Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy Page 13

by Mark Brandon Powell

  His mother comes to the window and sees him standing there. She takes a few steps outside but doesn’t say a word, only smiles as tears run down her face. Vernon’s chest tightens as he starts to tear up. Taking Dukes advice, he breaths deeply and composes himself before he walks over to her. She opens her arms and gestures with her hands to come to her. Alexandria grabs Vernon tightly and gives him a big hug, and some comforting words in a motherly tone. “Everything is all right now son, you’re home and you’re safe.”

  Vernon eyes begin to sting as he continues to fight back the tears, finally getting out, “Thanks mom, I needed that.”

  They walk into the house, and sit down. Eugene is sitting in his recliner with a tablet in his hands, frantically looking though the news sites. He stops and goes to Vernon, giving him a big hug. Vernon then tells them about what happened. Eugene and Alexandria aren’t shocked to find out that Tyler was there waiting at the entrance on his way out.

  “Son, I am fairly certain, that was an entrance test.” Alexandria says.

  “Entrance test? For what?”

  “Let me put it to you this way. The paladins don’t only recruit for strength. They have a few other requirements. Which are normally done through tests like these. Depending on how a potential handles themselves they get accepted, rejected, or get retested.”

  “You mean that whole thing was a setup?”

  Eugene adds in, “More than likely. I had conducted several trials like that though out my years in the service.”

  “Really dad, where you kidnapped someone and sent a ransom note to someone?”

  “With willing participants, yes. I never used sedatives though, and once they got there they knew what was going on.”

  “What did you and mother do when you were in the paladins? I always knew you were in the service, but I never asked what.”

  “That is a complicated question. Your mother and I were both high ranking officers. I was in the research and development side of things, your mother was…”

  “I was in command.”

  “Command, of what?”

  “Let’s just leave it there. I knew Tyler from before he became commander. He was my subordinate before I left the service.”

  “Ok, then can you tell me what this pendant is?”

  Eugene takes a deep breath and sighs, “That pendant is a prototype of a training device I came up with. It’s an inhibitor and it lowers your strength and magical abilities while you’re wearing it.”

  “Really? Why would I need that?”

  “To help you blend in.”

  “Blend in, why would I need to blend in?”

  “You’re special. You mother gave birth to you, and I am your father. But. Your birth was under special circumstances. I can’t really say more right now. We have to know that you're safe before we can tell you, and wearing that pendant does just that.”

  “Alright dad, I guess I can do that. So what about Tyler and this trial business, should I be worried?”

  Alexandria says, “No not at all, Tyler is a good man and someone who can be trusted. We were close before you were born, and I don’t think that has changed. I don’t know why he’s trying to recruit you, but I don’t like it. That’s another subject we wanted to talk you about honey. Your father and I aren’t sure if you should join the paladins. The Astrum Government may not be the best place for you. You could always join the knights if you wanted to help people.”

  “Mother, you don’t understand, I want to be a paladin. Well wanted to anyway, I’m not sure anymore. Even if you say that I can trust Tyler. Why did he drug Marie, and why did he use his children? What if I would have had to kill them?”

  Eugene stops Vernon by raising his hand, “You said he was waiting at the door as you exited right?”


  “He wouldn’t have let you. If you would have tried he would have been there before you got the chance.”

  “It just seems reckless to me is all.”

  “It might, but being a paladin is not an easy job. The things you see some times you can’t unsee.”

  The rest of the night Vernon asked questions about the paladins, and what it was like being one. Both Eugene and Alexandria told him they wouldn’t have changed a thing, because they got to have Vernon for a son because of it. The hard ships, and every messed up thing they had to deal with was all worth it because of him. Vernon went to sleep that night thinking about what exactly it is he wants to do. Is that the place that he wants to be?

  He pulls up Tyler’s information and just stares at it. Deciding that he is going to go have a talk with the commander to see what he has to say. Depending on how that goes, he can make his decision.

  The next morning is just like any other. He wakes and goes into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Both his parents are in a great mood, and seem to have had a weight lifted from their conscience after the reveal last night. Vernon smiles knowing at least something good came out this. His parents had been stressed about everything the last few years. This mourning their whole demeanor seems different. Vernon could get used to this.

  “Hey mom, dad I’m going to go over to Marie’s for a little bit. I want to make sure she is alright after everything that happened last night. Is that ok?”

  Alexandria says cheerfully, “That’s a good idea Vernon. Make sure to tell they Zieschang’s we are wishing them well.”

  “I will mother.”

  With Marie’s parents always so uptight and uninviting every time Vernon was around in the past. He wonders if what happened last night will truly change them. Vernon head for Marie’s house, and sees there is some added security since he dropped Marie. As he approaches one of the guards waves him over. “She’s been expecting you.”

  “How is she doing?”

  “She’s waiting for you on the swings on the front porch.” He extends his left arm pointing out the way. Vernon eyes focus toward Marie sitting on the front side of the wraparound porch in the swing. Marie sees Vernon and stands to wave at him, with a smile a mile long across her face. Vernon hurries up to the porch, and Marie jumps into Vernon’s arms.

  “Oh my God, I have wanted to talk to you ever since I woke up last night but daddy had the whole place on lockdown.”

  “It’s alright Marie, I knew you were alright. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m alright, a little groggy still but I will be fine. Thank you for rescuing me.”

  Vernon’s eyes begin to well up and he kisses her firmly on the lips. After a few seconds there he says, “Marie, I love you more than I can comprehend. I would have ripped Eden in half if I knew it would bring you back to me.”

  “Aw... Vernon, I love you too.” Marie grabs Vernon and gives his a long passionate kiss.

  The two separate when her father’s voice booms out, “Vernon my boy, how are you doing this morning?”

  “Mr. Zieschang,” Vernon says a little startled, “I am doing just fine. I wanted to come over to see how your daughter was doing.”

  He laughs“It’s all right son. You did just save my daughter’s life and my reelection campaign all in one fell swoop.”

  Marie rolls her eyes, “Father, really? I was missing and in danger and all you think about is your campaign?”

  “No honey that wasn’t the only thing I was thinking about. It was just happenstance that your boyfriend here was gracious enough to do both for me without having to lift a finger. I was thanking him for it.”

  Vernon says, “Thank you sir. I will always make sure to protect the ones I hold dear. That includes your daughter here.”

  “That is good to hear my boy, good to hear. Well I will leave you two alone, I just wanted to come by and thank you again Vernon for what you did for this family.” Marie’s father heads back inside.

  Marie waits till her father is inside the house before venting, “Ugh, my father and his stupid elections. I swear.”

  “That’s ok, don’t worry about that. I have a question for you?”

  “What is it?”

  “How did you end up drugged and kidnapped?”

  “Last thing I remember is that a paladin was telling me that I need to come with him because you needed me, which sounded important.”

  “So, that’s how they got you huh? Well, I’m sorry but that just made up my mind. I need to have a talk with someone. I’m going to go right now, but I will be back.”

  “Who are you going to see?”

  “The Captain Commander of the Paladin’s.”

  “Wait, what!? Why would you go to see him and how would you even get an appointment?”

  “A lot has happened in the last couple of days. I think he set all of this up, so I am going to talk to him.”

  Marie bows her head, “Alright.”

  “I will be in touch soon, I promise. I just need to talk to him first before I say anything else.”

  “Ok babe,” Marie says and hugs Vernon. She leans in and gives him another kiss, “Don’t make me wait too long alright?”

  “I won’t and I love you.” Vernon replies as he head home.

  Vernon starts running though all the things he’s going to say to Tyler. It makes him angry just thinking about what he has put them through. His parents are still in the kitchen eating breakfast, and he tells them he’s taking the car. Both Eugene and Alexandria give a long look to each other and let out a sigh.

  Eugene says, “Just don’t do anything rash alright? We just got to open up and tell our baby boy the truth about our lives and we don’t want to lose you now, understand?”

  “I know dad, I won’t do anything stupid. I just need to talk to him, and clarify a few things.” Getting into the family car he pulls up the information for Tyler.

  “Auto-drive, drive to Tyler Hemlic’s house.” An electronic male voice acknowledges the by saying,


  The car powers on, and windshield display lights up directions overlaid across it. The voice comes back on and asking,

  ‘Welcome back Vernon. Would you like to continue where you left off on the last audio recording you were playing.’

  “No, keep the ride silent.”


  Vernon keeps thinking about what he is going to say to Tyler. What he's going to ask, and what will he do with the information. As he rolls though the city streets he stares out the window. Questioning why this upstanding government agency would allow such things to happen. Why would Tyler do that to someone, was it his fault or a mistake from the paladin that picked Marie up? Did he do anything else to her? Vernon doesn't know what to feel as his emotions are all mixed together. Anger, sadness, and fear are all wearing on his senses.

  The car pulls to a stop outside of a small one story house. White stone siding, and nicely kept yard, metal roof, and he sees a pair of suit cases by the front door. The car pulls up to the sidewalk, parking in the street. Vernon walks up the driveway, and to the front door. Lifting his hand ready to knock, he pauses as his mind goes blank. Fear grips him sending chills down his body. He doesn’t get the chance to back down. The door opens, and Tyler is standing there with a garment bag over his shoulder.

  "Vernon? Didn't expect to see you so soon. Figured out that what happened last night was all a setup already? Good boy, I knew you were right to test with that trial. Sorry about that, protocol and all. We haven’t used the old kidnap routine for years, but the old ones are the best ones.”

  Tyler walks past Vernon and sets the bag across the suitcase, and continues.

  “Since you were still in high school I figured it might work on you, but you proved me wrong." He then reaches down and grabs the suitcase with the bag on top and loads them into his car.

  Vernon watches as Tyler loads his car. How he doesn’t care what just happened to him, and pushes it off like it was a normal thing. “I thought it was real, until I talked with my parents. They told me this test or trial was to become a paladin. They also told me they never used sedatives."

  "Sedatives... Hmmm, I don't remember telling anyone to use those. Sorry, that is something we don't normally do. I’ll talk with the paladin that I sent out to pick up Marie, and question him. Advising him not to use that again on tests like these."

  "Thanks, I think, but why test me at all?"

  "You are a senior in high school aren't you? You said right in front of me and your parents that you wanted to join our little organization. I told you I had my eye on you and that ability of yours. So the question is why wouldn't I test you. I thought you wanted to become a paladin."

  "I did, more than anything. Now I'm not sure, because I am not sure how to feel about this."

  "How about this, hit me." Tyler says while gesturing with his hands.

  "What? You want me to hit you?"

  "Yea, it makes me feel better when I hit the person that I feel has wronged me."

  "No I really don't think that would help at all." Vernon says, as Tyler reaches out and flicks him on the forehead. "Hey, what are you doing?"

  "Giving you a little bit of stimuli. Come get me, it's not like you’re really going to be able to hit me anyway.”

  "Fine!" Vernon yells.

  Vernon doesn't have any runes on him, other than his pendant. He swings at Tyler, and his fist go right though him. Tyler was fast enough to leave an after-image of himself as he dodged. Vernon knew this was going to be difficult, but not being able to see him move is disheartening.

  "See told I you, you’re not going to be able to hit me." Tyler says from behind Vernon, flicking him in the back of the head.

  Vernon tries again, this time connecting but with Tyler's open palm. Frustrated Vernon tries again and again and again. Never connecting. Breathing heavily he grabs his pendant and rips it off his neck, throwing it to the ground.

  "So finally taking off your inhibitor. Do you really think it's going to make a difference. I didn’t earn my title from sitting behind a desk."

  Vernon knows who he is, but anger is pushing him forward to try. He wants this to be his real test to see if he is good enough to get in. To connect one punch. He tries to connect to the light within himself, but nothing is there. Vernon attacks anyway.

  He leans in with a close right followed by an extended left. Tyler dodges again and then throws a quick left of his own stopping just short of Vernon's face. Vernon jumps back in shock as his heart begins to race and adrenaline burn his veins. That was a warning to stop playing around.

  He goes to focus on the light again and tries to use it. Imagining the door in the white room. He takes a deep breath and starts throwing punches.

  Not a single punch lands and Vernon’s temperature keeps rising. It feels like he is so close with each preceding punch, and he feels like he can almost see Tyler’s movements. He leans into one of his many punches, and Tyler vanishes.

  Tyler gives him a little shove from behind and Vernon almost trips. He turns quickly only to see nothing behind him and again gets shoved. At that moment he loses his temper, and his concentration. Black light engulfs him.

  Vernon starts up his attack again but each punch feels different than the last. He can feel the shift in the air when Tyler dodges and begins to sense the direction he is dodging. Vernon goes for his face again but is looking for the direction he is dodging to from the air. He feels him move right, and swings his arm in that direction.

  Vernon misses, but tries to release the light like before. Tyler counters, and Vernon stops breathing. His eyes glaze over as he collapses to his knees. He tries to look up at Tyler, but can’t make his head lift up before he passes out.


  Vernon wakes up staring at his ceiling fan spinning around and around. Was he just having a dream about fighting Tyler, or was he really there. Trying to think back to the fight he just had, he only remembers that he went for the opening he saw but nothing after that. He hears voices out in the living room and goes to see who it is. His mother and father are sitting there talking to someone, but he can't see who.

  "Vernon you’
re awake, oh thank god." Alexandria says relieved.

  "Yea mom, I'm fine."

  "I was just telling Tyler here that he shouldn't have hit you so hard."

  "Yea, sorry about that Vernon." Tyler says as he gets up from his chair. "When you’re ready, I’ll let you join the paladins."


  "Experiencing your ability first hand is enough for me to give you my seal of approval. Then the way you handled the situation up to now. It tells me you’re the type of person we need more of in the Order. So when you’re ready, give me a call, or send me a message and I will get everything worked up for you."

  "That’s what you wanted right Vernon?" Eugene asks.

  "Yea dad, this is, but I don't think I ever connected anything."

  "You didn't, but your ability did. Your strength, and speed increased when you use it. All you need is some good old fashioned training and you might have the chance to be stronger than you could have ever dreamed of."

  "I really don’t think that’s possible.”

  “Maybe, we will just have to wait and see. But I have to go. It’s been good talking with you. Alexandria, Eugene take care of yourselves and you did good job raising Vernon here, he is a really good kid.”

  “Thank you Tyler.” Alexandria says.

  “Yes thank you Tyler. Just make sure to keep in contact with us, it's been good seeing you and talking with you."

  "Thanks Eugene." Tyler says as he turns around, and looks at Vernon. He puts his hand on his shoulder, "Remember Vernon, when you're ready contact me. Alright?"

  "Alright." Vernon says softly while nodding.

  There is this feeling of regret in the pit of his stomach, that he somehow didn’t earning this praise fairly. He looks at his parents wanting to ask what should he do. But it would be what they want him to do, not what he wants to do. He takes a deep breath again and lets it out slowly. He is going to have to take some time to really contemplate what is it that he wants out of this life he has. Is it enough to stop here and ask Marie to be his wife. Start a family and live out a simple life, or should he join the paladins and serve the people with his life.


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