Come To Me

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Come To Me Page 4

by Genevieve Ash

  Amanda felt desire racing through her veins. The need so strong that she was frightened by its intensity. She wanted to allow herself to fall into the pleasure but each time she got close, her fear pulled her back from the edge. It must be a trick, some kind of magic to lure me into breaking the curse. I must stop this. She pushed away from Cam’s brawny arms forcefully. That motion was enough to break the spell.

  “Stop, you must stop, now.” She was breathing hard and trying to slow the trip hammer beating of her heart. “I—I’m not ready for this—it’s too much, too soon.”

  Cam’s voice was husky with pent up arousal as he tried to sway her. “You are ready. I can feel it. Just let go.”

  “No, no, no. I told you that I’m not ready!” Her words were clear but her tone sounded unconvincing.

  “I bet if I put my hand between your legs, I would find you more than ready.” Cam’s hazel eyes twinkled in the firelight as he teased her innocent sensibilities.

  Amanda knew he spoke the truth as the dampness between her legs slipped down her inner thighs. His words alone were enough to make the muscles deep within her core contract.

  “Please, stop.” In a panic, Amanda cinched her robe around her tightly and walked to the library door. Turning back, she felt an inexplicable pang of regret as she found he had already gone.


  Amanda woke late the next morning to find another cold, gray sky greeting her. It was Saturday so the crew would not be at the house. She could use a day off. She was mentally and physically exhausted from her long week of work, especially after her encounter last evening. Pulling on her favorite sweats and warm slippers, she headed to the kitchen for a nice strong pot of coffee. Life was better after coffee.

  Somewhat in denial, she thought it might be best to take a long walk and shake off the grogginess, but the snow was blowing sideways and the seed catalogue thermometer outside the kitchen window wasn’t registering a temperature at all. She shivered a little and then grabbed her laptop from the library, bringing it into the warm kitchen to do a little research.

  Most of the information about the Goddess Freya was pretty well documented. Anyone with a computer and Internet connection or a library nearby would know the basic facts that Cam had mentioned. Being a history major in college put Amanda ahead of the game for a change.

  Brita’s story was a little more difficult to document. She did find a link, albeit a vague one, that might lead to the possibility of a very distant family relationship. She had always been interested in her ancestry and had worked on her family tree for years. This information might help her fill some of the gaps.

  Now, the whole immortal thing, that was a different story, she mused to herself. Amanda shook her head as she typed possible keywords into the search engine. Not too much showed up for real immortals, unless you counted some religious cults.

  She had been at it for hours when she noticed early twilight approaching. A sense of unease crept into her consciousness with the gathering darkness. Even, Zoë, her tabby cat was pacing back and forth anxiously in front of what had been the servant’s staircase from the kitchen to the upper floors.

  A sudden knock at the back door startled her, and she tipped over her now cold coffee. Catching her reflection in the window above the sink as she hurried to the door, she hoped whoever it was wouldn’t notice she was still in sweats with dirty hair and dark circles etched under her eyes. Pulling back the lacey curtain covering the door’s window, she was dismayed to see the always impeccable Peter, stamping the snow from his boots. Opening the door to a blast of cold air gave Amanda the shot in the arm she needed. She thought she saw him practically sniff his disdain as he gave her the once over.

  “Uh, I apologize for my appearance. I got wrapped up in a project and time ran away from me…” she started and then decided she had no reason to apologize for her appearance in her own home. She tried a different tactic. “What brings you out on such a terrible evening? It’s really snowing out there.”

  “I just stopped by with a present for you. I saw this and thought you might like it.” Peter held tightly to a brown paper-wrapped package with his leather-gloved hands.

  “That’s very kind of you but, really, it’s too much. I haven’t even had a chance to thank you for the mirror yet.” Amanda felt pretty certain that she was not Peter’s type and wondered about the recent string of gifts.

  She looked at him thoughtfully and, ashamed of her lack of hospitality, asked, “Would you like a cup of tea? I have a couple of my famous apricot scones left.” She opened the door wider to let him in.

  “That would be delightful, my dear. Thank you.” He smiled gratefully as he stamped his feet again, the cold air rushing into the warm room. “It is a bit blustery out there. I would not mind a bit of a warm up.”

  She hurriedly swept her research notes from the table and slapped the laptop cover down with a resounding click. She turned the burner up under the kettle and pulled out a couple of fancy teacups and a small jar of clotted cream from the cupboard. While she set the table, she saw him watching her quizzically.

  “What are you working on? Was that a family tree I saw?”

  Amanda had a feeling that somehow he knew, and it made the fine hair on her arms stand on end. But how could he? She wondered distractedly.

  “Peter, may I ask you a question?” She turned her back on him and went about preparing the tea at the stove.

  “The mirror that you gave me—it’s beautiful and matches the others in my ballroom perfectly—but how did you know?” She turned to watch his face as she finished her question.

  “How did I know what, my dear?”

  “How did you know that I needed one and that it would match so perfectly?” She looked him directly in the eye and thought she saw a slight wink.

  “I know a lot about this house and I knew that the mirror belonged here.” He raised his right eyebrow at her, feigning innocence.

  “Is there anything else that you know about the mirror?” Amanda prompted him patiently.

  “I knew that the mirror was special and it belonged to you.” His eyes were as evasive as his tone.

  She stared hard at him, hoping his eyes would communicate what he wasn’t saying. The shrill whistle of the kettle startled her back to reality. As she was pouring the pot of tea, she heard him putting on his coat.

  “What about our tea?” she cried, suddenly desperate to pick his brain about the magical mirror.

  “I will have to take a rain check on the tea, my dear.” Retrieving his damp fedora from the old oak hall tree, he placed the hat carefully on his head and, with a brief nod, opened the back door and left without a word.

  Feeling somewhat desolate and abandoned, Amanda poured herself a cup of tea and sat down to eat her scone. Across from her on the table, the brown paper-wrapped package beckoned to her. For some reason, she was nervous about what she might find inside. As she carefully untied the twine and removed the heavy paper, she was stunned to find a leather-bound volume entitled, The History of the Realms: A Who’s Who. For the second time today, she spilled her drink.

  She read well into the evening, fascinated by the many creatures she had always believed never existed. Several hours later and still sitting at the kitchen table, she found what she had been looking for. Her grandfather clock in the foyer chimed one. Amanda’s eyes were watering and blood shot and her back ached from sitting in one position for so long, but she read on. The votes were in; not only did Cameron’s story appear to be true, but she was indeed related to the infamous evil Goddess Astrid.

  Chapter Four

  With Christmas fast approaching, time was running out to complete the exterior renovations and the crew kicked into high gear. Along with shopping, decorating, and the incredible amount of baking she wanted to do, Amanda had little time to think about the man in her mirror. When she did, however, it was usually in the quiet of night, alone in her bed.

  If she wasn’t tired enough to fall asleep immediate
ly, he stealthily crept into her thoughts, showing her the many ways he wanted to pleasure her. She tried to stay strong and resist calling to him, fearing the consequences of her birthright and knowing that her life would be changed forever.

  As she tossed and turned, she realized it was five days before Christmas Eve, Amanda felt the familiar melancholy that crept in at this time every year. She surrounded herself with friends and her sister and went to plenty of parties and holiday dinners. But something was missing. She wished, not for the first time, that she and her mother were closer, that her father was still alive. And as she clutched the pillow closer to her body, she wished she had someone to love her and that she could love in return. Someone who would be there for her.

  “Someone like Cameron…” she sighed, unaware that she’d whispered her desires aloud.

  “I thought you would never call for me.” Cam slipped in next to her and breathed warmly in her ear.

  Shrieking in surprise, she pulled the heavy pile of covers up to her chin and glowered at him. “Good grief! Where did you come from?”

  “Uh, from the mirror remember?” he teased, his eyes dancing.

  “Of course, I remember. It’s been hard to think of anything else, but how?” Amanda narrowed her eyes at him, attempting not to get distracted by the beautiful body so close to hers.

  “It has been hard for me too; really hard.” She swore that he waggled his brows suggestively.

  “Very funny, I see crude humor has not changed over the millennia. How you ended up in my bed is what I’d like to know.” She slept in just a camisole and stretchy knit shorts because she liked the weight of a lot of blankets pressing on her as she slept.

  “It is dark in here. Besides, you have nothing I haven’t already seen,” Cam said, grinning bawdily.

  “You haven’t seen my nothing have you? Please tell me you haven’t been watching me.” Amanda was suddenly suspicious of how much he could see from his mirror.

  “No, I haven’t,” he chuckled. “If I come to you in a dream, I cannot see or feel you. Or feel any pleasure of my own for that matter. It is your imagination that fuels your fantasies.”

  “Well, that’s impossible because I certainly have not fantasized about you!” She was incensed all over again. “You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Hmm, I seem to remember a night not too long ago when you were taking a bath and…” Cameron started in his deep melodious voice.

  “That was not my fantasy,” cried Amanda in exasperation. “You just twisted my brain and found a way in.”

  “Impossible darling. That’s not how the curse works. I wish I could be with you constantly. Oh, the things we could do with an eternity before us.” He bathed her face in his loving, intense gaze.

  He reached forward to brush a strand of hair tenderly from her eyes and she flinched, pushing herself back against the brass headboard. He smiled at her obvious nervousness.

  “I will not harm you. Please try to relax. Just lie here beside me and be still.” His voice was soothing and full of assurance.

  She lay back down cautiously as he stretched out to his full length beside her.

  “I did some research while you were gone,” Amanda said carefully. “It seems your story is true. I was even able to trace my family back to Astrid, as you suggested might be the case. I almost could believe all of this, except I get stuck with the whole mirror thing. Oh, yeah, and then there’s the immortal part. That’s a little hard to swallow, too,” She spoke quickly, looking up at the ceiling, not trusting herself to turn toward him.

  He seemed encouraged by her actions. “If you will allow me, I will explain it to you the best that I can. First, tell me how you found all that information?”

  “A friend brought me a book, History of the Realms. Fascinating reading.”

  Cam sat up suddenly. “That is impossible. I do not know how that book could exist in this world and, even if it did, you wouldn’t be able to read it. It was written with magic and only those from within the nine realms would be able to understand it.” His voice rang with incredulity.

  “Well, I did understand it and it was written in English. I’ll show it to you if you’d like.” Amanda retorted with spirit.

  “I would like very much to see it tomorrow. Right now, I just wish to lie here beside you in the quiet.” He sighed and snuggled into the comfortable mattress.

  “And what makes you so sure you will still be here tomorrow? I may send you back before then,” she said, teasing him half-heartedly.

  “You cannot! I would miss another solstice,” Cam said rather adamantly, his features set with conviction.

  “What’s the big deal with the solstice? It’s just the darkest, coldest day of the year. There will be plenty more of those to come,” she assured him lightly.

  “No, the solstice is so much more than that. The winter solstice is the grandest of celebrations! It is when my great-grandmother weaves the fates for the coming year.”

  “Don’t you mean that your great-grandmother used to weave the fates?”

  “My great-grandmother is the most powerful goddess in any realm. But our time is not the same as your time here. My realm and this one run parallel to one another, but according to their own time and space.”

  “I know that a lot of pagan customs were adopted by other religions throughout the centuries. I understand that there are groups today that still worship your great-grandmother. However, Christmas is celebrated in this house,” she ended her words firmly and decisively.

  “The solstice is not meant to replace Christmas. It is a celebration of earth, the journey of the soul. It is said that Freya labors throughout the long night to give birth to the light. Of course, that is not exactly true. She would never put up with that kind of pain.” He laughed and shook his head, trying to explain.

  “Well, I don’t plan on dancing in the moonlight and becoming the virgin sacrifice!”

  “You are afraid of what you do not understand.” Amanda could hear the temper rising in Cam’s voice. “I appreciate that, which is why I am trying to help you understand my world better.” His voice softened slightly, but she could see the heat of his anger still burning. “Pagans we may be, but barbarians we are not!”

  “And pray tell, how are you going to help me understand?” she shot back, her words heavy with sarcasm.

  “Because of the curse, my powers have been stripped away but, on the solstice, Auntie Rhiannon rides through our dreams taking us to a place where we can make our visions a reality,” he paused for effect briefly. “And my dream is to take you home to meet my family and show you my world.”

  “Whoa, that whole dancing in the moonlight around the fire thing is starting to look pretty good. Besides, I’m not good at the ‘meet the parents’ thing. But, after all I have seen and heard from you, I’m guessing you are not making this up.”

  “My mother married into a very powerful family in Scotland. My father, Peter MacKenzie, is Rhiannon’s brother. Auntie Rhia has tried to reach out to me year after year. I can feel her presence, but I cannot see or hear her.” Cameron continued on with conviction, “I know this will be the year that it will work. I have an opportunity to go home for the first time in a very long time. And, frankly, I will not be able to do this without you.”

  “Why not, afraid to fly? Ha ha.” Cam liked the way Amanda used her sarcastic wit to cover her fear.

  “I cannot go while I am captive inside the mirror and I cannot be outside the mirror without you. It is just that simple.” He stated all this matter-of-factly, his eyes guarded. Cam hoped that he hadn’t made a mistake betting on Amanda. He did not want to rely on force, but this was his only chance to get home. He had to do whatever was necessary to make this work.

  “Oh, is that all? I thought you were going to say something crazy.” She looked at him, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Are you out of your mind?”

  “Actually, quite often I am. But you would get bored with yourself after a fe
w hundred years, too. Look, I find your sarcasm charming most of the time. But this is serious. You and I are meant to be together and, no matter how hard you try to resist, it will happen. The Fates are more powerful than you can fathom, and they will have their way. Consider this a small taste of what your life could be like with me. You will love my family and they will adore you.” Cam’s heart ached with anticipation of finally going home.

  “They will adore me, huh? How about my relation to Astrid? I bet you’re not so sure I’m the girl they would choose for you. Besides, I can’t just pick up and leave for another realm. That’s nuts. My sister would worry. Plus, I have a job, a home, a cat.”

  “I will have you home by Christmas. Five days, that’s all I ask. Have your sister watch the cat so you can take a much-needed vacation. This may be my one and only chance.” He wasn’t above pleading to get her to agree.

  “Look, you seem like a pretty decent guy. I’ll admit that you’re in an awful situation. I would truly like to help, but I just can’t do this. I’m so sorry.” He sensed true regret in her voice and hoped he still had a chance to convince her.

  “Please, do not decide right now. We have until midnight tomorrow. Let me show you that I am worthy of this. Besides, where is your sense of adventure?” Hoping to continue his persuasive argument, he kept his tone light. He did not want her to close the door on him now.

  Amanda snuggled deeper into the covers with a heavy sigh, but didn’t answer him directly. Even though he was the reason for her distress and confusion, she seemed content to have him lying beside her. He held her close as she slept fitfully, erotic visions filling her dreams most of the night.

  Half-awake and with her brain still foggy the next morning, Amanda hardly remembered falling asleep the night before. She moved slightly and quickly stifled her scream when she realized that Cameron was still lying next to her—spooning her! The heat from his body seared her flesh and his even breathing told her he was still asleep. She tried to pry his arm gently from around her waist so she could slip quietly from the bed.


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