Hot on Her Heels

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Hot on Her Heels Page 20

by Susan Mallery


  “Does it help to make the words pretty?”

  His gaze narrowed. “Does it make you feel better to make them ugly?”

  She stiffened. “I’m not the one who did anything wrong here. I’m not the one who protected a potential felon.”

  “You’re being dramatic,” he said.

  “Do you really think the world is a better place because Fawn is free to steal at will?”

  “Would it be better with her in jail?”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t but it would be really nice if every now and then people were reminded there are consequences for their actions. Maybe the world can’t be improved, but maybe Fawn would take her problem a lot more seriously if she suffered a little instead of heading off to another five-star luxury rehab facility.”

  He flushed slightly.

  “So that’s it,” she said, telling herself not to be surprised. “Fawn will be readmitted to whatever program has already failed to help her.”

  He nodded.

  “Is that why you ended the engagement?” she asked.

  “What makes you think I ended it?”

  Because Fawn had walked into his arms with the certainty of a woman who knows she was going to be welcomed. And if she’d dumped him, she wouldn’t have been sure. Garth wasn’t the type to forgive and forget.

  “Am I wrong?” she asked.

  “No,” he said, looking away. “I found out about her stealing and I finally knew why her father was so anxious to marry her off. While I believe Fawn cared about me, I think she cared a lot more about finding someone to take care of her. She wasn’t big on taking responsibility.”

  Dana wanted to say that she still wasn’t but that seemed like a cheap shot.

  “I broke the engagement and she went away. I haven’t seen her since.”

  Dana had so many other questions. Like did he still love Fawn? If she’d been cured would he want to be with her now? Did he have any regrets? Did he want another chance with her?

  “So she’s the one who got away,” she said, hoping her voice sounded light and casual.

  “That’s making it more than it was.”

  “You weren’t sorry to see her.”

  “No, but I wasn’t happy, either. I’m sorry she’s still having problems. She probably will all her life. It’s why she had to give up playing professionally. She couldn’t go on tour and not steal. Apparently the compulsion hasn’t gone away.” He stared at her. “If I’d known we would run into her, I would have said something. Warned you.”

  “Why? Don’t you have ex-girlfriends at most of the parties you go to? There are dozens and dozens of them out there.”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  She tried to smile and wasn’t sure she succeeded. “Come on, Garth. I looked you up on the Internet. You’ve done more than your share of dating in the past dozen or so years. Models, actresses, women who come from money. I will say you don’t have a physical type. I guess that keeps things interesting.”

  He looked more wary than annoyed. “I’m a single guy. Dating is allowed.”

  “You’re right.” She moved around so the sofa was between them. “I really appreciate you coming here and explaining all this. Now I know who Fawn is and what she means to you—”

  “She doesn’t mean anything.”


  “You’re pissed.”

  Actually, she wasn’t, which was too bad. Pissed would feel really good right about now. Pissed would give her energy and maybe stop the ache she felt inside. The pain was general, rather than specific, and as she didn’t know what had caused it, she didn’t know how to make it stop. She just knew the longer she talked to Garth, the worse she felt. It was as if…As if…

  As if she was devastated that he’d wanted to marry Fawn because she was so different from her. A man who had been in love with Fawn could never love Dana. Never marry her.

  The thought slammed into her. If she hadn’t already been leaning against the back of the sofa, she might have fallen over in shock. What a ridiculous idea. She didn’t want to marry Garth and she certainly didn’t care what he thought about her. She was with him because of her personal safety and maybe because the sex was good. But she wasn’t interested in him as anything other than a guy in her bed. He didn’t matter to her. He wasn’t…

  “Dana? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Just fine. What were we talking about?”

  “You being pissed.”

  “I’m not. Everything is great. Thanks for telling me about Fawn. I appreciate knowing the story. She’s, um, very pretty. Don’t you think she’s pretty?”

  He stared at her as if she’d grown another head. “Do you feel okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” She bobbed her head as she spoke. “Anything else or do you have to go?”

  Please let him have to leave, she thought. The faster he was out of here, the quicker she could bang her head against a wall and knock some sense into herself. There was no way on this planet or any other that she was so damn stupid that she had fallen for a man like Garth Duncan. Not like him, she reminded herself. Him exactly.

  “You haven’t said if you’re coming back with me.”

  His place. That’s what this was all about. Keeping her safe from Jed because he felt responsible for what was happening. She’d agreed because it made sense and she didn’t want her friends to worry. And maybe because she’d wanted to.

  So now what? Go back and stay with him, knowing that she could never be…never be Fawn. That she was trapped being herself and even if she could change that, she probably wouldn’t.

  “If you’d rather stay with Lexi and Cruz, I’ll understand,” he said quietly.

  But his dark eyes said he wouldn’t understand at all. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on her part.

  It would be safer for her emotional self to put distance between herself and Garth. But there was more at stake here. Did she really want to impose on her friend and Cruz? Getting a bodyguard was also an option, but how would she pay for that? Garth would insist on covering the expense and that would freak her out.

  Or she could go back with him.

  It was what she wanted. She was self-aware enough to know that. She wanted to be with him because…well, better not to go there. But to risk everything she had on a man who would never be interested in her for more than something temporary?

  “I’ll come back,” she said slowly. “To the condo. Not to your bed.”

  Nothing about his expression changed. She had no idea what he was thinking, nor did she ask.


  She drew in a breath. “It will only take me a minute to pack.”

  JED READ THE SINGLE-PAGE report a second time, then looked over the sheet at his chief financial officer.

  “You’re sure about this?” he asked.

  “They’ve already filed with the SEC,” Brock told him, looking worried. “They’re following the law to the letter and they’re not being quiet about their intentions. They’re buying up shares with the idea of forcing you out. I’m getting calls from some of the institutional stockholders. Jed, this isn’t good.”

  Not something he wanted to hear, Jed thought furiously. His own daughters turning against him. How could they, after all he’d done for them? He was their father, for God’s sake. What happened to family loyalty?

  “Do you know why the girls are doing this?” Brock asked tentatively.

  Jed thought about the explosion that had injured Izzy. “Women,” he muttered. “Who knows why they do anything?”

  “A couple of financial reporters have been trying to get me to comment,” Brock admitted. “They’re wondering if the federal charges are the reasons. If your daughters think you’re going to jail and you aren’t willing to hand the reins over to them directly. So they’re being forced to take control on their own.” He shifted uncomfortably. “The problem is they’re family, Jed. This doesn’t look good.”
/>   “I know they’re family,” Jed roared. “Goddamn insufferable bitches, all of them. They’re making everything worse.” He glared at his friend. “Can we stop them?”

  “They’re allowed to buy anything they want.”

  “But how are they getting the money? They don’t have enough. Skye’s put all her inheritance into that asinine foundation of hers. Izzy’s money is tied up in trust and Lexi never had much of her own. Cruz could be funding this, I suppose.”

  But a future husband giving his fiancée money to buy family stock was hardly illegal.

  He didn’t like this—any of it. He hated the questions, the looks he was getting. How people were starting to whisper. The federal investigation continued as the probe went deeper. He wanted to tell them they weren’t going to find anything, but he wasn’t sure. Had he buried the trail deep enough or was he in danger of being caught?

  “They should be after Garth,” he snapped. Enough clues had been planted. “He’s the problem in all this. Bastard.”

  The irony of the word didn’t escape him but he was too furious to see the humor.

  “We’ll have to start buying up stock ourselves,” he told Brock. “Beat ’em at their own game.”

  “An excellent plan, but the company doesn’t have the money. If we take out a loan now, while this is going on, everyone’s going to know we’re nervous.”

  “Not through the company,” Jed said. “I’ll do it personally. That will give us a little time before we have to report the transaction.”

  Brock shook his head. “You don’t have the money, either, Jed,” he said quietly. “You’re cash poor.”

  Jed didn’t want to hear that, even though it was true. His legal expenses had been chewing up money for months now. He was hemorrhaging cash. Selling his horses had raised millions, but they weren’t enough to buy back the number of shares he needed.

  “Land rich and cash poor,” he said with a heavy sigh. “A rancher’s lot for generations. What about borrowing on Glory’s Gate?”

  “Don’t do it,” Brock told him. “I’ve been your friend for over forty years, Jed, and I’m telling you not to do it.”

  “You saying I couldn’t raise the cash?”

  “You could get plenty, but it would be too risky. You really want to put the last of the Titan land on the block?”

  “It’s a loan, Brock. I’m not selling.”

  “And if you have to default?”

  “I’m winning this fight.” He always won. This time was taking a little longer than he was used to, but the outcome would be the same. “Find me some fool with money.”

  Something flashed across Brock’s face.

  Jed raised his eyebrows. “You have someone already?”

  His friend hesitated. “I’ve been approached. There’s an offer on the table.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because it’s a bad deal. The interest rate is reasonable, as is the price, but the note…it’s callable.”

  Jed nearly laughed. “It’s Garth,” he said gleefully. “He thinks he can trap me the way he nearly trapped Lexi. A callable note. What are the terms? No, wait. Let me guess. Minimal payments for as long as I want, but the note is callable with sixty days’ notice.”

  Brock swallowed. “Seventy-two hours.”

  Jed’s humor faded. “Sonofabitch. That’s armed robbery.”

  “That’s the offer. And there aren’t any payments. He’s just giving you the money. But when he calls it, the principle and interest are due at the same time.”

  It was like a giant game of poker, Jed thought, hating Garth Duncan with every fiber of his being. If it were up to him, he’d take the man out back and horsewhip him to death.

  “He said you’d never do it,” Brock said. “He’s challenging you. It’s a taunt.”

  A damn good one. But if he could take the money and trick Garth into thinking he was more desperate than he was…Yes, Jed thought slowly. Turn the game around.

  “Do it,” he growled.

  Brock stared at him. “No, Jed.”

  “Do it,” he repeated. “Take the offer. Let him think he’s got me where he wants me. Let him get cocky. We’ll only buy what we need to push up the stock. Let word leak out there’s in-fighting in the family for control. That will get people thinking there’s a reason we all want control. The price will go up, we’ll sell and I’ll pay him back.”

  Brock looked unhappy. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “There isn’t another choice. Don’t worry, I have a good idea of what to do next. I plan to win it all back in one big hand of poker. Then I’ll crush Garth and my daughters along with him. I’ll teach them all not to screw with Jed Titan.”

  DANA HAD THOUGHT shopping hell would be defined as the fancy boutique Lexi had taken her to a few weeks before. She’d been wrong. True pain and suffering came in the form of a well-lit, beautifully furnished wedding salon. Not even a store or a boutique…no, this was definitely a salon.

  Here, tasteful music played quietly in the background. The carpet was plush, the mirrors carefully polished, the chairs well-padded and covered in some kind of tapestry. Those buying were clients, not customers, and gowns had names instead of inventory numbers. First names. You didn’t ask for Vera Wang. Just Vera was enough.

  “It helps if you keep breathing,” Izzy whispered, grinning over her fancy teacup. “And remind yourself to bring a flask next time.”

  “I would have brought a flask this time if I’d been thinking,” Dana muttered, shifting on her too-soft chair and wishing she could fast-forward through the next hour.

  She loved Skye. She would even take a bullet for her, but sitting quietly while her friend tried on wedding dresses was a new and uncomfortable form of torture. Still, when Skye had asked, she’d been unable to say no.

  Until Skye had e-mailed her the address, she hadn’t known this place existed and she could have died happy without the knowledge. She didn’t know what dresses here cost and she wasn’t going to ask. Still, the sisters seemed happy. Lexi had been ushered to a plush chaise where she half reclined, sipping herbal tea and having her feet massaged by the in-house masseuse. At least she was having a good time if the groans were anything to go by.

  Skye walked out of one of the big dressing rooms and stepped onto the round platform in front of the half circle of mirrors. She smoothed the narrow cream-colored skirt.

  “What do you think?” she asked, looking hopeful, but not sure.

  Dana studied the tasteful, tailored suit. It was silk, a fact she knew only because she’d overheard the saleswoman describing the fabric as she’d picked it out. There was lace on the lapels and a pretty scalloped hem, if one was into that sort of thing.

  “You look great,” Lexi said, through half-closed eyes. “It fits you great.”

  “One of the advantages of being a size ten,” Skye said with a sigh. “Getting married in a month means buying a sample. So at least they fit. It’s pretty.” She sounded more doubtful than sure.

  “Very elegant,” Izzy said. “It’s great.”

  Dana studied the suit. It was beautifully made and probably cost a whole lot of money. It even suited Skye’s curves and coloring, but it wasn’t the dress of her friend’s dreams.

  “You hate it,” Dana said. “Why are you trying on suits? You wear suits to the office, not to a wedding.”

  Skye bit her lower lip. “It’s a second wedding,” she said. “At home. The dress shouldn’t be anything, you know, too much.”

  “Why not?” Dana asked. “It’s your wedding. Wear what you want. Who’s going to complain? Plus, what is Mitch going to think when he sees you in a suit? Skye, you’re into princess dresses. Not this.”

  “But I shouldn’t…”

  “Yes, you should,” Lexi said. “Dana’s right. This is your wedding to Mitch. Go try on something that will make you happy.”

  Skye’s mouth turned up at the corners. “Really?”

  “Don’t make us
have Dana get violent,” Izzy said. “As long as we’re not bridesmaids, I totally support you covering yourself in tulle and fluff. Go for it.”

  Skye grinned, then hurried back to the dressing room. Seconds later two salespeople went scurrying into the back, no doubt to drag out a dozen or so dresses for her to try on.

  Dana set down her herbal tea and stood. While she wanted her friend to be happy, the afternoon already seemed endless. She wasn’t sure she could sit through more of the fashion show.

  She headed outside, then stood on the sidewalk, under the awning, as a light misting rain chilled her. Izzy came out after her.

  “You all right?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I just needed some air.”

  Izzy’s eyes darkened with concern. “Want to talk about it?”

  The fact that it had been a week since Dana had gone back with Garth? A week of sleeping in a separate room, which he apparently didn’t notice because he hadn’t said a word. Hadn’t tried to change her mind. Not that he was ever home, she thought grimly. She’d barely seen him. She knew he was avoiding her, what she didn’t know was why.

  Was he missing Fawn? Did he regret breaking up with her? Was he angry with himself? With Dana? Or was he just busy at the office? She couldn’t bring herself to ask him. Mostly because she was afraid of the answer.


  She looked at her friend. “Sorry. I’m not feeling well.”

  “Flu sick or man sick?”

  Dana shook her head. “Tell me the difference.”

  “That bad?”

  “It’s not bad, it’s just…confusing.”

  Izzy touched her arm. “Lexi told me about what happened at that party. With Fawn and all.”

  Dana wasn’t surprised. Lexi had been worried about her. She didn’t mind Izzy knowing, even if she disliked being the object of concern. Or worse, pity.

  “He has a past,” she said firmly. “We all have pasts, right? His happens to be a little more complicated than most. It happens to have a problem with stealing, but what does that matter?”

  “Are you afraid he’s still in love with her?”

  Trust Izzy to cut to the heart of the matter, Dana thought. “Maybe,” she admitted.


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