Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy Page 33

by Mark Brandon Powell

  The two bounce with energy as the tram pulls into the stop. They resume their run, and head down the corridor of the tram station, toward the Undercity. Vargas had expected to see a lot of run down areas in disrepair when he reached Undercity, because of the name, but there wasn’t. Aspiration was about fifty years old, at the city center, and only within the last year did it set sail across the Granantic Ocean. Everything he saw was in good repair.

  The ceiling had a display across it of the sky overhead, giving the illusion of being outside, even though the roof was twenty feet above their heads. Shops filled the streets, and blurred as they ran past. His legs screaming by the time they reached the last turn. They stop for a second to catch their breath.

  Vargas tries to send a message to Yeti, asking him where he is, waiting a couple of minutes for a reply. Nothing. He peaks around the corner, trying to see if there is anyone there. The Johns are talking to someone in an expensive overlay outfit. The outfit was set to show off who the designer was, and the price of the clothes. Ten thousand credits of digital fabric in between him and the Johns, which could only mean, he just found his buyer.

  There isn’t much time, and he doesn’t know where Yeti is, or what has happened up to this point. He needs to get the schematics back, or he’s going to end up owing Maldone for screwing up and losing his merchandise. With everything Yeti had told him, and the way that Maldone has conducted himself around him, he doesn’t want to owe this guy anything. Now would be the time to expose himself as a Paladin, even if he didn’t have authority here, supposedly.

  He isn’t sure about the plan, but he looks at Amber, and asks, “Are you ready?”

  She nods.

  He drops his overlay loop, that was hiding his identity as a Paladin, which activates his gunlet around his right wrist. He nods over to Amber, who looks at his gunlet and back to him.

  “Get yours ready too.”

  Amber had just graduated from the Paladin Academy like Vargas had, but didn’t have the chip installed in her HaLO like Vargas, because there was only one. She had yet to accept her invitation as a Paladin which Tyler had allowed her to hold off on for this mission. She takes a deep breath and accepts.

  With their gunlets active, and HaLO’s now actively displaying they are Paladins of the Astrum Government, they step out from around the corner.

  “You four, don’t move!” Vargas yells.

  The ten thousand credit man turns around to face him. He tilts his head to the side with a confused look on his face. “I thought you said you weren’t followed this time.” He says back toward the Johns.

  The deep voice from the cabin comes out of the larger of the Johns. “We weren’t. Don’t know who these people are.”

  “Their ID’s are showing them to be Paladins, since we are dealing with stolen property, I would assume they are following you.”

  “Hmph, Paladins, they got no authority here. Let’s finish up this deal Wraphion.”

  Wraphion smiles, “I believe the deal is off, you will have to find another buyer. This item is too hot for my tastes. I so would have liked to beaten Davon to the punch on this, but I do a lot of business with Astrum, and would rather not take the time to deal with this.”

  “What!?” Big John snarls. “We had a deal Wraphion.”

  “And you broke that deal when they showed. It was supposed to be clean with no heat,” he points back toward Vargas, “What do you call that?”

  Big John lets out a growl. “Fine, I’ll deal with him.” He grabs Wraphion by the collar, “But we aren’t done here. Not till you pay.”

  Vargas taps his middle two fingers of his right hand to his palm, activating his gunlet. The handle of a gun releases out of the bracelet, flipping into his hand. The barrel forms as the rest of the bracelet folds around his wrist, swinging on top of the handle, locking into place. He points the newly formed gun toward the group.

  “What part of don’t move is so hard to understand?”

  Big John hunches over, baring his teeth.

  Vargas can feel the magical pressure of the air rising, as Big John readies his mana. John and Little John both follow their brother, gathering up their own.

  Wraphion holds up his arm, attempting to bar the way. “I don’t think you want to do this Paladin, Aspiration has strict rules against firearms.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” Vargas replies, “But I think I’ll keep it drawn.”

  Wraphion shrugs, and lowers his arm.

  Big John looks at Wraphion, and then back to Vargas. “Alright boys, lets teach this pup what it means to mess with the Brothers.”

  Two streams of energy flow from the hands of the smaller brothers toward Big John. Golden red flame ignites within both of his hands. Slamming the butts of his palms together, he lets out a yell. A bolder sized fireball flies toward Vargas. Amber takes a step in front of him, staring down the fire-boulder. She points her index and middle finger toward the sphere, and whips her hand around.

  With each movement of her hand, there is a whoosh of air, slicing the fireball into pieces. Vargas taps into his well of mana, bringing forth energy to the fingertips of his left hand, and snaps. Lightning arches and crawls over to the brothers. Multiple strikes of lightning slam against an invisible wall. Green and white sparks falling with each hit. Amber activates her gunlet as Vargas did, and he steps beside her. The bullets they had loaded were mage killers, .75 caliber, and made of delorium. These were special issue for Paladins, when in need for live rounds.

  “Another move and I fire. Won’t matter what defense you have, this will go right through it.” Vargas says, pointing the gun directly at Big John.

  Wraphion raises his hand, “I would again advise against that.”

  Vargas ignores him this time, loading a round into the chamber, taking the safety off. Amber mirrors his actions. There is a metal against metal noise behind them as the barrels shift into a ready position. Vargas looks behind him, and there are two polls that weren’t there before, now directly behind him and Amber. Threads shoot out of the polls, piercing through their clothing and latching onto their skin.

  Vargas and Amber begin to flail around, and twitch, falling to the ground. Wraphion walks over to them, as fifty thousand volts course though their bodies. He shakes his head at them. Vargas lays on the ground watching him, unable to talk back.

  “I told you, we have strict rules about firearms here on Aspiration.” He looks back toward the Johns. “You three had best get out of here, the Knights will be here shortly with the way these two were waiving their guns about.”

  “We aren’t done with you yet.” Big John says.

  “I may not look it, but I can detain you here, which is less than profitable. Go find another buyer, and leave me out of it.”

  Big John takes a few steps toward Wraphion, who’s eyes flash yellow. He moves his hand as if lightly slapping the air toward the brothers. They each fly into the wall, cracks in the concrete radiate out from where they hit. Each look as though they are struggling, pinned to the wall, unable to move.

  Wraphion speaks, with a new raspy boom behind his voice. “Filthy stupid human, do not tempt me. I let you lay your hands on me earlier. You had been amusing me, but do not let that go to your head.”

  Vargas can feel the pressure of the spell he’s using, which is unlike anything he has felt before. Unable to keep himself awake any longer he closes his eyes.

  Vargas’ body hurt all over, and everything felt stiff. He stretches, trying to get comfortable, but finds his hands are handcuffed behind a chair. He opens his eyes to a small interrogation room. Gray walls and floor, with a metal table in the center of it. Amber is next to him, handcuffed the same way. There are no mirrors, or cameras in the room, which worries him.

  He tries to replay the last few things he remembers in his mind, and only can see the Johns slammed up against a wall, unable to move. Wraphion said something about Knights coming soon, but that doesn’t mean he let them take him and Amber. He can hear mu
ffled talking on the other side of the door, and then it opens.

  A woman of small stature stares at him, and closes the door behind her. She was no more than five feet tall, with black hair, and violet eyes. An aroma of coffee filled the air, as she made her way to the chair across from Vargas. The smell was heavenly, and with Vargas not knowing how long he had been out, he wanted nothing more than to take a deep drink of that elixir.

  “So,” She starts, “What has two Paladins draw their weapons here outside of the Astrum authority.”

  Vargas replies, his throat dry, “Murder and theft.”

  “Who’s and what.”

  “There was a murder a few days ago aboard The Navigator, and I am working the case. I happen to be on the cruise for other reasons and the owner of the ship asked me to look into it.”

  “Interesting...,” She makes a few gestures of her hands, going through paperwork. “I only see one Paladin on that ship, and it isn’t you two.”

  He dips his head, shaking it, “Do you think I’m lying?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean you’re telling me the truth either.”

  The door opens again, this time reveling an overweight man in a silver Knight uniform. Vargas was happy that he went to the Paladins, and not the Knights. They were the policing force on Eden, and somewhere along the way they became known as Knights instead of police. Plus he didn’t think he would look good in a button up shirt and slacks.

  “Hey Wedge, sorry to interrupt, but there’s a guy here asking for you.”

  “I’m busy, tell him to wait.”

  “Told me to tell you about that date in the tower with Wendy Gene, and how you owed him. Said you would know what that meant.”

  She lets out a frustrated breath. “Tell him I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  He shrugs and shuts the door.

  “Now where were we?”

  “Your name’s Wedge?”

  She squints her eyes, “What of it?”

  “I was supposed to meet you earlier today, Yeti set up a meeting for the three of us.”

  “That was you. Figures.”

  “Yea sorry about all this, I had a tip the thieves were making the sale, and I had to stop it.”

  “Did you?”

  “I think so, but I got tasered.”

  “We don’t allow guns on Aspiration. There is too much risk in someone accidentally breaking the dome. We didn’t warn the ship tourists because they weren’t allowed to carry them on the cruise anyway.”


  “So, what did you want to know?”

  “I originally wanted to know the location of Freedom, but I got that from someone else. He told me I need the rules, or I won’t make it once I’m inside.”

  “Is that all.” She says sarcastically, rubbing her forehead. “Of course this would be what he asks of me, that bastard.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not you, rookie. Yeti. He is a bastard, always will be.”

  “I’m the captain of the 9th Division.”

  “Then I feel bad for her,” pointing at Amber, “For being under a rookie leader.”

  “How about you let us go now.”

  “Alright, I ‘ll do that. That’s probably why Yeti’s here isn’t it, to bail you two out.”


  She makes a few hand gestures, opening the handcuffs. “Sit tight, I’ll be back.” She gets up and walks to the door. “Oh,” she says stopping, and then flicks over a file. “This is what you were asking for. I told myself I never wanted to go back to or think about that place again. Argh, he is such a bastard!” She walks through the door and slams it.

  He reaches over to Amber, and opens the cuffs, her arms limply falling to her sides. Checking her pulse, she seems to be asleep. He rubs at his own wrists, relieved she’s ok, and looks over the file Wedge gave him. There were two sections, one was locked, and the other had instructions.

  It read: Once you reach Freedom it will open.

  “Great.” He mumbles.

  He sits there in silence, with his HVN connection cutoff. What had Yeti done to Wedge to make her act that way, but still offer up what seems to be something not lightly given away. Then there was Wraphion and the Johns. Why did he call them stupid humans, because they were all human.

  Maybe he wasn’t human.

  “Right, like that makes sense.”

  Occam’s razor.

  Vargas rubs his face, “I’m not talking with myself. I repeat, I am not talking with myself. That is something that crazy people do, and I’m not crazy.”

  There’s a knock at the door, and Wedge reappears. She has a smile on her face, and blush in her cheeks. “I called Davon Maldone to come get you and escort you back to the ship. Since he was the one that allowed you to carry, he has to be the one to take you into custody. After that, we don’t care, just don’t bring another weapon to Aspiration again.”


  “Like I said rookie, I feel sorry for the lady sitting next to you. Let this be a learning experience, and know where you are in the future. Grab her and I’ll take you to the waiting room.”

  “What did Yeti have to say?”

  She visibly gets happier just with the mention of his name. “That lovely man is already in the waiting room.”


  The tour guide makes a few hand gestures, which send Vernon and Marie an invite for him to share information to their overlays. As the invitation comes through, so does the man’s name, Larry.

  He says, “Follow me please, and if there are any questions, I will have designated spots for them.”

  Larry lead them through the large sliding doors, which open up into an immense circular room. From the outside it had the look of a regular building, but once inside, there were no walls, opening up the view. Four pillars circle around a fifth one in the center, which is all that hold up the massive space. The middle pillar housed an elevator, with reception desk surrounding it. The floors were a brightly polished marble, enough to where Marie was happy she did not wear the dress she had planned on today. Larry waived at the security guard, and receptionist, offering nods and greetings as he walks them past, and into the elevator. The building had appeared to be only a six story glass cylinder from the outside, but once they got saw all of the buttons in the elevator they knew it was a huge facility. The power core was in the middle of it all, with ten floors beneath or above. Once they both got into the elevator, he explains the building.

  “There are six floors above us, all of which have administrative housing and workstations. The lower floors are the focus of the tour. We keep everything under the surface of the water to make it easier to maintain a constant temperature, because we want to keep the reactor cool. The admin housing on the upper floors are there so if anyone is needed at night they can get here faster. Are there any questions?”

  Vernon takes the opportunity to ask, “I do actually have a couple of questions. How is it that I don’t feel the waves of the ocean?”

  “That is actually a really good question. Not many people think about it once they get on Aspiration because they just think they are on land. We have wave stabilizers throughout the ocean around us built into buoys. There is a whole floor dedicated to the stabilizers and we will walk past the control center as part of the tour.”

  “Ok, that’s awesome, and I have one other one right now. What is that gigantic looking cannon thing in the middle of the domes?”

  “We get that question a lot. Most of the new citizens, and what little tourists that we have think it is a cannon. I can assure you, it isn’t. We are almost at the floor the power core is held on, and I will answer that in the explanation.” Right as he finishes the elevator dings, and the doors open to the basement level ten, the power core. Exiting the elevator was a hallway with three feet thick tempered glass to one side, allowing them to see into the power core’s floor. The level was about four stories tall, with a monumental pillar standing in the middle of a massiv
e room. The pillar is covered in runes of all sizes, glowing in alternating intervals of blue and crimson. Vernon had seen a power core similar to this before, but never anything close to the size of it. A runic reactor. He had gone on a school tour when he was in middle school, but it wasn’t even half the size of what he is staring at now.

  Larry waited patiently as Vernon and Marie took in the sight of awe. He started up his tour again after they look back to him. “This is the power core. As you may have noticed, it is the same design of any runic power plant across Astrum. With a few small modifications. The cannon, as you referred to earlier is an emergency release valve. The energy produced in this core is ten times that of any one of the plants that charge the domes.” He taps on the glass wall, and continues, “This is a protective measure against those who would attack this facility, and not for your protection. If there were a problem with the core that could not be solved by the emergency release, then the whole city would be erased from existence.”

  Vernon remembered someone talking about runic plants being dangerous. It took a small amount of power from a person to cast a spell, and then amplified it through runes. Right before the runic power would be converted into electricity, some of it would be used to start the process again. It was self-perpetuation power. It was one of the few discoveries early on that changed how everything was built.

  Everything on Eden was powered this way, HaLOs, cars, homes, and electronics. This power plant on the other hand was ten times larger than anything that would be allowed on shore. The likelihood that someone might disrupt it or use it as a weapon, for example, like a bomb. On the main land they used a series of smaller plants. Each powering their own grid, so one won’t overload the other, or cause a chain explosion.

  “The next place we are going to see on the tour is the stabilizer control room. This is where we track incoming waves, dispersing or redirecting them, allowing the smooth waters around the city stay that way.” Larry says, waving the two security guards at the entrance to the power core.


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