He’s full of surprises. I’ll settle up.’

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s all sorted.’

  ‘But Bill, I need to pay for the drinks.’

  ‘Listen talking to you is enjoyment enough,’ he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

  Molly just giggled. Then she stood up, necking the rest of her drink, feeling more composed than before.

  Putting her arm in his, they walked back to the very loud party and he escorted her into the room.

  Everyone was turning and coming up to Bill as he guided her back into the room and towards Jamie.

  She noticed Jamie was laughing with some people then did a double take when he saw her. Molly swore his mouth dropped open.

  ‘Here’s your beautiful fiancé, all in one piece,’ Bill said, shaking Jamie’s hand.

  Jamie was staring at Molly.

  She figured out she’d done something wrong without even knowing it.

  ‘David!’ Bill said, turning to a man who was a similar height to Jamie.

  It was Jamie’s brother.

  Then she felt an arm cover her shoulders, pulling her close. Jamie leaned into her face.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he asked, examining her eyes. ‘How drunk are you?’

>   ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘How did-.’

  ‘I’m David, nice to meet you,’ she heard and turned to see his brother smiling while Bill walked into the heaving group of people.

  David was similar to Jamie but with blue eyes and lighter coloured hair. He was exceptionally handsome but in a more grown up way. Standing next to him was a beautiful tall, slim, woman with shoulder length dark hair, and porcelain coloured skin.

  ‘Hello,’ said Molly, knowing she had to pull herself together. ‘I’m Molly Drew.’ Her hand immediately went out, and she noticed Jamie shook his head.

  ‘Hello, I’m Rene,’ she said, gently grabbing Molly and kissing her on the cheek. ‘It’s good to meet you at long last. Jamie can’t stop talking about you.’


  David laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

  ‘My little brother seems smitten. And you know Bill, the host of the party?’ he asked.

  Molly knew David was checking her out and wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

  ‘Yes. I met him a few weeks ago. He took me out to breakfast.’

  It was quite sudden; Jamie choking on his drink and spitting it over Molly.

  ‘Sorry!’ he said coughing. Molly grabbed a napkin and handed it over, hitting his back. ‘It went down the wrong pipe.’

  ‘Bill always has an eye for a pretty girl,’ grinned Rene. Molly noticed she looked at David. ‘He’s an older version of Jamie.’

  ‘They’ve been known to have similar tastes,’ mumbled David glancing around.

  ‘I better take you back to the room to get changed,’ Jamie said, swallowing hard. ‘And I promised I’d take you for a walk around the grounds.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I’ll dry off,’ she said, enjoying the party.

  ‘I insist.’

  ‘Oh, no!’ laughed David. ‘I think you better go. Are you worried she might dump you and go off with someone else?’

  ‘Later, brother,’ Jamie said, taking Molly’s hand and grabbing a full bottle of champagne from the side.

  ‘Jamie I’m fine.’

  ‘Tell me again what you told Bill.’

  ‘I’m not repeating it.’

  Molly sat on the bed while Jamie paced the room. ‘Can I have another drink?’

  ‘Are you sure it was him?’


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