Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy Page 4

by Mark Brandon Powell

  “This is great!” Vernon says though a mouthful.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Marie says with a smile.

  Vernon rubs his chin. “Alright, so I want to say that I don't think it was the lack of food that made me pass out. I had this rush of energy and it felt amazing. Then there was this warm light from within my chest. I couldn't charge my runes, and then like a light switch getting turned off it was gone, and I fell to my knees waking up here."

  Marie says, “Maybe you should ask your dad about it Vernon, he's always good with that magical medical stuff."

  "Yea but he's so protective of me and I would hate it if he tried to make me quit MMA because of this, right after I started. Hey Ash, what about your dad, he might know something right?"

  "My father is more of a healer not a scientist, sorry Vernon."

  Vernon lowers his head, “Well, my dad it is then."

  "You think that could happen?" Flint asks.

  "Na his dad is a sweet heart, and he's a great guy. He knows how much it means to Vernon to do this." Duke says.

  "Yea Vernon, your dad is a sweet heart. Just try to talk to him he could surprise you." Marie adds.

  "I'll ask him when I get home then.” Vernon stands back up, “Let’s go and celebrate!"


  Vernon walks into his house past midnight, hoping to sneak in. Instead he sees his father on the couch in the living room. Opening the front door, he can see into the living room. The display screen is still on but on at a low volume and the kitchen lights are still on. His father lets out a loud snore. Vernon smiles, and walks over to the display, touching the sensor embedded within the glass on the lower left corner to shut it off. The screen goes dark lowering the light in the room to where just the kitchen is now lighting up the house. Walking into the kitchen he reaches around the wall and places his fingers on where the touch sensor is. Running his fingers down the sensor, it dims and then turns off the lights. The house now dark except for a small light coming from the couch.

  Vernon grabs a blanket draped over the couch close to where his father, and covers him up. He reaches down and grabs the display tablet to see what his father was reading. It was the results of his match. The title reads 'Huge Upset for New Atlantis, and High School tactics'. Vernon stands there skimming the article. It explains how idiotic they were in bringing an opponent back into the match. They also question and posted a poll to see what people think of allowing a dangerous sport into high schools.

  Vernon then turns off the tablet and lays it down on the couch next to his father. He turns to walk down the hallway to his bedroom and turns on his HaLO’s low light overlay to show the layout of the house. The darkened hallway becomes illuminated within his vision. The placing of furniture, doors, and the hallways are all there. Everything outlined and even though there isn't enough light to see. He imagines this is what blind people must see when they turn on the augmented vision on the HaLO.

  After having such an exciting day he was in need of some sleep for his first day back to class since the summer break. Vernon pulls back the covers and jumps into his bed. With it being his senior year the excitement is finally starts to take hold as he remembers what a long road it's been getting here. His school, Sam Champion Rune Academy, got converted to a magic and runic academy once the dome over was finally finished. This caused a population boom even more so than the construction. With the increase in population the school district needed more teachers for the students.

  The conversion took a whole year and finished up last semester. The local press ran with the headlines of no more segregated schools, all magic is equal. Vernon wished it was that simple but now he is in the minority. He remembers it was much nicer when no one called him a zero as he walked by, or to have people turn away from him. At least there is a MMA team at school now and everyone is going to focus on that instead.

  The tryouts were short. Duke and Vernon beat all the caster students that tried out with little effort on their part. Vernon got to lead the MMA team because he was the strongest fighter with the best test scores. Most of the parents that heard about the results after their child got home didn’t like the fact a rune user was leading the team. They tried to rally together and get the school’s principle to change it to a vote amongst the students.

  Coach Hill stood his ground and stayed with Vernon as the captain. After that there was only Duke, Ashley, Flint and himself for the team. Coach Hill told Vernon that he only needed four players anyway and he had them. He also told Vernon not to worry about it because it just made his job easier. He didn’t have to switch people out, or tell a parent that their kid isn’t performing well.

  That reminds Vernon of what Ashley said at the celebration tonight. She broke the news that there was a new stipulation to the official registration. It was on a sheet of paper, of all things, attached to the door. She grabbed it on the way out of the locker room and brought it with her. She waited to tell us after we finished eating to not ruin the celebration.

  Paper is an expensive and impractical way of communicating. The notice should have been sent though the HaLO Virtual Network. Vernon had thought something like this might happen. He had been reading information on forums and news sites that demand for the high school tournament was getting out of hand. They must have needed to limit the number of participants and thought this was a good way to go about it. So even though the team qualified with match points received they may not get to take part due to the lack of now needing one more teammate.

  He thinks about asking everyone in school, and just the thought makes his skin crawl. He can imagine the conversations now, the profanities are too much to think of. After what happened with the match today someone might have changed their mind. There is always a chance at convincing Marie but that's a long shot since she doesn't like confrontation. Marie. She has been the only good change that has come out of the school merger. They now get to be at the same school and he still doesn't know how he landed her as a girlfriend. Marie told him tonight on the walk home that he’s good looking. Vernon has never thought of himself like that but Marie has, and she is in a whole different league. Sure she has looks, but that is just the surface. She’s kind, smart, quick witted, and her food is like something out of a five star restaurant. Vernon can hear his mother’s voice playing in his head.

  Don't you dare do anything to mess that one up Vernon, you're not gonna get another chance with a good girl like that again.

  It comes across loud and clear in his head as he lays there trying to quiet his mind so he can get to sleep. Being a rune user, a zero, he has always felt a pain or urge to prove himself. Now with Marie in the picture that feeling has just amplified. He knows he can be more than just a rating. He can be the guy that not only she deserves but one she is proud to be with. By winning this tournament with this team, that should be proof enough to himself. It might be good enough for everyone. Becoming a Paladin after would be the next step for him because he can get a higher education paid for by joining the order like his parents. They take winners of the professional MMA bouts and now with high school in the mix it might be his ticket in.

  Rune users in the Paladins don't have to deal with feelings of self-doubt, or worthlessness. They're Paladins. The local authorities, the Knights, are a great organization but would spell failure for Vernon. It would show he isn't good enough to be one of the best. He decided a while ago that he is going to aim for being a Paladin, and not just any Paladin. He's going to be the head of command, the Captain Commander. He is going to leave his mark on history and be the best there has been since Robert Markson, the first and most decorated Paladin in history.


  "How’s Vernon doing Eugenie?" Alexandria asks.

  "He seems to be doing alright honey. When he came in, he covered me up, turned everything off, and went to bed. There was an article I read last night about his tournament he went too. I'm proud to hear how well he did against the odds he had but I am a little worried abou
t him. I waited till about midnight last night to talk to him but, like I said, I fell asleep on the couch."

  "How worried are you?"

  "Well I'm worried, but we haven't had any problems in seventeen years, so I shouldn't be too worried I guess. I just don't want him to get hurt and I don't want anything to happen to our son."

  "It’ll be fine, let him grow a little. I didn't get any reports or updates from anyone about the tournament last night. We might just need to tell Vernon to be more careful in the future is all."

  "You know I can't make another one of those, I don't have access to the tools or resources anymore if it breaks."

  "Honey..., let's just have a talk with Vernon when he gets up."


  Getting off the bus Emma looks up at the school. It is atop a cliff side on the outskirts of the dome overlooking the city below. The building looks like a castle made of miniature skyscrapers. Glass wraps around the exterior without a single break or gap in its make. The school shimmers in the filtered morning sun. She always wonders what the shimmer would look like without the dome filtering it. Seeing the size of the school and all the happy faces passing her, for the first time Emma is happy about the move. Her father should have gone to Pharis dome, but Saint Anthony needed him more. It was a last minute change. Either would have been fine with her, New Atlantis was always so dreary.

  Night time was the only thing that was beautiful there. They flooded the surrounding water with light allowing you to see the whole ocean around the city. Saint Anthony though, has the sun. Even if it's filtered, it’s a happy change of scenery from being underwater for the last two years. Her eyes begin to follow the long curved stairway, stopping at the entrance to the school. There is a sea of students in front of her passing her by and walking up them. She stops right before the steps, takes in a deep breath, and then huffs.

  "These stairs are here for physical training. Since rune users aren't as adept in casting they supplement it. If you would prefer, there is an elevator off to the right over there around the corner if you want to use it Emma." Says a boy walking up behind her.

  She shifts her stance, not ready for someone to call out her name. “How do you know who I am?"

  "I was in the match you had yesterday with Vernon, but you knocked me and our healer, Ashley, out before you saw us."

  Emma gets a sinking feeling in her gut. This was the school’s team she fought yesterday. How unlucky could she be. She finally gets out, “You were huh... sorry about that. I didn't know it was this schools team that I was going up against last night. I just was already registered with the New Atlantis team for that first match, and wanted to take part in it."

  "I know we still aren't listed yet, because we just qualified yesterday thanks to that match. With the change that they added in yesterday we are still looking for our last spot since we only have 4 right now. So, if you’re interested maybe you could be our fifth?"

  Flint is having trouble keeping his composure. Emma is the most attractive girl that he has ever seen. He didn’t realize how much until she turned in slow motion before his eyes. She stood about five foot nine, red hair with a slight natural looking curl, icy blue eyes, with a curvaceous figure. Vernon didn't say anything about how amazing she was, just that she was a real firecracker in the bout.

  Flint got caught off guard because the replay didn't do her any justice to what she looked like in person. That and staying up all night going through the replay of the match, he wasn't paying attention to the way she looked. He was just reviewing what could have changed for practice later.

  Emma runs her fingers though her hair saying, “Maybe but I'm not sure just yet. I just transferred to this school today and how long have you been practicing as a team?"

  "About two weeks give or take. We started when the official notice came in."

  "What!? Wow, that isn't long at all." Emma couldn't believe it. “So who's the team leader?"

  "Its' Vernon Douglas, the zero, you kept referring to during the match yesterday but he had nothing but good things to say about you. Like how hot you were. I mean uhh, your fire spells, the heat of your fire spells." Flint begins to backpedal and sputter as he trips over his words.

  "Aw you're cute when you’re nervous."

  "Hey fire girl, that you?" Vernon yells, but no one looks back.

  "So what's your name?" Emma asks.

  "It's Flint Westrock, I'm a runic marksman."

  "Westrock, Westrock, wait, are you saying you're the Flint Westrock. My father talks about you all the time. You are in all the hunting articles that he gets in print."

  "Yes I am. That's flattering to hear, but please I'm not that good. Vernon and Duke are both much better than I am. I have just been to more competitions than they have."

  Vernon walks up to the two caught in conversation, "Thank you for that complement Flint. Don't let him fool you fire girl, he is the best shot I've seen." Vernon says, as he puts his arm around Flint.

  "My name is Emma Goodson and from what I hear Vernon, you’re looking for a fifth player?"

  "I guess Flint here filled you in. Good job Flint, moving in on the new girl already. Nice job, didn’t know you had it in you.”

  Flint goes red faced and slack jawed, "Vernon that's not what I was trying to do, I was just..."

  Emma interrupts, "Alright then you got another teammate, but on one condition."

  Vernon raises his eyebrow. “Oh yea, and that would be?"

  "I want to be the leader of the team, so I'll challenge you to a one on one match for it. Full strength and no pulling punches just because I'm a girl."

  "Well as I see it, I did already beat you once but alright you’re on, may the better caster win. If we don't hurry though, were gonna be late to class and have to do laps, so come on Flint let's roll."

  "Alright, alright.” Flint says as he’s getting pulled by Vernon. “It was good to meet you Emma Goodson."

  Emma smiles, “It was good to meet you too Flint."


  Flint runs up the stairs past Vernon with a bounce in his step. Vernon smiles at his friend, and is happy for him. He is also smiling because he just had a miracle happen in finding a fifth player out of the blue. The team can qualify and take part in the Bastion tournament now. On top of that she was also a good player that could hold her own. What a waste of a year this could have been if she didn't transfer in. Vernon starts to think about all the different configurations the team could have.

  They have three possible forwards now, Vernon, Duke, and Emma. Flint and Ashley as the support rolls, which makes a good combination they can play with having the max of four on the field. There was a heal free formation he had thought about before but the risk would be too great. Plus at the time he didn't have the people to do it. He now has the people to pull it off and might just consider it because it could be too overwhelming for the other team. With the unpredictability of the way the matches will go, he will have to talk to Coach Hill about it.

  Vernon realizes that he's taking small steps while he is daydreaming. Class is about to start and he needs to get there. He rushes down the hallway entering class right before the bell rings out. He sits down at a desk about halfway back in the class, and looks out the windowed wall to the city. He can see the dome scrapers as he likes to call them, since they almost touch the top of the dome, and can see the central dome power plant.

  If he were to join the Knights he would only have this view, and only be protecting this city. The thought sent chills down his spine. He knew that the Paladins numbers have dwindled over the last seventy five years. There have been less attacks on the domes overall since the last separatist uprising. Vernon sat back waiting for the teacher to come in and logged into the Paladin site. Browsing through it in his overlay.

  Searching the forums, he notices that there is a lot of talk about potential recruits from the high school tournaments people are looking at. With this being the last semester before he graduates, Vernon wants to make as m
uch of an impact as possible to make himself stand out. There is the Paladin Order's University in New Atlantis. It's a college for the potential candidates, but they have to choose you.

  He pulls up the list of who is going to be officiating the MMA tournaments. The list is not long and it looks like the commander Tyler Hemlic is still out and as always his location is unknown. He is never one to be in the office, and always seems to be out on some assignment, just like his idol Robert Markson. That is the type of Commander he wants to be, not one to be sitting behind a desk all the time and leading from the sidelines. He wants glory and fame something the Knights aren't known for. They don't get any good assignments, like protecting the President, or taking out monsters. Paladins are the ones that get called in and clean up messes like that and protect people like that. He wants to travel all over Eden righting wrongs and helping the helpless. Without having to have all the strings or paperwork attached.

  His overlay goes blank as the teacher walks into the class.

  "Alright class, sit down I was running a little late." Says the teacher, "Since this is the first day back at school for some of you, and first day that all the change overs have finished. We are going to do a review today of what you should know for the history part of the standardized test that is coming up in a few weeks."


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