The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 35

by Tamicka Higgins

  Makayla kissed his neck before she started asking her questions.

  “So, baby. How you feelin’?”

  He looked over at her and rubbed on her legs.

  “I’m feelin real nice, baby. Yo pussy is on that next level typa shit. We definitely need to hang out more, aight?”

  “Yeah, baby, you tell me when!” She waited a few more moments and watched him become nice and sedated.

  “Baby, didn’t you say you was lookin fo’ homegirl?”

  Makayla perked at the mention of his question, surprised that he remembered.

  “Mhm, I don’t know where she is at,” she pouted and kissed him on the cheek.

  He looked conflicted and Makayla caught that from him. Maybe this was her big break?

  “Baby, I can’t say shit cause I honestly don’t know much about it. I wasn’t told much, but I was told I couldn’t say shit if I did. I’m sorry, ma. I really am.”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me. Where the fuck is Devyn? I know yo ass knows some typa information, and yo ass was told not to do shit.”

  He put down the bottle violently and shot her a mean ass look, looking like she crossed the line, and he was about to blow up on her. He just shook his head before laying back down.

  “You’s a feisty lil bitch. I like that, but baby I can’t say shit, not right now. Yeah, I ain’t gone lie, I know a lil something, but I ain’t gonna tell you baby.”

  Makayla clenched her teeth. “Fucking, pig.”

  She got off the bed and got dressed before she headed back out to her car. She was upset that she put in all that effort just for her to hit a dead end. Makayla wasn’t going to give up though. She was disgusted with herself, sure, but there was no shame in what she did. She loved her best friend to the ends of the world and if it meant putting herself out there to get to her, she was willing to do it. Makayla thought positively about what just had happened, knowing there was still hope.

  Makayla started up her car and headed back to her house. She couldn’t help but shed a few tears, not for herself, but for her best friend who was probably dead. As much as she wanted to disregard the note, she had a feeling that Marcus may have done what he said and that was what killed her. She started to sob at the thought of her best friend being dead and wished so much that wouldn’t be true. Knowing Marcus though, he was a man of his word. He never really said when he was going to do it but just told her to consider her dead. Makayla was confused in that aspect and in a sense it made her believe that there really was a chance that her best friend was still alive and kicking somewhere. All she knew was she needed to act fast and get to her as soon as she could. Whether that meant finding Devyn dead or alive, she didn’t know. She just hoped that she would be able to save Devyn while she was alive.

  Chapter 14:

  Marcus and Tre were out in his living room drinking while Devyn sat in her room. They were both pretty wasted and had nothing better to do than to talk about what their next moves were.

  Marcus was zoning and didn’t realize that he was yelling when spoke. “Tre, I’ma fucking kill her. I can’t stand the fact that she fucking did that to me and my child. I am beyond heated.”

  “Marcus, bro, lower yo damn voice. You loud as a mother fucker. You keep sayin yo ass is going to murk her, but ol’ girl is still sitting in that damn room. You fucking let her have food and a shower, yet you keep sayin you wanna kill her. Bro, you still got feels for lil mama or what? I’m just observin the shit you be doin, and it's making absolutely no sense. You gone kill her? Stop speakin and put actions to them lil words of yours, shit is real life irritating as fuck.”

  Marcus looked at him and realized what he was saying was pretty damn true. He really wanted to kill the bitch, or maybe he didn’t. He supposed that beating the shit out of her sufficed for the time being. There was just something about her that kept him from beating her to shits. Tre provoked him though and made him realize that he really needed to do what he said he was going to do or stop complaining.

  “You know what, Tre? You a real nigga for that, for real. Anyway, I’ll deal with her later. We need to talk bout murking her lil bro cause lil nigga was the ignorant punk who did the hit. Whatchu got fo my drunk ass?”

  Tre let out a loud laugh before he hobbled towards the table, pulling a file off of it before heading back to where they were sitting. He tried to keep it together as he shuffled through the important papers.

  “Aight, so lil nigga is still in jail, but he may be getting out pretty soon. I got this info from some of them crooked ass cops who we deal wit, and they said they just didn’t know when they were planning on releasing him. I be guessin we got time. It just depends on you man.”

  Marcus nodded at the information. The alcohol was prohibiting him from thinking as clearly as he probably should have been.

  “We got a couple of our niggas out in that jail who can carry the deed for this and not get they hands dirty, I know fo sure there is a way to get round that. Anotha option we got is we can have someone stake out them boys when they go outside and have someone kill em from a distance, you know, rain them niggas with bullets. Wait, shit, maybe that ain’t the brightest of ideas but it's an idea, don’t judge me. Anyway. But that be the plan for if we plan on killin lil nigga inside the jail. If he gets out soon, we can always do somethin extra special and have fun with that shit. Who the fuck knows.”

  Tre just nodded and somewhat took in what Marcus was saying. Maybe talking under any type of influence wasn’t the greatest of ideas.

  “Wait,” Marcus said. He held a finger up in the air as if he had gotten a really great idea.

  “Speaking of lil mama, she mentioned some shit about wantin to kill her own brother too! Maybe we can get her to kill him? But that wouldn’t be fun cause like I wanna be the one to see lil nigga die for killin my lil nigga.”

  Chapter 15:

  “I’m really, really fucking sick of being here. I really fucking am. I’m going to fucking lose my goddamn mind in the motherfucker,” Devyn said, as she paced back in forth in the dark room.

  She was feeling a lot better, now that her body had time to rest up a bit. It had been some time since she had seen Marcus, which was a good thing, it meant that he wasn’t there to kill her for whatever reason. She thought maybe he was being hesitant in his decision and in a way she was thankful for that. Maybe there was a chance that she would make it out alive. He never came back unless it was to drop a bag of supplies for her. She also thought that was weird. If he wanted her dead, why was he being so generous? Was there a motive behind all of this?

  Again, Devyn ran herself crazy thinking of all the possibilities. She should have known by now that he was one to constantly change his mind, and that he liked to be in control of the situation. The result of what he would conclude in doing with her was ultimately up to him. As much as she thought of all the possibilities, there was no point in even trying. The only thing she could do was wait.

  Click Click.

  Devyn sat on the bed as she watched Marcus walk into her room.

  Speak of the Devil and he shall appear? she thought, giggling to herself as she thought about her funny reference. The guy really was some type of demon.

  He was drunk again, but it seemed like he had some type of handle on himself. She drew that conclusion just based off how he actually walked in the room versus stumbling all over the damn place.

  “What, Marcus? Why have you graced my presence?”

  “Bitch? Was that some sarcasm? Shut the hell up.”

  Devyn rolled her eyes and watched him charge at her. He put his hands around her neck and started to choke her. He let go of her after only holding her for a second. Devyn gasped for air and gathered herself as she rubbed her neck, annoyed.

  “Hi to you too, motherfucker. What the fuck do you want? I’ve been in here for who knows how fucking long, and I am for real ready to get the fuck up out of here. I have shit I have to tend to.”

  Marcus pursed his lips at her and loo
ked at her in disgust.

  “What the hell does yo lil ass need to fucking do? Yo ass ain’t going no fucking where, long as I’m alive.”

  Devyn was beyond annoyed and didn’t give a fuck about what was about to come out of her mouth next.

  “Oh, then guess we gone have to change that up real quick then, huh? So you mean all I gotta do is murk yo punk ass, and then I can get the fuck up out of here? Damn, so I get to kill you before you kill me? Ain’t that some shit. Come on lil nigga, do something. I’m real tired of fucking being here. If you gone kill me, then fucking do it! If not, then move the fuck aside. I got some real shit I need to fucking take care of!”

  Devyn unfortunately got what she wished for. She really didn’t care about what she had just said, and she was really about to get what was coming to her. She was over being in that dark room. She no longer wanted to be in his control, even if he were to pummel her to death. She still had control over the fact that she was the one who intentionally agitated him enough for him to do such a thing. It was an oddly satisfying feeling.

  Marcus looked like he saw nothing but black as he charged at her and wrapped one hand around her neck as he went to beating on her. He grabbed her by her weave and shoved her against the wall. He then continued his assault on her, and this time he pushed his limits. Devyn was near death for real this time, and she really thought she was seeing that light again with her mother and child waiting for her. She was ready. She knew she had a task at hand, to kill her brother for doing what he did, but she was trapped. She purposely made Marcus mad, to the point of no return so that she could put herself out of her own misery. She was ready to move on and move out. Was she being selfish? Probably, but Devyn didn’t care. She justified that she already put herself out there, and that she did her part of the bargain. It was time for her to just let it go.

  Again, she was numb all over and her pain receptors were shot. She just laid on the floor and waited. It wasn’t too long until he stopped and left her there basically to die. He exhaled deeply as he looked down on her. His previous mean, angry, and cold face seemed to slightly drop to a caring and somewhat remorseful face. It was weird for her to see it, and it seemed like he saw her see his face because he quickly looked away from her and dashed from the room.

  Devyn was alone again, but this time it was probably the last time she was going to breathe again. She had got her wish. The light didn’t seem too far away this time. She was going home with her momma and her baby, and she was finally going to be happy. Devyn laid peacefully on the ground and took a couple of deep breaths as she looked up into the endless darkness that was her ceiling. She waited there, hoping that she would just move on into the next life, she was already suffering.

  Chapter 16:

  Marcus was seen rolling down the streets. He was heading over to his main patna, Tre’s house. He was all sobered up and pissed off, running on nothing but pure anger and adrenaline. He was pissed off about what he had done to Devyn but knew that the girl pushed him too far. It was something he was well known for, pushing the limit and losing his shit on all the wrong people. He sat there as he drove, thinking about the fact that he had kept her captive for so long and his original intention was to kill the girl after he finally got her alone. She had been petty, and it was wrong for her to hide that type of shit from him. That wasn’t just her kid, it was his too. He felt beyond betrayed, and the fact that he beat the shit out of her not too long ago was completely justifiable. She said some real unnecessary shit that definitely didn’t need to be said, such as the shit she pulled with challenging him. It was all bad. He definitely didn’t like being told what to do. He was the man. That was his job to boss around everyone else and have them obey what he wanted. That was honestly the trigger. That was the shit that made him go off and see black, causing to beat the poor girl like she was some other nigga. He had hit her before in their relationship, but he found that to be normal, and she never really was one to argue about it until the day he became way too aggressive, forcing her to move on out.

  While his mind was running a mile a minute, he turned down the street and up into Tre’s driveway. He cut the engine of his all black Masi and headed inside the house, letting himself in.

  “What up?” Tre said as he called from the kitchen.

  Marcus just angrily marched inside and paced the area. He was upset and seemed conflicted about what had just gone on, but Tre couldn’t quite understand what or why. He just approached him slowly and stood by him, waiting for him to answer his question.

  “I fucking beat the shit out of her, that’s what is up, and I feel like a motherfucking punk for it. Kind of. You ain’t understand, Tre. She called me out and made me feel like some punk so I let the bitch have it. I fucking pummelled her pretty little face and petite little body, and it was all justifiable, I swear it is. We need to figure out what we are going to fucking do about her brother though, aight? Come on, we need to get more info on dude. I want him dead before she can get to him.”

  Tre stopped him right there and looked at him with a confused face.

  “Wait. Whatchu mean before she can get to him? Nigga, I thought I told yo ass to kill the bitch?”

  Marcus looked at him with the same confused face that Tre was giving him.

  “I-I. Shit, bro I beat the shit out of her. I’m sure she is probably dead by now. I left the bitch for dead. I beat her up and then left her there on the floor. She stared up at me and was breathing kind of funny, but I’m sure she gone die. Let’s change the subject now. On to the killing of her damn brother! I want him dead now!”

  Tre was shaken up and confused by Marcus’ abruptness. He had never seen the dude so frantic like that. He had seen him be angry and belligerent, but never saw him act so odd before. It was weird to watch, but he knew not to press more on the subject. He knew that if he were to have continued questioning the dude, he would have seen the ugly and angry side of Marcus that he preferred to avoid at all costs.

  “Alright, so it’s confirmed that lil nigga is getting out pretty soon, so if you wanna wait, we can get a few dudes around to keep a good eye on him and watch him. It will be harder to get someone to kill him at the jail, so you won’t have to worry about ol’ girl coming from the dead and making some plan to kill dude in his own cell or in the jail in general. So, whatchu think? That way, you and I can actually sit down and think about all of this and actually get this shit right. You seem hella ready to body lil dude but yo ass needs to remember that you need a plan, aight? Quit actin on impulse. You dumb eager ass is known to act on nerves. Shit.”

  Marcus calmed down and agreed to do whatever Tre suggested was best. He knew his patna knew what he was talking about, and he knew that was why he needed him in his life, to keep him in order.

  “Sounds good to me. Aight then, we can sit and start talkin bout this shit. I want us to be right there when lil nigga gets out so we can watch him from the jump. I will be the one to kill dude.”

  Chapter 12:

  Makayla was damn near about to have a heart attack when she thought she had a good lead. She had spent the past couple of days trying to gain some intel on the whereabouts of her best friend. This time, she didn’t use her body to get what she needed. She just did some snooping work, walking around, asking questions, and using her brain for once. Makayla was for real determined to find her best friend. In order to get the information she obtained, she charmed a lot of the Royal’s men and found a couple of them who weren’t too loyal to Marcus. It was probably a bad thing that these dudes weren’t loyal to Marcus as they should have been, but it was good news for her. She knew they would be dealt with eventually but, for now, the only thing that mattered was that she had something to go on to find Devyn. Not that was any of her business anyway. That was his deal for bringing on some dumbass niggas who would take what they knew and use it against him. Makayla knew she had to do whatever it took, even if it meant putting her membership in the gang on the line. If one of the guys were to have repo
rted her, she honestly would not have cared. To her, this was a serious mission to save someone who meant the world to her. To Makayla, it was operation find and rescue Dev.

  She hopped into her car and drove around the city, trying to find the places she listed on her paper. She was in full-fledged panic mode and knew that she really could not waste anymore time because her best friend was in serious danger. She didn’t like going days, let alone minutes not knowing where her best friend was. They basically did everything together so it felt like her other half was missing. Makayla was losing her mind over all the information she had gathered and needed a minute to recalculate and breath.

  Based on what she was able to gather, she was able to confirm that Devyn was locked up in a room at one of Marcus’s houses. This also alerted her. If he trapped her in a room, was she able to get her shower or food? Makayla frowned at the thought of her best friend starving. Devyn was already super fit and didn’t need to worry about watching her weight so her suffering from a food deficit would put her in a dangerous situation. It was a big possibility that Devyn was all small and frail. The mental image of her best friend in that state was enough to make Makayla mad. She shook away the thought and wanted to stay positive. It wasn’t too hard to figure out where the houses were because she knew where some of them were based on experience of being there with other fellow Royals. She just figured that it was best to pick a couple of the ones that weren’t so far apart from one another. He had a habit of buying property in all parts of the city, so this wasn’t going to be much of an easy task of locating which ones were more likely to house the precious girl.


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