About Dafne

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About Dafne Page 10

by ZEd Lab

  Speaking of the true Bob.

  To beginning December, Bob, without granting her great possibility of objection, you/he/she had succeeded in making to enter Dafne another agency. It was mediocre in comparison to others, but it was without doubt a good territory to store experience and to remain in the environment.

  Dafne found that agency a more pleasant place in comparison to the pits of lions known up to that moment. The job didn't thrill her/it in unbelievable way, but at least he/she succeeded in producing something in autonomy, without more anybody that hold marked her/it. In comparison to the standard of the agency, Dafne was revealed from immediately the miliary stone, and for this they left her a lot of space, allowing to exploit at the most her tied up creativeness to that sector. The job had become the only outlet from that life of couple that alternated him between apparent serenity and sudden overcoming.

  The episodes of violence had become for Dafne it departs of its normalcy. You/he/she was convinced that they existed women that had to whether to do with sick men others that attended husbands or engaged addicts. You was found again to make the accounts with a violent.

  Despite you/he/she had been satisfied him/it on the tied up aspect to the profession, the jealousy of Bob and his/her continuous wish with to hold dark the really lived, they always offered him new you sprout for attacking her/it. Despite everything, Bob was the man from which Dafne didn't succeed in detaching himself/herself/themselves. It easily abused her without succeeding in making to be hated. Some days it beat her/it to the wall with strength, others it made her deliver fifty roses redheads in the office, without any particular recurrence. In the moments of calm, the most scheming man that had ever known stayed. In his/her social relationships, purely working, it was the same usual: impeccable, bright, detached but gracefully. At times it brought her/it with itself to some events. In public it seemed her to relive their history to the dawns, when he was his inevitable sweet Bob, admired by everybody, but that only she could have.

  Just before Christmas, the mother of Dafne gave to find her/it to discuss the details of the eve. In that occasion the girl was not remembered to hide a livid appeared on the wrist. After having arrancato excuses, account you/he/she was made that owed to pay greater attention. His/her mother had believed in the version of the fall, but you/he/she had not wasted time to launch her some battutinas.

  «You/he/she could not climb us that your stallion on the staircase to clean the farettis? It looks there that ugly stuff!»

  Dafne mentioned a forgery smile, of the series" to laugh for not crying." To get away himself/herself/themselves his/her mother of I return it immediately accepted the culinary proposals of the woman. He/she sent away then her alleging working excuses.

  The evening didn't miss the nth burst of Bob, that this time takings the pretext of the scarce communication of the fiancée.

  «You could ask me if it was a pleasure for me to pass the parties from yours, it doesn't seem you?» it nervously said.

  «I wanted that you/he/she had to be suffered. you/he/she has seen me the livid one on the arm, did it keep on asking questions, that The hads to I give?»

  «What questions?» it squirted frantic Bob.

  «Not to fear, has told her that I am fallen; I would like only that a situation so not ricapitasse more Bob. Me. The don'ts make dark her/it.»

  Bob drew near her to kiss her/it, that sentence you/he/she had calmed the initial impetus, usually followed by the usual beating. But she didn't seem pushing him/it street with resistance happy of it. This instigated again his/her anger, that this time didn't appease him. It conducted her with the shoulders to the wall, tightening her slender neck. He/she let her go only after having realized that Dafne breathed to work. The girl emphatically coughed for a few minutes after having dragged on the couch. Bob allowed to fall in knee on the floor, stunned from what happened; you/he/she had just referred him, and its self-control seemed to be reduced himself/herself/themselves, of time in time.

  The eve of Christmas was a disaster. Dafne was badly. Its body seemed to have reached the limit of the patience, not helped by the influence of season. In the last period he/she ate little, and his/her parents, an instant of his/her absence taking advantage, Bob you/they were turned to, with worried air.

  «Bob, but does this girl eat or she works and enough? You/he/she has always been thin, but it seems too much now indeed me.» churches his/her father with worry.

  «You/he/she is eating few in effects. December is one period of strong stress in our sector. A gratifying but intense job. I am absorbed also me, and I have perhaps neglected the thing; I am sorry it. I promise her that I will personally take care of it» Bob reassured him/it.

  To confirm the apprehension of the parents of Dafne, was one sudden shortcoming of his just before midnight. The two reentered to house. Dafne hardly succeeded in making himself/herself/themselves a shower, stunned by the tall fever and by the tiredness both physics how moral. It fell asleep exhausted, still in bathrobe.

  He/she had been sleeping by now for a couple of hours. Bob had remained in the room to watch an a little famous Japanese movie. The images flowed in front of its eyes, yet it seemed not to follow her, wound as it was in different thoughts. It was restless. The parents of Dafne had noticed the discomfort of his/her/their daughter, not due of certain to the fever. If Dafne had continued to somatizzare in that way, soon you/they would also have noticed him/it to the job. You realized that Dafne was exhausting the strengths. At that time of cold lucidity, it realized that you/he/she would have been able to lose her/it from a moment to the other. What its head did for holding her/it more neighbor, risked to make the opposite effect get him. He/she also thought to how many men would have been able to have her/it doing her/it them to his/her place. Finally, for an endless instant, Bob thought about the past. Stunned by those thousand reflections, it sank of hit in the panic; the only way that came him to mind to find immediate peace, was to reach her/it to make the love. Absolutely nonchalant of the conditions of the girl, it began to touch her/it. Dafne, because of the tall fever and of the medicines, he didn't wake up.

  Bob understood that the girl would never have had desire and strengths to make the love with him. Despite everything he/she wanted her/it, and seeing that sweaty body and semiscoperto, definite to go on in to kiss her/it and to touch her/it. To a line Dafne suffered a shiver of cold, that aroused her/it. It stayed immovable, with the lost look in the dark. It was naked and it felt the insistent effusions that Bob was granting with his/her unarmed body. It was stranita from that nth violation, to which stentava to believe. It faked to sleep, letting his/her desire to satiate him/it, that fortunately he exhausted in few instants; to her they seemed endless. Bob with that contact appeased his/her insecurities, by now in balìa of the fear. Numerous tears ploughed silent the face of Dafne that instead it realized, more and more shinily, the serious problems of the man.

  In the following days there was no indication to the happened one. Despite this, Bob realized that the look of the companion was dangerously far every more day.


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