Fallen Angel (The List #3)

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Fallen Angel (The List #3) Page 29

by N. K. Love

  I don’t get chance to finish my sentence because this mad bitch slaps me straight across my left cheek. It’s fucking harsh and I taste the blood straight away. Thankfully she doesn’t go in for the kill, she just casually composes herself and faces me with an evil sneer on her face.

  My heart’s thumping, sending vibrations to join the adrenalin that’s already doing laps around my body. My ear is ringing, my cheek is stinging and I’m still holding onto Willow’s arm, forcing her from intervening.

  Willow’s saying something to me but I don’t know what. I’m too busy considering my next move. I know the sound of the slap resonated through the crowd. We’re bound to start drawing attention to ourselves and—

  Hold on. Something clicks in my head—I think it’s Miss Fierce’s finger snapping—and I chastise myself for thinking instead of reacting. This crazy cow has just fucking slapped me. She’s looking at me with a cocksure attitude daring me to say something else. So I don’t…

  Instead, I lunge forward, grab her shoulders and with an almighty sneezing action, crack a spot of my forehead right across her nose. It’s safe to say nobody saw that coming, including me—thank you Jax for teaching me that self-defence move in his gym at home.

  The black haired witch screams in pain but fucking attacks me at the same time. Next thing I know, my back is on the sand and she’s yanking at my hair. Thankfully it’s plaited otherwise she’d be tearing it out at the roots.

  I can hear Wills and she’s trying to drag the psycho off me. I lift my foot around to her front and kick her away—and thank you mother for my strong thick thighs.

  Her hair is sticking to the blood that’s smeared across her face now. It’s like something out of a horror movie. I get up onto my knees and reach for her loose hair, tugging it down so that I’m above her now. At this point I hear Jax’s voice in the distance but my blood is pumping so loudly I can’t focus on what he’s saying.

  “Okay, okay. I give in.”

  She spits some blood onto the sand beside her.

  “I tried to ask you nicely. Try not to be such a bitch next time.”


  After all the drama we headed straight back to our room. It’s only a ten minute walk from the beach. I had to bat Wills away from fussing over me but Jax was surprisingly standoffish. I don’t regret standing up for myself but I do feel a bit embarrassed and it’s taken the walk back over here for my shakes to settle. Perhaps I should apologise to Jax for making a scene.

  I’ve just grabbed a shower and switched my bikini for a new one piece. It’s a lush gold and black design with the entire right side cut out in a semi-circle at the front and back so it exposes my new navel piercing. I’ve already caught the sun on top of my spray tan and I feel like I’m glowing, which isn’t bad considered I’ve just been scrapping on the beach. I wrap a thinly croqueted black sarong around my waist and tie it neatly at my hip.

  “How’s your lip?” Willow examines the corner of my mouth. “Ah, it’s nothing. Barely a scratch. It’s safe to say that crazy fool came off worse. She was very apologetic afterwards you know, as she was being escorted off the beach.”

  “I know. I almost felt guilty—almost.”

  “For the record, I wish you’d let me past you, then she would’ve slapped me and not you. It was horrible seeing somebody hurt you—that is until you unleashed the beast from within and kicked her alcoholic ass! Bethany Taylor, you completely rock. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Even if you are a troublemaker.”

  Wills strips off her bikini and swats me with the top as she walks into the bathroom.

  “That’s not fair. You know I’m a lover not a fighter—but sometimes you’ve just gotta head-butt somebody to keep them in their place.”

  “Oh my God. Even the words sounds vile; head-butt. What was I thinking?”

  “You weren’t, that’s the point. Anyway B, why don’t you carry on ahead, save waiting around for me? I’m going to give Peter a call when I’m out the shower so I don’t know how long I’ll be—”

  “Loud and clear, Wills. Loud. And. Clear.”

  I grab my rucksack and throw in our sweat towels and a couple of bottles of water in readiness for our stint on the treadmill in about an hour.

  Whilst walking out of the foyer, I receive a text from Jax and find myself holding my breath when I open it. I’m still worried that I’ve made us look bad to the 24/7 big wig bosses.

  U still in ur room?

  No kiss.

  No, Will is. I’m just leaving. Y? x

  Halfway down towards the beach, there’s a coffee shop on the corner. Meet me there in 5.

  There’s no kisses at the end of his texts. I walk as quickly as my sandals will allow and reach the coffee shop in under five minutes. I perch on the wall outside and keep an eye out for him.

  Turn around & walk down the alleyway at the side of the shop now.

  O-okay, so he can’t even be seen in public with me? I start walking. I’ve been desperate to get my filthy hands on him all day but now I’m not so sure. I reach the end of the alleyway, where I can only turn left, which is the back of the shop. As soon as my body starts to turn the corner, I’m snatched up off my feet and his lips are on me.

  My body reacts but before I get chance to wrap my legs around his waist, he turns and presses me firmly against the wall. My rucksack cushions the impact.

  His big hands are all over my body. His urgency is unreal. He has needed me today just like I have him. Being in such close proximities to each other and not touching isn’t something that comes easy to us. We may not have actually spoken much but our bodies have been secretly talking dirty to each other all day.

  I cling to his vest with fistfuls of necessity.

  “I had to touch you, Angel.”

  He sucks and bites his way down my neck, feeling my breasts with his strong hands, scratching his thumbs over my nipples until my pussy’s physically aching for him. I rub my leg between his and feel how hard he is for me.

  “What you just did—on the beach—that was the last fucking straw.”

  He brings his breathless mouth back up to mine and sucks slowly on my bottom lip. I moan as he drags it out with his teeth and lets go.

  “I’m sorry, if I embarrassed you or the bosses.”

  “Fuck them. Do you think I give a shit about what people think?” He glides his hand inside the cut out section, which grants him very easy access. I instinctively put my foot down and part my thighs to invite him in. “If I wasn’t co-ordinating things I would’ve been on you in a heartbeat.”

  He brushes his whole hand between my legs and holds me there.

  “Restraining myself from you doesn’t sit well with me, B. When you’re there with your beautiful body in that bikini—don’t you think every fucker on that beach imagined what you’d look like on the end of his dick?” He brings a finger up to circle my clit as I sink my teeth into his jaw. “That thought alone kills me. So when I turn around to see you head-butt that girl—” Jax brings his forehead down to press against on mine. “Your passion, what you feel for me, it’s makes me so fucking hard, I couldn’t handle it.”

  “I thought you were quiet because you were mad at—”

  I swallow my words back down my throat with a gasp as I swallow two of his long, thick fingers.


  He pushes deeper and thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Gripping his other hand around my neck, he squeezes as his mouth takes ownership of mine. I’m melting in his arms, consumed by him.

  “B, do you realise how sexy it is to know you’ve been feeling the same today. You wanted to protect what’s yours and that’s fucking sexy as hell.” He possesses my body and, as my eyes fall into his soul, he possesses every piece of me—inside and out. I love being enveloped inside his protective force field. It does incredible things to me. “You’re so delicate and caring. You’re so pure, yet there’s this contradictory feisty side—you’ve got a blazing fire inside of you
and I feed off it.”

  “But, you’re working, I thought—I thought you wouldn’t want me making you look—”

  “B,” he interrupts me again, “I wish you didn’t think so much.” I smile at his wish and lick my lips, rolling my hips into his hand. “I’m gonna fuck you now until you can’t think straight—or walk straight. You’re just going to take it and know that I would never deny you. Angel, if you want to fucking kiss me, you kiss me. No matter what.”

  On those beautiful words of his, he pulls my sarong up, tugs my suit to the side and deftly rams his hard cock inside of me. He delivers on his words by fucking me beautifully thoughtless.

  No thinking, just pure unadulterated feelings.

  Turns out that Jax left our station on the beach in between events and ended up being back late. Craig stepped up to cover him. Not that Jax cares, he made that very clear. He needed to reconnect with me and drive home a message—quite literally—and that was more important.

  Rocking a distinctly dishevelled look, I meet Wills at the treadmill challenge.

  “What? Don’t look at me like that.”

  I’m not fooling anybody, least of all Wills.

  “P-lease. You left before me, arrive after me, you look flushed and Jax was AWOL. If you haven’t just been fucked, I’m a goddam virgin.”

  I flash her a wicked grin and shrug.

  “You told me to get it whenever I can. Just following your advice, Wills.”

  “Argh. You’re so annoying. Peter was in a meeting so he could only talk for a few minutes.”

  “Sorry, Wills. Looks like the only pounding you’ll be getting is on this treadmill.”

  “Yeah thanks for that. I’m planning on crawling into bed again tonight. The bodyshots are on me—literally, on me. Maybe I need to go for a massage and steal a couple of secret orgasms. That’s not cheating right?”

  “Not cheating but maybe wrong on some level because you don’t exactly have their consent? Plus, when it’s all said and done, you’re still letting somebody else make you come—even if they don’t realise they’re doing it!”

  I love winding her up.

  “Fine. Whatever. You’re up first so I’m going to do some crotch watch patrolling on the promenade. I need some sort of light relief—unless you’re going to call the Come Police and ban me from that too?”

  I hold my hands up in surrender with a wide grin on my face. I think I’m still riding the pleasure of my recent tryst.

  “B, I can’t be around you when you’re all post-orgasmed up and I’m about as close to getting laid as you are to getting back with Mike—it’s never gonna happen. See ya!”

  On that note, horny Wills sulks off.

  She returned half an hour later to keep me company for the last half of my run. I loved every minute of it. The treadmills were set up overlooking the beach about fifty metres away.

  After nailing my run, I sat and read a book on my phone whilst Wills did her stint. I’m yet to find a new book boyfriend, which is unusual for me. I’ve always got my hot favourite but recently, that little sparkle has dwindled. Maybe that’s a sign that I used reading as my escape from reality far too much before. Jumping head first into a beautiful romantic series of books with a hot alpha-male was my favourite cure to loneliness. It’s strange how I’ve weaned myself off that dependence without realising, or rather Jax has.

  Whilst messing with my phone, I go into my list and check off the bittersweet tantric sex and getting a piercing.

  Fuck It List

  1. Blowjob

  2. Handjob

  3. Cunnilingus

  4. Sex in a workplace

  5. Sex in a car

  6. Sex in the shower

  7. Multiple orgasm

  8. Get a tattoo

  9. Get a piercing

  10. Sex on the beach

  11. Phone sex

  12. Cybersex / Sexting

  13. Tantric sex

  14. Get stoned

  15. Use food / ice sexually

  16. 69

  17. Kiss a girl

  18. Tie somebody up

  19. Be tied up

  20. Watch a porno alone

  21. Watch a porno with a partner

  22. Do a lap dance

  23. Do a strip tease

  24. Sexual role-play

  25. Make a sex tape

  26. Sex outdoors

  27. Go to strip show / live sex show

  28. Be spanked

  29. Hit somebody

  30. Kinky sex

  I can’t quite believe I only have four items left to complete. Starting with thirty seemed like such a long time ago. If I hadn’t have met Jax, I can’t imagine what I would have accomplished by now. Maybe two or three.

  On some level, I’d like to think that this list was made for me and Jax. That fate always intended for our twisted paths to cross, for this list to bring us closer, for Jax to offer sexclusivity and for us to get together.

  I know now that he offered sexclusivity because he couldn’t bear the thought of me being with another man. He felt that possessiveness towards me even way back then.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Well after day one we’re currently sitting comfortably in second position but the London teams are keeping us on our toes. Cardiff and Manchester are battling between each other for fourth and fifth place but I can’t see them contending for any of the top three spots.

  We’ve got some great swimmers lined up to compete in the swimming challenges tomorrow. After killing it on the treadmill today, Beth has put her name down for another slot on the treadmill tomorrow as well as the swimming.

  After last night’s twist, I made some calls this morning to source a special gift for Beth. Since telling her about my wealth, I’ve considered buying her so many gifts but have stopped myself. Telling myself that if we get past the shitstorm that’s brewing, I’ll be showering her with gifts to my heart’s content. But maybe her Fuck It attitude swayed me when I opened my eyes this morning and wished that she had something to remember me by.

  I never splash my money around—ever. It’s something I’ve intentionally done since moving into my house. I used to live the lifestyle of a wealthy man, where spending money was as easy as breathing. I wouldn’t question price tags, I didn’t have to. If I wanted something, it’d be mine.

  Since leaving that lifestyle behind, I’ve locked away my wealth and only used it for charitable or business purposes. I own my property and land outright so the money I earn from 24/7 just has to cover my basics. I don’t crave luxuries the way I used to. I think it’s made me more humble and appreciative of the simple things.

  I never benefitted from the funds obtained by other means. They were always allocated straight back into the foundations that help the victim’s long term. As well as contacts in places like the police force and social services, I have acquaintances within these foundations that supply me with tip offs and anonymously put victims in touch with the Unit.

  Once my work was done, I’d pump more money into the cause to ensure there’d be ongoing support for any rehabilitation or covering costs for things like victim support or uprooting families and moving them to a safer life under new identities.

  I made the decision to leave the Unit and put that work in my past. That decision still stirs up mixed emotions but I completely stand by it. I won’t feel the buzz of hurting the monsters that carry out these crimes and think they’re untouchable. Even the ones that were prison bound, sometimes prison was too good for them when compared to the atrocities they’d committed.

  Whatever happens with Beth, I know that I won’t go back to that way of life again. I will continue supporting the charities but my work will be legit and legal from now on. For the first time in a long time, I’m thinking about a future, that’s the priceless gift she’s unwittingly given me.

  Deep down inside I know that by living my life in that way and letting it consume me, I’d effect
ively frozen my mental state in that horrific place it was in, nearly two and a half years ago.

  I chose that road and felt comfortable with it because it somehow made me think I was balancing the scales back out. The overwhelming guilt left me at rock bottom on those scales, whilst each time I righted a wrong—or at least got as close as possible—a tiny weight was mentally placed on the other side, in a vain attempt to tip the scales.

  In all honestly, I’m nowhere near to balancing it out and diminishing the guilt. Realistically, that will never happen. Ultimately there’s only one way to get close to righting my wrong and that mission will stay with me until either he’s dead or I am.

  I curse under my breath when I see her.

  “Hey, beautiful. You look—stunning.”

  Beth’s looking sultry and sun-kissed in that summer dress. It’s white and dotted with a few yellow flowers. The top half is fitted and then it floats down but stops short enough to show off her bronzed thighs.


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