Poisonous Temptation: Division 2 (The Berkano Vampire Collection)

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Poisonous Temptation: Division 2 (The Berkano Vampire Collection) Page 11

by Isadora Brown

  Aurelia leaned down and captured his lips with hers. His greedy hands immediately found her breasts, and he palmed her nipples until they were peaked. She gasped through the kiss, not realizing just how sensitive she was to his simple touch. He seemed to know her body well, and they had only done this once.

  That, and Aurelia knew he was experienced. Some girls might find that unromantic or disappointing; she preferred it. At least he knew what he liked and could teach her exactly what she wanted so there was no awkward guessing.

  “I can feel how wet you are,” he told her, his eyes look like a dark midnight blue. It nearly made her gasp to see the lust he had for her in his eyes. They promised her wicked deeds would soon be acted out on her body, and she felt her pelvis squeeze in anticipation. “You want me.”

  She nodded her head, unable to say no. “I want you,” she agreed. “Badly.”

  His lips curled up into a feral smirk. His hands went to her hips, and with absolute ease, he lifted her up and placed her on his cock so she straddled it. He was gentle when he pushed into her, but because she was still sore from their first time together, it hurt more than it otherwise would have.

  He let out a satisfied grunt once his sizable length had filled her, stretching her to the brink. She let out a groan, her face a mixture of pleasure and pain. He sat up, his arms around her waist, and placed a gentle kiss on her neck, and then her collarbone, and then between her breasts.

  Slowly, he placed his hands back on her waist and proceeded to rock her back and forth. He wanted her to get used to him, he wanted her to get used to this position and his size. She understood that, and she appreciated his patience with her.

  When she leaned forward, placing her hands on his chest, he stopped and gently pushed her back so she was sitting.

  “I want to see you,” he explained in a gentle voice. “All of you.”

  “The window,” she said, throwing her gaze to the open window. There were no blinds covering it, nothing to prevent a passerby from looking in and seeing her in this wanton position. Thyos’s lips curled up into a smirk. Her body was starting to react to the sight by filling with moisture between her thighs and pounding her heart against her chest. She did not understand how her body could simply react when he looked at her in such a way.

  “Let them hear you are mine,” he told her, sending a chill down her spine. She did not know why that made her pulsate with desire, why being claimed by him was something she found she wanted. She might not have been fierce like Ashana or flirtatious like Augusta or determined like Adela, but Aurelia liked to think that she was independent. And with that independence came the certainty that she did not want anyone to make her feel needy, to make her feel like one half of a whole.

  But there was something different about Thyos, something that made it seem possible for her to be both claimed and independent, as though he would never threaten her freedom while simultaneously instructing her that she was already promised to someone.

  Which was not something Aurelia understood. The act of intimate behavior always came after a declaration of love or feelings were acknowledged. There had been no such moment between her and Thyos, but the more Aurelia thought about it, the more she realized she did need a declaration of love. He had done enough to show that, at the very least, he cared. He’d saved her life. He’d given her his blood. He’d brought her back to his place and given her something to change into, even after she’d burned his couch. He’d walked her to West Babylon to make sure she got home safely.

  And at the Colosseum…

  Aurelia did not know how she knew, but she was certain Thyos would have ripped everyone in half after finding out what happened to her. He risked his own life for her.

  She started to move on top of him, trying to match his rhythm. His hand continued to massage her mound, and she moved her legs, spreading them wider so he had better access. She needed this, she needed release from him.

  Thyos snaked his left hand up her abdomen until his hand cupped her breast. Instead of squeezing it fully, his index finger began to caress her nipple, causing her to gasp and arch into the touch.

  Gods, the things he could do with his hands were… magic.

  It wasn’t long before she felt her insides start to bubble like fizz from a soda bottle. She kept moving, though; she refused to give up when she was so close to the pleasure she craved. It almost hurt, pushing against him. He was more sizable than she thought he would be, and while it added to her pleasure, she could not help but feel a slight amount of pain. Oddly enough, that pain just spurred her forward, because she knew that would make the pleasure that much sweeter.

  “There you go, Aurelia,” he said her name, and it slid down her spine like a lover’s caress. “Come for me, darling.”

  And that was it. His words were her undoing. She shattered around his cock, spilling everywhere, simply because he told her to. She did not understand this control he had over her, did not understand how he was able to affect her in such a way, but Gods, she couldn’t stop moving on top of him and everything put together was just too much for her body to take. She was a fuse, and he lit her, and she exploded like a firework.

  She could tell by his own gasping, his breathing, that he was ready to release himself. She urged him on, making her gasping and moaning louder because she knew he reveled in her sounds. He loved listening to her, whether it was the squeak of her slickness or the popping of him thrusting inside of her, whether it was her heavy breathing or loud moaning.

  His nail dug into her hip, rocking her fast back and forth to take him, to take all of him.

  When they both finished, Aurelia leaned forward, her forehead hitting his shoulder and her eyes closing on their own accord. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to him. She could feel him softening inside her before he finally slid out. She wasn’t quite ready to leave him, however. She had never felt safer than when she was in his arms.

  “My sweet, sweet Aurelia,” Thyos mumbled. She wondered if he was actually asleep. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Keep me,” she whispered, though she did not think he heard. “Keep me forever.”

  Chapter 18

  It had been a few days since their arrival at the cabin, and Thyos was worried. He had barely any human food to begin with, and while Aurelia was thankfully not picky about what she consumed, he knew he would have to find her more food soon. Unlike him, she could not live on blood. She needed sustenance, and, though he found he did not like to admit it, she needed humans.

  Simply being around humans gave witches a replenishment of their own strength. Instead of a physical boost of energy, it stabilized their power, like a charging battery. While Thyos knew his blood made her strong and was key to finally unleashing her powers, it was not enough to replenish her soul.

  The problem was Thyos trusted no one. He did not want to go back into the city, because he did not want to risk anything happening to Aurelia. He did not know where this sudden urge to protect her came from. He did not know why he cared. Now that he had accepted it, though, he was willing to do whatever it took in order to ensure her safety.

  He could tell that she was hungry for more food. Her skin was becoming sallow, and bags formed under her eyes, even though she was not tired.

  Well, perhaps she was tired. They could barely keep their hands off each other if they tried.

  It was an interesting thing for Thyos, to feed from and to fuck the same person—a witch, no less. And yet he could not seem to get enough of her. There was something about her, something new each time they had sex, he could not help but adore. The noises her body made, especially the slick thwack as he slid in and outside of her opening, claiming it, possessing it. The way her nails dug into his back and made his toes curl. The way her breathing hitched, the way her gold eyes turned bronze, the way she let out a breathy moan, the way her cunt filled with juices as he fracked her open and made her orgasm.

  That was certainly
a sight to behold.

  A sight he did not deserve.

  A sight he wanted to see at least one more time.

  He found that she was particularly beautiful when he saw her standing in front of his bedroom window, wrapped in that silky sheet, her hair tumbling over her shoulder, the moon casting an iridescent glow. She looked nothing short of angelic, a goddess worth worshipping. He would fall to his knees and bury his face between her thighs, bringing her to immeasurable pleasure. He would leave the windows wide open so her moaning woke the animals.

  Thyos needed to stop thinking about her. He needed to stop thinking about all the different ways to please her.

  “What are you thinking?” she murmured from beside him.

  He looked down at Aurelia bathed in the gentle rays from the sun outside, seeping in from the window. He did not know how it was possible, but she was beautiful in the glow of the moon and the rays of the sun. She was beautiful in a bed sheet and messy hair, a torn dress and a gash across her collarbone, a beautiful gown and a pinched look as she tried to cast a spell and failed. She was too beautiful for this shit place, this Division that was rotting inside and out. He did not know how the death of the emperor was going to affect things, if his gods-awful wife would step into power or if someone else would be appointed in his stead.

  Thyos didn’t care. Not right now.

  He did not want to vocalize his thoughts. He did not want to tell her he was going to leave her yet. Somehow, he knew she would say no. She would be against him leaving. Which astounded him by itself. Why would she care about him this way? He hadn’t done anything to deserve her affection. He might have saved her life and given her his blood, but that was it.

  “I’m thinking it’s nearly daybreak, and I do not want to leave this bed,” he told her.

  Without warning, he flipped onto his stomach and slowly started to pull the covers off Aurelia’s body.

  “What are you doing?” she nearly shrieked. “It’s cold.”

  He gave a grin. “Do not worry,” he told her. “I plan to warm you up.”

  From the corner of his eye, he watched Aurelia look down at him with a curious look on her face. Something else she had never experienced, then. Which meant she was as pure as the white snow. He grinned triumphantly. She really did belong to him. He really would ruin her for everyone else.

  Using his hands, he gently spread her legs apart. Aurelia’s mouth dropped open, and her cheeks turned pink, but she did not say a word. It seemed as though she was too fascinated by what he was about to do to vocalize any concerns. However, he could tell she was nervous. No one had ever studied her cunt before, probably not even herself. There was a good chance she might be embarrassed, which was just silly, since hers was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he was not the sort to make notes of such things. In fact, he had never been a fan of bringing women to orgasm with his mouth. It was an intimate experience he didn’t feel particularly comfortable participating in. He would prefer to use his cock. Using his tongue to tease her, to explore her, to fuck her should he get the desire to, made him too vulnerable.

  Thyos did not know why he was adamant to do this with her. It was one area of sex he did not have that much experience with.

  And that was something he would never admit to anyone if he could help it.

  However, Thyos wanted to learn with her. He wanted to experience Aurelia in every way, which meant tasting her and licking her and fucking her with his tongue. He placed his mouth between the apex of her thighs and slid out his tongue, as though he were sampling expensive food. Then, slowly, he pressed it on her clitoris and began to wag it back and forth. He had to pull back her folds so he had better access to her sex.

  The gasp she made, followed by the low moan, made his decision to try this worth it. He reveled in her noises, felt her entire body respond. She seemed to want to keep still so he could control her movement and what happened to her, but he knew it was difficult for her to do so. Her body was tense, but not because she was uncomfortable or unsure. She wanted to rub herself all over his face. She wanted to let him do whatever he wanted with her. And that control she gave him meant more to him than almost all of his possessions.

  His tongue began to travel faster and faster against her clitoris. She tasted fucking delicious, like fresh bread, the rain straight of the sky, and something sweet, like a glazed donut.

  She began to get louder, which was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he needed to inspire him even more. His cock was hard and desperate, needing its own release. But Thyos mentally shushed it, promising a turn later. His first priority was feeling her shatter against his face the way he imagined she would.

  At that moment, he stuck his finger into her slick folds, and he moaned against her sex, at just how incredibly wet she was. Somehow, despite constant stretching, she still felt tight. As though he could fuck her as many times as he wanted and she would snap back like a rubber band.

  She gasped as his digit curled inside of her, hitting just the right spot.

  “Thyos,” she said breathlessly.

  If he wasn’t careful, he was going cum all over the bed. Part of him did not seem entirely displeased with this.

  He did not respond to her breathless whisper. Instead, he slid a second finger inside of her and continued to repeat the same motions, digging softly, twisting, burying them in her folds.

  He loved the smell of her sex. He loved how intoxicating it was. It made him delirious with lust, and he wanted it all, he wanted it stained to his skin so he could smell her like this always.

  At the moment, he did not care about his pleasure. All he cared about was hers. If he came, so be it. He wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

  “Thyos,” she whispered. “Thyos, please.”

  He couldn’t control himself any longer. He kept a steady pace, knowing it would completely throw her off if he switched anything up now. He felt his jaw getting sore, but he didn’t care. He would ride this out for however long it took. It would be worth it.

  “Oh, Gods, Thyos,” she cried out, and he saw the very moment when she splintered all around him, up and down his face. A rush of juices poured out of her as she let go, and he lapped them up like he was a gods-damned dog. He was addicted to her taste, and he had barely had her.

  He was in so much fucking trouble.

  Just as she began to calm down, he climbed on top of her and thrust into her. She started to moan, surprised with the unforeseen action, and she let out a gasp because she was still ridiculously sensitive. But she did not make a face. She did not push him away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and took him, knowing this was about him.

  “Release inside me, Thyos,” she whispered in his ear. His body erupted into goosebumps, shocking him. “Please. I want to feel you.”

  He did not know how it was possible, but her words propelled him forward, and it was not even a minute since thrusting into her that he was already coming.

  They were silent, too occupied with trying to catch their breath. He rolled off her so he was not sticky and heavy over her petite frame. However, his arm was thrown across her waist, and he pulled her to him.

  “Can I kiss you, Thyos?” Aurelia asked, her eyes hooded and heavy.

  “You never have to ask about kissing me,” he murmured, his own eyes closed. His heart was still racing, the most he had ever felt it, and he felt her shift in his arms and place her lips gently on his.

  After a moment, she pulled away. “Hmm,” she murmured to herself.

  He cracked open his eyes. “Is something the matter?” he asked slowly, tilting his head to the side.

  She shook her head, a curious look on her face. “No,” she said. “I suppose I just wanted to know how I tasted.”

  That got his attention and his eyes popped open. “And?” he managed to get out, his voice throaty.

  “And,” she said, her voice still as soft and as velvet as it had been, as though she was completely innocent to what t
his did to him, how it affected him. “I think I taste pretty good.”

  “You taste fucking delicious,” he said, kissing her long and hard on the mouth. “Now, witch, let me sleep before you kill me.”

  Aurelia laughed, snuggling her head against his shoulder. Thyos felt his own lips curl up. He did not find himself ever truly relaxed, even in his own flat. But here, right now, with Aurelia in his arms, he was.

  Chapter 19

  Aurelia did not like it. Not one bit.

  “I do not want you to leave,” she told him that evening after finishing another intimate embrace. Her long hair fell over her bare shoulder, exposing her neck, the very spot he liked to feed from her. Her chest was on top of his, her fingers gently caressing his broad shoulders and sloping muscles. She could not look him in the eyes, not yet. Not for a while. They would capture her and consume her, and she would do whatever he asked.

  “You need food,” he pointed out, reaching to twirl a long strand of her hair around his index finger. “I refuse to let you go hungry when I am perfectly capable of feeding you.”

  “And how will you do that?” Aurelia asked, raising a brow. “Will you go back to the city?”

  “You know I must,” he said. “Unless you prefer I catch you frogs and rabbits.”

  “I would gladly eat frogs and rabbits so long as I know you are safe,” she insisted. Now she flashed her gold eyes up to him, making sure he understood just how serious she was.

  He curled a strand of hair behind her ear, and she felt herself sigh. He seemed to enjoy the simple gesture, and it made her feel special.

  “You silly witch,” he told her, his voice tender.

  “It’s true,” she told him, her eyes fierce.

  “I know it,” he said. “I’ve never had anyone care that much about me before, you know. Perhaps that makes you completely insane.”


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