Come To Me

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Come To Me Page 12

by Genevieve Ash

  “I’m always getting lost and thought a map would help me,” she said, lying poorly.

  Helena arched one eyebrow, looking into her very soul. Amanda could feel the heat of Helena’s stare and, for a moment, she thought she saw flames dancing behind her eyes. That sent a shiver down her spine and she knew that she was in serious trouble.

  “My father told me that you were a history major. Nice job finding the map. Too bad it will not do you any good,” Helena said triumphantly.

  “What are you talking about? I was just doing a little research,” said Amanda, steadfastly maintaining her innocence.

  “Perhaps in that fancy university you went to they mentioned me by my nickname; Hela?” Helena smiled mischievously.

  “You are Loki’s daughter? But I thought that you would be, uh, different,” Amanda struggled with her incredulity.

  “You mean ugly?” Helena laughed deeply. “That is just a little white lie to scare off the poor souls on the fence. I can appear to others however I wish.” Helena’s blonde hair flashed to its natural black and back again before Amanda could blink.

  She knew this was not going to end well. She wanted to call out to Cameron, but didn’t dare. If she remained calm and friendly, perhaps she had a chance to find Lilah. Helena was frowning, deep in thought.

  “I guess we’d better get back. They’ll be looking for us.” Amanda tried to sound casual.

  “I’m afraid not. You’ll be coming home with me.” Helena shook her head and reached out for her hand. That’s when everything went black.


  Lilah sensed that her son was hurting. She knew he truly cared for Amanda, but something more than that was wrong. She would end this once and for all and pay Astrid a visit.

  Lilah entered the grand salon where Astrid lay draped upon a golden chaise. Astrid had always been fond of Louis XVI during his reign and her taste in décor showed it. The honey colored silk gown she wore matched her hair so that it was difficult to tell where Astrid began and the furniture ended. She did not rise to greet Lilah, but motioned her to a nearby chair with a languorous wave of her hand. The tension in the air was palpable. Lilah knew it was a game of whoever speaks first loses. She sat quietly, hands in her lap, meeting Astrid’s stare head on.

  “Certainly you did not request this meeting to sit and look at me. I know that I am stunning, of course, perhaps you cannot help yourself,” Astrid purred with malice.

  “Astrid, pretty is as pretty does. I would find you incredibly beautiful if you would release my son from his curse.” Lilah had no choice but to get right to the point.

  “Did he not tell you that I cannot release him? Even if I wanted to, it was Loki’s curse and Loki is not in a forgiving mood today,” Astrid insisted.

  “I understand the bad blood between them, but Cameron has paid his dues.”

  “Bad blood! I would think that the torture Cameron put him through was more than bad blood,” Astrid retorted huffily.

  “You know Cameron was not responsible. It was a revolution, for gods’ sake! Loki chose to aid the wrong side. As a captain, it was my son’s job to capture those who committed treason to the Aesir.”

  “They tortured my sweet Loki. Stripped him of his powers and beat him. When they brought me his battered body, he was barely recognizable,” Astrid cried.

  “You know Cameron is the one who stopped the beating and sent Loki back to you. That should count for something, even to Loki. You could convince him if you tried,” Lilah continued persuasively.

  “It is too late and now your son must pay the price. It really is a shame to ruin such a pretty face. I would have tried to seduce him myself, instead of Brita, if I thought I had a chance,” Astrid said, almost as an aside to herself.

  “Really, Astrid, what are you going on about?”

  “Lilah, your son has been taken and hidden away. He has no powers here and is being tortured regularly.” Astrid’s eyes gleamed in satisfaction.

  “This is an outrage! I will go directly to Odin and you will bear his wrath,” Lilah vowed with vehemence.

  “Well, good luck with that. Odin has a new harlot who he spends a great deal of time with. He is not taking an audience with anyone. Besides, nothing angers him more than those who bring mortals into our world.”

  “Think of your grandchildren, Astrid. We are family now. You have gone too far this time. I will—what did you say?”

  “That’s right, dear. We know about sweet little Amanda. Did you really think that you could fool us for long?” Astrid mocked Lilah with her expression.

  “If you harm her in any way, I will see to it that—”

  “See to what? Really, Lilah, your powers are nothing compared to mine. Besides, she is safe with one of your students as we speak. You know Helena, don’t you?” Astrid crowed.

  “Yes, of course. She is one of my finest students and the first to befriend Amanda.”

  “She also happens to be Loki’s daughter, Hela. Amanda is currently enjoying a little visit to Hell.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cameron woke in a cold sweat and the angry abraded skin on his back itched. Fear tore through his gut as he sensed Amanda’s danger. He desperately wanted to reach out to her mind but he was afraid someone might hear them. He could not believe the emptiness inside him without her near. He tried a little push just to catch a glimpse of her thoughts, but he wasn’t picking up anything but dead air.

  He tried not to panic, hoping that there was a logical explanation for her silence. He hoped she knew how to close her mind to the others who could read her. Still, something was nagging at him. He had to find a way to get her to safety. There had to be a way to escape. Cam could hear the sound of the waves rolling to shore. He tried to remember back when he and Gavin had explored these very caves. There were so many, it would be next to impossible to find the one he was in without magic. He hoped that Amanda had gone to his mother and told her what was happening. Irritated, he thought to himself, if Freya had just swallowed her pride and talked to Odin, none of this would have happened.

  The guards appeared in his cell once more. He couldn’t remember how many times it had been now. The beatings were becoming easier to bear since they were running out of solid flesh to hit. He tried to remain conscious, hoping not to lose any time to come up with a plan. As they dragged him back to the cell after this latest beating, he managed to palm a couple sharp pieces of shale.

  Cameron did not notice Loki sitting in the metal chair just outside his cell. How could he? Both his eyes were swollen shut and his lips were cracked and bleeding. Although he could still hear, the ringing in his ears drowned out all but the clearest of sounds. Like the crack of the whip.

  “There’s my handsome boy. Did you enjoy your spa time?” Loki’s laugh bounced off the stone walls. Cameron envisioned the smirk on his sallow face. “You’ll be happy to know that we have also rewarded your little mortal with a fine vacation.” He wanted to respond but could not seem to make his lips work.

  “Don’t worry yourself too much. She is with my daughter in Hell. Isn’t it every mortal’s dream to know what lies ahead?” Loki was bent over him, watching intently.

  He would survive this and, when he was free, he would find a way to kill that bastard once and for all. Cam’s fist tightened around the sharp rock in his hand until he could feel it piercing his skin.

  “I’ll—kill—you, Loki.” His mumbled words through swollen lips belied the passion behind them.

  “Now, is that any way to say thank you? It might be difficult for her, but as least she is safe for now.” He heard the scrape of the metal chair legs against the stone floor as Loki rose to leave.

  “Cameron, I am going to stop the beatings for now. I am not an animal. Besides, I want to make sure that you are conscious. It will give you plenty of time to think about your lovely Amanda.” Loki’s sinister laugh echoed off the stone walls down the long hallway.

  The guards brought him food and fresh water. Loki even se
nt a nurse to attend to his wounds. His eyes still swollen slits, he tried to imagine Amanda caring for him. His body was beyond pain. They had not missed a single inch of skin to abuse. The woman removed his tattered clothes tenderly. Cam thought he heard a quiet sigh as she inched his pants down and off his legs. Closing his eyes, he gave himself over to the pampering. Gently she tended to the lacerations covering his body. He moaned softly as the nurse bathed his wounds with the warm water.

  He remembered Amanda at the waterfall as she floated in the warm pond, her breasts jutting into the air. He dreamed of the taste of her and how she screamed over and over as he licked at her core and suckled her breasts. Nothing made him happier than giving her pleasure. The next time they were together, he would make sure she had all the pleasure that she could stand—and then some.

  He smiled inwardly, remembering the tentative way she took his cock slowly between her lips and how his gentle encouragement urged her on. It felt so delicious being inside her hot mouth. Cameron gave himself over to the sensation, feeling each surge of pleasure as she pumped his shaft. It was so good to have her stroking him. He no longer felt any pain only pleasure as he dreamed of her.


  Amanda pitched forward while trying to maintain her balance. Opening her eyes, she realized that her situation was much worse than she could have ever imagined, and although Helena had kidnapped her, in a strange way she was glad to be with someone she knew. The darkness was lit only by an eerie blue glow and the desolation around her was absolute. The mist swirling through the air carried the cold and damp straight to her bones. She could hear the moaning and screaming of the souls who were lost forever to this abysmal place. They wandered aimlessly, totally oblivious to those around them. No fire and brimstone, no evil taunting, just nothingness. Each person was lost—trapped—forever in their own perfect Hell.

  “Am I dead?” she asked Helena hesitantly.

  “No, silly girl. No one here is dead. They never really lived while they were topside so they are condemned to an eternity of ennui. They are trapped in their own self-imposed death.”

  “Then, where is the screaming coming from? I don’t see their mouths moving.” She looked around, trying to place the origin of the terrible sounds.

  “A lot of that comes from the other side of the lake. There is a lot of pain and suffering over there. My brother likes to freak my folks out from time to time by turning up the volume.” Helena chuckled to herself.

  Amanda persisted with questions as the sounds continued unabated. “Are the people over there dead? Do they feel anything?”

  “No, they are not dead either. They feel constant pain though,” Helena explained without real emotion. “The fire burns hot over there. They lived their lives to the fullest, but usually at the expense of others.”

  “That must be awful. I am sure they wish for death to come every day. The agony of those screams is chilling. I don’t know how they stand it.” Amanda shuddered.

  “Fenny, knock it off with the noise! I have company,” Helena shouted over her shoulder.

  Instantly, an incredibly handsome man appeared. He was tall, over seven feet, with a slender build that was lithe and wiry. His eyes were as black as the hair hanging loose to his shoulders. He was pure sin, personified.

  “Amanda, meet my twin brother, Fenny. Fenny, this is Amanda. Cameron MacKenzie’s mortal.” Helena went through the introductions rapidly.

  “Ah yes, pleased to make your acquaintance. You are even lovelier than my sister said.” Fenny executed a courtly bow and took her hand in his own glove-encased one, placing his sexy lips not quite into the palm of her hand. Satan or not, he was a fine specimen of a man.

  “If you should get bored with all the droning going on here, please do pay me a visit.” He wiggled his eyebrows in devious invitation.

  “Do not tell her that, you dolt!” Helena punched her brother hard on the arm. “We are supposed to keep her safe. She is our leverage.”

  Amanda was disconcerted at Helena’s reasoning on their relationship. Deep down, she realized it would have been impossible to be friends anyway.

  “Why? Is it not safe on the other side? I mean, I don’t want to go over there or anything, I’m just curious.” Amanda sounded unsure as she looked away from Fenny’s heated gaze.

  “You know what they said about the cat, doll. You are only mortal. The journey across would probably kill you,” Fenny said with a spark of glee in his eyes. “It is a wasteland filled with all kinds of ghouls and goblins. If you really want to take a walk on the wild side, call me.” He was blatantly leering at her now.

  “Thanks for your help, little brother,” Helena said dismissively. “Go torture one of your hapless souls and leave this one alone.”

  “I was just trying to show Amanda a little hospitality, is all. If you need anything…” He held his fingers to his ear like a phone, before disappearing soundlessly into the misty darkness.

  Helena turned to her. “Sorry about that. My brother is such a pig sometimes. His job can be pretty tough to bear. Manners are not a necessity for him, they are a hindrance.”

  “Thanks for the thought but, since I am just ‘leverage’ for you, I guess it doesn’t much matter.” Amanda struggled to keep the sarcasm from her tone since she needed Helena to get her safely back to the hall.

  “I really do like you.” Helena put her hand on her arm in honest friendship and looked her in the eyes, “It’s just…when my dad is on a tear, he can be unbearable. I don’t understand why he has to be so stubborn about this whole curse thing.”

  “Maybe you could talk to him. Convince him to just let it go. Why would he want to torture Cameron like this?” Amanda tried to convince Helena as they approached a large set of double doors.

  “Come with me, history major. I have something to show you.”

  Helena led her down a hallway lined with windows. Unlike the realm they had just left, here the outside gardens full of otherworldly flowers were blooming and the sun was shining brightly. The only sound Amanda heard were the birds chirping cheerfully and loudly in the trees. They passed an indoor pool lined with palm trees. In one corner of the pool was a waterfall that reminded Amanda of another time. Pain clenched her heart tightly and she swallowed hard, trying not to cry.

  “Where are we?” She asked Helena curiously.

  “My humble home. It is beautiful, yes?” Helena sounded excited rather than boastful as she turned.

  Helena took delight in showing Amanda around her massive home. The décor was refined and elegant—like a builder’s model—but something was missing.

  “You live here all alone? No servants or a dog even? How do you get the sun to shine here when there is darkness all around you? How often do you stay here?” Amanda’s questions just tumbled from her mouth one after the other.

  “Whoa, girl! Easy with all the questions. You are a curious one aren’t you?” Helena laughed. “I do live here alone, although I don’t get to spend much time here.”

  “Don’t you get lonely?” Amanda wondered just how alike she and Helena were. She paused for a moment and then asked, “What about a man? Is there anyone special in your life?”

  Helena laughed heartily, shaking her head at her endless questions. She had the grace to look abashed.

  “Sorry, I sound like my mom now. She’s always trying to fix me up. When I found Cameron, my whole life changed.” Hers eyes automatically looked up wistfully as she pictured him in her mind.

  “Oh, gods! You love him?” In seeming surprise, Helena stopped in her tracks and dropped her eyes suddenly from Amanda’s.

  “I’m afraid so. I can’t even believe it myself sometimes. I sure wasn’t expecting to fall for him like this,” she said ruefully, though she couldn’t help but smile just thinking about him.

  “Amanda, you are hopeless! How can you allow a man to take over your life? Don’t you want to live your own dreams?” Helena demanded, her voice heated. “I’ve been single all my life and I’m n
ot about to give up my freedom for a man.”

  Amanda shook her head emphatically. “I guess it’s easier to believe when you’re involved in an impossible relationship.”

  “Why is it impossible? You love each other, you will find a way.” She was surprised to see this tender side of Helena.

  “If we live through this, there is the little problem of him being an immortal demigod and me being a mortal,” she reminded Helena dejectedly, shaking her head.

  “It has worked in the past. True love conquers all…blah, blah, blah.” Helena shrugged.

  Amanda picked up on her sour tone. “You sound a little bitter. Would you like to talk about it?”

  “You mortals love to talk about things. Well, I do not. Here is your room. Dinner is at six.” Helena stopped abruptly, her tone signaling the end of the discussion into her love life.

  She motioned her into the room and reached in to close the door. Amanda knew she must have hit a nerve when Helena slammed the door a little too forcefully. Maybe over dinner she could get Helena to open up. She sometimes trusted others too much, but what choice did she have? She did feel safe with Helena. It was then that she realized Helena had never shown her what had been so important earlier. Maybe it wasn’t so important after all.


  Lilah knew better than to enter Freya’s rooms unannounced, but the goddess could not bear to hear her grandmother crying. She knew how difficult the decision to visit Odin had been for Freya and wanted to offer her a bit of comfort. Lilah knelt beside Freya and held her, rocking her like a child.

  “Lilah, will you ever forgive me? I have ruined your life as well as your son’s.” Freya choked out the words, her voice tremulous.

  Lilah murmured into Freya’s soft tawny hair. “Grand, I love you. I do not blame you for what happened. The important thing is that you are going to help fix it.”

  “I only hope Odin will listen to reason. If Frigga finds out I’m there, there will be trouble.”


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