Sins of the Fallen

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Sins of the Fallen Page 6

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  I was glad that Hunter wasn’t in my room when I got back. I got dressed for bed as fast as I could, and lay down, facing the wall. As soon as I felt him in the room, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

  “Kayla,” he whispered.

  I didn’t move.

  He sat on the bed and put a hand on my arm. “Kayla, I need to talk to you.”

  There was something pleading in his tone. I opened my eyes and turned to look at him and for a moment, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe.

  I sat up.

  “What is wrong?”

  “I have to tell you about my training.”

  No, no, no. I thought to myself. This is not how this is supposed to go.

  Yes, I couldn’t bear to hear it from him; I couldn’t bear for him to have to tell me what he had to do in order to train… to train to protect me.

  “I already know,” I said. “About the succubus… about everything.”

  He looked down avoiding my gaze. “How do you know?”

  “During training today I was supposed to be getting a read on what is going on with Stephaine, but I accidently got in your head instead.”

  He nodded.

  “It’s never happened before, and I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again. I know it’s wrong.”

  “I know you do. So you’re not mad?”

  I shrugged. “I understand why you did it, but I don’t want you doing it again.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Hunter, I—I’ll be honest with you. I had every intention of picking a fight with you about this, but I can’t, and I have something to ask you.”

  He gave me a puzzled look.

  “You don’t want to see me getting hurt, right?”

  “Of course I don’t.”

  “Hunter, I want you to leave. I want you to leave me and never come back.”

  “Kayla, I—”

  “Did you ever stop to think about how you are immortal and I’m not? How long do you think this will last?”

  “Kayla, I’ll take any amount of time I can get with you. Please don’t cut this short because of what I am. We’ll figure something out.”

  “There is nothing to figure out. I’m in love with you, Hunter, and the longer you are here with me, the more it will hurt when we can’t be together anymore, and that is inevitable. If you love me, you’ll go.”

  I held back the tears. Hunter just shook his head. “That’s not fair, Kayla. How can you even ask me that?”

  He leaned forward and I moved back.

  “I don’t understand why this wasn’t an issue before.”

  “I didn’t expect to fall for you like this, okay?”


  “Hunter, please.” I paused. “Just leave.”

  He stood up, and I felt as if my heart stopped beating. He walked toward the door, and looked at me before opening it. “I’m not leaving. I’ll stay until I know you’re safe. And you don’t even have to look at me if you choose not to. I don’t know why this is such an issue now of all times. Well, I assume you’re trying to keep me from going to the other Academy, but it won’t work, Kayla. You’ve been in my head. I’m pretty sure you know how I feel about you and about keeping you protected.”

  He walked out after that and I started crying because to be honest, without Hunter, I felt lost. As much as I wanted him safe and wanted to protect myself from getting hurt later on, there was no denying that Hunter was my support system; he was my everything.



  Little by little, I had a weird sensation that she was slipping through my fingers. Not that I ever truly had her; at least I don’t think that was the case. Kayla was and would ever be her own person. Even being mortal, she was the strongest person I had ever met.

  From the minute she said she wanted me away and that we were incompatible because of my being immortal, I had a feeling that Samael was filling her head with things that were not there before.

  I went straight to him.

  I found him still training, even hours after Kayla’s training was done.

  He stopped when he heard me walk in.

  He grinned and shook his head. “What do you want?”

  “I want to know what you have been filling Kayla’s head with.”

  He seemed amused.

  “Nothing in particular. Part of her training is making her aware of the reality that surrounds her. That’s all.”

  I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere, so I just shook my head and turned around to leave.

  I heard him clear his throat. “I might have pointed out that your relationship will never work. I mean, you are immortal and she is not. She’ll age eventually and you’ll never look much different than what you do now.”

  I had my fists clenched by the time I turned to face him. My first instinct was to wipe that smirk off his face.

  “You know, there is a way to fix your little problem,” he said.

  I gave him a puzzled look. His words were the only thing stopping me from launching at him right now.

  “Please, elaborate.”

  “You won’t like my answer,” he said.

  “Tell me!” I growled. “I would do anything to be mortal again. To be like Kayla.”

  “Well, the answer lies on the lips of succubi.”

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Let a succubus drain you… completely, and you’ll no longer be immortal.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I will also be really dead.”

  “You won’t. You’ll come back. Now if she drains you after you make the transition into being mortal once again—”

  “Why should I believe you?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not. That is however, your only hope. So I guess the real question is, just how much do you love Kayla?”

  I left there shaking my head. Even IF this was true and I decided to go on with it, I couldn’t. Not until Kayla was back to her parents’ house, safe and away from the Academy. As a mortal, I had absolutely no way to protect her or to even fight by her side if things with Benjamin got worse.



  It was almost three in the morning and I still couldn’t sleep. Hunter never came back to my room, so I guess he got the message. In an attempt to get my mind off Hunter, I tried to accomplish what I had failed to do during training.

  I closed my eyes and fought the urge to think about Hunter. Instead, I started by focusing on the other Academy, my old room, the day when I met Stephaine, seeing Stephaine right before we left the Academy, and then, I was in her head and no matter how much I fought to get out, I couldn’t. I was trapped.

  This time, it was different. It was almost as if I was outside her body, watching a movie, but I understood what she felt without feeling it myself. She was at the center of the Academy, and with her, there was Benjamin. They were kissing, which I assumed that was how he fed or whatever. I also assumed that she was allowing him to do so to protect others, but then, she slowly pulled away from Benjamin and the look in her eyes gave me chills. I knew that she wasn’t scared or disgusted by kissing an incubus. Stephaine felt something in that kiss. I could tell they had kissed before, but something about Benjamin was off this time and it was almost as if she understood something about him that no one else could.

  Stephaine brushed her fingers through his hair, stopping with her hand at the back of his neck; she pulled him against her and kissed him again. This time, there were even more feelings involved. There was passion, and then, I actually felt the pain all over my body, as her wings darkened…everything darkened, and it wasn’t until then that I could escape from that vision.

  I was cold and shivering like crazy.

  I felt Hunter’s arms around me and I just stayed there until I calmed down. None of what I had told him before mattered anymore. I was just glad that he was there now.

  Ever since the beginning, everyone kept saying
that we were stronger when together and as much as I didn’t want Hunter to go to the other Academy with me, I wasn’t sure I could go without him.

  Once I calmed down, he asked if I wanted him to stay. I think it surprised him when I said that I did. He then asked me what happened.

  I told him everything about Stephaine and Benjamin and how I had felt the pain from when she became a fallen angel.

  Hunter actually looked shocked. He stood up and helped me up.

  “Come,” he said.


  “We have to tell Clarissa.”

  “It’s three in the morning, Hunter.”

  “I’m pretty sure she won’t mind.”

  We went down the stairs. Clarissa’s room was on the first floor.

  As we approached, we saw Jennifer walking in the building.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “We need to talk to Clarissa,” said Hunter.

  “She is in her office. She’s been trying to reach Mr. Daniels nonstop. She thought it would be worth a try, especially with the lack of communication from Stephaine. She worries about her.”

  “Thanks,” said Hunter as he practically dragged me out of there.

  If Clarissa didn’t look concerned before, she did now once she saw us.

  “What happened?” she asked in an alarmed tone.

  “I—” I didn’t know how to start. I was still shaken up by it all.

  Hunter told Clarissa everything that I had told him. She listened without saying a word, without even moving for that matter. When he finished, she closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “We waited far too long. We need to leave today, as soon as everyone is briefed and prepared.”

  “But I’m not ready!” I said.

  Clarissa gave me a sad smile. “You are, Kayla. You have made more progress than I expected you to make in weeks!”

  I wasn’t sure. I didn’t feel I was. I looked toward Hunter because I was sure he would argue with Clarissa that I wasn’t ready.

  He just shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. He then looked at me. “You’ve been ready for this, Kayla. You know you have. As much as I hate to admit it and I hate you putting yourself at risk, I actually think that together, we can do this.”

  Clarissa gave us both a genuine smile and even without getting in her head, I knew she was thinking about what Stephaine had told her from the beginning about Hunter and I having to be together.


  We only had a couple hours to rest before we had to leave.

  It was early in the morning when an alarm sounded. We all met outside, where Clarissa was the center of everyone’s attention. She told everyone what was happening and most were shocked to learn about Stephaine. There were beings whispering everywhere, but Clarissa managed to quiet them down.

  “With that said, we are leaving today.”

  “Well, could the Nephilim girl get into anyone else’s head to see what’s happening there?”

  Clarissa shook her head. “There is no need. We know the situation is at its worse and we need her in full strength.”

  “What about the other Nephilim?”

  “The same applies to Samael. The demons are in control out there and even if we could make ourselves unseen, they would never believe we sent Kayla alone. We know that for now there are only two of them in there, so we can manage to do this with a small group. We’ll reclaim the Academy. With a small group going, we’ll convince Benjamin that we are not a threat. Kayla and Samael will be able to either trap or physically push him and the succubus out of the Academy, and Xavier and I will take care of warding it.

  “What if the incubus has allowed more of them into the Academy?”

  “We’ll be able to tell before we enter. If that is the case, we will retreat and re-work our plans. Right now, we need to regain control of the Academy and of our own. With Stephaine’s current condition, Ethan is not enough to protect all of the humans who still live there.”

  We left as soon as she finished her speech. It was Xavier, Hunter, Clarissa, Samael and I. I was nervous as hell, until I was handed one of the daggers that could hurt Benjamin. I had been holding Hunter’s hand until that moment. I let go to grab the dagger and the way the dagger felt in my hands gave me everything I needed to believe that I could do this.

  I caught Hunter staring at me with a certain admiration, and despite of everything, that made me smile.

  Xavier gave Hunter one of the other daggers as well.

  When we got to the Academy, I was instructed to go ahead with Xavier and Hunter, one on each side of me. Our daggers were all hidden inside our coats. Clarissa and Samael stayed back. She said if she could hide the fact that they had another Nephilim, she would.

  I felt cold as I approached the gates. The entire place looked dead. It was dark and deserted. Even though the wards were weak, we had orders to not try and do anything with it. We wanted Benjamin and Hannah where we could see them and we didn’t want them to feel threatened until we actually made our move.

  They sensed us. Benjamin and Hannah were both standing behind the gate within seconds. Benjamin looked at me and grinned. Hannah stared at Hunter, licking her lips.

  “Focus,” whispered Xavier.

  I looked and Hunter and he nodded once, letting me know he was okay.

  I stared back at Benjamin. “We’re here to talk,” I said.

  “Well, talk sis.”

  I sighed. “Where’s Mr. Daniels?” I asked.

  “Contained. He is safe, but contained. Now I know you are not here for our ‘father’, so what is it?”

  “We want to negotiate you letting the humans go, but we are not doing that from out here. Let us in.”

  Surprisingly, my voice was firm while I spoke.

  Benjamin nodded.

  “Hannah, stay by the building where the humans are. If anything happens to me, you are welcome to do as you please with them.”

  She nodded and turned around to walk toward the dorms, but not before winking at Hunter.

  “Where is Stephaine,” I asked.

  Benjamin gave me that creepy smile of his. “Around.”

  That was all he said.

  After a few minutes, we walked in. We wasted no time. Clarissa and Samael went after Hannah, and I trapped Benjamin.

  It was so easy. We decided to trap him instead of sending him away. We couldn’t take the chance of him coming back later.

  Xavier, Hunter and I heard a scream and we all tensed. I knew for sure that it was Clarissa. I looked at Hunter and Xavier. “I got him. Go!”

  Xavier told Hunter to stay with me and he rushed toward Clarissa and Samael.

  The entire time, Benjamin looked relaxed and he never once stopped smiling. Then someone who we did not expect to see showed up.

  “Chase!” Both Hunter and I said at the same time.

  He looked at Benjamin, then back at us.

  He spoke to us, but it was all inside our heads, “Hunter, take Kayla and go! Now!”

  “But—” he interrupted me.

  “Stephaine is on her way and she’ll get Benjamin out of your ward.”

  “But the others—” I thought.

  “You don’t have enough people. You’re not ready. I’ll help the others that came with you. Kim and I can protect the humans until you come back with reinforcement. I know you can monitor things through me. It’ll take a lot from you, but the more you do it, the more you’ll get used to it, and it won’t be as tiresome.”

  “You are protecting Kim?”

  He nodded.

  “Stephaine is closer. Go! Now! Hunter, take Kayla into the church outside the gates, and Kayla, keep yourselves protected and wait for the others.”

  We both looked at Benjamin and he just shook his head as if knowing we didn’t stand a chance. He knew what we were about to do, even if he wasn’t able to hear our conversation with Chase. “I guess I’ll await your return, sis.”

his ward up for as long as you can,” Chase said, well… thought.

  Hunter took my hand and we ran toward the church. By the time we turned around, Chase was gone, and we could see Xavier carrying Clarissa and Samael carrying Ethan. We also saw Stephaine and I froze. Even with her darkened wings, she looked like one of the good ones, and in a way, she was. She waited until they were all in the church before the gates closed, the wards were up, and only then did she free Benjamin.



  I wasn’t enough of a distraction for Hannah anymore. I knew she was trying to get to the humans and all I could do to prevent that from happening was to allow her to take more and more from me.

  I felt so weak and Hannah kept kissing me… she kept wanting more, and I hated every second of it. I was relieved when she abruptly stopped and said that the academy was under attack. I was so disoriented that I couldn’t even move. I just dropped to the floor. Then, it all happened so fast. There was a guy there who I had never seen before, but he stood back as if he couldn’t physically get closer to Hannah. By his side, there was an older angel who approached Hannah with a dagger. She wasted no time. She was able to trap Hannah for long enough to get closer. She was inches away from Hannah when she let her go and swung the dagger forward, piercing Hannah’s chest. Hannah got hurt, but still managed to push the angel away and pull the dagger out. Touching the dagger made Hannah scream as if she was in unbearable pain. She threw the dagger to the side and fought the angel with her bare hands, until the angel could no longer move.

  The guy, who I got the feeling was like Kayla, approached the weakened angel and told her that was enough. Hannah was badly hurt and by that time, no matter how weak I was, I felt a pull toward her. I knew it was wrong, she was like a virus, yet; I was no longer in control of myself. From a distance, I saw Hunter and Kayla, but I ignored it all. I crawled over to where Hannah was laying on the ground, letting her kiss me in order to heal herself. I felt like that was the end of me. I closed my eyes and gave up.


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