All I Want For Summer

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All I Want For Summer Page 9

by Clare Lydon

  Tori gave her a quizzical look, before a rattle of realisation swept through her body. “Oh,” she said.

  Holly licked her lips deliberately, before reaching down and undoing Tori’s shorts, working them down her legs. Then she made Tori sit up while she took off her T-shirt, before licking her nipples through her white lace bra.

  Tori groaned at the contact. Holly knew it was her weak spot, and she was working it.

  Holly unhooked her bra with the ease of a pro, taking Tori’s nipple into her mouth and teasing it with her tongue, round and round.

  Tori squirmed underneath her. The rollercoaster of the day was still rolling around her, but now she had something else to focus on: Holly’s mouth on her breast, and Holly’s thigh, pressing down between her legs.

  Minutes later, Holly was on the move, her hands now working Tori’s nipples as her mouth travelled southwards, kissing down her stomach, grazing over her belly button, nibbling at the top of her soft hair. Holly snagged Tori’s knickers and tugged them down, before licking along the insides of Tori’s thighs: first one, then the other.

  Tori cracked open an eye as she felt a gushing between her legs. She looked down just as Holly looked up, a smile in her eyes as she extended her tongue once more.

  Tori sucked in a breath.

  Holly’s tongue was centimetres away from her, and Tori’s pelvis was already pushing upwards, begging for connection. “I’m so glad I’m not in jail, because I’m really not great at phone sex,” Tori said, her voice now studded with breathlessness.

  Holly grinned. “I’m glad, too,” she replied, spreading Tori’s legs wide.

  Tori’s vision faltered and all her muscles tensed. She held her breath as Holly’s hot breath hit her right at her centre.

  “Because if you were in jail, I could never do this,” Holly said, holding Tori’s eye contact for longer than Tori wanted, before licking up one side of her lover, then the other. “Or this,” she said, placing a hot, gentle kiss on Tori’s clit.

  Tori gasped and moved her pelvis upwards.

  Holly steadied her, her jaw clicking as she grinned. Tori knew the sound.

  “Or this,” Holly continued, sliding two fingers into Tori, then slowly out, and then back in. Holly caught Tori’s stuttering gaze and then repeated the action, sliding her fingers slowly out; and then back in.

  Tori’s face flushed and her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She could already tell this wouldn’t last long.

  Holly slid out again deliciously, then paused. “Or, of course, this.” With that, Holly leaned in, letting her tongue perform a slow, sensual dance on Tori’s clit, all precision and grace. Even Darcey Bussell would have approved.

  Tori let out a satisfied groan, eyes closed, a smile working its way onto her face.

  After the day she’d had, she was ready for this.

  As Holly swept her tongue up and down Tori’s centre, Tori’s mind blurred. Tiny fireworks of pleasure pinged around her body, a precursor to the main event. When Holly slipped her fingers back in and worked her tongue in semi-circles one way, then the other, Tori yelled out, not caring if Trudi and Shauna heard — or the rest of the campsite, come to that.

  Then Holly was on top of her, thrusting her fingers deep into her, power over finesse, pleasure and pain crashing over Tori’s senses. The mid-sized fireworks were set off and her senses applauded.

  “Oh yes,” Tori said, wrapping her legs around Holly, never wanting to let her go.

  Holly dropped down again, her mouth reconnecting, her tongue now doing the Tori tango. Tori lined up the end-of-show fireworks, the crowd-pleasing showstoppers. Holly’s hot tongue worked its magic, lighting the fuse: left, right, sashay, circle.

  Within seconds, Tori’s muscles contracted, and she gripped Holly, moving her pelvis up as high as she could. Holly’s tongue pressed down and Tori exploded with joy, her vision multi-coloured as the display reached its height and she soared into the sky, Holly’s fingers thrusting, her tongue swooping. Tori let out a guttural roar as she came, her body shaking with the force of it. And all the while, Holly licked her through it, slowing down when Tori’s hands got lost in her dark hair, pushing her away.

  Tori could take no more; she was spent, physically and mentally.

  Holly kissed the insides of her thighs, her pubes, her stomach, her breasts, and her neck, before placing a pulsating kiss on Tori’s mouth. Then she buried her head in the crook of Tori’s neck and sighed.

  Tori put both arms around her, holding her close. Whatever else happened in the world, there was always Holly, always by her side.


  The sun was still licking the campsite like a faithful dog as Holly and Tori attempted to pack up their tent the next morning.

  “They never video these bits on YouTube, do they?” Holly said, pressing the tent down and folding it for the third time. Every time she did it, it was still far too big for its nylon case.

  “You should record it — you could call it ‘The Real Guide To Camping’,” Tori said, laughing.

  “Or just: ‘Camping, Don’t Do It’!”

  “You’re such a defeatist.”

  Trudi and Shauna, on the other hand had packed their tent with the minimum of fuss, and were now waiting to give Tori and Holly a lift back to London. Tori could feel Shauna getting fidgety beside her, until eventually she put down her stuff and elbowed Holly to one side.

  “It’s too painful to watch,” she said, as Holly put up minimal resistance. “Watch and learn for next time, city girl.”

  “There’s going to be a next time?”


  They arrived home just before 2pm as arranged, and their ginger cat Valentine was at the door to greet them, before slinking off like he didn’t really care. Which, as Holly knew, he didn’t. Tori’s mum and gran were thrilled to see them, as well as being full of the joys of a weekend in the Big Smoke.

  “Did you have a good time?” Tori asked, going to put the kettle on, but her mum got there first.

  “We certainly did,” her mum replied. “Went to see Les Miserables, which was fantastic — ruddy emotional, though.”

  Gran rolled her eyes. “Your mother blubbed like a baby.”

  “And we had some lovely food at a place round here. Plus, we got chatting to some lovely youngsters with enormous beards — they called themselves bears. So we both learned something new this weekend, didn’t we, Mum?”

  Gran nodded. “We did! We had a grand time, it was just wonderful — and those Oyster cards! Aren’t they great? Made tube travel so exciting, like something from the space age.”

  Tori laughed: her gran was easily pleased. “I’m glad London didn’t let you down.”

  “What about you two?” Tori’s mum asked, getting some mugs from the cupboard. “How was Brighton Pride? Did you overcome your fear of Pride and camping?” The last part was directed at Holly.

  Holly and Tori exchanged looks, before breaking out into enormous grins and nodding their heads far too enthusiastically.

  “It was great,” Holly said, a fixed grin stuck to her face. The weekend played on a reel in her head, and she still couldn’t quite believe everything that had happened. “Lovely weather, great being part of the parade, and we even managed a dip in the sea, didn’t we?” She shot a mischievous grin Tori’s way, and Tori had to laugh.

  “We did,” Tori replied. “It was good, kinda uneventful.” She cleared her throat as she swallowed down the lie.

  “That’s great, so now you can go to more Pride events, can’t you?” Tori’s mum said.

  Tori smiled. “We’ll see.”

  “We tried to call you a couple of times, but it went through to voicemail,” her mum said. Then she snapped her fingers together. “Actually, the first time, it was answered by a man, but I hung up thinking I had the wrong number. Then I tried again and it went to voicemail. I just assumed you were having a good time, so I left it.”

  Tori’s cheeks burned when she heard that.
“I knew you’d be having far too much fun in London, too. And I was right, wasn’t I?”

  Her gran nodded. “You were, love. We had a hoot!”


  They walked down to street level, Holly carrying Tori’s gran’s suitcase, and Tori carrying her mum’s.

  “So you know where you’re going, how to get back onto the motorway?” Tori asked for the second time.

  Her mum rolled her eyes. “I’ve driven here and back before, so yes, I know where I’m going.” She gave Tori a smile to soften her words.

  The foursome walked to where her mum’s black Mini Cooper was parked. It had been her mum’s present to herself when Tori’s dad had died and their mortgage had been paid off. “You only live once,” she’d told Tori, and her daughter hadn’t been able to argue.

  Her mum unlocked the door and Holly popped the boot, putting the suitcases inside. Then Tori banged on the roof and her mum wound down the window.

  “See you soon, darling — I meant what I said, too. Come for a barbecue one Sunday?”

  Tori nodded. “I’ll call you.”

  “Oh, and before I forget, you’re out of milk. I meant to get some but I forgot. Sorry!”

  “No problem.”

  Satisfied, her mum closed the window, gave a final wave and eased the car away.

  Tori gave a sigh, then turned to Holly with a smile. “So, next Pride trip: how does Manchester sound? Shall I book the hotel or the train first?”

  Holly spluttered. “Let’s go on a Pride world tour and see if Jen wants to come, too, shall we? It should keep things interesting, at the very least.” Pause. “But before all that, I’m going to run to the shop to get some milk.”

  “Okay — see you back at the ranch.”

  Tori smiled as Holly walked away, then she shouted after her. “Can you get some chocolate, too?”

  But Holly hadn’t heard her, so she broke into a jog, running up behind her girlfriend. She tapped her on the shoulder and Holly jumped high in the air, twisting round, then putting both hands to her chest when she saw it was Tori.

  “You gave me a heart attack!” she told Tori. “Don’t creep up on me like that!”

  Tori laughed. “I was shouting at you, but you didn’t hear.” She paused. “I was asking you to get me some chocolate.”

  “The important things. Any particular kind?”

  “Surprise me. It’s been that kind of weekend, why stop now?”

  Holly gave her a grin. “Whatever you want, baby.” She leaned over and gave Tori a kiss, then stopped at the zebra crossing.

  Tori smiled — maybe Holly was finally getting some road sense.

  A red car approaching slowed down, and Holly stepped onto the road, turning halfway to wave.

  Tori raised a hand at her girlfriend.

  But then, as Holly turned back, Tori saw a black car racing up the road.

  It was going far too fast to stop for Holly.

  Far too fast.

  And Holly had just turned back to the road, stepping onto the second half of the zebra crossing.

  A chill crackled through Tori as the car sped towards Holly, applying its brakes far too late, just as Holly propelled herself forward.

  Tori’s mouth fell open and her stomach plummeted as Holly turned towards the car, and then the air flickered around her, time wound down and she watched in slow motion as the car hit Holly with a gut-wrenching, crunching bang.

  “Holly!” Tori screamed as she watched her girlfriend being flipped into the air, her body a blur, before she headed downwards, landing with a crash on the car’s roof. Holly bounced off that and landed with a sickening thud on the tarmac.

  “Holly!” Tori was sprinting into the road now, not looking herself, as cars all around her screeched to a shuddering halt.

  And then there was stillness, amid all of the shouting and car horns. The afternoon slowed, the noise pressed into the ground.

  Tori’s mouth flooded with fear as she dropped to her knees beside the love of her life.

  Holly was too still. Far too still.

  She put out her hand, almost too afraid to touch her.



  >>All I Want For Autumn is out in September — sign up for my mailing list to make sure you don’t miss the next episode!>>


  The London Series

  London Calling (Book 1)

  This London Love (Book 2)

  The All I Want Series

  All I Want For Christmas (Book 1)

  All I Want For Valentine’s (Book 2)

  All I Want For Spring (Book 3)

  All I Want Series Boxset, Books 1-3

  Other Novels

  The Long Weekend

  Nothing To Lose: A Lesbian Romance

  Coming in 2016

  All I Want For Autumn (September)

  New book in the London Series


  >>>SIGN UP NOW!>>>


  If you have a moment, I’d greatly appreciate you leaving a review on the site you bought this book on — or any other reading site you use. Reviews are so important for authors, so huge thanks in advance! If you’d like to get in touch, here’s my social media deets:

  Twitter: @ClareLydon


  Instagram: @clarefic

  Find out more at:

  Contact: [email protected]

  Finally, thanks for reading!


  Thanks to all my early readers, especially Tammara Adams who gave me the green light on this one; and to Hilary Sangster for her expert policing guidance: you are the fountain of all knowledge! Gratitude to my editor Laura Kingsley, who pushed me to do better, and to Gill Mullins for her brilliant final polish and encouragement. And huge thanks to my wife Yvonne for brainstorming on this book, coming up with tip-top solutions in the Palma sunshine. You really are the best.

  Oodles of thanks as always to my fabulous cover designer Kevin Pruitt: these covers are guaranteed to make me smile. And finally, thanks to you for reading. I hope the continued adventures of Tori and Holly are keeping your interest — I can’t wait to write the final two episodes. Next up, All I Want For Autumn, due out in September. Hope to see you then!


  Clare. x




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