Hungry Like the Wolf

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by Hungry Like the Wolf

  She was on her knees, but they were clinging to Byron's body as he lay underneath her. His mouth was against her cunt and she could feel his teasing breaths at the already super sensitive area. His cock was in front of her and almost as one, she felt Byron's tongue at her clit and more surprisingly, Hugh's tongue at her ass. The feeling was new and she was suddenly assailed with forbidden desires. Not once during her marriage had she ever tried anal sex. She'd never really wanted to. But, at this moment in time, she wanted nothing more than to be fucked there. For Hugh to claim her there.

  His tongue fluttered over the tight rosette and the wonderful feeling of Byron's tongue licking at her clit was almost drowned out by the newness of this sensation. Soon, his wet finger was prodding her there, sliding through the tight rim of muscles that were fiercely trying to reject him. She was concentrating on these new feelings that were shocking her so much that she forgot about Byron's cock, until he rocked his hips that is. Raising the very proof of his desire into her line of sight.

  Knowing full well that she couldn't suck him off while Hugh was touching her in an untried area, not without fear of biting him, anyway, she reached around and grabbed his balls. Rolling them around in her palm, she touched him absentmindedly- her mind focused elsewhere and on the second digit that Hugh was trying to push into her ass.

  Her body felt alive, amazingly so. With new sensations and feelings pounding at her, she knew that she'd never felt better than she did at this minute. With Byron's cock and balls in her hands and Hugh's tongue and fingers preparing her for the next stage of their love-making, Nicole felt a thrill of excitement wash over her as it registered that this was actually happening to her.

  Licking her lips at the pressure of the third digit now at the rim of her ass, she suckled the head of Byron's cock. She moaned around the glans and felt him shudder as the vibration went through his cock and worked its way down to the very core of his arousal. Lapping at it fiercely with her tongue, she brushed her teeth along the sensitive skin and felt him flinch. She would never hurt him and he seemed to know that, but he remained tense nonetheless. His tongue had slowed, and she smiled at the sense of anticipation that she sensed in him.

  She clenched his balls tightly in her hand when Hugh's third finger drove inside of her. He spread his fingers wide and stretched her, scissoring his fingers to ready her for his invasion. With a moan of slight discomfort, she bowed her head and pressed it into Byron's thigh. It was difficult, she had to admit, and, had she not wanted Hugh's cock there so badly, then she would very easily have given up. Instead, she rocked her hips backwards, forcing him deeper.

  With a husky voice, she moaned, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Hugh."

  She heard him chuckle and felt Byron's laugh against her pussy, which was an odd sensation.

  Their position should have been uncomfortable. The way her body had been arranged should have made her feel embarrassed. Instead, she felt intensely sexy and highly feminine. They might have been in control of giving her pleasure, but she was the focus of all their attention and it made her feel empowered and strong and proud of her femininity and womanly attributes to know that these two men wanted her in this way.

  Feeling the press of Hugh's cock at her ass, she worked and fought hard to accept him. Making her ass relax and allow him entry was harder than she'd ever imagined, but when he hit home, his cock as deep as her ass could take, she cried out, a high pitched cry that transmitted every ounce of her rising pleasure and mild discomfort.

  Sweat dotted her brow, and she felt weak and limp as her head lolled against Byron's thighs. Hugh's front covered her back, and, despite some slight discomfort, the realization that every single inch of her was surrounded by him and his brother was an immensely satisfying feeling. She felt Hugh nuzzle her with his chin and sighed as he tucked his face against her neck. The position seemed to push him deeper, and once more she cried out.

  Suddenly, she felt Byron's tongue lapping at her clit and stroking along the seam of her pussy lips. She felt his soft bite of her tender flesh, and she cried out in wonder as he plunged his agile tongue deep inside of her cunt. She tensed up as Hugh began to move, but Byron kept her mind occupied. Dual sensations began to pound at her, began to rock her world. She felt the rawness of Hugh's penetration, the very earthiness of the way she was arranged on top of Byron and beneath Hugh. All of it began to register in the very depths of her being and intense sexual empowerment plunged through her. Her body pulsed rhythmically at the pace of Byron's tongue and Hugh's thrusts.

  Her breath caught in her throat and she just knew, knew, that they would all cum at the same time. How she knew that, she hadn't a clue. But she was right. Between her fingers and clutched in the palm of her hand, Byron's balls grew firm and drew close to his body as his cock began to pulse. She felt the need in Hugh's thrusts and as his cock dragged against every single sensitive nerve in her ass, she groaned and, as one, climax pushed them over the edge. Sensation after sensation rained down upon them and a trio of groans and moans and whimpers sounded powerfully in the small and otherwise silent bedroom. Like a chorus of earthly pleasures, the song of their climax was a beautiful thing. Washing over them, it coursed through each of them until at last they collapsed against each other, settled in each other's arms, and finally, at peace, they slept.

  * * * *

  It had been tough disentangling himself from Nicole's arms, and he knew that Hugh felt exactly the same way. There was something about her that added an extra special something to sex. He'd never felt it before. Never felt as though every single one of his senses was engaged while having sex. It was a bizarre experience and something he was glad to have known. It was confusing though, and he didn't understand what the hell was going on. All he knew was that Nicole was becoming more important to him than she really should, especially since she was still focused on getting back with her ex.

  Everything about this situation screamed easy sex. Why was he trying to make more out of it? Why was she inspiring emotions in him that no other woman had? What made her so special that just the thought of that bastard Durst and Nicole getting back together made him want to kill the man?

  "What's going on, Hugh?" Byron asked, clearing his throat. He didn't like to admit he was nervous, but at this minute he needed his brother's reassurance that he wasn't losing his goddamned mind.

  "Fuck knows," Hugh replied gruffly.

  "You said earlier that you felt it, too. It's worse now, isn't it?"

  "Yeah. It was the scent at first that got me, but, after tonight, it's everything. When I saw her bastard ex walk through that door, it was hard to hold back my wolf. Fuck, since we were thrown out of the pack I've always been able to control it. Since I met Nicole, it wants out every fucking time she's upset or I'm a little pissed off. It's unsettling."

  "Yeah, I understand completely. That bastard Durst . . . . What the fuck does he see in that slut when he had Nicole? God, some men are never happy. If she's with him for anything, it's his money. What kind of fuckwit wants to be with someone who would prefer to fuck his wallet than his cock? Dumb schmuck!"

  "Yeah but don't complain. It's only because he is a fuckwit that we got the chance to be alone with his ex-wife." A growl rumbled low in his chest. "See, my wolf can't stand discussing her in relation to Durst. I wish the pack weren't out for our blood. Dammit."

  "What the hell do you want to call those bloodthirsty bastards for? Are you crazy?" Byron asked with a serious frown.

  "I said I wish I could, not that I want to. This is weird. A woman has never affected me this way. And for her to affect you, too …. That's just odd," he said before pausing then added slowly, "I remember talking to Pa before he was killed. I mean twenty years ago is a long time to remember a conversation, especially when I had zero interest in girls back then, but I remember him talking about Mamma. How she was his mate and how he recognized her …."

  "Go on. What did he say?" Byron hissed in frustration, annoyed at the break in the convers

  "He said that her scent drove him wild, that their combined scent made him feel . . . restful. Basically, everything we've been saying to each other today."

  "You think she's our mate?" Byron asked incredulously.

  "Yeah, I think she could be," Hugh replied with a heavy sigh.

  "Why the hell have we only just now realized this? Surely we should have known it immediately?"

  "Maybe not. She was with that prick back then. Her scent and his were combined, so our wolves couldn't register it. Since he left she's been exuding her own natural perfume and our wolves have picked up on that. It would explain a lot, Byron."

  "I hate not understanding what the fuck we are. Goddammit, Hugh, we know fuck all about our heritage, about anything. Isn't it abnormal for two goddamn werewolves to mate with a human? Is it even possible? Why are we sharing a mate? I have all these fucking questions, and we have no one to answer them. I feel like I'm floundering around in the dark and there's no light at the end of the goddamn tunnel!" Byron growled as he slammed his hand down against the armrest.

  "You're correct to a point, Byron. There's nothing more we can do, though. The way she makes me feel, the way she makes you feel, it suggests that she's more important to us than just a lay. If she is our mate, then the fates wouldn't have gifted us with a soul mate who couldn't bear our offspring or couldn't be shared. I can only hope that they know what they're doing," Hugh said on a sigh.

  "I hate leaving things to chance. Dammit. Why is it that as soon as we get our lives together and start making a success of it, something comes and bowls us off course?"

  "If she is our mate, Byron, then it's a cause for celebration. You're too young to remember Mamma and Pa together, or the other mated couples in the pack. It's our destiny to find a mate, brother, not something to regret. I remember one wolf dying when he lost his mate in a hunting accident. It's a shame that we haven't learned more about our culture . . . . No, let me rephrase that, it's a shame we weren't given the opportunity to learn more about our culture, but, whatever you do or don't remember, Byron, never begrudge finding your mate. Okay?"

  "Okay," Byron replied sulkily.

  "Dammit, Byron, you're twenty-eight not eight. Try not to sound like a big kid!"

  "For fuck's sake, Hugh, how do you expect me to react? I'm pissed off that something major has happened to us, and we haven't even realized it, realized what it is. Don't you think I have a right to be aggravated?"

  "Of course you have a right to feel that way. Don't you think I'm feeling the same way? Dammit, Byron, I've met my mate, and I didn't even realize it until I remembered that talk with our father! I could have walked away and left her to that bastard Durst. I could have discarded my mate and left her to fend for herself with a bastard that wouldn't know how to defend anyone but himself! It tears my heart out that my lack of knowledge almost tore this mate bond apart! But you live and learn, and, now that I've found her, I won't be letting her go! Will you?" Hugh asked Byron fiercely.

  "Goddammit, no!"

  "Good," he answered, the word sending a throbbing sense of satisfaction through him.

  Chapter Four

  "You realize that we've almost finished here, don't you, Byron?" Hugh grunted as he held a plank of wood in place and watched his brother nail it to the floor.

  "I've got eyes, haven't I? I don't see why that has to change anything between us. Anyway, there's a good two or three weeks work left on this place. That's enough time to get things all settled."

  "Talk about viewing life through rose colored glasses! Stop being idealistic and be realistic! What the hell do you think is going to happen? She's going to run lovingly into our arms as we hammer the last nail into the wall and propose?" Hugh replied with a chuckle.

  "I wish I could be idealistic," said Byron wistfully, sighing faintly. "No, Nicole likes us. I know that, and, even though you're trying to be pessimistic about all of this, you know that, too. We've already figured out what she could be to us. In fact, it's not what she could be because we know what she is to us. She is our mate, and I'm not going to give her up to some bastard like Durst. If she'd been happily married then, okay, yeah, I'd have stopped myself from getting involved in her life . . . . But abandoning her to Durst? No fucking way! Hell, finding a mate certainly makes you less selfish, doesn't it?"

  With the wood now secured to the floor, Hugh released the plank and rubbed his palm over his bristly chin. "Yeah, it surely does," he murmured. "Surprisingly so, actually. I never expected to react this way to my mate. In fact, I'd never really expected to have one. Being kicked out of the pack didn't exactly increase my . . . our . . . chances, now did it?"

  "No. I wish we'd known that our mate could be human. I don't know why, but I think it would have helped some. Anyway, Nicole doesn't really want that prick back. She just thinks she does. Hell, we've had her so doped up with orgasms these past few days that I bet she can't even remember Durst now. I think she's having trouble remembering her own name! Did you see her this morning?" Byron asked on a chuckle.

  With a wide grin, Hugh nodded. "Yeah, I've never seen someone look so happy, have you?" he asked.

  "Nope," Byron said with immense satisfaction. "It looked as if she was floating on air. We're good for her. We know it and so does she. She just has to come to terms with it and accept us for what we really are to her. Because this can't be one-sided, can it, Hugh? I mean, surely we can't feel this much for her, if she feels so little for us?"

  "No. I think she recognizes us as mates. Well, as much as a human can. This whole situation is beyond her, Byron. You have to realize that. She doesn't even know what a mate is! Not only that, but she's so caught up in trying to fix her marriage that she hasn't responded normally to us. Saying that, though, I do think that she wouldn't have come up with that madcap scheme to screw us on camera to incite Joe's jealousy if she hadn't wanted us to start with. I'm not being big-headed there," he said on a laugh, "but, she doesn't exactly strike me as the type to behave like that. I bet the only man she'd ever had sex with before us was Durst. She's too much of a good girl to have slept around. We must be a bad influence."

  "Yeah, we must be," Byron agreed, slapping his brother on the back wholeheartedly. "Oh well, you can't teach an old dog new tricks!"

  They both laughed and looked around the almost-finished third floor conversion. It had been a real pain in the ass to complete, and there had been a lot of unforeseen problems during construction, but it was nearly there. Only yesterday, Hugh had instructed his assistant foreman to start on a new project on the other side of town, a small shopping mall that needed urgent revamping. He and Byron had decided to stay at Nicole's and finish all the last-minute details, which meant they had more reason and, more importantly, more time to stay and be with Nicole.

  "It has to be good that she knew the deal was off but slept . . . keeps sleeping with us regardless, right?" Byron asked with a frown.

  "Yeah, I think so. Unless she's regarding this time as playtime before she gets back with the old man, but that doesn't seem like the kind of thing she'd do. I wish I could scent her emotions on her, but all I get is that damned addictive aroma she gives off. I'm not complaining, but it means that I'm totally in the dark with how she's taking this relationship of ours. I'm not used to not being able to call on my wolf for a little helping hand."

  "I know it's tough, but I think it's fair, actually. It means we have to be more considerate and that can only be a good thing, right? And, anyway, even if she is intending to get back with that bastard, then it will be over my, our, dead bodies. She doesn't know that yet, but she will. There's no way I'm giving her up now."

  "We might not have a choice, Byron. I want her to be happy, as do you. What happens if she genuinely loves that prick?"

  Byron looked shocked at Hugh's suggestion. "She can't love him! He's a jerk! She needs us, Hugh," he said urgently. "We can't just give up on her because she's a little misguided!"

  "I'm not saying that we have to
give up on her, Byron, just that we have to bear in mind what she wants. As you said, we have to think about her above our own needs. If she wants and needs Durst, then we're just going to have to accept that." His words trailed off as he heard the slight sound of muffled feet on the staircase. Looking towards the door, he watched as Nicole walked in backwards, her butt levering the door open, only for her to sidle in with her hands full of two six-packs of beer and two boxes of twenty inch pizzas.

  She soon faced them both and looked shocked at the empty room. "Where are all the guys?" she asked in confusion as she walked over to them and laid the boxes of pizza and cold beer on the floor. Standing between them, she almost made Byron jump with pleasure as she laid a hand on Hugh's shoulder and curled the other into Byron's hair, a move that came very naturally to her.

  Byron found it immensely difficult to not shudder at the simple touch. Instead, he moved closer to her body and nuzzled his face into the side of her neck.

  She smiled and continued to stroke his hair as she waited for a reply from one of them.

  Byron looked pointedly at Hugh and mouthed, 'See!' Touching them came so easily to her, how could she not be as involved with them as they were with her?

  "I sent them over to that Berry Road Mall project. We're almost done here," Hugh informed her.

  "Oh," she said in understanding, and then repeated it in distress. "Oh …. Well, I bought pizza and beer as a thank you for all of you!"

  Byron thought that she sounded suitably unhappy that the building project was almost over. He was sure that that meant her feelings were engaged in their relationship. They just had to be! Two commitment-phobes couldn't be so wrong with this one woman, could they?

  "I'm sure Hugh and I can manage to finish this little lot off for you, Nic," Byron grinned naughtily at her. Her reciprocating smile almost made his heart sing.


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