Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America

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Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America Page 62

by Turner, Christopher

  Abrams box

  “Ad Hoc Committee for the Study of the Emotional Plague,”

  Adler, Alfred

  Adler, Victor

  Adorno, Theodor

  Aftenposten (newspaper)

  After Long Silence (Straight)

  After Polygamy Was Made a Sin (Cairncross)

  Agee, James

  Ageloff, Sylvia

  Agrarian League

  Air-Conditioned Nightmare, The (Miller)

  air force, U.S.

  Alexander, Franz

  Alien Registration Act (1940)

  Allen, Lewis

  Allen, Woody

  All Souls’ Waiting Room, The (Wright)

  Alnaes, Rudolf

  Ambulatorium (Vienna); establishment of; Hitschmann as director of; technical seminar at

  American Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis

  American Association of Medical Orgonomists; Committee of Medical Ethics and Practice

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

  American College of Medical Orgonomists

  American Eugenics Society

  American Journal of Psychiatry

  American Law Institute

  American Medical Association (AMA); Journal of

  American Men of Science

  American Psychiatric Association

  American Psychoanalytic Association

  American Social Hygiene Association

  American-Soviet Friendship League

  American Tobacco Company

  anal stage

  anarchist(s); Brady’s attacks on Reich and; British; in California; Goodman as; Perls and

  Anderson, Marian

  Andreas-Salomé, Lou

  Andrew, Christopher

  Angel, Anny

  animal magnetism

  “Anna O.” case




  Anti-Nazi League


  Arbeiderbladet (newspaper)

  Arbeiterblad (newspaper)

  Arbeiter-Zeitung (newspaper)

  Arendt, Hannah


  Army-McCarthy hearings

  Art and Revolution (Trotsky)

  Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychosomatic Medicine

  Atlantic Monthly, The

  Atlas, James

  atomic bomb; see also hydrogen bomb

  Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

  Auden, W. H.

  Auschwitz concentration camp

  Austrian Psychoanalytic Association

  Austrian Revolution

  Autobiographical Novel (Rexroth)

  Bachofen, Johann Jakob

  Bad Day at Black Rock (film)

  Badgeley, Elizabeth

  Baker, Courtney

  Baker, Elsworth; on “Ad Hoc Committee for the Study of the Emotional Plague,”; children treated by; cloudbuster demonstrated to; conservative politics of; DOR (deadly orgone) described by; Karrer in analysis with; literature seminars of; at Marlboro State Hospital; Ollendorff treated by; on Oranur experiment; at Orgonomic Infant Research Center meetings; Rangeley townspeople addressed by; at Reich’s funeral; and Reich’s pathological jealousy; training sessions of

  Baker, Marguerite

  Baker, Michael

  Baldwin, James


  Barbarella (film)

  Barnes and Noble

  “Barricade and the Bedroom, The” (Wright and Salter)

  Bauer, Otto

  Beach, Frank

  Bean, Orson

  “Beating Fantasies and Daydreams” (Freud)

  Beck, Julian

  Bedford Hills (New York) women’s reformatory

  Beethoven, Ludwig van

  Bellevue Hospital (New York City)

  Bell Laboratories

  Bellow, Saul

  Belzec extermination camp

  Benjamin, Harry

  Bentley, Arvilla

  Bentley, Elizabeth

  Bergler, Edmund

  Berlin Opera

  Berlin Poliklinic

  Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute

  Berlin Psychoanalytic Society

  Berman, Paul

  Bernays, Edward

  Berneri, Marie Louise

  Bernfeld, Siegfried

  Bettelheim, Bruno

  Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud)

  Biberman, Herbert

  Bibring, Eduard

  Bibring, Grete (née Lehner)

  Binet intelligence tests

  Bioelectric Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety, The (Reich)

  Biological Institute (Copenhagen)

  Bion Experiments, The (Reich)

  bions; SAPA

  birth control pill

  Black Hand

  Blasbland, Richard

  Bloch, Iwan

  Blue Angel, The (film)

  Blue Light, The (film)

  Blunt, Anthony

  Boehm, Felix

  Bohr, Niels


  Bolshevo Commune (Moscow)

  Book of Dreams, A (Reich)

  Book of the It, The (Groddeck)

  Boote, Dr.

  Bornstein, Berta

  Bornstein, Steff

  Bourneville, Desiré Magloire

  Brackett, Samson

  Brackett, Sylvester

  Bradley, David

  Brady, Joan

  Brady, Mildred Edie

  Brady, Robert

  Brandt, Willy

  Braun, Heinrich

  Brave New World (Huxley)

  Brecht, Bertolt

  Breuer, Josef

  Briehl, Walter

  Brill, A. A.

  Brimmer, Dr.

  Browder, Earl

  Brown, Norman O.

  Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

  Brownian motion


  Bruno, Giordano

  Bryan, Joseph, III

  Budenz, Louis Francis

  Bühler, Charlotte and Karl

  Bullitt, William

  Burgess, Guy

  Burlingame, Dorothy

  Burlingame, Mabbie

  Burlingame, Robert

  Burroughs, William

  Butyrka prison (Moscow)

  Buxbaum, Edith

  Cage, John

  Cain, John

  Cairncross, John

  California, University of, Berkeley

  Call for Sexual Tolerance, A (Ujhely)

  Cambridge University

  Camus, Albert

  cancer; of Freud; Nazism and; orgone accumulator treatment for; SAPA-bions and

  Cancer Biopathy, The (Reich)

  Cancer Hospital (Oslo)

  Canetti, Elias

  Capote, Truman

  Carlsberg Foundation

  Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics

  “Case of Pubertal Breaching of the Incest Taboo, A” (Reich)

  Cassady, Neal

  Cassidy (FDA Inspector)

  castration anxiety

  Catholic Church

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen

  Chalk Triangle, The (Reich)

  Chambers, Whittaker

  character analysis

  Character Analysis (Reich)

  character armor

  Charcot, Jean-Martin

  Chernow, Ron

  Chevalier, Haakon

  Chicago, University of

  Children of the Future (Reich)


  Christian Social Party, Austrian; Militia of, see Heimwehr

  Chrobak, Rudolf

  Chrysler Corporation

  Circle (magazine)

  Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)

  “Civilized Sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness” (Freud)

  Clark, Kenneth

  Clark, Ronald

  Clark University

; cloudbusters

  Cobain, Kurt

  “Coitus and the Sexes” (Reich)

  cold war

  Collier’s magazine

  Collins, Vernon

  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)

  Columbia Presbyterian Psychiatric Institute (New York)

  Columbia University; Bureau of Applied Social Research

  Comfort, Alex

  Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead)

  Committee of Revolutionary Social Democrats

  Communism and the Moral Breakdown in America (Crombie)

  Communist International (Comintern)

  Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels)

  Communists; in Austria; in Denmark; in Germany; in Hungary; in Poland; psychoanalysts’ antagonism toward; Reich’s break with; Reich’s paranoid delusions about; in United States; see also anticommunism

  “Compulsory Marriage and Enduring Sexual Relationship” (Reich)

  “Concerning Specific Forms of Masturbation” (Reich)

  Congress, U.S.

  Connery, Sean

  Conscience of Words, The (Canetti)

  Constitution, U.S., Fifth Amendment

  Consumers Union

  Contact with Space (Reich)

  contraception; see also birth control pill “Contributions to the Psychology of Jealousy” (Fenichel)

  Cooper, Gary

  Copenhagen, University of, Institute of Theoretical Physics

  Copernicus, Nicolaus

  CORE (journal)

  Cosmic Superimposition (Reich)

  Cosmopolitan magazine


  Cott, Allan

  Cotton, Dr.

  Counterattack (weekly)

  Crawford, Charles

  Crombie, A. H.

  Crompton, Arthur

  Crowds and Power (Canetti)

  Curie, Eva

  Curie, Marie

  Curie, Pierre

  Cvetic, Matt

  Dachau concentration camp

  Daily Worker (newspaper)

  Danbury Federal Penitentiary

  Danish-Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society

  Danto, Elizabeth

  Dartmouth College

  Davenport, Charles B.

  Davis, Katharine Bement

  Day the Earth Stood Still, The (film)

  deadly orgone (DOR); device for busting; in prisons

  death instinct


  Dell, Floyd

  Democratic Party, U.S.; 1968 National Convention

  Demons, The (Doderer)

  Detective magazine

  Deutsch, Arnold

  Deutsch, Felix

  Deutsch, Helene

  Deutscher, Isaac

  Deutsches Volkstheater (Vienna)

  Development of Psychoanalysis, The (Ferenczi and Rank)

  Dewey, Thomas E.

  Dialectics of Nature (Engels)

  Dichter, Ernest

  Dichter, Leopold

  Dies, Martin

  Dietrich, Marlene

  Dikemark Sykehus (Oslo)

  Dissent (journal)

  Dr. Zhivago (film)

  Dodds, Harold

  Doderer, Heimito von

  Dodge, Mabel

  Dollfuss, Engelbert

  Doolittle, Hilda

  DOR, see deadly orgone

  “Dora” case

  Dorno, Carl

  dreams: commercialization of; interpretation

  Dukas, Helen

  Dulles, John Foster

  Dunbar, Helen Flanders

  Durrell, Lawrence

  Duvall, Albert

  Earth vs. Flying Saucers (film)

  Eastman, Max

  Economic Welfare, Board of

  Ecstasy (film)

  Edison, Thomas Alva

  Ego, Hunger and Aggression (Perls)

  “Ego and the Id, The” (Freud)

  Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, The (Freud)

  ego psychology

  “Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation” (Hartmann)

  Einstein, Albert

  Einstein Affair, The (Reich)

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eissler, Kurt

  Eitingon, Max

  “Elisabeth von R.” case

  Ellis, Albert

  Elvins, Kells

  Emotional Armoring (Herskowitz)

  “emotional plague,”

  “Emotional Plague Prevention Office (EPPO),”

  Empire of Ecstasy (Toepfer)

  Enemy Alien Control Unit

  Engels, Friedrich

  English, O. Spurgeon


  Erikson, Erik

  Eros and Civilization (Marcuse)

  Esalen Institute

  Escape from Freedom (Fromm)

  “Esoterik” (Fenichel)

  Esquire magazine



  Eugenics Record Office

  Everybody’s Digest


  Experimental Home for Children (Moscow)

  Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (Gardner)

  False Witness (Matusow)

  Faraday cage

  fascism; in Austria; cancer and; consumer culture as bulwark against; in Denmark; in Germany

  (see also Hitler, Adolf; Nazis); in Italy; neo-; in Norway; opponents of, see antifascists; red; Roosevelt accused of; in South Africa

  Fascism and the American Scene (Macdonald)

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Atomic Energy Commission report on Reich to; books confiscated by; Bradys investigated by; Enemy Alien Control Unit of; informants of; Kinsey investigated by; Rangeley rumors and allegations investigated by; Reich file of; Rubenstein file of; search of Reich’s house by; “secret information” offered by Reich to; Sex Deviates Program; Truman’s loyalty program carried out by

  Federal Bureau of Prisons

  Federn, Ernst

  Federn, Paul

  Feist, Herta

  Feitelberg, Sergei

  Feldman, Irving



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