The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 42

by Tamicka Higgins

  It was hard for me to put all my emotions into words. I couldn’t bear to say that my brother was dead, but I had to convey it to them. I had to say it. Momma must have known something was up ‘cause she stood up and it looked like she was going to start crying.

  “He..He.. Kairee, Kairee…K-Kairee is dead.”

  All the emotions I was holding back came out all at once and overwhelmed me. I started to scream and shout but only for a moment. I became weak and fell to my knees, folding forward like I was in a child’s pose. I just wept and wept. A piece of me died and I just didn’t know what to do or how to feel.

  Momma wailed. She wailed her way next to me and pulled me into her arms. I knew Momma loved Kairee. She never treated him differently, despite the fact that he wasn’t even her biological child. So I knew Momma was hurtin’. I couldn’t even tell you what anyone else was doing, I was too stuck in my feels. I blamed myself for leaving Kairee alone. It was my fault. They waited and watched me leave, whoever these motherfuckers were. They waited. I should have been there to protect Kairee. I should have been there. I have no one else to pin this on but myself. If I was out there, they wouldn’t have messed with him and would have killed me instead.

  This was all my fault. This meant war.

  Chapter 13


  “That sounds about right,” I mumbled as I chewed on the eraser of my pencil. That was such a bad habit that I carried from my middle school days. That and the thumb chewing, but I only do that when I am beyond stressed out. Today wasn’t as bad.

  I closed up the file I had been working on and sat back in my chair. I, for once, was satisfied with the work I had done for Travis. The other couple missions were a mess and one of them was just so devastating. That one took me a while to get over because I knew I had made a huge mistake, and I had a feeling it was going to follow me for the rest of my life. But like Travis always told me, mistakes are made to make you realize that not everyone is perfect and that life was just one big lesson. Wise words coming from someone who is high almost all the time and who runs a damn drug cartel. I’ll admit, I was feelin’ pretty good about this file. Travis said this one was special to him ‘cause it was a plan for the future. Apparently this assassination was meant for someone he wanted to kill later down the line. I mean, I still don’t know who this person is, he just made me track someone he was close to. Travis said he would release his name later. He claimed I wasn’t ready to find out who he was. Like nigga, I don’t care who this guy is ‘cause he prolly ain’t relevant to my life nor will he ever be. All I know is, I was willing to do whatever so that Travis could progress and so I could get this guap.

  Bzzz, Bzzz.

  Damn, Travis was calling me already? Did he want me to start another file? Daaaamn, I just finished this one. I skipped lunch in order to finish this shit and he was out here about to demand more? All right.

  I looked at my phone and realized it wasn’t Travis, it was Kaleo. I haven’t heard from him in a couple of days, I figured he was busy having a good time with his family. They were a good bunch and I didn’t blame him. This semester was tough and if my family was as good as his, shit, I would have taken advantage of spending time with them too.

  “Hello?” I said as I sunk deeper into my chair, making myself comfortable.

  “I need to see you.”

  Well damn, that was abrupt. I wanted to see him too, but I ain’t ever heard him talk to me like that before. His tone was off too, sounded like he wasn’t having a good time.

  “Kaleo, what’s the matter?”

  “I guess you ain’t heard, huh? Kairee. He’s dead. Someone thought it would be real sweet to follow him when he went to see baby moms and kill him in front of her and his daughter. I found out that my bro had presents and he was trying to do his best to make shit better with her, but niggas thought that shit was funny. I found out so much shit, Tangie. I’m heated. I’m ready to murder.”

  My heart sunk and I almost didn’t know what to say. No, I actually really didn’t know what to say. He loved Kairee and that was his fucking brother. I felt so bad.

  “Damn, Kaleo. I… I don’t know what to say. I—”

  “Don’t say anything. I didn’t ask for your input, not yet at least. I just need company. Not just any company, I want you. I just landed not too long ago and I’m about to grab my shit and head back to my house. It won’t take me too long. Can you meet me there?”

  “Definitely, I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, babe. There is a key under the plant just go ahead and let yourself in if you want. Or you can wait for me. I really don’t care. Just go.”


  I clenched onto my phone and fought back tears. I never heard him like that and it hurt me. I really needed to be there for him and I needed to go now. I closed up the rest of the files and locked them away before I grabbed my keys and headed out to his place.


  I made it over to Kaleo’s place and decided I would wait for him to get there instead of going in myself. He didn’t take too long; I only waited like ten minutes. I watched him pull into the driveway and step out from his car.

  I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him, holding back my tears so that I could be strong for him. Last thing he needed was seeing his girl falling apart, too. This wasn't about me, it was about him. He broke down though, which actually made it even harder for me to hold back my own tears. I managed but I had to literally look away from him.

  “Tangie… I'm so mad… I'm so hurt… I'm so confused… I don't know how to feel or how to act. I feel empty. The only thing that feels right would be to kill someone—retaliation for taking away something I valued most, my brother.”

  He looked at me and shook his head, wiping away his tears like he was ashamed to cry.

  “Hey, don't be ashamed to cry. I wish I could tell you I totally understand but baby I don’t. What I can do is be here for you so that's what Ima do. Come on.”

  I kissed him on his lips and took his hand into mine, leading him to the front door. He handed me the key and I opened the door, tugging at his hand to bring him inside.

  He sat on the couch as I went to fetch him some water. When I came back, I handed him the glass and sat right beside him. He sipped on the water and placed his face into his hands, sighing heavily before looking up at me. I frowned at him. It killed me to see him looking so tired. He looked like he hadn't slept in years and like he had been drinking away his worries. I didn't blame him, he did just lose his brother and in the worst way.

  Just as I was about to say something to try to make this a little better, he grabbed my hands and brought his face close to mine. He had a cold and blank stare on his face so I didn't know what to expect. But then, he placed his lips gently against mine and kissed me before pulling back and just staring at me again. He gave my hands a nice tight squeeze before he started to talk.

  “Tangie, I really do care for you. I value your life and I just wanted to let you know how much I really love you. I promise I won't leave your side. I know we supposed to just be seeing how things go, but I don't know if I can do that. I don't know how much longer I have with you and I ain't ready to risk that. Tangie, I love you.”

  I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, they just flowed and it was an uncontrollable flood. I never had anyone tell me how much they loved me like he had just done. It meant a lot to me. He pulled me into a tight embrace and we just sat there for a while. I really wanted this to be more than seeing where it could lead, maybe I did really love him.

  Buzz, buzz.

  Ugh, I was so sick of cell phones. I swear if that was my phone, I was about to chuck the motherfucker out the window for ruining my moment with Kaleo.

  I saw him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. Guess that meant it wasn't mine.

  “What up, JB? Oh, you're coming over? Aight, catch you in a bit.”

  He hung up the phone and wrapped his arms around me again, gently kissing my forehead befo
re letting me go.

  “JB is coming to tell me more about what happened. Or rather about our plan of action. I don't need any more details, just who these damn people are and how we are going to murk every single one of them niggas for doing my brother dirty.”

  “Oh, want me to go? So you and JB can have your time to talk? I don't mind…”

  “No, just stay here. Please.”

  He took my hands into his again and gave them a nice, reassuring squeeze. That was enough for me. I was going to do whatever he wanted. I just sat by his side and leaned onto him while we waited for JB to come by. We sat there in silence, and I didn't mind it. It was actually soothing just to sit there in his embrace.

  Knock, knock.

  “Just come on in, bro.” Kaleo called as he ran his fingers through my hair.

  JB walked in and Kaleo stood to greet him. They stared at one another for a second before JB wrapped his arms around Kaleo and pulled him into a tight embrace. It was so sweet seeing them hug. I knew JB was just as mad as Kaleo, he just had a low-key way of showing it.

  They both took their seats and I waited for JB to say his piece.

  “I’m so pissed off. I can't believe they would do bro like that. I mean, damn, catch the nigga running a drop or something, not when he is about to see his baby moms and kid. That shit had me hella irritated. I'm still pissed,” JB said as he sat back in his chair.

  “I know, bro, I feel you. I'm ready to fucking kill. We need to find out who the hell did this. I need to know where the fuck they reside. I want them to fucking feel how pissed off I fucking am,” Kaleo said before pausing. His voice rose and he started to yell at that point. “I can't fucking sit here! I hate being alive. Why didn't they come and get me instead? This is a fucking real sick joke! JB, nigga, please tell me something good. I need something good, I need something. I'm about to rage!”

  “Bro, I got you. I already know where they at and who the fuck they are. I found out that shit when I talked to baby momma. She said she remembers one of them from seeing them around some bar or some shit. So I took her with me and we identified the dude. He was real life lurking, too, but she said that he was one of the gunmen. I confirmed that he was from the HAs.”

  My heart sank and a plague of anxiety swept over me. It must have been obvious on my face that I was freaking out ‘cause they both looked over at me and tilted their heads almost simultaneously.

  “You aight?” Kaleo said with those same cold eyes.

  “I am, my heart just sank ‘cause I'm already thinking many steps ahead…. Now that you know who these people are, I already know you're going to wanna go ahead and kill them. I just worry…”

  They both sighed and nodded. JB saw where I was going with this and Kaleo knew that I was right. Kaleo was ready to go out for blood.

  “But yeah, I know where they at,” JB continued, “We just need to devise a plan now is all.”

  “Aight, well, let's get to it,” Kaleo said as he stood up and stomped over to his office, JB followed suit, and I just sat there. Guess this was my cue to leave?

  Chapter 14


  I finally had the chance to calm the fuck down, well kind of. That night when JB told me about it, I was a wreck. Momma, Pops, and Kyle had to all carry me up to my room after I passed out. I don't even remember what happened then. I was so damn distraught. All I know is, the morning I woke up, I woke up knowing I was going to fucking murk whoever did this. I told Moms and Pops that I would handle this and find out everything and tell them later.

  I crumbled up my paper that I was just writing on and tossed it across the room.

  “Yo, how many trees are you going to fucking kill?” JB asked as he looked at my growing pile of paper. He took a seat across from my desk and sighed heavily before continuing, “Are you still planning it out?”

  “Yeah, nigga. I think I have a good idea of what I want. I want them dead now. I'm going tonight, better yet, I'm going to go now and kill the leader in his sleep and then I'll kill all the other niggas who lurk the building.”

  I bolted up and grabbed my AK-47 that was holstered up on the wall before I headed towards the door.

  JB stood in front of me and shook his head. That pissed me off even more and I tried to shove my way past dude but he wouldn't budge. I didn't understand, he was supposed to be for me, not fucking against me.

  “Damn nigga! Move the fuck out of my way! I got shit to do!”


  He then locked the door and leaned his big ass against it. I just tossed my gun aside and sat my ass back in my chair.

  “Kaleo, I know where your heart is, man, but where is your mind? Nigga, you are acting out on straight passion and you're not even thinking. Trust me, I'm with you, but we need to devise a better plan. Not saying days worth of this bullshit, but a couple of hours. We can move in on it tomorrow or something, but you need to use that big ass head of yours and come up with something smarter.”

  Shit. He was right. I was about to bust down them doors at their place and come in raging. Just me. They probably have hella other dudes up in that trap and they could have easily outnumbered me and killed me in a matter of seconds. Damn, I really was acting on nothing but straight passion.

  “Aight, give me your ideas, hot shot,” I said as I leaned back in my chair and stared at him, giving him the You-better-fucking-impress-me look.

  JB pushed himself off the door and sat across from me again, mimicking how I sat. Real funny.

  “Well, I say we keep your whole idea of going when they sleepin’, but you gotta remember, he may be asleep but not everyone else in that house is going to be knocked out. This ain't no damn orphanage and these kids ain't got a bed time, especially when money talks at night. How about tomorrow night, we go but we take a handful of our niggas and have them accompany us so it ain't just the two of our dumbasses getting shot at. We can maneuver through the damn place and find the leader like you did with Queen Bee. Sound better? Instead of having your tiny ass go alone.”

  It was a much better idea than I definitely had. I was just so pissed off and I thought I was invincible. Like I was on my own drug, trying to conquer the world. That whole PCP effect will def make a nigga think he's superman.

  “Hello? Come back to earth, nigga,” JB said, waving his hand in front of my face. “Is that a good idea or no?”

  I nodded and rolled my eyes with a smirk.

  “I'll call up some of our niggas and let them know what’s going on. Until then, you can just crash here if you want, sunshine. We are moving out tomorrow, you better be ready for war, my nigga.”

  Chapter 15


  I looked back at my little group of niggas. We were about fifteen strong and ready to kill some niggas. They were just as hyped as I was and that made me so happy. My blood was boiling as I stared down this nice ass house that sat before me. Here was where these dumbass HAs resided. I wanted them all dead and I wanted them to know that it was me who was here.

  “Aight, here we fucking go,” I said as I wrapped my hands tight around the pistols I held in both of my hands. My dudes followed close behind me, and JB stood right by my side. My heart was racing with anticipation and I wanted this to be over already.

  We crept up to the front door and let ourselves in, all crouching low until I saw some dude walking in the kitchen holding a plate of food. Aw, such an inconvenience, huh? That's how my brother fucking felt, too, bitch.

  One of my dudes fired off a couple rounds at him and I laughed as I saw him fall backwards and drop his plate of food. My laughter was immediately cut off by the sound of footsteps coming our way. I looked back at my dudes with a big ass smile on my face. “Go kill them now, everyone you see is considered one of them, so kill them all.”

  They all obeyed and disbanded. I heard shots fired back and forth between my guys and these HA goons. The sound of shots being fired soothed me and made me feel like I was actually doing something.

  JB stuck close
to me and served as my back up. He killed off a couple dudes while we made our way up the stairs. I was assuming this leader probably stayed up in the attic or upstairs somewhere in some lavish hoe cave. Whatever, I didn't care. He was as good as dead and that was all that mattered to me. I was in a bad head high and I felt like I owned this place. My arrogance got the best of me though ‘cause I didn't see this one nigga shooting at me. JB grabbed me and pulled me down, shaking me from my thoughts.

  “Yo, focus, aight? I know you happy we’re here but I need you to screw that little head of yours back on tight and focus on your task at hand.”

  JB nudged my head before standing up to retaliate and shoot at niggas. I smiled every time I heard the sound of someone’s body slam against the ground when gravity gave out on them. It was rewarding. It meant we possibly bodied a nigga that was involved in the killing of my beloved brother. I didn't care who died tonight, the fact that they was in this house was enough involvement for them to be served their death sentence. I swear I was high off this damn adrenaline. I wanted to kill everyone. I was just patiently waiting for my kill though. I was enjoying all of this so much, it was consuming me.


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