Keeper of the Stone

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Keeper of the Stone Page 6

by Lynn Wood

  “Here! Here!” Loud shouts of agreement echoed around the festive hall, filled to capacity, as mugs were lifted and drained. Rhiann raised her own mug and took a tiny sip of the ale. She never cared for the bitter taste. She noticed Nathan downed his full mug in a single swallow much to the delight of the approving crowd, and then took her still full mug from her hand and downed hers as well. A loud clatter arose as mugs were banged against each other.

  Nathan could see by the confused look on her face his young wife failed to understand what the crowd demanded. Rather than explain matters to her he decided to show her. He turned her into his embrace and covered her mouth with his in a kiss far different than the ones they exchanged to date. His mouth moved warmly over hers, coaxing her response as loud cheers of appreciation from the crowd watching them faded into the background. When her lips trembled beneath his and her hands gripped his shirt, he groaned his approval in the back of his throat. Uncaring of their audience, he wrapped his arms around his bride’s slender form and drew her up against his hard chest. The crowd cheered all the louder. When she began shaking in his arms, Nathan reluctantly allowed their surroundings to intrude and he raised his head. At the glazed confusion in his bride’s eyes he was forced to restrain the urge to sweep her into his arms and carry her up to his rooms and answer the questions he could read in her glance.

  The king clapped him heartily on the back and Nathan turned to accept his outstretched hand. Well-wishers rushed forward. Rhiann shyly accepted their congratulations and Nathan turned her in his arms so she stood between his legs and her head rested against him just below his chin. The signal for the evening meal came and the crowd made their way to the full tables set up around the hall. Rhiann was too nervous to do more than taste any of the offerings artfully arranged on the full plate placed in front of her. Rather than risk offending the king she pushed the food around on her plate while the other guests ate. She noticed enviously her husband appeared to have little trouble finishing the food placed in front of him and downing several mugs of the seemingly endless supply of fresh ale.

  After the meal, the queen led her upstairs to new quarters she suspected belonged to her husband. A steaming wooden tub was placed before the hearth. The queen herself assisted her with her gown and wrapped her in a warm cloth before helping her into a sleeping gown in a material so fine she could see through it. Rhiann tried not to panic at the thought of the night ahead. As if sensing her rising anxiety, the queen squeezed her hands reassuringly, and then helped her into a robe made from the same material as the sleeping gown. “All will be well, my dear. You need only trust your husband. He is a good man and worthy of your love.”

  Rhiann bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. Tears glittered in her eyes as she tried to smile bravely at the queen, well aware of the great honor she was shown when the monarch helped her to prepare for her wedding night. “I’ll leave you alone for a time. Though I doubt you will have long to wait before your husband joins you.”


  The queen’s prediction proved accurate. The heavy door barely closed behind Matilda when Rhiann heard it creak open again. She stood in front of the hearth trying to draw ragged breaths into her suddenly tight throat. She refused to turn around; hoping a few more moments would help her gather her courage to face the terror of the night ahead.

  Nathan stepped through the thick wooden door barring the entrance to his quarters and closed the door behind him, sliding the latch into place to bar any interruptions. His eyes immediately sought out his new bride where she stood in front of the stone hearth. Her back was to him but he noticed how she stiffened at his entrance, her fear evident in the way her shoulders trembled and the way her hands were clenched together in front of her. Though he couldn’t see them from where he stood by the door he suspected her small hands shook so forcibly they were causing the trembling evident in her entire slender body. He drew in a deep, cleansing breath hoping to calm his raging needs. His bride’s slight, womanly form was outlined by the light from the fire. The see-through gown did little to hide her naked body from his avid gaze. Nathan knew he needed to gather his discipline before his bride turned to face him, lest he terrify her with his lustful intent. He willed his thudding heart to slow down, not surprised when it completely ignored his mind’s order. His normally iron will and self-control was already losing this battle against his manly passions. Normally he would be irritated with himself at the evidence of his loss of control, but tonight was different. Tonight was the one night of his life it was acceptable to surrender to the urgency coursing through him, to give life to his desires and take the bountiful treasure before him. The maid was his for the taking. A gift of his king for Nathan’s long years of faithful service to accompany the lands he was awarded by his marriage to her.

  Though she belonged to him, was his property by virtue of the laws of both men and God, he would not have her cowering before him in terror when he consummated their wedding vows. He needed to regain control over the lust riding him so hard now he could barely put two thoughts together in an orderly fashion. He recognized he was never going to be able to summon the patience he was certain would be needed to gain his bride’s trust if he couldn’t clear his head and slow his body’s incessant urging to take the maid and have done with it.

  “Rhiann.” Nathan cringed at the harshness of his tone as his bride’s name echoed in the hushed silence of the room.

  Reluctantly Rhiann turned to face the man who was now her husband. She unclenched her trembling hands and wrapped her arms around her stomach in a protective gesture, and in what she knew was a foolish attempt to cover herself as much as possible. Even in her innocence she recognized her husband’s lustful intent in the way Nathan’s glance raked over her and knew she would be defenseless against his greater strength. Just as she was unable to prevent the Norman siege on Heaven’s Crest, she would be unable to defend herself against her husband’s assault on her virgin’s body. Involuntary shivers passed through her at the thought of what was to come.

  Not wanting to give the terror his bride was unable to hide from him a chance to take hold, Nathan captured her frightened glance and demanded, “Come to me, wife.” He winced at the sound of his stark command in the silence of the room. He was already struggling to contain his raging desire. He suspected his self-control would be tested tonight in a way he was never tested before. When his innocent bride took an instinctive step back towards the heat of the fire he could almost believe from the blind panic he read in her eyes she found going up in flames a more preferable option to a night spent in his bed. Hoping not to push her any further, he added softly, “Do you remember your vows to the priest?”

  She nodded reluctantly. “Do you intend to keep them?” He watched the flare of annoyance at his gentle reminder flash across his gentle bride’s face a moment before she swallowed nervously and took a hesitant step forward. Nathan remained where he was by the door. It was important to both of them she come to him willingly.

  He considered himself a patient man. His little wife seemed intent on putting that conclusion to the test with each tiny, tentative step she took towards him. It seemed as though it took her an hour just to cross the width of the room separating them. With each cautious step his body’s needs rode him harder, reminding him of his long abstinence. The campaign into Saxony was an intense one, with little opportunity for dalliance. He’d gone long months without the comfort of a woman’s soft flesh beneath him, surrounding him. The thought he would soon have this beautiful woman’s tender flesh and untried body beneath him was like the burn of a lash spurring him on, testing his hard-won self-control to its very limits. Sweat broke out on his forehead and beaded on his skin. But it wasn’t the heat from the fire in the hearth eliciting such a response from his body; it was the heat of the fire burning in his loins.

  When after a seemingly endless trek across the room, his bride was finally close enough he could see the outline of her erect nipples through the tran
sparent gown and robe, she abruptly stopped her forward progress. Her eyes were filled with both tears and terror at the unbridled lust he was unable to conceal in his own. Nathan raised his gaze back from his perusal of her perfect silhouette almost bare to his lustful gaze beneath the transparent gown, and returned his eyes to her face.

  “Closer.” He commanded softly. She took another tiny, barely discernible step towards him. Her vivid green eyes were like saucers in her white face, filled with both terror of him and the unknown awaiting her this night. She trembled noticeably. Her hands were wrapped around her waist as if in anticipation of some blow and clenched the sheer robe in a death grip. The fabric was so delicate he was surprised the garment was still intact and hadn’t already shredded in her hands. He reached out and lifted her chin with hand so she was forced to meet his intent gaze.

  “Closer.” She bit her lip and took another tiny step forward. He breathed in her womanly fragrance and was forced to restrain the urge to sweep her off her feet, lay her on his bed and force her innocence in one fierce thrust. He drew an unsteady breath, clamping down on his manly inclination though the effort cost him. Just drawing breath into his lungs was a painful alternative to his body’s insistent urging. His voice was therefore less than gentle when he demanded, “Take off your robe.”

  Tears filled her eyes until they became emerald pools, shimmering in her stark face. His bride shook her head, denying him. He could tell the small act of defiance cost her for her trembling was more pronounced now. No doubt in anticipation of his retaliation. Nathan therefore adopted a gentler tone. “Did you not promise to obey me?”

  The shimmering tears spilled from her eyes and slid slowly down her cheeks as she loosened her tight grip on the thin robe and reached up to untie the ribbons holding it in place. She could not bring herself to meet his intent glance as she shrugged out of the robe and let it fall in an iridescent pool at her feet. When he was unable to control his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her perfection revealed through the thin layer of the gauzy material of her night gown, she flinched as if he struck her. The garment was masterfully designed to entice a man to succumb to his lustful thoughts and concealed little from his avid gaze.

  His bride was perfectly formed, a gift for him from his maker and his king. A thin waist rose above gently curved hips. Long slender leg tantalized his imagination and he shuddered to think of them wrapped demandingly around him. He could not deny the urge to reach out and cup one full perfect breast through the thin material of the gown. Heat and softness filled his hand and spilled over. His bride gasped at his boldness but she remained still beneath his questing hand, even when he brushed his thumb across one erect nipple. She was panting now, her breasts rising and falling rapidly in fear.

  Nathan let his hand linger while at the same time he wrapped his other arm around her tiny waist and pulled her towards him. His bride recoiled instinctively from the feel of his rock hard erection pressed intimately against her soft middle. Struggling for control he pulled her gently, but inexorably back against him. His own ragged breathing matched his wife’s as he bent his head and buried his face in her silken curls, trying to summon the iron discipline that governed his life until this moment. He suspected he was fighting a losing battle. The hand cupping her breast was shaking with the urge to tear the thin gown off of her warm body and get his hands on her bare skin. He reluctantly removed his hand from her breast and used it to gently lift her face so she would meet his gaze.

  “I won’t force you.” He promised at the stark terror he read in her eyes, though how in hell he was going to keep his vow he could not fathom.

  Her expressions passed in swift succession across her face…surprise, relief, hope, and then fear again, as if she was afraid to trust his vow.

  “You will give yourself to me willingly, wife. I won’t force you.” He repeated his promise. Ignoring the tears still spilling silently down her cheeks, he covered her mouth with his. He tasted the salt of her tears as he prayed for patience to endure this slow torture. Trying to rid her of her fears, he gently coaxed her response to his touch. When she hesitantly leaned into his embrace and tentatively moved her lips beneath his, he altered his grip to pull on her chin to get her to open her mouth for him. The moment she did his tongue swept inside, tasting her, filling her. His bride was not ready for this new intimacy and tried to turn her face away. He would not allow her retreat after it had taken him so long to gain so small a concession out of her. He used his tongue to claim possession, sinking deep within the sweet crevice of her mouth again and again until she grew accustomed to his taste.

  Rhiann could not begin to understand the storm of emotions her husband was unleashing within her. She couldn’t catch her breath. She kept trying to push him away to gain a little space to consider what was happening to her but it was like trying to move a mountain. His arms were like iron bands around her, though his touch was incredibly gentle. It comforted her to know he was being so careful not to use his magnificent strength against her. At the thought, she let down her defenses a bit and gave herself up to the new sensations coursing through her. She didn’t remember making the conscious decision to lift her arms to cling to him, but suddenly her hands were fisted in his thick light brown hair and she was kissing him back.

  He groaned his encouragement when her tongue tentatively brushed against his, then pulled his own back into his mouth beckoning her to follow. Feeling bereft without him inside of her, she followed where he led. Her tongue slid along his bottom lip then slowly, hesitantly entered his mouth. Nathan drew her in.

  It was strange this mingling of breaths but not as terrifying as when he stood silently staring at her, his eyes dark and intent, his stance tense, like an animal readying itself to pounce on its prey. The arms around her were strong but tender, and his hand he wrapped in her hair to hold her head still caressed her gently. He promised he would never hurt her that he wouldn’t force her, and perhaps she was beginning to believe him a little.

  She let her hands slide tentatively under the crisp white shirt he wore. His instant reaction to her touch on his incredibly hot skin made her hesitate in her exploration. “No Rhiann, that’s it, touch me,” he whispered harshly against her ear.

  She continued sliding her hands up his hard, flat stomach until they rested in the heavy mat of hair she discovered on his chest. She caught her fingers in the crisp curls and pulled gently. He groaned in response. All the while their mouths teased, pressed together, breaths mingled, tongues danced. Her fingers continued their exploration until they found his nipples buried beneath the thick hair on his chest. She brushed her thumb across one much as he had done to her own. She felt him jerk against her and suddenly found herself swept up in his arms and being carried to the bed.

  “I am going to lose my mind if I can’t touch you right this minute. If you don’t want me to tear that gown off of you, take it off – now.” Rhiann supposed she should be frightened by his harsh demand but part of her thrilled at the thought she could drive him to the brink of his control. He set her on her feet at the edge of the bed, towering over her, his massive chest rising and falling as he watched her nervously pluck at the ties of her gown. Nathan removed his own shirt before she even loosed the tie holding the scooped neckline in place.

  Rhiann couldn’t stop herself from stealing a glance at his naked chest and suddenly her fingers were all thumbs. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of his muscular chest covered with golden curls. Her eyes stole lower to where the golden hair formed a v and disappeared beneath the tight fit of his breeches where his maleness strained noticeably against them. She blushed and quickly dropped her gaze to her feet, her hands forgetting they were supposed to be working on the ties of her gown. At the thought of her husband thrusting his huge maleness into her the fear returned a hundred fold.

  Nathan could see the fresh panic building in his bride’s face and thought to give her something else to worry about. He brushed her fumbling fingers aside and
tore the gown off of her with one firm sweep of his hand. At the same moment her glorious breasts spilled out of the torn gown, she lifted outraged eyes to his face. “The queen gave me this gown!”

  Nathan laughed at her indignant response and reached a gentle hand that shook slightly from the force of his need to explore her naked skin and cupped one full breast in his hand. He thought he was prepared for how soft she would be, how her unblemished skin would feel against his own calloused palm. He closed his eyes against this new sweet torture he inflicted on himself and let his other hand drift down her stomach until his fingers were caught in the golden curls shielding her virginity from him.

  Shocked at his boldness Rhiann tried to push his hand away. He smiled at her shyness and slid one finger beneath the curls and sought out the damp cleft they hid. His wife’s attempts to get him to stop became more frantic as she pushed against his probing hand. He dropped his head and buried his face in her hair. He couldn’t wait much longer. Feeling her body’s response to his touch made his control slip another notch.

  Realizing she lacked the strength to push his hand away, Rhiann sought to free herself from his bold touch. She sank backwards on the bed and quickly scooted to the other side, intent on escape. Nathan caught her before she could emerge from the other side and came down heavily on top of her. She raised her hands to fight him off but he easily captured them and pulled them above her head. Nathan was fascinated by the way her breasts were heaving from her futile attempts to struggle against his restraining grip. His tongue slid along her parted lips capturing the taste of her rapid breaths.

  He couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her again, to coax her warm response to his touch from her parted lips. He let his weight sink more heavily against her lower body so she was aware of his maleness rubbing against the opening he would soon breech. His mouth covered hers and battled with her resistance, forcing hers open when she tried to fight him. His tongue sank deep, branding her, making her accept his possession.


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