Christmas with the Cowboy

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Christmas with the Cowboy Page 19

by Tina Radcliffe

  “No, I’m good, thanks.”

  “You looked lost for a moment there.”

  “Yeah. I guess I was.”

  Zach shook his head. He’d promised himself he was going to fight for his future and here he was running away again. No more.

  He turned around and sidestepped when he realized Emma was right behind him.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  “Yeah, we do.”

  Surprise flickered in her eyes. “Where were you going?”

  “Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. And I was taking a shortcut to get there.”

  “You weren’t leaving?”

  “Not me.”

  “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and headed down the hospital corridor.

  He almost asked where she was going. Then he realized that it didn’t matter. He’d follow Emma anywhere. Yeah, from here on in, she was going to have a hard time getting rid of him.

  * * *

  Emma pushed open the door to the hospital’s chapel and paused for a moment inside the room.

  Stained-glass windows lined the wall behind a small altar that held fat golden pillars.

  Recessed lighting gave the room a golden warm glow.

  “It’s beautiful in here,” Emma murmured.

  “‘For those who seek solace and peace,’” Zach said, reading the inscription on the wall behind the altar. “I’m ready for that.”

  “Are you?” Emma asked quietly.


  Emma slid into a pew and Zach followed. She bowed her head for a moment, allowing the stress of the last few days to ease from her shoulders. It wasn’t her burden. No, it was the Lord’s. Silently offering a prayer for the outcome of the next minutes, she reached for Zach’s hand.

  “I’m sorry, Zach,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For not trusting you to honor my opinion about RangePro when you went into that meeting. I hounded you into your involvement with RangePro and then challenged your handling of Beau Randall.” She cringed. “I even accused you of being part of his schemes. I blamed you for everything when all you were trying to do was protect me.”

  “It’s okay, Emma.”

  “Stop being so nice. It’s not okay. It’s never okay to treat the people you love like that. I’m a therapist. I should know better.”

  Zach’s eyes widened. “Say that again?”

  “I’m a therapist?”

  “No. Not that part.”

  Emma smiled. “Oh, that part. Zach, you know I care for you.”

  “Do you? Am I Zach your friend and neighbor? Did we become good buddies again, or what exactly?”

  “Would it be okay if I run the meeting agenda?”

  He laughed. “I expect nothing less from you. Go for it.”

  “About RangePro.”

  “That’s what you want to lead with?”

  “Yes, because this is what has stood between us. RangePro is the last material reminder of Steve. It has been difficult for me to let go, and I’ve clung to the company for all the wrong reasons because of my own baggage. I’ve come to realize that memories are important but living for today is even more important.” She swallowed. “Steve will always hold a place in my heart. Always. But it’s time for me to move forward.”

  “Emma, whatever you want to do is fine by me.”

  “Perfect, because I’m selling.”

  His eyes rounded. “Selling?”

  “To Beau Randall, and I’m going to get a better price and a charitable donation to the Steve Norman Big Heart Ranch Scholarship Fund from that rhinestone cowboy while I’m at it.”

  “A scholarship fund?”

  “A scholarship for children of Big Heart Ranch who are pursuing mathematics and science degrees based on need and academics.”

  “Emma.” Zach breathed her name like a prayer. “Steve would be proud of you. This truly honors my brother. I want my half of the funds to go one hundred percent to the scholarship.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. It’s a great idea, and don’t forget to tap my father for a hefty contribution.” He grinned. “The clients of RangePro will no doubt be happy to donate, as well.”

  “Jack handles contract law and is in-house counsel for the Brisbane Foundation. I’m sure he’ll take care of everything. Pro bono even, since we are the Christmas baby’s godparents.”

  “I’ll even let him call me a hero if it will benefit the scholarship fund.”

  “Zach, you are a hero. Accept it gracefully. You were sent to Big Heart Ranch to be our hero.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, but I am willing to find out what’s next, now that the Holiday Roundup is completed.”

  “What’s next is renting a cherry picker again to take down all those decorations.”

  “And then?”

  “There’s always something going on at Big Heart Ranch, Zach. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now. Are you thinking about staying on?”

  “Oh, I’m not leaving, Emma. I want to make that clear. No matter what the future holds, I’m sticking around.”

  “I’ve wanted to hear those words for eight weeks.”

  “If we both weren’t so stubborn we might have held this meeting last week.”

  “Today is Christmas. I believe our timing is perfect.”

  “Do you think Travis will want another wrangler?”

  “We vet all candidates. You probably have an unfair advantage with the staff, since Lucy, Travis, Tripp and I all have plans for your future on Big Heart Ranch.”

  “I’ll take that advantage, and I’ve got a few plans of my own.”

  “You do?” Emma smiled at the excitement in Zach’s gray eyes.

  “I want to involve Joe and Mary Clark. They have years of knowledge and so much love to share.”

  “Big Heart Ranch always needs more grandparents. They’re retired farmers, too. Maybe they could help us launch our community garden.”

  “Another great Emma plan.” He took a deep breath and met her gaze. “Speaking of grandparents, I called my mother.”

  Emma released a small gasp. “Zach.”

  “She didn’t pick up, but I left a message.”

  “It’s a start.”

  He nodded. “Is there anything else on the agenda?”

  “Yes. One more thing.” She turned to him. “Do you have any questions before we proceed?”

  “Only one. Would it be okay to kiss the beautiful woman running this meeting?”

  “Yes. Kisses are expected and appreciated.”

  Emma slid closer to Zach, her heart skipping as his lips touched hers. He delivered a sweet kiss full of promises and then leaned in for another.

  “Wait,” Emma said with a hand to his chest. “I think I might be doing this all wrong.”

  “I thought you were doing fine,” Zach said with a wink.

  “You haven’t told me how you feel.”

  “Isn’t that obvious?”

  “I need to hear the words.”

  “Emma, I’ve loved you all my life. When Steve was with us, it seemed a betrayal. When we lost him, things became even more complicated. I stayed away because I didn’t know what to do...”

  “And now?”

  “Is there room in your heart for me?”

  “So much room. My heart is growing larger each day with the thought of all the memories we’re going to make. I know that Steve would want me to be happy. You make me happy.”

  “How can I possibly make you happy? You are like this radiant light. A star shooting across the sky. What do I have to offer you?”

  “You could start with your love, Zach.”

  “You have that. You’ve always had that.”

  Emma took his hands. “That’s all I need. Your
unconditional love.”

  “You really want to hitch yourself to a broken-down former navy SEAL?”

  “I want you by my side for the rest of our lives. If that’s one day, or two, or a thousand.”

  Zach grinned. “This meeting is going much better than I’d anticipated. The only downside is you didn’t bring chocolate muffins.”

  “I’ll remember for the next meeting.”

  “Will there be more meetings?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes, Zach. Many, many more.”

  His cell phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket. When he did, the white bag fell out and he grabbed it and placed it on the pew next to his Stetson. Zach held up the phone. “It’s Lucy. Should I answer?”

  “The mother of the Christmas baby. I suppose we should.” Emma smiled. “Give me your phone.” He handed it to her, and she fiddled with it before holding it out at arm’s length. “Now kiss me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The camera flashed.

  “I’ll send that to her and she’ll leave us alone for a while longer.”

  Zach laughed.

  “What’s in the bag?” Emma asked.

  “Christmas present.” He pulled the necklace out of the bag and flicked the tiny switch that started the lights blinking. “For you.”

  Emma slipped it over her head and arranged the gaudy necklace on her red sweater. “It’s beautiful, and it matches my watch.”

  “Not nearly as good as the Stetson and the picture of the girls you gave me. Thank you, Emma.”

  “You’re welcome.” She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “You gave me Christmas cheer. That would have never happened eight weeks ago.”

  He raised a brow. “True. I’ve changed.”

  Zach put a hand to the back of the pew in front of him and carefully eased to a kneeling position, thankful for thick carpeting.

  “What are you doing?” Emma sputtered.

  “One more present.” Zach reached in the bag for the candy cane ring. “Emma Maxwell Norman, I love you. Will you marry me?”

  “Oh, Zach. I love the ring.”

  “Yeah, but do you love it enough to marry me?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes. I will marry you.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her palm.

  “It’s Christmas. Let’s go home to our little family and celebrate.”

  Zach carefully got to his feet and pressed his lips to hers. “Merry Christmas, Emma.”

  “Merry Christmas, Zach.”


  “Emma, let’s get married,” Zach Norman said. He pulled his Stetson from his head and wiped his face with a bandanna. Arms folded over the horse stall, he watched her tack Rodeo.

  Emma tugged the glove on her left hand off with her teeth and wiggled her fingers at him. “That’s a wonderful idea, but I’m already married.” The modest diamond solitaire sparkled on her finger.

  Zach leaned over the gate and met his wife’s lips for a sweet kiss.

  “Aw, are you two smooching again?” Dutch strode past, his boots clomping and his expression agitated. “I’d have never meddled if I knew I was gonna have to put up with this romantic stuff.”

  “We like smooching,” Zach returned.

  The cowboy snorted loudly. “You seen Travis?”

  “Travis went to town with AJ for a checkup. You know their baby is due this summer.”

  Dutch raised his hands into the air. “Babies everywhere I look. We’ve got cattle ready to drop in the paddock. Those are the only babies I’m interested in at the moment.”

  “Do you need help?” Emma asked.

  “Why, yes. Matter of fact, I could use a hand or two. We’ve only got a hundred head or so out there.” He shook his head. “Nice of you to ask.”

  “We’ll be there shortly,” Zach called as the grumpy wrangler stomped out.

  Zach turned back to Emma. “So what do you think about renewing our vows at Christmas? Right before the next Holiday Roundup. It’ll be nearly our one-year anniversary.”

  “That’s a very romantic thought, Zach.”

  “Yeah. It was your sister’s idea. She also said to thank you for the chocolate muffins.” He frowned. “You made chocolate muffins?”

  “They’re on the counter. You had already left to take the girls to preschool. I pulled them out of the oven before I headed to town this morning and dropped off some at the admin building.”

  “There are dozens of reasons why I love you, Emma, but your chocolate muffins are in the top ten.”

  Emma chuckled. “Thank you.”

  His phone beeped, and he pulled the cell from the pocket of his Wranglers. “Text from Jack. The official documentation has been filed and approved for the Steve Norman Scholarship Fund Foundation. We’ll have the first award announcement at the Timber High School commencement in May.”

  “Oh, Zach. That’s wonderful. Wow, May. That’s only two and a half months away.”

  “You’ll be presenting the scholarship, Emma. We’ll bring the girls to watch.”

  “Steve would have been proud and someday Rachel and Elizabeth will understand this legacy of their father that we’ve created.”

  Zach nodded in agreement.

  “We did a good thing, didn’t we?” Emma asked with a slight hesitation in her voice.

  “Yes, sweetheart, we did.”

  Emma blinked and a shimmery drop of moisture slipped from her dark lashes.

  Zach unlocked the stall and pulled her into his arms. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” she said, resting her head against his chest. “I’m just getting emotional again. Seems to happen a lot lately.”

  “As long as you’re happy, you can get as emotional as you want.”

  She sniffed. “Oh, Zach. I’m very happy.”

  “Me, too. And the wedding in December idea? Renewing our vows in the gazebo beneath those LED lights Mick and Benjie and I will have strung by then. What do you think? I’ve always thought we should have gotten married during your favorite season.”

  “Normally, I’d be all over that, but we have a prior commitment for December.” She stepped back and met his gaze. A soft and tender smile touched her mouth.

  “We do? I don’t remember that.” He frowned, trying to recall. “Did Lucy or Travis schedule something?”

  “No, you and I have inadvertently made plans.”

  “We have?” He shook his head. “What sort of plans?”

  “I saw that new doctor in Timber today.”

  “Yeah. How’d that go? I ran into her at the Timber General Store. Told me she has a colleague who’s doing some innovative work in orthopedics. Gave me his card.”

  “Really? Your knee?”

  “Worth checking out, right?”

  “Absolutely.” Emma reached for the oats.

  “Your exam went okay?” Zach asked. He took the sack of oats from her arms. “Let me get that.”

  “I did have some unexpected news,” she murmured.

  His hand slipped as he filled the trough and he dropped the sack. Rodeo gave a little blow of air and a snort of disapproval.

  “Sorry, pal.” Zach turned to his wife and took her hands in his. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you.”

  “Zach, I don’t know how else to tell you this.”

  “Tell me what?” A tiny shiver danced down his arms and he blinked with the sudden realization that he knew exactly what she was going to say.

  “We’re going to have a baby.”

  He grabbed the stall gate for support.

  “Sit down, Zach, before you fall down.”

  “No. I’m fine.” He leaned against the metal gate and worked to gather his thoughts.

  “You’re awfully pale. Are you okay?”

  “The truth is, I�
��m not okay. I’m over the moon.” He pulled off the Stetson and ran a hand through his hair before perching it on the back of his head. “I’m also hyperventilating, but I’m definitely happy.”

  Emma put her small hand on the side of his face and reached up to touch her lips to his.

  “A baby?” He repeated the words against her mouth.

  “Yes. In nine months. That’s how it works.”

  Zach tugged her close. Close enough to wrap his arms around his cowgirl.

  “You smell like chocolate muffins,” he whispered against her hair.

  “Do I?” She offered a soft laugh and then sighed.

  “Thank you, Emma.”

  “For what?”

  “For loving me back. For reminding me how much I have to be thankful for.”

  “He’s healed our hearts and expanded our territories,” she said. “We have our own family now and our extended family on Big Heart Ranch.”

  Zach nodded in complete agreement.

  Was it possible that he loved Emma even more today than last December in that little hospital chapel on Christmas morning when the Lord had given him a new beginning? He closed his eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of home. Hay, horses and his wife.

  The year ahead held only more opportunities for a future filled with joy, and another holiday baby at Big Heart Ranch.

  * * * * *

  If you loved this story, pick up the other books in the Big Heart Ranch series from beloved author Tina Radcliffe:

  Claiming Her Cowboy

  Falling for the Cowgirl

  Available now from Love Inspired!

  Find more great reads at

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Wyoming Christmas Quadruplets by Jill Kemerer.

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  Dear Reader,

  I’m so delighted to return to Big Heart Ranch in Timber, Oklahoma. What a treat it was to weave a story of faith and love at the most wondrous time of the year, Christmas. A time when we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

  This third installment introduces you to the third and youngest Maxwell, Emma Maxwell Norman. Along with her siblings, Lucy and Travis, Emma manages Big Heart Ranch for orphaned, abused and neglected children, where unconditional love and the good Lord reign. Widowed Emma carries the additional challenge of being a single mother to twin daughters.


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