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True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3

Page 14

by Melissa Lopez

  There was no figuring her out. Had he been the one fired, he’d still be shitty. Not Kaycee.

  She’d painted her nails and toes while his mum chatted with her from her position in the rocker.

  A jolt went through him every bloody time he looked over Kaycee’s way. He couldn’t get used to her being there with him. Before her, he’d never thought he’d be so comfortable with a woman.

  But he was.

  Now, if he only had a clue on how to figure the mystery of getting her back in bed, he’d be damn happy. Supposing he should start by finding out why the hell she was sitting on the other end of the couch, he picked up his phone and pressed in a text. “Why are you sitting over there?”

  Lips pursed she dug into her bag at the text alert. It’d been a good move on his part when he’d sent one of the hands from out at Brady’s property to town to pick her up a phone that had a better chance of getting reception out here.

  She used only her thumbs to type.

  Moments later, he read, “I believe, Mr. Thorn, I was sitting before you were. Why are you sitting way over there?”

  He grunted before gazing at her profile. Christ, she’s a beaut.

  Another text arrived getting his attention. “I thought the way your mom manipulated the situation with the picnic, you wouldn’t want her to know about us.”

  Although he didn’t want to flame the fire where his mum was concerned, he used his index finger to type. “Get you pretty arse over here.”

  Kaycee slid only halfway to him before she sent another note. “Better?”

  Under his mum’s scrutiny, he ran his hand along the back of the couch. At least now, he could toy with her hair.

  “I bet M wouldn’t mind teaching you to ride.” His mum looked at him expectantly. Apparently, he should’ve been paying attention to their talk.

  “Oh, no.” Kaycee set her feet on the coffee table and wiggled her toes. “I know he’s busy. Travis has already promised to.”

  Fuck, no. T would be too busy ogling her eyes to pay any mind to a lesson. If she wanted to learn to ride, she’d learn to ride right. From him. He leaned deeper into the couch. “That boy isn’t teaching you to ride.”

  “Travis isn’t a boy.” Her gray gaze didn’t blink. “He’s a young man.”

  “Same difference.”

  “There is too a difference. He says he’s been riding since he was two.”

  Teeth clenched, he spared a glance at his mum, looking for some reinforcement. His eyes narrowed on her. She looked almost gleeful.

  A horn sounded from the yard, getting him on his feet.

  No one laid on a horn that way unless something was wrong. He headed toward the kitchen with his mum and Kaycee following.

  Travis rolled the truck to a stop only inches from the porch. “Fuck, Grandpa almost killed Lee.” Travis climbed out, but Miller was already moving around to the passenger side to his injured cousin. “I called Doc. Told him I was bringing him here. I didn’t know where else to take him.”

  Lee’s head rested back. A black eye, busted nose and split lip dominated his face. He was unconscious. From the bruises littering Lee’s face and arms, he’d taken a beating. A bad one. “What the fuck happened?” The real question was why?

  Miller yanked the door open to get Lee out. As gently as he could, he eased Lee around to face him. His cousin moaned when his feet hit the ground.

  Miller hunched down so he could wedge Lee over his shoulder. Lee was built more like his brothers. While he was built like a brick shithouse, so he didn’t have any trouble hefting him up. Another moan tore through Lee when he took his first step. “Hang on, mate. I’ll get you inside.”

  Kaycee had disappeared.

  Tears swam in his mum’s eyes.

  The steps were slow going. Pressure built in his spine. His shoulder and neck ached by the time he got Lee inside.

  Once he had Lee in his mum’s sewing room, Travis helped him get Lee on the bed.

  Kaycee reappeared then with a stethoscope around her neck. “What happened to him?” She set about loosening Lee’s clothes.

  Together, they managed to get his clothes off down to his undershorts.

  Light red bruises littered his body.

  Travis was shaking. “Um. Grandpa kicked the shit out of him.” The boy’s throat worked. “Fucking kicked the shit out of him. And my dad just stood there and let him.” A tic formed in Travis’s check.

  Miller’s eyes narrowed. Matt had just stood there? What kind of example was that for his son, Travis? Why the bloody fuck would Matt allow his twin, Lee, to be beaten? He’d always thought his twin cousins were close. Fact was, Lee and Matt had been inseparable until the last few years.

  “I’ve never seen anyone just take a beating like that.” Travis wiped his nose on his sleeve. “Lee didn’t fight back. Fuck, Grandpa kicked him hard in the balls a time or two. Lee was puking his guts out.” The boy swallowed. “I didn’t think I was going to get Grandpa off him.”

  Why had his uncle Aaron gone after one of his sons in such a violent way?

  Kaycee straightened up from where she’d been listening to Lee’s lungs. “I believe he has a punctured lung. My guess from the discoloration on his body, there’s internal bruising.” She pointed to a nasty bruise on his head. “And a concussion.” Sorrow clouded the gray depths of her gaze. “Will Connor be here soon?”

  “He was already on the way before we hung up.” Travis turned away from the bed.

  “Maree, do you have ice packs? I’d like to put one on the knot on his head.” She laid her equipment on the night stand.

  “Be right back.” His mum left the room.

  Working around animals, Miller had seen enough injuries to know his cousin was going to be in a lot of discomfort when he woke. His mouth twisted. And his own father had worked him over good on a regular basis. He’d just never compiled injury on injury. And he’d never known Uncle Aaron to be so violent.

  His uncle had to have been bloody pissed off. Sharply, he looked at Travis. “Why did Aaron turn on Lee?”

  A flush spread up his cousin’s neck. Without meeting either of their gazes. Travis left the room.

  “I’ll sit with Lee until Connor arrives.” Kaycee’s gaze expressed only concern. She looked back to Lee.

  After a nod, Miller followed.

  In the kitchen, Travis paced back and forth in agitation. His hands fisted white knuckled.

  “Might as well spill.” Miller braced a shoulder against the doorframe. “I’m going to find out one way or another.”

  The flush deepened on the boy’s face. “Grandpa caught him kissing.”

  “And?” Both his parents had caught Ethan fooling around with a girl a time or two. Cohen too, now that he thought about it.

  “With…” Travis didn’t meet his gaze. “With another bloody man.”

  “That’s bullshit.” Unable to picture it, Miller folded his arms. “Pure bullshit.”

  “Look, I’m telling you. Grandpa would’ve killed him had it not been for Grandmum.” Travis raked a shaky hand through his hair. “Grandmum’s hollering got me to the barn. I’ve never heard anyone swear the way Grandpa did… The things he was saying to Lee. Grandmum was crying…” He went outside to pace on the porch.

  Miller followed.

  “Grandpa said Lee was no longer his son.” Emotion poured off Travis in waves.

  Bloody hell. Was it possible? Did Lee prefer men? Definitely not what he’d expected.

  “Fuck.” Travis’s jaw bulged. “Dad stood there and let Grandpa beat on Lee. He wouldn’t even help me get him in the bloody truck.” Travis turned to face him, his face tight. “You got anything to say?”

  “I’m still thinking.” Though it was damn hard to wrap his mind around Lee preferring men. Simply not something he wanted to think about. But Aaron could’ve killed him. And that pissed him the fuck off.

  “Lee make you sick too?”

  Miller shook his head. He didn’t give a rat’s arse
who Lee fucked.

  “What Grandpa did—what Dad did—just standing there, wasn’t right.”

  “I’ll give you that.”

  “Fuck! It wasn’t right.” Travis turned away again. “You and Lee taught me to fly.”

  “Eh. We did.” They’d been training the boy since he was four. Although still young, Travis was a damn good pilot. Knew his own skill. Never took risks.

  “I’m leaving tonight.” T kept his back to him. “I’m getting the fuck out of this shithole.”

  Releasing a slow breath, Miller stayed quiet. The boy had been talking about leaving for a long time now. And like he’d figured with Ethan, he’d known Travis didn’t fit in out here either. At least, not yet. The boy needed to see some of the world. Needed to decide if home was as bad as it seemed from his inexperienced point of view.

  “I’m going to join the military.” The boy’s eyes didn’t waver. A man’s gaze full of determination stared hard at him. “Maybe even take on a fighter jet.”

  Miller grunted. Travis had been itching to man a jet since he’d learned to walk. It was time the boy followed his dream of breaking the sound barrier. Just as Ethan had followed his and conquered the ocean. Just has he had his brother, he’d support Travis in reaching his goal any way he could.

  “Will you tell Lee I’ll call him sometime?” This time, Travis didn’t look his way.

  “He’ll be awake soon enough. You might ought to wait and tell him yourself.” He bit back to keep from saying more. Lee had always been good to the boy. It’d be a damn shame for Travis not to see Lee before he left. But Travis was making decisions as a man now and had to make them on his own.

  “I can’t.” Travis shook his head. “I can’t. I don’t think what Grandpa and Dad did was right. But Lee liking men…” He finally glanced Miller’s way. “Well, that isn’t right either.”

  Miller remained silent. He’d never given homosexuality much thought. Had never known a homosexual. Didn’t think Lee’s preference was any of his bloody business. He had enough on his plate that was his business.

  “Anyway, thanks, M.”

  “You’ll need clothes.”

  “I’m going to stop by home.”

  “Got any money saved?”

  “Some.” Travis lowered his gaze.

  Eh, he hadn’t had much money when he’d been the boy’s age either. “Hold on a sec.” He went into his office with Travis on his heels. From his safe, he withdrew two grand and passed it over as he stood. “It’ll go fast, so take it easy.”

  “Thanks, big M.” Travis embraced him, and then stepped back. “I’ll pay you back.”

  “No need.” He could still remember what a bitch it’d been to be young. The money meant little to him. Especially since Travis had little of his own. “You concentrate on manning those high-powered birdies.”

  “I’ll call.” Travis extended his hand.

  Miller shook it in farewell as he clasped T’s shoulder with his free hand. “You do that.”

  His cousin left him then. Back out on the porch he watched as Travis drove away.

  On light footsteps, his mum joined him. “Alba is distraught. Says Aaron’s been drinking hard since Travis left with Lee.”

  Eh, Miller’s own father had always turned to drink after he’d pulled out his belt or gotten rough with his fists.

  Sighing, he wrapped an arm around his mum’s shoulders. Auntie and his mum had always been close. His mum and Auntie Alba had married into the Thorn family in the same year. “Auntie tell you what happened?” Until today he’d always thought Auntie had gotten the better of the Thorn elders. Now he wasn’t so sure.

  She nodded. “Lee was lucky he’d been Aaron’s and not your father’s son.” Her voice wavered, “Your father…”

  “I know, Mum.” There was no reason for her to go on. If his father had been in Uncle Aaron’s place, Lee wouldn’t have likely survived. His father had always been easy to rile. His father’s hate and disappointment had poured out through his fists.

  “Once Connor examines Lee, I’m going to drive out and check on Alba.”

  “All right.” He surveyed the distance. It’d be awhile before Doc arrived. “I’ll drive you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll stay over there in case Alba wants company.” Her hand patted his back. “Besides, someone needs to be here in case Lee needs to get up. Kaycee’s too little to be hauling that boy around.”

  Eh, his Yank was too small to handle Lee’s weight if he fell or needed help. No telling how long the Doc would stay around. “Suppose not.” After a squeeze, he released her.

  “Besides, no reason to give you a chance to butt heads with Aaron, either.”

  “Nope.” If the old man started running his mouth, Miller might lose his own temper, and Auntie had had to deal with enough shit for one day.

  “Connor.” Kaycee touched the doctor on his shoulder and yawned. It had been a long night for everyone. Arriving late, the doctor had stayed over. She’d done what she could to assist him.

  But she hadn’t slept well. The hours of worrying over Lee’s wellbeing or, more importantly, how Miller was taking the assault to his cousin, had taken their toll.

  Lee had been beaten severely. As badly as she’d once been, only he hadn’t fought back…he hadn’t lost a baby.

  Her heart shuddered.

  No. Don’t think about that night ever again. Or any other night with Doug. She shook off the forbidden thoughts once again.

  “Yes.” Connor’s brown gaze was instantly alert. He turned to the bed where Lee slept.

  “You want some breakfast?” The first rays of light peeked out from the night.

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Can I take it to go? I want to get Lee back to my clinic.”

  “Of course. I’ll bag it up”

  Their plan was that Miller would fly Connor and Lee to the doctor’s home, and she’d follow in his car. Besides Lee’s punctured lung that Connor had inflated, with Lee’s broken ribs and testicular trauma, a short flight would be far easier on him than a vehicle bumping along. Connor fretted there might be serious injury to his testicles.

  She’d never forget the look on Connor’s face when Miller had explained what had happened. The doctor had been beyond furious.

  Injuries like the one Lee suffered happened in sports on occasion. But knowing Lee’s father had tried to unman his son because of his sexual preferences made Kaycee sick.

  She clasped the doorknob in her hand. “Miller wanted you to know he’ll be ready to fly in twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks a heap, sheila.”

  “You’re welcome.” She eased the door closed and hurried to the kitchen.

  Quickly, she made six breakfast sandwiches of toast, eggs and ham and wrapped them up. After cleaning the dishes, she filled a thermos with coffee. Collected water bottles and apples for the cooler. Satisfied she had the meal for Miller and Connor, she packed it up before she washed her hands.

  No sooner had she headed toward Miller’s bedroom than she heard an approaching plane. And the sound of a car engine or two. It was hard to tell. The bush plane was very noisy.

  She met Cohen and Luke coming in the door. “Hello.” She sought Cohen’s gaze, which was so much like his brother’s. Though, other than the blond hair, she didn’t see much of a resemblance between the two. Miller was broader, and simply better looking to her. “I’m sorry about Lee.”

  “Yeah, me too.” His mouth compressed.

  “Miller will be here any minute. You two want some coffee?” She moved to the pot and poured two cups.

  Luke’s coal black skin set off the white of his teeth. “Sheila, the boss treating you right?” He accepted the cup from her as Cohen did his.

  “Yes, he’s been very kind to me.” Generous too. She sighed.

  The two men exchanged looks.

  They both focused on their drinks so she set about tidying up one more time.

  Boots clumped on the steps. Miller came through carrying
a stretcher. Nothing was said as they all followed Miller to the bedroom.

  Lee’s face appeared awake, though he kept his eyes closed. Sweat beaded his upper lips. His fists knotted the sheet. Thinking it best to give them all privacy, she left the men to take care of him.

  She got her bag and collected the cooler and thermos for Miller. As they came through, Miller had the lead, Luke, his feet. Cohen and the doctor held the sides until Miller exited through the doorway.

  Conner hefted his bag higher on his shoulder, taking up the rear.

  Closing the door behind her, she stood still. Unease spread up her spine.

  At the plane, the men loaded Lee abroad. Slowly, she joined them to hand Miller the cooler. Rough fingers brushed hers as he took the thermos. He stuck the container under his arm to free up a hand.

  “You’ll be all right?” He caressed her cheek and chin with a palm that had been roughened by hard work.

  “Of course. I’m a big girl.” She smiled. “Besides, you set the thingy for me.”

  “Eh, I did. Use the radio if you need me.” He placed a kiss on her lips before joining Connor inside.

  “Come on, sheila, need to give M room.” Cohen urged her to back off while Miller got the plane into motion. The sun was coming up with only the barest pink, lavender and orange visible yet. It was beautiful.

  Luke tipped his hat to her. “Hooroo.”

  “Bye, Luke.”

  The plane zipped away from them in take off.

  Cohen and she stood quiet until the plane was out of sight, disappearing into the rising tide of morning sunlight. She worried her lip, hoping he had his sunglasses.

  Miller’s brother turned her way. “Hayleigh wanted you to have our number. She’d like for you to call her if you get the time.”

  “Thanks.” What a great opportunity. She’d enjoy getting to know Miller’s family. “I will.”

  He tipped his hat. “Careful driving, sheila.”

  “Thanks, you too.” She watched as he ambled over to his truck.

  Soon, she stood alone in the most open spot in the world. Unease again crawled with slow tentacles up her spine, along the fine hairs of her arms.


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