by Tim Birkhead
Red-backed shrike showing the tomial tooth (notch) towards the tip of the upper mandible, noticed by Willughby (top); nestling woodpigeons (bottom) – Willughby speculated on whether pigeon broods (always two) comprised one of each sex
European roller. Willughby identified several ‘distinguishing marks’: the tongue (top); the wart-like region behind the eye (middle); and the structure of the toes
Eurasian bittern. Willughby and colleagues dissected one while he was an undergraduate at Cambridge: head (top); pectinated middle claw (bottom left and centre) and the power-down feathers on the breast
The ‘pigo’, a roach-like fish whose spiky breeding-season scales captured Willughby’s imagination
Plate from the hand-coloured edition of The Ornithology of Francis Willughby, owned by Samuel Pepys. Clockwise from top left: hawfinch, northern cardinal (a North American import), bullfinch, house sparrow, crossbill and greenfinch
Title page of Leonard Baldner’s unpublished book, purchased by Francis Willughby while in Strasbourg; note the portrait of Balder (right)
The snap-apple, as the common crossbill was known in Willughby’s day: male (top) and female (bottom)
John Ray by William Faithorne, around 1690 (top left); John Wilkins (top right); and Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, built by Francis Willughby’s great-grandfather, Sir Francis Willoughby
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First published in Great Britain 2018
Copyright © Tim Birkhead, 2018
Maps by Martin Lubikowski
Family tree and diagrams by Phillip Beresford
Tim Birkhead has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work
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ISBN: HB: 978-1-4088-7848-4; EPUB: 978-1-4088-7850-7
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