The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 49

by Tamicka Higgins

  Chloe followed me to the front of the church and sat in the same pew as me. We all chatted quietly until Pastor Kenny came out and cleared his throat to get our attention. We all looked up at him and waited for his cue. He looked towards the back of the church and nodded at the young nigga who was waiting for his signal. Once he did that he looked to the choir director and nodded to him, giving him the signal to start singing and shit.

  It was beautiful, though, I couldn’t tell you what song we were singing but it was nice. It kind of put me in a trance listening to them girls in the choir singing like they were, it was like they were angels singing down to Kairee. I was taken out from my trance when I noticed that everyone else was standing up. I stood up too and looked towards the back of the church where I saw a couple strong lookin’ niggas carrying the casket. Momma just had to be all extra with the entrance, she added a praise dancer to dance down the aisle as Kairee was being carried in. It was nice to see, though, the girl was dancing very beautifully.

  When Kairee passed by me, I couldn’t help but stare at the casket like it was some foreign object, it was so weird knowing that Kairee was in that thing. I didn’t want to believe it, at all. I felt my body becoming numb as I watched him get set down on the little table thing that was holdin’ the casket. I stood there for a moment and stared at the casket, wanting to break down into tears because that was my bro layin in there. I just stood there for a while, not realizing that everyone was sitting down. Chloe cleared her throat, bringing me back to earth. I looked around at everyone, slightly embarrassed as I sat down.

  I honestly could not remember the next couple of hours that passed, everything was a blur. Momma went up there and so did daddy. They both spoke kind words over Kairee. Then some of his friends went up to talk about funny stories and whatever other shit they did while he was growin up. I don’t remember much of what was spoken, I was too caught up in my feels and just wanted to go home honestly. I wanted this to be over.

  Chloe nudged me and pointed to the podium. I didn’t understand for a moment until I saw momma turn around and mouth, “It’s your turn.” I then got up and headed over to that podium. I didn’t have any notecards or any pieces of paper with some well thought out speech on it. Nah, I was just gone roll with it and let all the words come out naturally. I was gone do my best to not say anything that needed to not be said, though. Whatever. I looked at the large crowd of people and cleared my throat before I started to speak.

  “Well. Kairee was more than my brother, he was my best friend. Let me go on and say, I didn’t prepare no fucki—. Excuse me. I didn’t prepare out my speech to be all fancy and well thought of, I thought it was better to speak from the heart, have it be extremely genuine, or at least try to have it be. I don’t know. I’m not gone sit here and talk about how we go way back and how we had all these moments and blah blah, nah, I ain’t here to tell stories like that. Y’all know his story, you know how he entered my family and forever became a part of my life. You all know how we became brothers. What y’all may or may not know is, Kairee had the purest of hearts and was willin’ to put his life on the line for me. He was willin’ to step in front of a bullet for me because he was selfish. I wish I had his courage and love like that. I would take a bullet for him, but for him to have that attitude for me from day one, is special. I’ll admit, I wouldn’t have taken a bullet for him day one because he was just a friend.

  “We were cool, but not even that close, yet he would have saved my life in an exchange for his. That is some real shit right there. I am angry, I’m going to be real with y’all. I am beyond angry. They ripped my other half from my hands. They took away not only my brother, but Chloe’s lover, Destinee’s father, momma and pop’s son, and all of the other titles that he holds. He was someone I leaned on and needed on several occasions without realizin’ how much I really needed him. He was always there for me and I tried my best to be there for him but I feel like I always fell short whenever he needed me. He never fell short for me and I hate myself for that.”

  My eyes started to puff up as I started to cry. I looked over to the casket and took a deep breath to hold myself together. I wiped away my tears and walked to the casket, touching the top of it before I kissed it.

  “I love you, Kairee. I am so sorry.”

  I looked at everyone and they were all in tears. Just as I walked to my seat, they all stood and clapped. I didn’t understand why they were clappin’, all I said was how I truly felt. I shrugged them all off and took my seat. When they all ceased clappin’, they sat down and waited for Pastor Kenny to say the final word. As he talked, little Destinee crawled into my lap and wiped away my tears before she kissed my cheek and wrapped her tiny little arms around my neck.

  When Pastor finished, the same praise dancer got up and positioned herself in front of the casket. She waited for the music to play before she started her routine again and danced down the aisle as Kairee was carried outside to the hearse. We all stood and followed behind, shuffling out to our cars to follow the hearse to the cemetery.

  Destinee had been clinging to me ever since she climbed into my lap after I spoke so it was only natural that I carried her out to the car and buckled her up in her seat. After she was all good and secure, I stood by the door and held it open for Chloe. She looked at me with tear-filled eyes as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I kissed her on the top of her head and hugged her just as tight.

  “Kaleo, I’m gettin' anxious. It really bout to be official. He really gone be underground in a few—”

  I sighed heavily as I let her go and looked her in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly to show that I was there for support. Just as I was about to talk to her, JB and Dae came up to me and hugged me too. I almost forgot they was here, shit. I really was in a whole other word right now.

  “That was nice, bro,” JB said as he placed his hand on my arm.

  Dae gave Chloe a big hug and looked at me and nodded.

  “We all here for you bro. We all here for each other,” Dae said as he let go of Chloe.

  I looked at all of them and nodded before we all disbanded and got into our cars, turning on our engines and following in the procession. Again, we all sat quietly as we followed the line. The cemetery wasn’t too far from where we were so it really didn’t take too long to get there. All of us pulled along the gravel road and hopped out of the car as we saw a couple guys place the casket on some crane lookin’ thing. I guess that is what they use to lower the body? I don’t know. All I know is, that hole looked really deep and I was more concerned about baby girl Destinee fallin’ into the thing. I pulled Destinee into my arms as we all gathered around. It was eerily quiet until Pastor Kenny spoke a prayer over Kairee. When he finished, we all made a line and kissed the casket. When everyone finished, they walked to their cars and headed off to the venue for the final part of the funeral. I stayed behind and so did JB, Dae, and Chloe. Momma saw us standing there and made her way towards us.

  “Babies, what are you still doing here? It is time to go to the venue to celebrate his life and eat!” Momma said as she rested her tired and frail hands on her hips, looking at us with a slight attitude.

  “Momma, we want to see him be put down, peacefully.” Dae said, not making eye contact with her. His voice sounded dark and gloomy, I could tell that he was feelin’ some kind of way.

  I looked at momma and gave her a hug before I broke the awkward silence that was growin’, “We will head that way once he is laid down, okay? Don’t worry about us momma, I already see the worry growin’ on your face.” I kissed her on the forehead and walked her to her car.

  When she was sittin’ in the passenger seat, she looked up at me and frowned. “Look, baby, I know this is hard for you, but you are going to be alright. Just know that he loved you and he is with you always.”

  I closed her door and smiled at her, nodding in approval. I watched them drive away as I made my way back to where everyone else was standing. Th
ey were getting ready to put Kairee down, finally. We all held hands and cried as we watched him be placed in his final resting place. Once he was placed down and being buried, we all turned away and made our ways to our cars, not saying another word to one another. Destinee sat in her chair and Chloe climbed into the passenger seat while I stood by my door, staring at the men who were covering my brother. It was final and Kairee was safely down under. I cried a little as I leaned on my car, watching them put that barrier down between my brother and the rest of us alive here on earth. I couldn’t take it anymore, I finally got into the car and closed my door, taking a couple deep breaths before I turned on the engine and placed my hands on my steering wheel. Chloe placed her hands on mine, causin’ me to look at her with my eyebrow raised.

  “Hey, I know how you’re feelin’. Maybe not exactly how you are feelin’, but I understand how devastated you are. I’m here for you.”

  I smiled a fake smile at her and drove off to the venue. When we got there, I cut the engine and made our way inside. We thanked everyone we passed by for coming by and got ourselves some snacks and drinks. I made my way to a corner table and sat there, with my fingers interlaced before my face. I sat there in thought as I watched everyone have a good time. I should be having a good time too, but I just wasn’t feelin’ it. I just resorted to watching everyone have fun for me while I sat there and gathered my thoughts. I needed to get back to work and get my shit going. I still had a mission I need to accomplish and a bitch that needed to answer my questions.

  Chapter 10


  It had been a couple days since we had been out near momma’s for Kairee’s funeral. It was pretty damn emotional but now it was over and time to get back to work. Chloe and I had gotten a lot closer in that small amount of time and Destinee was my favorite little girl in the world. I’m definitely gone need to keep an eye on that beauty. Anyway. We made it back to Vendetta Heights and it was time to get back to business in findin’ this motherfuckin’ bitch ass female. I sat behind my desk and waited for JB and Dae to come over, I told them to come so we could discuss our plans on how we was gone find that bitch and murk her ass. Maybe not kill her immediately, if possible, I wanted to ask her some questions so that I could have the questions I wanted answered. Either way, though, she was gone die for the shit she did.

  I picked up a manila folder and a notebook off of my desk and made my way to my living room to wait for JB and Dae to come over. I had some plans I wanted to be put in motion and I knew these niggas were gone come through and help me out, not just ‘cause it was they job nah, cause they understood the devastation of losing someone they loved to someone we thought we trusted. Them niggas was just as ready as I was.

  Knock, knock.

  Aw, hell yeah. They were finally here and on time. I didn’t even have to answer, them niggas knew just to come on in, they just knocked out of courtesy for me to know they was here and not some other niggas tryna come in to kill me.

  “What up, y’all,” I said as I waved at them to come in and take a seat on the couch. I handed JB the notebook and gave Dae the manila folder and allowed them to just briefly look over what I had gathered.

  “Yo, so uh, we gone get that lil bitch now right? You look like you had been doin’ some research.”

  I nodded because I had indeed been doin’ research, oh yeah, best believe I did some work. I wanted to find this bitch.

  “So you got some numbers to call or somethin’? All you got in here are numbers and names. Are these connects or some shit?” Dae asked.

  “Yeah, they are. Yo, I figured we could try to call her directly and see if she answers. We all know bitches be hella attached to their phones and shit, so I’m gone assume that she one of them bitches who can’t get enough of her phone. If anythin’, she uses it to conduct her business and keep in contact with her gang and her bro.” I said with a smug grin on my face. JB must have caught on to my thought process cause nigga damn near leaped from his chair, lookin’ like he had a bright ass idea.

  “Nigga.” JB started. “What if we locate where Travis is too? Maybe she with him or some shit. Like if we can’t get a hold of her, but we find her dumbass brother and look around there?”

  I smiled over at JB and nodded my head. I knew JB was one smart ass nigga, this was why I needed him around, for fucking real. I honestly didn’t think of that shit, I was so set on trying to find Tangie just based on hunting her ass down. I was just gone look for her tracks and no one else’s, shit, I was so out of touch.

  “JB, shit man. This is why I need you in my life. You smart as hell, I honestly didn’t think of that type of shit. I was out here makin’ a file of places I knew the bitch frequented and I focused on her alone, not thinkin’ of shit like that. Damn, I’m gone let you handle that one, though, or nah, we can work on it but you def get cred for that shit. Why am I hella impressed? We gone find this bitch for real.”

  JB just looked at me hella confused and laughed hella loud when I stopped talking.

  “Nigga, I don’t get why yo ass so impressed. Shit, you hella funny. But yeah, thanks for the cred, I’ll take that shit gladly. Come on, let’s get to plannin’ though, whatchu got breh?”

  I nodded and looked at both of them.

  “So, I’m gone call her in a bit while y’all look through that shit again and then y’all can think ahead of me and look into Travis.”

  They both nodded and looked at the material I gave to them to look over while I called up this bitch. While I was dialin’ my number, I dialed *67 to make my number anon so she couldn’t see it was me tryna call her triflin’ ass.

  Ring, ring.

  Ring, ring.

  “Thanks for callin T! I’m not on my phone or around it or whatever, I ain’t here. Just leave me a voicemail and them digits and I’ll get back to you! Muah!”



  Damn, she didn’t answer. I didn’t expect her to answer, it was a damn anon number anyway. Hold up, I just had an idea. I tossed my phone and went to my room to grab one of my old spare phones I used to have. Well, I mean I still have it but I don’t use it and the money to keep it on kind of just comes out of my account. Damn, it’ll be put to good use right now, that is for sure. Maybe if I call from an unblocked number, she will answer? Who knows?

  I dialed up her number without the damn *67 bullshit and waited for her to answer.

  Ring, Ring.

  Ring, Ring.

  “Thanks for callin T! I’m not on my phone or—”


  Her voice fucking irked me. I wish I was hearing that voice in real time with that bitch standing in front of me so I could deck her in the face. Whatever, at least I know her phone still works. Looks like direct contact ain’t gone work, time to move into the next phase and see what we can do about gettin' a hold of her, physically this time. It was operation, find that hoe.

  I walked back into the room and sat at the couch with my niggas. I looked at both of them and shook my head, honestly feelin’ like I may have hit a wall even though I knew for a fact that I didn’t. I’ve been doubting myself a lot lately, though.

  “You look like you down and defeated, she didn’t answer? Don’t worry nigga.” JB said as he looked over at me and then over at Dae. “I got a plan already all in my head, we just gone need to write it down or you niggas gone need to remember what I’m ‘bout to say cause I ain’t gone remember, aight?”

  Dae and I nodded and waited for JB to tell us what brilliant idea he had just come up with.

  “So, uh. Yeah, how about we start monitoring certain known places and shit and try to get clues that way. I got a feelin’ that ol’ girl may think we be on her trail and shit so yeah, she ain’t gone answer that phone and he ain’t gone be in public as much, that is what I think. We uh, we need to somehow find her through lookin’ at places she is known to be at. So uh, since we gone look at Travis, we can try to look at his place. We can start at her house and see if she home, maybe she
feelin’ bold and is still stayin’ there or some shit, if not, then she at Travis’s place or some other place, or maybe hella different places, shit I don’t know. Maybe this bitch is on the run. Point is, we ain’t know how she is feelin’ or what her thought process is right now, all we know is, this bitch is guilty and we need to fuckin find her ass. So, how do y’all wanna go about this shit? I don’t remember half the shit I just said, so I hope y’all catched all that. I’m still kinda turnt from earlier.”

  I looked at him amazed, yet again.

  “Uh, yeah, I got what you was sayin’. Did you catch that, Dae?” I said as I looked over at Dae.

  Dae nodded his head and started to scribble on a piece of paper. I rose my eyebrow at him and he saw me lookin’ at him and whatever the fuck he was writin’.


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