True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3

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True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3 Page 19

by Melissa Lopez

  “I can’t promise I will, but if I can.”

  She nodded against his warm skin and planted a kiss on his shoulder. “I’ll be at Mr. Moore’s when you get back.”

  “I know it.”

  “You do?” She lifted her head.

  “Eh, I can find anything from the sky.”

  Of course, he could locate anything from his plane.

  His fingers ran over her skin, arousing as much as they soothed. “I’ll check there first.”

  “Don’t leave without telling me goodbye.”

  “I won’t.” Another kiss brushed across her head. “I won’t.”

  “Remember, no more pretending to be a superhero.” Connor walked the little boy and mother to the door.

  With a twinkle in his green gaze, the boy grinned.

  Kaycee sat listening to Connor tell his young patient goodbye. The doctor had a great bedside manner. He obviously cared for those he treated.

  “No more skydiving from trees.” Connor clasped the boy’s shoulder. “Sometimes little boys get so hurt doctors can’t repair them.” He held the door open for them and followed them outside.

  The little guy had fractured his left arm. Connor’s clinic came surprisingly equipped with an x-ray and an ultrasound machine. Good thing, too, because the hospital was over two hours away.

  No wonder so many people used airplanes like automobiles. Flying sure beat driving on travel time.

  After meeting two more of the neighbors she’d be frequenting with house calls, she’d driven out to Connor’s for a visit. She discovered he had a full-time nurse who’d been thinking about retirement in another year or two.

  “Want some tea or coffee?” Connor returned.

  “Tea would be great.”

  “Follow me then.”

  In the kitchen, she sat at the table while Connor served up two glasses of iced tea. Curiously, she noted his gaze lingered on Lee, who rested out on the back porch. “He must still hurt terribly.” She hadn’t asked Miller for details.

  “Yes, though he’s not admitting it,” Connor nodded. “He’s one of the worst patients I’ve ever had to deal with.”

  “I can’t imagine.” She grinned. “A Thorn as a bad patient.”

  Her smile was returned before he stood. “Excuse me a minute while I see if he needs a drink.”

  “Oh, of course.”

  Connor carried out a cold glass of water onto the screened-in porch. Lee took the offering as her phone rang. Hurriedly, she dug into her bag.

  Keep ringing.

  Please be Miller.

  Keep ringing.

  Please be Miller.

  Finally, she accepted the call. “Hello.”

  “G’day. Am I speaking with Kaycee?”

  “Yes.” She frowned over the Australian accent that didn’t belong to Miller.

  “Ethan Thorn at this end. Mum told me Miller’s in the bush fighting a fire. She gave me your number.”

  “Oh, Maree.” The frown grew to tighten her face. Why had Maree given Ethan her number?

  “My brother mentioned I’m a rescue officer over on the coast?” It sounded like he took a drink. “I’ve got some information I wanted to leave with one of you.”

  “Oh, of course.”

  Miller hadn’t mentioned his brother’s career. Though Maree had. There was little the woman didn’t talk about. “Miller sent me a piece of equipment to check out.”

  “The whatchamacallit in my boot?” Had Miller said he was sending it off to be checked out? She couldn’t recall.

  “That’s right. It’s a passive GPS tracking device. The antenna was part of the design. Really nice work.”

  “Huh?” Wasn’t what Miller had in his truck some type of global system? Her head began to ache. “What’s it used for?”

  “Common uses for tracking units are teens and wayward spouses someone wants to keep track of.” He took a breath. “The passive unit found on you has a useful battery time of about a week.”

  “I don’t understand.” Swallowing, she attempted to moisten her suddenly dry mouth. She didn’t understand what this was all about. “I’ve only been in your country a week or two. Why would I have this on me? Who’d have put it there?” The only person who’d ever meant her harm was dead. “Could it have been meant for Miller?” Could he have enemies?

  Matt’s tirade echoed in her mind. Maybe someone should warm M’s sheila what will happen if things don’t work out for her and the boss? Poor Emily is still paying for leaving him.

  “Listen, I don’t think this was meant for my brother.”

  Nervously, she caught her lower lip between her teeth. Now she was being silly. Miller would never do something like this. Otherwise, why involve his brother?

  “First, you need to retrace your steps.” His voice was patient and calm. “Was there any time your belongings were out of your sight?”

  This was crazy. She’d barely gotten settled into this country. Arriving in Australia came to mind. Particularly the hotel in Alice Springs. They’d left her belongings there while they’d traveled. “Yes. While we were in Alice, there was an opportunity.”

  “Any idea who’d want to tail you? Ex lover? Disgruntled co-worker? Anyone?”

  Poor Emily is still paying for leaving him.

  Kaycee’s fingers trembled. She’d gone from having an affair with a man to living with him. Hotels. He’d invited her to stay in his home. He’d bought Brady’s home…

  No. Miller was a good man.

  Nothing like Doug had been.


  “The only person I can think of is dead.” People did not come back from the grave.

  Ethan was silent.

  “What do I do now?” Fear slithered across her heart. Oh, God. It’d been a long time since she’d felt so shaken.

  “Listen—up front, this is not my field of expertise. But don’t panic.”

  “Okay, seems easy enough.”

  Don’t panic.

  Don’t panic.

  Don’t panic.

  This was not the first time the words had echoed in her head. They had gotten her through more than one experience with Doug.

  “If you do have someone following you… A stalker uses nothing more than fright tactics. Stalkers go after people they can control.”

  Oh, God. How well she knew this. Doug had controlled her. Anxiety sent her heart to slam under her breast. Her world tilted on its axis.


  Never again would someone control her.

  “I’m going to have a friend check some things out. And do a background check on you to see what I can turn up.”

  “Oh.” Miller’s brother would learn of what she’d done. What she’d had to do. Her fingers trembled. As much as she wanted to be open and honest with Miller about everything, she feared how he’d react once he found out about Doug.

  Would he be like the others who’d turned their backs on her? How completely shattered she’d been back then. And then to have their loathing directed at her…

  Though Miller and she had clicked from the beginning, she just didn’t know… Not knowing tore at her heart. He’d made it clear things were casual between them. She couldn’t just blurt out that in self defense she’d killed a man.

  Her hands trembled as growing panic rushed her ears.

  Quickly, she dumped her bag out and shuffled her items around. She set about performing an exercise her therapist had taught her. If things ever felt like they were slipping out of her grasp, she was to supplement something she did have complete control over. Carefully, she rearranged her items and started restoring them in her bag.

  “I’ll get back to you as soon as I have something.”

  “Okay. Thank you. I appreciate the help.”

  “No worries. Hooroo.” He disconnected the call.

  “You all right, Kaycee?” Connor stood at the sink with a glass in hand.

  She put the phone back in her bag and looked the doctor right in the eye. “Yeah.”r />
  His smile was kind, as if soothing a child.

  Hurrying, she finished restoring her belongings.

  “You want to talk about the call?”

  It was a tempting offer. To talk about it. But no. There was no one out there who meant her harm. Doug was dead. Miller would either accept her past or he wouldn’t.

  For peace of mind, she’d put Ethan’s call out of her thoughts until she heard from him again. If she heard from him again. “Thank you. But I’m fine now.”

  “All right then. But I’m here if you ever need an ear.”

  “Thank you.” She’d remember that.

  “I reviewed the medical file you brought while you were on the phone.” He finished off his tea before he set the glass in the sink. “You still interested in the birth control we discussed earlier?”

  “Yes.” Though she had wanted to get to know Connor better since they’d be working together, birth control was the reason that had brought her to the clinic. She stood.

  If she was going to be in the Land of Oz for a few months there was no need for Miller to always be responsible for birth control. The thought of him losing complete control again excited her. And took her mind off Ethan’s call.

  The phone rang, jarring her from a doze. She snatched it up. “Hello.”

  “G’day, luv.”

  She moaned. Miller sounded tired. “I’m glad you called me.” With the sun about to set, she’d given up on hearing from him today. The long hours had been spent worrying about him. Even while she’d gotten settled into her new home, her mind had been on him.

  “You out at Moore’s?”


  “I’ll be landing there in an hour.”

  She squealed. “Holy snap. Why didn’t you call me earlier to warn me?”

  His chuckle excited her more. “Maybe I should’ve waited until you could hear the sound of my engine.”

  “Miller! I need time to shower and shave my legs.”

  Another low laugh tickled her. How she’d missed him. He’d only been gone two nights and nearly three full days. But it seemed like forever.

  “Where are you at now?”

  “Fueling up.”

  “Hurry, okay?” Then remembering she talked to a pilot, she added, “No. Just be careful. I’ve got to go make myself pretty.”

  “You don’t have to doll up.” His voice was rough, the accent keen. “You’re a beauty, luv.”

  Happily, she sighed. “Thank you. I’ve missed you so much.” She blew him a kiss. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “You bet.” He disconnected the call.

  By the time she heard the plane approach, she was on cloud nine. Dying to get her hands on him. Outside, she clasped her hands in prayer, all the while watching as the plane arrived. The old road stood in for a landing strip. While he pulled off out of the way of any traffic, she got moving. “Hey.” She waved.

  Happiness and nervousness danced in her stomach. Warred in her heart. She couldn’t remember feeling quite like this. She was so glad he was back. But would he be equally glad to be back? To be with her?

  “G’day.” A sexy half smile caused her legs to wobble. Miller should smile more often.

  He was quick about tying the plane down so it wouldn’t blow away. No sooner did he straighten up than she threw herself into his arms. “I missed you.” The kiss she gave lingered until he groaned.

  “You too.” He stood tall, though he looked tired. His face was covered in days and more of hair. “You too.”

  “I’m so glad you feel that way.”

  With a rough hand, he cupped her cheek. “I missed you something fierce.”

  The admission curled her toes.

  “Are you all right?” She grasped onto his hand. “I know it must have been awful.”

  “No worries about me, luv.” His fingers squeezed hers. “Fires are always a real bitch.”

  Kaycee snuggled under his arm as they walked into her house. After a quick tour of the house, he dropped his bag in the bedroom. “I need a shower and shave.”

  “How about I run you a bath so I can bathe you?”

  As tired as the lines on his face appeared, his blue eyes darkened. “Eh, I don’t know a man who’d turn that offer down.”

  “Good.” She pointed to the end of the bed. “Sit down and take those boots off.”

  Not waiting for him to comply, she set about getting the water ready.

  Naked, he joined her in the bathroom. First she washed his hair. He was quiet, allowing her to wash his upper body with a soapy rag. She admired the muscled mass that made up his body. She sighed over how defined the beautifully cut lines were.

  Knowing he was tired, she didn’t play or tease like she wanted. Instead, she cleaned his broad chest, shoulders and neck before taking care of his arms and belly. Lovingly she bathed him. Enjoyed the rippled muscles as she went along.

  “I wish I had your eyelashes.” His had always made her envious. She’d noted that Cohen had the same gorgeous eyes.

  Miller grunted, earning a kiss from her.

  “Lean up, Native.”

  She expelled a long sigh while she scrubbed his back. The man had the most appealing shoulders ever. Broad. Powerful. Her lips explored his shoulder blade. “Stand up so I can finish.”

  When he managed to get on his feet, his cock jutted out proudly. She moistened her lips, ignored his need. That muscle she’d save for last. With eager hands, she washed his strong legs and firm butt.

  His teeth clenched at the passes she made to clean his cock and balls. She didn’t stop there, she washed between the cheeks of his butt, earning grunts.

  “Let me dry you.”

  After using the towel on his damp hair and body, she led him into the bedroom.

  Of her own free will, she knelt on the floor before him.

  “I’m not going to last.” He groaned, rubbing his thick muscle along the side of her face.

  “I don’t expect you to.” With wet lips, she kissed the head where pre-come dewed.

  “Suck me.” His chest heaved. His prick stood out for her attention.

  Kaycee’s moan was throaty. Scooting ever so closer, she nuzzled his thighs, his hips. “I want to so badly.” Yes, she wanted to bring him heightened pleasure.

  His prick twitched.

  Trembling, he braced a hand on the nearby wall. “Do it.”

  She stopped pressing kisses to his body to take as much of his length as she could into her mouth. Her lips slid back and forth over a few inches.

  Arousal stirred low in her belly.

  A whimper caught in her throat. How badly she wanted to force herself to take more of his big cock. All of him. But she couldn’t. And he never pressured her strokes to deepen. She’d gotten better at sucking him off but she was no pro.

  How wanton to enjoy learning as she went down on his cock.

  Breaking contact with his cock, she nuzzled his balls. Her hands massaged the tense muscles in his thighs. He groaned and grunted every so often. The sounds he made delighted her.

  On a low growl that vibrated down her spine, he spread his legs wider. Most likely he locked his knees against the onslaught of need she worked to create. Eyes closed, she kissed and licked his cock and hips.

  Once more she lowered her mouth to nuzzle his sac. The coarse hair tickled her skin. His masculine scent drove her on. She loved his smell. His taste. The sounds of arousal he made with each pass of her lips. “Hm, I like the feel of your balls on my lips.” Her mouth lingered over one side of his balls before exploring the other. “They’re so tight and full.”

  His chest heaved.

  Gently, her nose and mouth moved farther back under the sac. Her tongue swiped across the backside of his heavy balls. Still, she shifted even lower to twist around until she felt her tongue at his back hole.

  “Kaycee!” He roared.

  Feeling naughty, she didn’t let up. She licked and kissed his backside. Arousal swirled deep as she explored him. Moaning, sh
e nuzzled, wanting to explore every inch. Her tongue pressed against his clenched hole.

  “Bloody fuck, luv, you’re asking for it.”

  “Oh…” Again, her tongue sought to enter his body. “Hmm.”

  “Leave off, Yank.” His big body trembled.

  “Please, let me…” With her hands she adored his body. With her mouth she sought entrance.

  “I’ll arse-fuck you the first chance I get.” His body finally relaxed allowing her to explore what she wanted.

  “Please, please.” She quivered as pure need swirled in her core. Miller taking her in such a way didn’t frighten her. Not at all. She wanted to know him intimately. And completely. All the threat earned him was a whimper as she tried to go deeper.

  He shuddered as she tongued his back hole.

  He groaned as she bore in deep.

  Totally intent, she moaned. Tried to get deeper. In and out, she worked her tongue much the way he’d done to her pussy. In her gripping hand, his length pulsed hot. “Kaycee!”

  Immediately, she abandoned his bottom and moved around to take his cock back into her mouth. The strained muscle was hot and so hard. On the first draw of her lips, he came undone. He grunted and groaned while his come filled her up. His hips jerked forward. She worked to swallow the salty streams he released on each pulse of his cock.

  Chest heaving, he opened his eyes to slip from her still-sucking lips. He leaned down, to help her to stand. At her refusal to meet his gaze, his chest constricted. “Luv.” He forced her chin up.

  Heat scorched her face. “I don’t know what comes over me around you.”

  There’d be no getting over Miller.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Miller looked down at his new hand of cards to curse. “Fuck.”

  Sitting to his left, Ace snickered along with another cousin, Stephen.

  From the other room, he heard Kaycee laugh again. Kaycee and he were hanging out at his place. Christ he liked her there with him. But there was no telling what stories his mum had decided to share. It was impossible to hear a word either of the women said to one another over the noise the men made bullshitting.

  “I give up.” Tossing his cards down, Miller leaned back. He hadn’t been able to concentrate with Kaycee there. Hell, she wasn’t even paying him attention, yet his mind was on her.


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