Apocalyptic Visions Super Boxset

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Apocalyptic Visions Super Boxset Page 170

by James Hunt

  “The sooner the deliveries of your foods reach our mouths, the sooner I think your welcome would be better received.” The chief gave a light smile with his words.

  “I think that would work out in favor of everyone involved.” Dean stopped in front of a small group of children chasing each other with sticks, pretending they were swords in war. “I was hoping we could speak in private.”

  The chief turned to his men, and immediately one of the hovel homes was cleared and ready for their disposal. Inside, the floor was dirt, and the small home was void of any furniture, save the bed of grass in the corner. The clans were known more for their scavenging than their ingenuity. “What would you like to speak with me about, Governor?”

  “A farm was attacked and burned to the ground, along with the surrounding lands, inside my region. The only survivors were the children, who managed to escape. Both of their parents were killed.”

  Dean was pleased to see that Irons’s first expression was one of grief before it turned to the rage-induced anger that he was meant to show against such allegations. “You bring me words of war, Governor?”

  “I bring you words of reason, Chief.” Dean stiffened. “I need to know if you’ve had any trouble keeping control of your people.”

  Irons smacked his fist into the hard wall of compacted earth in defiance. “The Black Rocks follow me! They listen to only my commands. If you want the Black Rocks to burn your farms, then all I have to do is tell them.”

  “And did you?” Despite the young chief’s age, he stood an inch taller than Dean and had an added twenty pounds of muscle. But if there was one thing he learned from having both older and younger brothers, it was the fact that no matter how big you grew, the fear of someone with more experience could put you in your place. Irons backed off slowly. “I gave no such order.”

  Dean pulled out the sketch that his nephews had described and handed it to the chief. “Do you recognize these markings? Have you had trouble with any new clan that’s sprouted up over the past year?”

  Irons held the sketch and walked absentmindedly around the floor. He nodded slowly. “Yes, I have seen this before.” He extended it back to Dean. “A few days ago, some of my clansmen on the outskirts were raided. Food and water were stolen, so I sent trackers out to find those responsible. Three men. We found them heading north. Two were killed in the fight, but the other is here in our cells.”

  A jolt of adrenaline shot through Dean’s veins. “Those raiders—the farm that they burnt down, the people that they killed were my brother and his wife. I want to speak to this man.”

  “Of course, but I must warn you, the man is barely alive. We questioned him thoroughly, and he did not talk. It is not likely your efforts will be any different.”

  “We’ll see about that.”


  Sydney’s port authority office was bursting with officers loading rifles, pistols, and whatever gear they could use to hunt down the arms dealers Lance had described. The decade of peace did little to ease the Aussies’ prejudices about Chinese buying or selling weapons, especially when it was happening right under their noses.

  “All right, listen up!” Danny’s voice cut through the chatter of mouths and the click of steel. “The smugglers were last seen on the outskirts of the northeast market. We already have patrol boats ready to load up, and our scouts spotted a ship heading north toward the islands. Let’s move!”

  Lance tightened the holster belt around his waist, adjusting the sword to his right and the pistol on his left. A combined sense of familiarity and dread filled him. The weapons seemed to slide into place too easily. The war drum beating in his chest thumped loudly, and he couldn’t deny the rush that accompanied the eve of battle.

  Canice had already readied the ship before Lance arrived, and the Sani was the first to set sail. Danny and the rest of the port authority were kind enough to grant them the extra fuel to join the pursuit.

  The steam boilers propelled the ship forward, and smoke rose from the stacks along the ship’s deck as the Sani cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter. Lance always found the ship faster when its mission involved the prospect of battle. The two port authority ships struggled to keep up, unfamiliar with the path to war.

  The first islands came into view a few hours after departing Sydney, just as the sun began to set. Canice joined Lance at the wheel upon the sight of land. “They couldn’t be much farther, Captain. They didn’t have that much of a head start on us, and from what Danny’s men told us, the ship couldn’t have gone faster than ten knots.”

  “Unless it was a warship,” Lance replied.

  Canice gave the captain a narrow-eyed glance, one that the first mate had earned to give the captain during their tours together against the Chinese. “I remember you telling Danny the Chinese didn’t have any ships.”

  “That was before they started shooting at me.” Lance kept to the south side of the islands and only veered west when the water shallowed. The channels of the Philippines twisted and curved, and the reefs had claimed more ships than he cared to remember during their naval battles during the Island Wars. Still, the waterways were mapped in his mind like the grooves in his palm.

  Lance navigated through the treacherous waters, guiding the two port ships with him, scanning the small islands for any sign of the smugglers, but as the sun slowly sank below the horizon, Lance grew weary. “We couldn’t have passed them. Line of sight was at least three miles.”

  “Maybe they headed east, or west?” Canice added.

  “No, the port scouts in the north territories would have seen it.”

  “Unless Danny’s men told us what they wanted us to see.”

  It was a thought that crossed Lance’s mind as well. The fact that there were smugglers operating on the outskirts of the markets wasn’t surprising. The fact that they were Chinese smugglers was.

  Lance ordered the lights on all three ships to be dimmed and the boilers to run only when needed. They coasted along the waterways, trying to stay quiet and unseen. The longer they searched, the more Lance wondered whether or not he let his imagination get the better of him.

  The scars of war had healed, but they were not forgotten. What little sleep Lance managed to catch was plagued with nightmares and visions of his previous battles. For the longest time, he’d felt as though his life had started with those memories of war. They’d replaced his childhood and family.

  “Captain!” Canice held the binoculars aimed toward an island to their east. “Two o’clock, just past the alcove. There.” She pointed, handing the binoculars to Lance.

  Lance followed the line of sight along with Canice’s finger and scanned the horizon with the two rounded scopes until his eyes rested on a faint outline that resembled the bow of a ship. “Veer right eighty degrees, and cut the engines and our lights. We’re downwind, and we don’t need any help carrying our sound.”

  Canice echoed Lance’s orders to the crew. The two port ships that followed copied Lance’s activities, and the large vessels all careened in one swift motion.

  The closer they moved toward the tip of the island, the bow of the ship came into view more clearly. He watched for any movement, but he couldn’t even see the flicker of a scout light on the tip of the barrier. The night clouded any land markers that would have identified their location, but judging from the maps, they were somewhere just south of the Sulu Sea, or as Lance and every sailor called it, the blade’s edge.

  The namesake was given because it was the first push back that the Aussies made after the North Americans arrived to help fight during the Island Wars. The waters were thick with iron hulls, and the air boomed with the thunder of cannons. Lance was still nineteen at the time, and in all of the stories his grandfather told him of the Great War, none of them seemed to compare to what he saw that day on the water.

  Lance gripped the side of the ship’s railing and handed the binoculars back to Canice. “I want three excursion boats ready and the men to fill
them armed. Put us one hundred yards from the reef, then drop anchor. I’ll be taking the men out myself.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Deckhands lowered the men into the black water below, and the small excursion boat thudded against the waves. Lance sat in the bow, the four men with him rowing. He instructed Canice to stay behind. If something were to happen to him, he needed someone he could trust to make sure his brothers knew what happened.

  They landed on the opposite side of the narrow barrier peninsula that blocked the view of the rest of the island, and climbed the barnacled rocks to the top. Lance was the first to gaze into the cove, and what he saw nearly caused him to slip to his death.

  Dozens of ships were anchored in the shallow bay, and all of them mounted with cannons and men to load the lead. Lance had a clear view of the ship closest to them and the men on deck carrying crates to the cargo hold. From the top of the rocks, they looked like a line of ants, carrying their goods back to the nest.

  Lance signaled for the men to head for shore, and thirteen soundless bodies crawled along the side of the rocks toward the sand. The show of Chinese force in the bay was enough to take the northern Australian port of Brisbane, which would be Lance’s first stop if he were in charge of the armada.

  The thick tree line on the island provided good cover once they made it to shore. Lance slapped a bug against his neck and kept low as he led the men through the jungle. The humidity was thick enough to swim in, and the sweat rolling down Lance’s face stung his eyes aiming for the outskirt of the camp, glowing with the burn of fires and lanterns.

  Lance stopped just before the cover of tree and bush ended, right next to a tent where shouts of Chinese echoed through the thin cloth. His Chinese was rusty, but he listened for anything that sounded familiar.

  The tent emptied of Chinese men dressed in military garb, and Lance looked for any more shadows against the backdrop of the canvas and motioned for the others to stay put. He flattened himself against the sand near the crack at the bottom of the tent to make sure no one else had lingered behind, but saw nothing but chair and table legs. He lifted the tarp and rolled inside. Muffled voices sounded from outside the front of the tent as he made his way over to the table centered in the middle.

  Light flickered and waned on dozens of papers, most of them maps of the Pacific islands and the Australian coasts and ports. Lance spread them on the table, examining the small figurines of ships that had been positioned on the maps. Lance’s jaw dropped as he saw more fleets positioned near the dead islands and off the northern Russian coasts, sitting dangerously close to the Alaskan fisheries that he and his brothers had established over the past five years.

  The front of the tent flapped open, and Lance was greeted by two surprised Asian soldiers. Before they drew their weapons, Lance had his hand on the hilt of his sword and sliced the first man’s throat. But just before Lance offered the same fate to the soldier’s partner, he managed to let out a scream that alerted the rest of the camp before he joined his comrade, bloodied in the sand.

  Blood dripped from Lance’s blade as he snatched the maps off the desk in a hurried frenzy. Sand kicked up from his roll underneath the tarp, and he didn’t break stride as he sprinted with the rest of the men through the jungle back toward the boats tied off on the rocky peninsula.

  Alarms sounded along with shouts and gunfire as Lance navigated the rocky terrain. His feet slipped against the wet rocks, and he nearly fell to his death twice. Just before he made it to the boat, a bullet ricocheted off the rock to his left.

  Lance pulled the pistol from its holster and fired into the clustering Chinese huddled at the shoreline. The rest of Lance’s men followed his lead, and the small cove grew wild with gunfire.

  Two of the Aussies that had accompanied Lance were taken down before they made it to the boat, but they doubled the Chinese causalities in kind. Lance pulled anchor from the rocks and planted his foot firmly against the side of the sea stones and pushed off once his men were aboard.

  The small boat bobbed up and down, heavy with its crew, who quickly grabbed the oars and paddled as fast as their arms would allow. The Chinese continued their relentless firing as Lance and his men started to put distance between them. Bullets splashed into the water, a few of them splintering the hull, catching one man in the leg.

  Lance waved toward the Sani, hoping Canice was loading the guns, and just when the Chinese gunfire became too much, the first boom of a cannon thundered through the bay, and the heavy piece of iron crashed into the rocky peninsula, killing five Chinese in one strike and sending the rest for cover.

  The Sani continued its barrage of the peninsula until Lance and the rest had made it safely back to the boat. The injured were loaded first, and Lance wiped the blood from his blade. “Canice! Start the boilers!”

  Lance knew it would only be a matter of time before the Chinese put their warships on them, and with the number of vessels Lance saw in that cove, they’d need all the head start they could get.

  The two Aussie boats were tied close by, and Danny and the other captain stood near the rail, shouting at Lance. “What’d you see?”

  Lance waved his arms, but the first cannon fire from the Chinese ripped through the hull of Danny’s ship, killing a cluster of his men in the process.

  The first Chinese warship had rounded the tip of the peninsula. Its cannon fire flashed in the night air with each explosion. A few of the shots barely missed the Sani, and Lance’s crew was on full alert, loading their weapons and pulling anchor.

  Lance took the wheel and pressed the engines forward, the motion giving everyone on board a light jerk from the quick throttle. “I want the stern guns loaded and anything that’s not food, water, or lead tossed overboard.” Lance felt the adrenaline surge through his body with every explosion of the cannons and spray of the ocean on his face. His body and ship were once again soaked in war.

  Chapter 4

  The ride back from the wastelands had left Dean with more questions than answers, and heavy one prisoner, closely guarded by his men, although he didn’t believe the man was in any condition to run.

  The Black Rocks that had interrogated him had left him broken and bloodied, his body starved and weak. Dean couldn’t be sure if the man had a broken jaw, but he’d lain quiet in the wagon, with his wrists and ankles chained.

  The only hope the prisoner offered Dean came in the form of a tattoo on his right forearm. At first Dean believed it to be just another bruise given by the Black Rocks, but once the blood and dirt had been wiped away, he could see the visible image of the stars and sickle painted on the man’s skin, matching the same description that Kit had told him he saw.

  Aside from the blood and bruises, the prisoner was a tall man, well built, with blond hair. The man was filthy and in poor condition. But he had the look of a soldier, and Dean hoped there weren’t any more of him to have to deal with.

  The crowds had already gathered by the time Dean arrived into the city. News of their journey had traveled quickly from the outskirts, and the people were eager to hear what Dean had found.

  “Governor, was it the clans?”

  “Is it war, Governor?”

  All of the voices shared the same face of fear, and Dean did his best to calm everyone. “We have a suspect. He was severely beaten by the clans, but he matches the description we had of the raiders who killed my brother and his wife.”

  An angry moan rippled through the crowd as everyone’s sights turned on the unconscious brute shackled in the middle of the convoy. Dean would have to keep him closely guarded now that they were back in the city. His brother was loved, and there would be more than a few who would be willing to kill the man for revenge.

  “Governor.” One of his riders trotted to him. “We have word from your wife. She has everything ready at the infirmary. Although she wasn’t able to obtain all of the supplies you requested.”

  “Why not?” But the man was hesitant to answer. “Speak up, or I’ll have you
riding midnight sentry duty with the recruits.”

  “The lady governor sent a shipment of medical supplies to some of the sea clans along the southern coast.”

  Dean gritted his teeth and reined up on his horse, putting his heels into the mare. Dust kicked up from the gallop, and then he came to a skidding stop just outside the old hospital Kemena had turned into her own practice. Dean tied off the horse, and one of the nurses came out, dressed in a plain grey dress with a thick red cross painted on the front.

  “Governor, you—”

  “Where is she?” The nurse quickly ceded and led him into the surgical room where Kemena stood, hands being gloved by one of her assistants, and a paper surgical mask draped around her neck. She looked like she had been scrubbed from head to toe, a far cry from Dean’s appearance. A wild thing with crazed hair, covered in dust, and his beard grown thick from a lack of attention.

  “You shouldn’t be in here, Dean. Not like that.” Kemena turned and let the assistant finish tying off her apron.

  “I need to speak with my wife in private.” Dean kept his voice calm. Most of the rage subsided the moment he saw her. But the rest of her staff took notice of Dean’s tone, and the room quickly emptied.

  Kemena turned around as if nothing had happened. “Where’s the prisoner?”

  “You sent supplies to the clans in the south?” Dean took a step forward, the dirt and mud from his boots leaving a trail behind him.

  “Dean, you’re making a mess.” Kemena lowered her hands and made her way over to a sterilizing station, pulling the surgical tools, which steamed from a tray. “We’ve spent all morning preparing for your arrival. Now, I need to know what I’m dealing with. Your message didn’t give me much to work on.”


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