The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 12

by Tamicka Higgins

  Twenty minutes later, Desirae was pulling up at the same library she’d sat inside of the day before. She parked her car, went inside, and smiled when she just so happened to find the very same computer open. It was upstairs and in a back corner of the library in an area without a lot of people. Even in a public place, she needed a little bit of privacy. Desirae sat down and, just like yesterday, began her search for open job positions in and around the city.

  Around 5 o’clock, Desirae’s phone vibrated against the surface of the gray computer table. She looked at the lit screen and saw that a text message had arrived from D’Mann. She quickly picked up her phone and read the message: WYD

  Desirae: At the library. You?

  D’Mann: Work. Ready to get off and go make this money later on tonight. What you got up for later on?

  Desirae: Just library, looking for a job.

  D’Mann: Yeah.

  Desirae sat her phone down and went back to scouring the internet for jobs that were a step above McDonald’s. Thirty minutes later, her attention was pulled toward the library steps by the sound of swishing pants. As the person came closer to her, she could see that it was D’Mann. Desirae looked him up and down, loving how he walked so confidently. He held the waist of his black uniform pants as he stepped up to the cluster of computers.

  “Excuse me,” D’Mann said, trying to sound professional. “I was wondering if you could point me to the Harry Potter books and Dr. Seuss.”

  Desirae giggled. “I didn’t know you read books,” she said.

  D’Mann smiled. “I don’t,” he said. “They just good places to hide shit when niggas rob your house. You know they don’t ever look in books.”

  The two of them laughed as D’Mann pulled up a chair and sat down next to Desirae.

  “How’s the job search goin’?” D’Mann asked.

  Desirae sighed. “I mean,” she said, trying to think of how to explain it. “I’m puttin’ in applications and stuff. I got a resume I cleaned up a little bit with the help of my mama, and I been submittin’ it. It’s only been a couple of days, so we’ll see.”

  D’Mann shook his head.

  “What you shakin’ your head like that for?” Desirae asked.

  “Nothin’,” D’Mann answered. “Well, I guess I’m just thinkin’ about how you shouldn’t even have to be doin’ this stuff. That nigga who got you pregnant with them twins should be takin’ care of you. If you was the mother of my child, I wouldn’t dare have you out there beggin’ people for jobs.”

  “Well,” Desirae said, shrugging. “I get child support from him, and he help me out with buyin’ stuff when I need it, so I guess I can’t complain.”

  “Shit,” D’Mann said, leaning back. “So what? What the fuck that supposed to mean? He still should be takin’ care of you so you can be the best mother you can. I don’t even know the nigga, and I already ain’t even likin’ his ass.”

  Desirae shook her head thinking about how Tron had tried to push up on her in her mother’s kitchen. The difference between Tron and D’Mann was becoming very clear to Desirae. Tron just wanted her for sex. She was just an ass that he could hold onto and throw away after he’d came. D’Mann, on the other hand, really got into her character. He talked to her as if she was a person with feelings and real thoughts. Desirae couldn’t help but quickly warm up to D’Mann.

  “You wanna go downtown?” D’Mann asked.

  “Downtown and do what?” Desirae asked.

  “Shit,” D’Mann said, shrugging. “We can go walkin’ at the park or somethin’. I been inside all day, since a nigga got to work this mornin’. I fuckin’ hate that I gotta work that job so the cops ain’t breathin’ down my neck and shit. C’mon.” He stood up. “I’ll bring you back down here to your car in a little bit. I got a few hours to kill before I gotta go meet up with my cousin and get this weight he just got here with. I was gon’ go home and just chill, but since you nearby, I figured I’d ask you if you wanna go. I’m so lonely.” He made his sad face. “Don’t make me go be lonely.”

  Desirae laughed, putting her hand over her mouth as she realized she was in a library. She playfully slapped D’Mann’s thigh. “Boy, calm down,” Desirae said. “You be doin’ the most. Let me just finish up with this one job application, and I’ll go with you.”

  “Yay,” D’Mann said.

  Desirae quickly finished up with filling out her information then the two of them walked out into the parking lot. Desirae felt renewed and refreshed as she climbed into D’Mann’s SUV. The way he held her when they walked out into the parking lot was nothing short of being a true gentleman. She was even more-so delighted to see him open her car door for her.

  D’Mann drove downtown and parked on White River State Parkway, just west of downtown. A long, green park stretched along the White River. D’Mann escorted Desirae over to the trail and the two of them walked. The skyline glittered in the slowly darkening evening sky. D’Mann and Desirae walked side by side.

  “So, why you so quiet?” D’Mann asked. “You was talkin’ to a nigga a lot more than this yesterday if I remember correctly.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Desirae said. “I just got a lot on my mind. Today been one of them days, I swear it has. I just can’t believe the level of disrespect that can come from some of these niggas out here. The shit is just unreal.”

  “Somebody disrespected you today?” D’Mann asked. “What you talkin’ bout?”

  “Well, I shouldn’t say disrespected me,” Desirae said. “But you can tell that some niggas…some niggas just see me as somethin’ to fuck. I swear, sometimes the price I gotta pay for bein’ so pretty and havin’ this body is just too much.”

  D’Mann’s eyes angled down to Desirae’s ass. He shook his head as he looked at how far it stuck out of her body. He then looked up and into her face, feeling sorry that she had to go through so much.

  “Some nigga you used to mess around with try’na get back with you and just fuck you or somethin’?” D’Mann asked.

  “Sort of,” Desirae said. “Well, two dudes I know. One even tried to offer me some fuckin’ money. I ain’t no fuckin’ prostitute.”

  “Wait a minute,” D’Mann said. “The nigga tried to offer you money for some pussy. I hope you ain’t take that shit.”

  Desirae looked up at D’Mann. “Of course I ain’t take that shit,” she lied. “I told that nigga I ain’t no hoe, and that he could have a good day.”

  “Yeah, I feel for you,” D’Mann said. “I ain’t gon’ lie, though. I been a little nervous about this shit.”

  “Nervous about what?” Desirae asked. “What you got to be nervous about?”

  “You,” D’Mann said. “I mean, not you, but just chillin’ with some chick I just met in general. I done ran into a couple of crazy chicks…girls that I wish I’d never met.”

  “Oh God,” Desirae said. She stopped right there on the trail and looked at D’Mann. “Please don’t tell me that you got some crazy ex-girlfriend or some shit that I need to be watchin’ out for.”

  “Naw,” D’Mann said. “I mean, the bitch is crazy, but you ain’t gotta watch out for her. I’m just really guarded right now because of what I had to deal with cause of that chick.”

  “If you don’t mind me askin’, what she do to really have you scarred and stuff?” Desirae asked.

  D’Mann paused as he gently grabbed Desirae by the arm, and they continued walking down the trail. “Like two years ago, right before I had my daughter,” D’Mann explained, “this chick basically wanted me to give her money and buy her stuff. When I told the bitch to fuck off and that I wasn’t gonna do no shit like that, she went to the police and told them that I raped her.”

  “What?” Desirae asked, surprised. “You not serious are you?”

  “Yeah,” D’Mann said. “Cops came wakin’ me up out my sleep and everything. Turned out the shit is false. I ain’t never raped no chick in my life and never would. Ever since then, I only date a certain type. They gotta give me
the right vibe for me to even take the risk.”

  “I feel you on that,” Desirae said. “Some chicks really are crazy. I got a cousin whose nigga be lookin’ at me too hard, and now I can tell that she mad at me.”

  “Yeah,” D’Mann said. “She just mad that you beautiful with a body like that.”

  “Oh, so all you see is my body, too, huh?” Desirae asked, sounding defensive.

  D’Mann grabbed Desirae by her waist. “Don’t you start that stuff,” he said. “If you really wanna know the truth, you gotta think about how we met. When you came through the drive-thru, I really couldn’t see your body like that. All I could see was your face and listen to the way you talked.”

  “Awe,” Desirae said, in her sweet voice. “Ain’t you so nice.”

  D’Mann chuckled. “Well, I try to be.”

  D’Mann and Desirae walked down the trail a little while longer before D’Mann stopped. “I got this blunt back at the house,” he said. “If you got time, we roll over there and smoke it if you want.”

  Desirae agreed. The two of them walked back to D’Mann’s parked truck. Ten minutes later, they were pulling up to D’Mann’s place and headed inside. Inside, Desirae felt at home once again. She was so impressed with how clean and neat D’Mann’s place was, especially since he was a man. Desirae sat down onto the couch as D’Mann walked into another room and reappeared with a blunt.

  “Here,” D’Mann said, handing the blunt to Desirae.

  They passed the blunt back and forth to one another. Their eyes slowly reddened as they talked on and on about issues with Desirae’s sons’ father and the problems that D’Mann had been having with the mother of his daughter.

  “Yeah, life is fuckin’ tough,” D’Mann said. He couldn’t help but to look down at how Desirae’s ass basically spilled out from underneath her. “I hate that them niggas be treatin’ you that way. I felt kinda guilty about yesterday, though, I can’t lie.”

  “Guilty?” Desirae said. “For what?”

  D’Mann motioned toward the kitchen. “About what happened in there,” he said.

  Desirae place her hand on D’Mann thigh and rubbed up and down. “You ain’t have to feel guilty,” she said. “Trust me, I ain’t do nothin’ that I ain’t wanna do yesterday in there. I woulda did more.”

  “Oh, yeah?” D’Mann said, smiling. Desirae instantly picked up on what he was suggesting, seeing how his eyes continued to glance down at his crotch. “Is that right?”

  Desirae handed the blunt to D’Mann as she slid off of the couch and down onto her knees, all the while never breaking eye contact. “Hmm, hmm,” she said, nodding.

  Knowing what was about to happen, D’Mann leaned back into the couch and enjoyed the feeling of the fire weed he was smoking, and how it was really going to his head. “This shit fire,” he said.

  Moving quietly, Desirae used her knees to position herself between D’Mann’s legs. With an arch in her back and her ass up in the air, toward the middle of the living room, Desirae unfastened D’Mann’s pants then undid his zipper. He eventually lifted up, allowing Desirae to pull his pants and underwear down to his ankles. When she looked up at his manhood, having heard it thump against his lower stomach, she reached up and wrapped her hands around it. She looked into D’Mann’s eyes.

  “Yeah, nigga,” Desirae said. “I ain’t do nothin’ I ain’t wanna do.”

  Desirae gripped the base of D’Mann’s fat, veiny dick as she took it into her mouth. A groan slipped out of D’Mann’s mouth, followed by a couple of curse words. “Shit, your throat feel like silk,” he said. The slurping noises that Desirae made filled the quiet room. D’Mann, as a gesture of encouragement, placed the palm of his hand on Desirae’s head and pushed her further down on his dick. She gagged.

  “There you go,” D’Mann said, looking down at Desirae as she tried to take as much of him into her mouth as was humanly possible. “Suck that dick. There you go. Just suck that dick.”

  Desirae went nonstop for the next twenty minutes before D’Mann was pulling her head up out of his lap. “Stop,” he said. “Hold up.” He reached over her back and slapped each of her ass cheeks a couple of times, saying how unbelievably fat she was in the back. “A nigga gotta get in that pussy. A nigga got to.”

  D’Mann gently moved Desirae out of the way and stood up. Holding the waist of his pants, he waddled into the kitchen. When he returned, Desirae saw a golden-colored XL magnum condom wrapper in his hand. He looked at Desirae and smiled. “Put that head up on the couch for a nigga, okay,” he told her.

  Smiling, Desirae did just as she was told. She inched forward until her chest was flat against the seat of the couch, and her ass was arched up in the air. D’Mann walked behind her as he ripped the condom wrapper open and stretched the condom to get it over the head of his dick.

  “Goddamn you got a big ass,” D’Mann said. “A nigga is about to tear this shit up.”

  A squeal slipped out of Desirae’s mouth when she felt D’Mann push his way into her insides. “Fuck, nigga!” she exclaimed, squirming as she felt herself stretch. “This dick is so thick.”

  “Hmm, hmm,” D’Mann said, gripping her waist. “I’m ‘bout to stretch this pussy out. Just be quiet and keep that ass up in the air.”

  D’Mann slowly worked himself into Desirae, feeling motivated by the moans of pleasure that slipped out of her mouth. Once he’d gotten balls deep into her pussy, he slid his right hand up her back and gripped the back side of her neck. The moment Desirae was officially held into place, under the strong arm and grip of D’Mann, he pounded her as if there were no tomorrow. His dick throbbed inside of her from just the sight of her bouncing ass cheeks.

  “Throw it back for a nigga,” D’Mann told her.

  Desirae, who was so gone that she could barely think, could only do as she’d been told. She looked back at D’Mann’s bulging muscles as she pushed her ass into his body in a slow, grinding rhythm. D’Mann dropped his arms to the side and looked down, slapping her ass cheeks every few seconds.

  “I can’t take this shit no more,” D’Mann said five minutes later. “I’m bout to beat this pussy up.”

  Before Desirae could really process what he’d said, she felt herself being pinned down to the couch. Even if she wanted to move, she would have been powerless to even try. With all of his force, D’Mann pressed Desirae’s chest into the couch as he stroked into her as fast and hard as he could, showing no mercy.

  “Fuckkkk!” D’Mann exclaimed. “A nigga is about to bust! A nigga is about to bust!”

  “Fuck this pussy!” Desirae told him.

  Into his stroke, D’Mann gripped Desirae’s waist again, just above her ass cheeks. He went as hard and fast as he could, loving the way Desirae’s body flailed about; loving the way she encouraged him. This was the first chick he’d gotten with in a while who could take all of his dick without complaining that she was hurting.

  D’Mann tensed up and let go, wiping the sweat away from his face. He slapped Desirae’s ass as hard as he could one last time before pulling out of her and standing up. “Fuck,” he said, beads of sweat rolling down his body. “Damn you got some good pussy, girl. Shit!”

  Desirae quickly leaned up and turned around. In the flash of a second, she’d grabbed D’Mann’s dick by the base and was sucking on it again. She’d never put a man’s dick into her mouth just after it had come out of her pussy. However, D’Mann was different. He showed that he was interested in her even when she didn’t look her best. She sucked D’Mann’s heavy, deflating dick until he just couldn’t take anymore.

  “Damn, my insides,” Desirae said. She rubbed her stomach as she lifted herself up onto D’Mann’s couch.

  D’Mann snickered. “Shit,” he said. “That was nothin’. Just wait till a nigga got a little time. I'mma go balls deep in that pussy for hours, when you can get away from them babies, that is.”

  “I bet,” Desirae said. Based on the quickie D’Mann had just given her, there was no doubt in her mi
nd that he could really go hard if they’d had the time.

  “Bet nothing,” D’Mann said, pulling his pants up. “Wait till I get that ass in the California King upstairs. You don’t know what a nigga gon’ do to you then.”

  “California King!” Desirae said. “That’s a big ass bed.”

  D’Mann looked down at his dick then at Desirae, smiling. He then began to move his hips, causing the head of his dick to slap against his thighs. “Well, a big boy need a big bed,” he said. “Don’t you think?”

  Desirae lounged back into D’Mann’s couch, reminiscing more of the days when she’d had an apartment of her own. She missed laying back on her couch, thinking, plotting, and whatnot, as she felt so comfortable in her robe. However, thinking about this only caused her to need to push aside the horrible memories of Saturday – the specific part of the memory when she felt her robe being snatched away from her body in broad daylight.

  D’Mann slumped into the couch next to Desirae as the two of them carried a conversation together. There was something about D’Mann that brought a smile to Desirae’s face. It was as if he were actually genuine and not one-dimensional. The same, however, in Desirae’s eyes, could not be said about Tron. As the months went on, Desirae had quickly seen his true colors. There were moments where she’d think about the difference in his attitude now versus when he couldn’t wait to stop by, when his girlfriend Shawna wasn’t breathing down his neck, of course. Nonetheless, D’Mann also seemed like just a cool dude. Desirae had only known him for a couple of days. With how they carried on, and how it came so naturally, a stranger passing them on the street would have thought they’d known one another for years.

  “Yeah,” Desirae said, in response to a comment D’Mann made about Donald Trump. “We’ll see what happens, I guess. I mean, what can we really do about it?”


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