by CM Seabrook
“I know. It’ll be all right.”
She nods and blinks away tears.
When we reach the front, the minister steps forward and asks, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
I glance at Asher, the same uneasy feeling creeping into my chest as it always does when I’m around him. The man seems to be gloating. I wince and feel an animal-like growl stir in my chest.
“Henry?” Becca says softly, when I don’t answer the minister’s question.
I look down at her, holding her gaze. My baby sister. The overprotective brother in me hangs close to the surface, ready if she says the word, to call the whole wedding off.
“I want you to be happy,” I say, low enough that only she can hear.
“I will be.”
I don’t know if I believe her, or even if she believes it herself, but this is what she wants, and I won’t stand in her way.
With a heavy sigh, I nod, and turn back towards the minister.
A ripple of foreboding clenches my gut. Some primal instinct that tells me something is wrong.
“Henry.” Becca nudges me.
I’m about to say the words when the room explodes in chaos.
Someone shouts. A shot fires, shattering one of the crystal chandeliers above, and sending tiny pieces of glass raining down on the people below.
Asher dives behind Becca, using her like a shield.
I shove him away, pulling Becca behind me, and guiding her behind the large wooden altar.
People are screaming, racing to the exits, and all I can think about is Keeley.
Fuck. I knew something was wrong. Felt it in my chest. I should have gone after her. I don’t know what the hell is happening, but I have no doubt she’s involved.
“Stay here,” I order.
“Henry, wait.” She grabs at my sleeve.
“I have to find Keeley.”
She gives a small nod, and lets me go.
Crouching low, I move around the altar, scanning the room.
Where is she?
Awareness, like a tiny prick at my consciousness pulls my gaze to her, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
Even from this distance I can see that her lip is swollen and bleeding. I’m going to kill whoever put their hands on her.
I see the gunman then.
Chills skate across my skin.
Standing in the shadows, dark hoodie pulled over his head, I recognize him from the pictures Michael sent me.
His weapon is trained on another man, kneeling in front of him, hands on the back of his head.
Shit. It’s John Sullivan. His wife Sarah is beside him, crying hysterically.
“Shut up, or I’ll shut you up,” Drew screams, pointing the gun at the small, middle-aged woman, who visibly shrinks at the threat.
“She hasn’t done anything,” Keeley pleads. “Let her go. Let them both go before this goes any further. You don’t have to do this. We can leave now, before–”
Drew mumbles something that I can’t hear, but whatever it is I see Keeley pale, then her gaze darts around the room until she finds me. The terror in that single look undoes me. What the fuck did he say to her?
When I start towards them, Keeley shakes her head for me to stop, and I see her mouth the word, run.
Like fucking hell, I will.
“Put the weapon down, Drew.” The command is halting, even to my own ears, and I see the kid hesitate briefly, before redirecting his aim at me.
“Stay back.”
Darts of fear pierce me. But not for myself. For Keeley.
“You don’t have to do this. I know you’re in trouble, but there’re other ways to solve the problem. Let me help you.”
“Help me. Like you’ve helped Keeley, by turning her into a whore like our mother.”
I see Keeley flinch, and it takes all my strength not to tear into the little bastard.
“I love your sister, that’s why I want to help you.”
“Bullshit. You’re just like him.” Drew points the gun back at John.
“We had a deal,” John hisses.
“You’re deal is shit. I want more. And you’re going to give it to me.”
“What’s your plan, Drew?” I ask, taking slow, even steps towards him. “As soon as you fired that shot, someone called the police. The entire place will be surrounded within minutes.”
“Stop talking,” Drew hits his head repeatedly. “I can’t think when you’re talking.” He points the gun at Keeley and I swear my heart stops in my chest. “Make him stop talking, or I will.”
“Okay.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “He’ll stop. Just tell us what you want. Because I know you don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“You don’t know what I want,” he screams, pointing the gun wildly between us.
“Then tell me.” Keeley puts her hands up, and I don’t know how she keeps her composure. But her voice stays calm, steady. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want him to pay, to suffer like we suffered.” With rage in his eyes, Drew marches towards John, and with the heel of his boot, kicks the man in the face.
John falls backwards, blood instantly gushing from his nose, now bent unnaturally.
“Drew. I know you’re angry. So am I. But this isn’t going to fix anything.”
“Listen to your sister, kid,” John bites out, spitting blood.
“You don’t get to speak.” Drew jams the barrel of the gun into the man’s temple, then takes a step back, eyes wild and frantic. He runs a tattooed hand through unruly brown hair, then glances around the room as if looking for someone. “I can’t. Can’t do this.”
“You don’t have to.” My heart nearly stops when Keeley takes a step towards him.
Air rasped from my lungs. I want to scream at her to stay back, but she just keeps moving towards him.
“Please, Drew. You know how this will end.”
John stands unsteadily, and wipes the blood from his face. He’s bigger than the kid by three or four inches, and outweighs him by a good fifty pounds. At full height, John Sullivan is a powerful and intimidating man, and Drew visibly shrinks back.
“You won’t shoot me. Will you, son? Now give me the weapon before anyone gets hurt. We can pretend this whole thing never happened.”
For a moment, I actually think the kid might hand over the weapon. Then like a caged animal, Drew shrieks. A pained and crazed sound that shreds my senses.
Both Keeley and John draw back, and I take the moment to rush towards Keeley, pulling her behind me.
Drew keeps screaming, eyes closed on whatever demon is torturing his soul.
“Go. Get out of here,” I say harshly between gritted teeth. “I’ll deal with your brother.”
“I can’t.” She shakes her head franticly. “Please, just go before–”
“Before what, princess?” A grizzly laugh echoes through the hall. “Did you really think I’d let him walk out of here?” Jax moves from the shadows, gun trained on me. “No. I think it’s time we all had a little heart to heart.”
Real fear seizes me when I see the look in his eyes. Eyes just as wild and crazed as Drew’s. Worse. Because there’s also an emptiness in them, a void.
Fear slicks my flesh, clammy and cold, because I see it in his eyes – he has no intention of letting any of us leave here alive.
Chapter 28
Jax’s bitter laughter bleeds through the room, making my stomach heave.
“You.” Recognition and disdain cross my father’s face.
Jax chuckles sadistically, eyes raging with the thirst of revenge. “You remember me. Good. I was worried you’d forgotten.”
“This is who you’re working with?” My father’s eyes bulge and he looks at me accusingly.
“No.” My throat constricts to the point that I don’t know how I’m getting any air into my lungs.
“Keeley has nothing to do with this
asshole,” Henry bites out.
“That’s not exactly true, is it princess?” Jax smiles, eyes so dark I swear I can see the fires of hell burning there.
“Screw you.”
“Oh I plan on it.”
The threat is clear and I feel Henry’s entire body tense.
I gulp around the fear and guilt in my throat. This is my fault. I’m the one that brought Henry into this.
And I’m the one who has to stop it.
“Fine. You want me.” I maneuver around Henry so quickly he doesn’t have time to react. Face to face with Jax, the barrel of his gun inches from my face, I glare up at him. “Then let’s go. No one has to get hurt.”
“Keeley.” Henry’s pained growl sends chills racing down my spine.
I ignore him, locking my gaze on Jax, who just smirks, then begins to circle me, trailing his gun over my shoulder, across my breasts. Unable to control the shiver that races down my spine, I grit my teeth.
“I’m yours. Just let them go.”
“You think that’s what this is about?” The cold edge of the gun snakes under my hair, along my neck, then he jerks me back against his chest, barrel digging deep into my temple. “You weren’t that good of a fuck, darling. This is about me and your Daddy. Isn’t it John?”
Drew lets out a pathetic snivel and starts rocking from one foot to the other. “He has to pay.”
“Make the call, John,” Jax says, pulling a phone from his pocket, and pressing a series of numbers. “Your men have the details. They just need your password.”
My father catches the device when Jax throws it to him. “And if I say no?”
“Then you all die.”
Sirens blare in the distance.
“He has to pay,” Drew repeats in a monotonous tone. His mind is gone, eyes blank. “He has to pay.”
Drew’s weapon hangs limply in his hand, and I see Henry’s gaze trained on it, on him. Henry inches forward, intent in his eyes.
Jax must see it too, because he turns his gun on Henry.
“Let’s not be a hero, Caldwell.” One large arm tightens around me, and with the other hand Jax pulls back the hammer of the gun. “We all know where that got you last time. Taking the heat for another man’s mistake. Fucking pathetic.”
Henry’s eyes widen just slightly, and his nostrils flare. “How the fuck do you know about that?”
“Why don’t you tell him, John?” He snickers sadistically. The bastard is enjoying this.
I glance at my father and see the first signs of guilt etched across his face. He pushes out a weighted breath and rakes a hand over his eyes, then through his silvering hair.
“Come on, you can say it. I knocked up your little girl. Fucked her till she squealed like a pig. She was a beauty.” Jax sucks on his teeth, then chuckles. “Too bad she was bat-shit crazy.”
It takes me a moment to realize he’s talking about Abby.
I see horror in Henry’s eyes and it hits me hard, the secret he’s kept. That he’d allowed people to believe he’d been the one responsible. For Abby’s pregnancy. For her depression. Her death. Why?
Sirens scream louder.
“You knew?” The grief and anger coming off Henry is almost tangible, but it’s directed at my father.
I can’t see Jax’s face, but I can hear the smirk in his voice. “Of course he knew. But he made sure no one else did. Isn’t that right, Sullivan? Couldn’t have people thinking that your sweet little angel was tramping around with scum like me.”
A small sound comes from the corner. Sarah. The poor woman looks like she’s about to pass out. Like me, she’s only a victim in the web of lies. Deceived by the man who was supposed to protect her.
Pain. Betrayal. Hatred. The remnants of sin swirls around the room, leaving no one untouched.
“Why are you doing this, Jax?” My insides twist painfully. “What do you want?”
“Money, darling.” His nose is in my hair, and he breathes in deeply. “And a little bit of revenge. See Daddy dearest over there fucked me over pretty good. He couldn’t put anything on me for just screwing his little princess, so he had shit planted on me. Spent a year in juvie, two in State. For what? Knocking up a crazy chick?”
“I’ll see you rot in prison for the rest of your life,” John scowls.
“You won’t see anything, unless you transfer those funds.” Jax nods at Drew. “You’ve got twenty seconds or your son puts a bullet in your wife’s head.”
Wild and crazed, Drew point his gun at Sarah.
“John.” Her eyes are wide, terrified.
“All right,” he grounds out through clenched teeth. Face red, nostrils flared, he makes the call. The entire transaction takes less than a minute. “It’s done.”
Drew pulls a phone from his pocket, then nods. “The funds have been transferred.”
“You got what you want, now let Keeley go.” Henry’s voice is deathly quiet.
Jax scoffs out a laugh, and starts to walk backwards, pulling me with him.
“I don’t think so. I’m going to need a little insurance.” He drags me towards a service door. “You know what to do kid. Here’s your chance for revenge.”
“I can’t.” Drew lifts his gun, hand shaking uncontrollably. He glances over at me, and I see a glimpse of the boy he once was. Scared. Alone. Vulnerable.
“Drew, please. You can stop this.”
“Do it,” Jax hollers.
Drew twitches, his breathing ragged, moisture gathering in his eyes.
“Even if you kill us, you still have to walk through those doors.” Henry’s voice is low, calm, as if speaking to a wild animal. “Only you’ll be facing murder charges.”
“The only people who’ve seen me are in this room.” Jax’s breathing is hot and heavy in my ear. “Now take the shot, Drew.”
He’s planning on using Drew as a scapegoat. That’s his only way out. Shit.
“Think about what you’re doing, Drew” I beg. “He’s not going to let any of us leave here alive.”
Drew looks at me, then at Jax.
“You’re going to listen to your whoring sister, or me. I’ve got your back, kid. Just take the shots.”
Drew lifts his gun and I know he’s going to do it. There’s murder in his eyes.
I bite down hard on Jax’s hand, tasting blood. Fighting him off, I rush towards Drew, just as he pulls back on the trigger.
We both tumble to the floor, and the shot goes wide.
“Fucking bitch,” Jax curses, raising his gun at me and I know I’m going to die.
Doors crash open and the room suddenly fills with police.
“Put your weapon down,” someone orders.
Jax smirks one last time. “See you in hell, princess.”
Everything happens so quickly, I barely register Henry rushing towards me, or the shots fired. The next thing I know, I’m on my back, Henry’s heavy body covering mine.
Liquid warmth spreads across my chest.
I can’t breathe.
I’m sure I’ve been shot.
But there’s no pain.
Henry groans, lifting up on one arm so that his weight releases me slightly. His hands are on me, checking for injury.
“You’re okay?” Henry cups my chin, and forces me to look at him. His body is still heavy on top of me, shielding me from the chaos that resumes around us.
People are screaming orders, and from the corner of my vision, I see police placing Drew in handcuffs. John sitting with his head in his hands. Sarah crying uncontrollably beside him. Jax’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood, his unseeing eyes locked on me.
I shudder and look away.
“I’m all right,” I say breathlessly, placing my hand on Henry’s chest. When my hand comes back slick with blood, I freeze. “Oh my God, you’ve been shot.”
He winces and rolls onto his side.
I pull back the black suit and gasp at the amount of blood that covers his once white shirt.
Oh God. No.
br /> “Help.” The word is an inaudible whisper, and I have to push the next ones past the large lump in my throat. “Someone help.”
Time doesn’t move the same way when your heart has been flayed open – there are moments that stand still, others that move so quickly you wonder if they really happened.
Police and paramedics swarm us. Someone tears open Henry’s shirt, and I see the bullet wound just below his right shoulder. Blood gushes from it like a geyser.
“Stay with me.” Henry reaches for my hand, his grip tight on mine.
“I won’t leave you.”
His lips twitch up in a small smile, then his face contorts in a spasm of pain.
“Right pocket,” he says through clenched teeth, as the paramedics slide a board under him.
I reach into his pocket and pull out a small velvet box. My stomach does a somersault as I realize what it is. I open the box and suck in a breath.
An engagement ring.
A tear slides down my cheek and I brush it away with the back of my hand.
“One, two, three.” The paramedics lift Henry onto the gurney.
“Miss, I need you to come with me.” A police officer stands in front of me, eyes full of concern.
The paramedics steers the gurney towards the exit.
I shake my head. “I have to go with him. I promised I wouldn’t leave.”
“We need your statement.”
I ignore the officer’s protest and rush to Henry’s side, taking his hand.
His grasp is weaker than before, his face pale, eyes heavy.
He’s going to be okay. He has to be.
“Marry…me,” he whispers harshly.
I press my lips against his and nod, but when I pull back his eyes are closed.
“Henry.” I squeeze his hand, but he doesn’t respond.
“Miss, we need to go.”
Releasing him, I stumble back.
The only thing I can think as I watch them wheel him away is, I never told him I loved him.
Chapter 29
I pace the small hospital waiting room, glancing up at the mechanical clock hanging on the wall, and let out a trembling breath.
“What’s taking so long? Someone should have come and told us something by now.”